It seems that the emperor is not ignorant of the affairs of the harem, he even knows such a private matter as the bracelet that Concubine Yi gave her.

But these are none of her business, as long as she doesn't need to live in the palace, as for the queen's poison, if she can't die, she will be relieved slowly, who told this person to want her life several times.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You cured the eyes of the virtuous king, and if you cure the queen again, I will reward you both times."

The emperor left, and everyone naturally left together. Shangguan Shaochen originally wanted to come and have a few words with her, but was forcibly taken away by Nangong Yizhi. After all, the queen was poisoned and the murderer had not been found. The next most likely is the murderer's accomplice. On the contrary, Su Ce walked very naturally.

"Cousin, why did you take this job? Even I can see that the poison is most likely..." Before Nangong Yizhi finished speaking, he was stopped by Shangguan Shaochen's gaze, and he shrugged Shrugged, "It seems that you know, since you know you are still a hero, sure enough, a hero is sad for a beauty."

Don't look at Nangong Yizhi's cynical behavior all day long, in fact, he is very delicate, and of course he is the person who understands him best.

"Mu'er is his personal doctor, if this matter is really found out on him, it is very likely that Mu'er will be implicated. Do you think I should be in the limelight?" Shangguan Shaochen asked back, and gave him an idiot look, The long legs that were striding forward quickly walked away.

Nangong Yizhi sighed deeply, and hurried to catch up, "Then if you do this, don't you indirectly express your company with him? Once this matter is revealed, the plan you have endured for many years may be in vain. Cousin, are you really Are you willing to give up your years of dreams for Ling Muer?"

Shangguan Shaochen stopped at the same spot, watching Nangong Yizhi for a long while without saying a word,

That's right, once it is discovered that Su Ce murdered the queen, even if the queen has committed a heinous crime, the emperor should personally punish her.

Su Ce's murder is a capital crime, and if he shelters from it, it is very likely that he will be implicated. No matter how much the emperor attaches importance to him, it is impossible for him to get that seat, at least the sixth and seventh will be dissatisfied.

But Mu'er and Su Ce are already grasshoppers on the same rope. If Su Ce gets injured, Mu'er will be implicated. Even if the matter has only a half chance of success, he can't implicate Ling Muer.

Alas, since when did that girl hold such an important position in his heart?

Shangguan Shaochen suddenly discovered that many of the decisions were not his or her own, but his subconscious decisions. It seemed that during the three years when he lost his memory, he really loved that girl terribly.

"Go, make arrangements, make sure no one notices." She gave Nangong Yizhi a look, the only person he trusted in the palace was her, and only he could do things like finding a scapegoat well.

"Sure enough, beauty is a disaster!"

With his hands behind him, Nangong Yizhi was shaking his head while going down the steps. It took him a long time to see that the people behind him didn't catch up, so he turned around in a daze, "What's the matter, my good cousin?"

"Where's Amu De?" Shangguan Shaochen looked around with piercing eyes, making sure that he didn't see the person he wanted to see, and his heart became uneasy again.

"This... yes, where is this person?"

Nangong Yizhi looked left and right, he did not miss every corner of every face, but he just didn't see the ugly mask.

Seeing that my cousin was worried, but this is the harem and they can't do anything wrong, "Maybe, maybe I have already returned to the palace with the mission. After all, this is the imperial palace and the harem, so he doesn't dare to mess around. Let's go back first." Let's get down to business." After speaking, Nangong Yizhi dragged Shangguan Shaochen away.

Ling Mu'er dismissed all the imperial physicians on the pretext of doing a body checkup for the empress, because it was inconvenient for her to be present because she wanted to take some medicinal materials from the space.

Hearing a faint rustling sound, Ling Muer immediately came out of the space, and angrily yelled at the door, "Didn't I say that no one is allowed to come in, get out!"

"Hey, what a big Guan Wei." A very strange voice came from behind.

Ling Muer looked back at the sound, and saw a beautiful face with the face of the Western Regions close in front of her eyes.

The woman wears different clothes from the women of the Celestial Dynasty, and has an innate arrogance, making it difficult for people to guess her identity, "He kisses the princess?"

"You're smart."

Mo Junyao swaggered up to Ling Mu'er and looked down at her, "Just you? You don't look very good, this princess thought you were so beautiful and beautiful, but it seems that's all there is to it."

She shook her head and criticized her, which made Ling Muer very upset.

She thinks she has nothing to do with this woman in her life, but where does the hostility emanating from this girl come from?

"Sorry, the princess delayed me from treating the empress, please get out of the way!"

Mo Junyao naturally refused, no one dared to speak to her with such a cold attitude, "Hmph, how dare you order me? Do you know that the emperors of the Celestial Dynasty respect me very much, what are you?"

"I am a human being, and the princess is probably a human being just like me, but if you think I am not, then it proves that you are not either, so dare to ask what a princess is?" Ling Muer asked back, looking at her with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude. The smell of gunpowder.

"You... how dare you humiliate me?"

