Amu De pointed out that the queen's poisoning was related to Su Ce, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But Su Ce didn't care, "I don't know who the murderer behind the Queen's empress poisoning is, but the second prince of the Western Regions slandered me as the murderer. Is it revenge for my humiliation of robbers in the Western Regions just now?"

Su Ce calmly explained that he had escaped perfectly for himself, turning the matter into revenge between the two.

The emperor didn't take the hatred between the two of them seriously, and quickly said to the eunuch outside the door, "Come here, go and declare Ling Mu'er to enter the palace immediately."

About half an hour later, Nangong Yizhi came back from outside the palace again, because the two of them stood outside the crowd and didn't notice the movement here.

"Cousin, I can't find Mu'er." Nangong Yizhi was very nervous.

Shangguan Shaochen's hanging heart sank heavily, "Have you searched for all the places she can go in and out of?"

"Medical clinics, restaurants, and even Ling's mansion, I went there in person, but I couldn't find anyone." Nangong Yizhi sighed in frustration, "If she is going out to see a doctor, the capital is so big, where should we go? looking for?"

That's what I'm most afraid of hearing.

Shangguan Shaochen frowned, and didn't notice Su Ce who was equally nervous. When the two were trying to find a solution, they only heard the eunuch's shouting report from outside the door, "Ling Muer is here."

Dressed in a long lavender dress and carrying a medicine box with one hand, Ling Mu'er walked slowly from the palace gate, like a fairy falling into the mortal world, with an extraordinary and refined temperament that surpassed all the princesses present.

In the crowd, a pair of eyes began to shine brightly after Ling Mu'er appeared, and the lips under the mask rose to the extreme.

"You are Ling Muer?" Mo Junyao was really curious about what kind of woman the man she was looking for was looking for, so she jumped out to block her way the first time Ling Muer appeared.

"Yaoyao, don't be rude." Amu De immediately pulled Mo Junyao behind him, but because of his sudden appearance, Ling Mu'er looked over.

Just looking at it made Ling Mu'er tremble in her heart.

How could this person's figure and voice be so familiar? The wearable mask and intact arms are not the person in the impression.

"Ling Muer."

The emperor's words brought back Ling Mu'er's thoughts in time. Although she was full of curiosity, she quickly put aside her distracting thoughts and saluted respectfully to the emperor.

"Mu'er is here, I don't know what the emperor has ordered."

"On the way here, I believe that the chief eunuch has explained the situation to you in detail. If you take a closer look, there may be a way to treat it." The emperor pointed to the pale empress who was lying on the bed with his eyes.

Ling Mu'er nodded and sat by the bed with the medicine box in her hand. After skillful operations, she frowned slightly, showing that the queen's poison was indeed not simple.

"It is indeed heartbroken grass. This poison is very rare. I don't know who found it from where. The antidote preparation process for this poison is very complicated." When Ling Muer returned to the emperor, she saw the expressions on the faces of the crowd out of the corner of her eye. The dignified Su Ce immediately had an answer in his heart.

She really wanted to help him, but there must be no rush.

"Go back to the emperor, it can be cured."

After receiving an affirmative answer, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief, "In that case, then you can cure her. I will let the imperial physician from the imperial hospital assist you. If you have any needs, just explain."


Ling Mu'er immediately treated the queen, completely ignoring the fiery gazes of the people behind her. Several imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital knew that she could be treated, and ran over modestly and stretched their necks to watch carefully.

The emperor ordered all the people in the queen's bedroom to kneel on the ground, "Tell me, what happened to the queen's poisoning? Who did she meet today and what did she drink? Who is serving by her side?"

The emperor's Long Yan was furious, and all the servants in the queen's bedroom were trembling with fright, only the close nurse boldly raised her head, "Return to the emperor, apart from the thirteen princes and nine princesses who came to pay their respects today, the empress did not Seeing anyone, the empress thought about it in the bedroom according to the emperor's order. No one else dared to see her, and she never stepped out of the bedroom. As for the food, the imperial dining room brought lunch an hour ago, which was no different from usual Ah, I beg the emperor to see clearly."

"I didn't see anyone, so how did you get poisoned?" The emperor shouted angrily, "Come here, tell the head of the imperial dining room!"

Not long after, a man in his 40s walked in tremblingly. He was wearing an official robe and a navy blue apron. Obviously, he knelt on the ground because he knew the whole process that happened here and had no time to change his clothes. "The emperor forgives the sin, and the emperor shows mercy. This slave has been serving as the head of the imperial kitchen for many years. He has never thought of murdering anyone, let alone murdering the queen. Please trust the slave."

"I ask you, today the queen's lunch is all from you?" the emperor asked, without any intention of making him get up.

"Return to the emperor, indeed." The steward breathed heavily and nodded again and again, but soon he realized something and hurriedly added, "Not only the empress's lunch, but also half of the banquet for the Western Regions mission today was made by slaves." , but all the dishes have been personally tested by the manager, the eunuch, and the slaves dare not harbor evil intentions, Your Majesty."

After the words fell, the head of the imperial dining room kept kowtowing, as if the emperor was not satisfied, he would not stop.

Since most of the dishes were made by him, why only the Queen's side had an accident, then someone obviously did it on purpose.

