
Ling Mu'er paused every word, and when she pronounced this name, she gritted her teeth with hatred.

"You're not dead?" If her eyes could kill, she would definitely turn him into a hornet's nest.

"The person who appeared in my clinic today was also you? So I didn't misunderstand the person? No, how could you still be alive after being poisoned so heavily? Also, your arm was obviously crippled by me, so how could it... "

"You mean this?" Amu De said with a relaxed face, only heard a 'click', he pulled out his seemingly intact hand, only then did Ling Muer realize that it was a prosthetic limb.

One arm can be made so realistically, and he has been studying poisons all year round, and he has already entered a mad state of poisons, which is a good explanation why he survived the poisoning.

But even if she thought about it, she would never think that the second prince of the Western Regions would be the envoy sent to greet the princess by Amu De.

"You dare to appear in the palace, I will kill you!"

When it was too late, Ling Muer immediately shot three silver needles at Amu De.

Amud, who had already recovered everything, dodged quickly, and suddenly moved behind her at a speed invisible to the naked eye, strangled her neck from behind with his remaining left arm, and held her tightly in his arms.

"I said we would meet again. Ling Muer, how are you, are you surprised, strange?" Amu De smiled evilly, and his words were even more ruthless.

Ling Muer tried to break free a few times, but found that she was not his opponent at all. She frowned and struggled vigorously, and even growled, "Let me go!"

Not only did Amu De not let her go, he even sniffed her ear, greedily sucking her smell, "I finally caught you, why should I let her go?"

His extremely sinister voice is completely different from the gentle attitude here just now.

If he was just a young man just now, then he is now an evil ghost in hell, extremely cold!

"Let go of Mu'er!"

Suddenly, an extremely domineering voice came from behind, and as soon as the voice fell, a shining sword appeared in front of him.

Shangguan Shaochen stabbed at Amu De with lightning speed.

In order to save his life, Amu'er let go of Ling Mu'er's hand, and the latter was freed, and the three silver needles in his hand quickly plunged into Amu'er's chest.


With a muffled grunt, Amu De was injured. He frowned and looked at Ling Mu'er in disbelief, but soon he smiled again, "A month ago, you cut off one of my arms; a month later, you stabbed me again. I have three silver needles, Ling Muer, you and I will be entangled for the rest of our lives, hahaha."

"Shut up!" Shangguan Shaochen shouted angrily, pulled his long arm, and his boyfriend protected Ling Mu'er behind him with great strength, and looked at Amu De again, his scarlet eyes were full of anger, "How dare you attack my woman in the palace! , even if you are an envoy of the Western Regions, the Second Prince of the Western Regions, you will not escape death today!"

"Okay, you can tell your old emperor to send someone to arrest me, but we were just discussing medical skills, and you wanted my life as soon as you appeared. I want to see you kill me!" How will I explain to the Western Regions in the future!" Amu De raised the corners of his lips proudly.

"Rogue!" Seeing that Shangguan Shaochen wanted to take his life impulsively, Ling Muer hurriedly stopped him, "You don't need to be as knowledgeable as such a rascal, this is the Celestial Dynasty, and he dare not do anything out of the ordinary."

Looking at Amu'er again, Ling Mu'er narrowed her eyes, as if looking at an enemy, "Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming to the Celestial Dynasty? You deliberately proposed peace, and you also intentionally appeared here as a minister. You are obviously a dignified prince, but you made yourself into such a ghost, as long as you tell the truth, I can give you the antidote for silver needles."

It was only then that Amu De discovered that the three silver needles he had just struck were all poisoned.

Why does this Ling Muer always have inexhaustible silver needles and poisons on her body? He simply became more and more curious.

"Because of you."

He said bluntly, with a very excited look on his brows, "If it wasn't for you, I would have wiped out your entire army and killed him, but because of you, I changed my mind. I am willing to surrender for you, and even more I am willing to travel thousands of miles to the Heavenly Dynasty for you, how about it, are you very moved?"

If an ordinary man said this to the woman he admired, it would definitely move people to the extreme, but it happened that Amu De used such a yin and yang tone and exaggerated body movements, which made people break out in cold sweat after hearing the words.

Ling Mu'er couldn't help shivering, but Shangguan Shaochen who was beside him was already angry with an unknown fire in his body, and he swung his fist with 50% of his internal strength to hit it unceremoniously.

Amu De was unprepared, and received a solid punch in the face, but his reaction was super fast, and he immediately fought with Shangguan Shaochen.

The so-called envoys are not beheaded when two soldiers are fighting, if Shangguan Shaochen is found fighting with envoys from the Western Regions, no matter what the purpose of this person is, he will inevitably be punished.