Mo Junyao was in a hurry, she raised her hand and was about to slap her, Ling Muer was about to get out of the way, but someone who suddenly appeared behind her grabbed her wrist.

"Brother, even you protect her?"

Seeing her brother who suddenly appeared, Mo Junyao felt extremely wronged, "She humiliated me, and I just want to teach her a lesson, why did you stop me?"

Mo Junyao stomped her feet angrily, pouted with displeasure on her face.

Usually, as long as she is like this, my brother will rely on her in everything, because this is her biological brother, the two of them were born of the same mother, the only pair of brothers and sisters in the palace, because the brother was not around to take care of her since childhood He loved her very much when he suddenly appeared a year ago, and wished he could pluck all the moon from the sky and give it to her, but this time he didn't defend her.

"You can touch anyone, but she can't!" With a very domineering defense, Amu De even blocked Ling Mu'er behind him.

"Why?" Mo Junyao was dumbfounded and did not understand.

"You don't have to know the answer, anyway, if I say no, I won't!" Amu De said forcefully,

After glancing at Ling Mu'er from the corner of his eye, he pulled Mo Junyao aside, "Yaoyao is obedient, brother can promise you anything, but you can't touch this person."

Mo Junyao still wanted to ask something, but she saw her brother's eyes, but she still couldn't swallow the breath. How could my brother bully her for other women?

"I don't want it. I just want to see who can win the favor of that ice brick. I saw it today, and she is nothing more than that. That means there are other outstanding places. I just want to find out."

Mo Junyao bumped away from Brother Wang and came to Ling Muer again. "Hey, Ling Muer, right? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I've fallen in love with the second prince. I've also promised that I can choose a husband at will when I come to the emperor this time. Then my future son-in-law will be Shangguan Shaochen. But the ice brick said I don’t want to marry unless you. What is your status? You are just a mere poor man. I heard that the emperor values ​​your medical skills very much, but so what, can you be compared with my princess of the Western Regions? Give me the second prince, and I promise I won't make things difficult for you in the future."

The princess in front of her looked very arrogant and aloof, and her words were even more domineering and rude when she uttered them.

Ling Mu'er hadn't figured out why she was holding on to her at first, but after listening for a long while, she realized that it had something to do with Shangguan Shaochen.

That handsome boy really attracts bees and butterflies everywhere.

Suddenly I miss her honest and honest face very much, at least she won't attract women's favor everywhere. Sure enough, men can't be too good-looking and feel insecure.

"Sorry, the second prince is free to like whoever he likes, and I am free to like whoever I like. Even if the princess is the princess of the Western Regions, she can't interfere with our preferences."

After Ling Muer finished speaking, she sat down next to the queen's bed again, "I will immediately detoxify the empress, and I ask the princess to get out of the way. Of course, if the princess doesn't leave, I will send someone to notify the emperor. The princess also saw it just now. The emperor attaches great importance to the empress' poison, I believe the emperor will make decisions for me."

"You..." Mo Junyao was threatened by someone for the first time in her life. She was very angry, her big round eyes stared at Ling Muer, and she didn't know when there was an extra dagger in her hand. Sooner or later, he was about to stab Ling Mu'er.

"Yaoyao!" Amu De yelled angrily, and snatched the dagger from her hand with his backhand, "Do you know what you were doing just now, stupid and impulsive, get out."

"You yelling at me?" Mo Junyao only felt that she had never suffered as much grievance in her life as in this day.

Sure enough, this woman Ling Muer was her natural nemesis.

Not only did she want to snatch away her fiancé, but also her brother.

"Just wait and see, I won't let you go, and the second prince will be mine, just wait and see!" Mo Junyao gave Ling Mu'er a hard look and then jumped away, while Amu De Still maintaining the posture of protecting her behind him.

Ling Mu'er didn't know the identity of the envoy, but felt that his figure and voice were familiar, but the mask and the intact arm told her that this man was not of the impression type, so she didn't have too much defense against him.

"Thank you, the Second Prince of the Western Regions, for your help." Ling Muer glanced at him gratefully, and was planning to continue to concentrate on treating the Empress.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not leave, but he also looked at her with great interest, "The heartbroken grass has disappeared in this world for many years, you can cure such a rare and strange poison, you are really powerful."

The somewhat familiar tone made Ling Muer's heart twitch immediately,

She raised her eyes, looked at the man in front of her again, and even sniffed the smell carefully, no, even the smell was different, maybe he really thought too much.

"The second prince's praise." Originally, she just wanted to be polite, but suddenly remembered what the chief eunuch had said to her on the way, and Ling Mu'er looked at him again, "Even the imperial physicians in the palace can't distinguish heartbroken grass." , it is rumored that the second prince found out the poison all at once, and you are also very powerful."

"No, how can I compare to you." Amu De smiled and shook his head, his raised hand was gradually removing the mask, "Ling Muer, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"It's you?" Ling Muer was startled when she saw that ugly face again, but she quickly became defensive.

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