"I'm sorry you don't have the guts to murder the queen." The emperor snorted, "I ask you, has anyone else entered or left the imperial dining room today, and has the meal given to the queen passed by someone else?"

"The queen's meals are delivered by a special person, no doubt it's normal. As for the way...the servants can't guarantee it." The manager finished speaking and looked at the nurse in charge of the queen's bedroom.

Mammy took a deep breath and hurriedly kowtowed, "After the meal was delivered by the imperial dining room, it was indeed delivered to the empress by the servant himself, but the servant has been with the empress since childhood, so how could he harm the empress? It must be the imperial meal. There was a mistake on the way to send the room to the empress' bedroom."

Since she is not the head of the imperial dining room, nor the mother in charge of the empress, is she a maid or eunuch sent on the road?

"Come here, be sure to investigate this matter strictly. All the slaves who handled the queen's meals must not be let go, let me investigate strictly to the end!"

The emperor shook his sleeves, shouted angrily, looked at the crowd with his eyes, and planned to hand over the matter to one of the princes.

Regardless of Nangong Yizhi's objection, Shangguan Shaochen took the initiative to ask for orders: "Father, leave this matter to my servants. I will catch the murderer as soon as possible, and give justice to the empress."

The emperor did not expect that Shangguan Shaochen, who had never been involved in these matters, would intervene in this matter. Although he didn't know what kind of wishful thinking he was planning, the more things he left, the more reasons he would pass on this person to him in the future.

The emperor nodded in relief, "Okay, Chen'er must investigate this matter clearly, murdering the current empress is a death penalty, once the murderer is found, he will be executed on the spot."


Almost as soon as the words were finished, there was a sudden violent coughing sound from behind everyone, and everyone looked over immediately, only to see that the empress, who had fainted just now, had woken up.

"Pfft" A mouthful of black blood spewed out, and the empress sat up suddenly like a dead body, and fell back down heavily after spitting out the black blood.

Ling Mu'er winked at the maid, who immediately supported the empress's body steadily, and Ling Mu'er took the opportunity to feed her a pill.

The empress who took the pill seemed to be asleep again, and passed out.

"What... what's going on here?" The emperor was completely dumbfounded.

"Back to the emperor, the girl said just now that this poison is very rare, and the detoxification process is also very complicated. I just forced out the remaining poison in her body as much as possible, but to completely remove it requires a lot of procedures. But the emperor need not be nervous, the residual poison has been completely spit out, the empress will not be in any danger to her life."

Hearing Ling Mu'er's words, the emperor sighed in relief, "I'm sorry for your trouble, since that's the case, then you will live in this palace these days so that you can take care of the queen."


The emperor clearly knew that she didn't like the palace, but still let her stay?

"Going back to the emperor, I'm afraid the daughters of the people will not be able to follow orders."

"You don't want to treat the queen?" the emperor asked, and the face that had just been relieved immediately became unhappy again.

"Go back to the emperor because the girl hasn't finished what she said just now. The poison the queen was poisoned was indeed heartbroken grass, but there is another kind of poison in her body." Ling Muer said, "This poison is very overbearing, and because of After being hit by heartbroken grass, the two are combined into one, mutual growth and mutual restraint. It is very difficult to completely detoxify. I still need to go back to the medical hall to think carefully about the detoxification process and prepare some special materials. Please also ask the emperor to promise that the daughter of the people can come at any time In and out of the palace."

"What? There is another kind of poison?" The emperor was shocked by this, "What is going on, do you know the origin of this poison?"

Ling Muer didn't feel much disgusted that the emperor didn't agree to her request immediately, but looked at the queen's personal nurse, "Now that the empress has fallen into a coma again, I still have to ask her side for the poisoning process." people."

The hot potato was thrown into her hands again, and Mammy was terrified, "I don't know, I don't know. I don't know which god is so cruel and merciless, and wants to put my mother to death. Please check carefully."

The emperor wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ling Muer, "Oh? But the poisoning time of these two kinds of poisons is not the same. The heartbroken grass was taken within three hours, while the extremely domineering one was taken within three hours. A day ago, didn't the empress tell you about her discomfort?"

Hearing Ling Muer's words, Mammy almost didn't think about it, she shook her head like a rattle, "No, this servant knows everything, and the empress has never told this servant anything."

A person's mouth can lie, but her eyes cannot.

This nun didn't dare to look at Ling Mu'er at all, and she was really at a loss when talking about the heartbroken grass, but when she mentioned the second poison, she quickly defended her eyes with dodge, obviously to Deliberately concealing something.

"Since this is the case, it seems that I can't help much. The investigation is the emperor's business, and the daughters of the people should concentrate on detoxification."

Ling Mu'er didn't plan to take this muddy water and throw the sweet potato to the emperor again.

"Chen'er, you must thoroughly investigate this matter! Also, I will rectify the law on the spot. If the murderer is caught and brought to me as soon as possible, I will interrogate myself. Who is so bold as to be in the palace?" And she is still my queen!"

After the emperor was furious, he did not forget Ling Muer's request just now, "I promise you that you can enter and leave the palace at any time. Don't you have the bracelet given to you by Concubine Yi in your hand? With it, no one dares to stop it, but the queen's poison must be resolved as soon as possible." .”

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