"Shangguan Shaochen, stop!" Ling Muer exclaimed, trying to rush between the two of them.

But not only did he have no intention of stopping, but because of her opening, the movements of his hands were faster, and the moves were fatal.

Amu De's old injury hadn't healed at first, and he was gradually losing due to the loss of an arm. Looking at the murderous look in the opponent's eyes, he had a premonition that the situation was not good, dropped a smoke bomb, and fled along the window.

"Ling Mu'er, I will definitely get you." Before leaving, Amu De's arrogant words came,

Shangguan Shaochen still wanted to chase him away, but Ling Muer hurriedly stood in front of him, "You are crazy, he is an envoy of the Western Regions after all, if you really kill him here, the peace we have so hard won will be in vain At that time, it will be us who will take the initiative to fight fiercely."

"Why defend him!" Shangguan Shaochen shouted suddenly, grabbing her arm with both hands, "I don't allow you to defend other men!"

Shangguan Shaochen roared, his pupils dilated, his face was ferocious, and he looked very annoyed.

Ling Mu'er had never seen him in this state, as if his priceless treasure had been snatched away. Sweet in my heart, "Are you jealous?"

A flash of embarrassment flashed in Shangguan Shaochen's eyes, but he quickly returned to his unique overbearing, "Although you didn't agree to be my side concubine, listen carefully, I don't allow you to get close to anything other than me. I forbid you to have any contact with other men, and this Amud, the farther you are from him, the better, do you hear me!"

All of a sudden, he seemed to have returned to his previous dull image. Ling Muer looked at him sideways. Although his face was full of anger, his eyes were full of herself, and her heart exploded like fireworks.

"Amu De is very sinister, you don't need to say that I will not take the initiative to approach him, but what is the use of you ordering me like this? I would like to congratulate you, you will soon become the son-in-law of the Western Regions."

Ling Mu'er glanced at him arrogantly, walked around him and planned to leave, but Shangguan Shaochen waved his long arms, tightly encircling her waist from behind, letting his back touch his strong chest, "When did I say I was going to marry another woman?"

"The news that the princess and the princess chose the second prince has already spread to every corner of the palace. I heard about it when I entered the palace, and I also heard that the emperor promised her to choose her husband freely. Why, you still want to hide it from me?" Ling Mu Er was a little annoyed at his concealment, and tried to open him.

Shangguan Shaochen hugged her even tighter, and even put his chin on her shoulder, "It was the father who agreed, not me. The woman I want to marry is here, but not there. What choice does she make, and what does it have to do with me?" ?”

Although these words were extremely arrogant, they were sweet to her heart.

Ling Muer's pretty face was flushed, thinking that this is the queen's bedroom, the woman lying on the hospital bed would wake up at any time, and the maids outside the door would come in at any time, she tried to struggle a few times, "Let me go. "

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Shaochen really let go this time, but he suddenly took the initiative to pack the medicine box for her, and a series of behaviors stunned Ling Muer.

"What are you doing?"

"How is drug development different for you? If you don't like the palace so much, then I'll send you out." Domineeringly holding Ling Muer's hand, Shangguan Shaochen walked in front.

"But the treatment here is not over yet."

"Anyway, she's not going to die, don't be in a hurry, I'll take you into the palace tomorrow." After saying that, Shangguan Shaochen had already led her out of the imperial palace.

Seeing the ten fingers of the two people intertwined, Ling Muer was almost half-dragged by him and forced to follow behind, but the rough palm was very warm, as if it could warm her whole body, she couldn't help but curl her lips. horn.

"Are you deliberately investigating the murderer of the queen?" Ling Muer asked.

Shangguan Shaochen suddenly stopped, and gave her an appreciative glance, "It seems that my sacrifice was not in vain, you know what I did."

"What does your request have to do with me?" Ling Muer gave him a blank look.

"Well, you little heartless one, if it wasn't for you, why would I have to go into this muddy water?" Shangguan Shaochen pinched her face, pretending to be dissatisfied, "You know who the murderer behind this matter is, What is your relationship with him now? If someone else investigates, once it is found out that it is him, do you think you can get away with it?"

Ling Mu'er was startled, there are so many smart people in the palace, if Shangguan Shaochen can see it, others must also be able to see it. She even suspected Su Ce, and it was inevitable that this matter would not be deliberately caught by someone with a heart.

For example, the Seventh Prince who just got married with him?

When they were talking, the two had already arrived at the gate of the palace, Ling Muer suddenly let go of his hand, "I'm going to see King Xian, you won't come with me?"

The hands that were tightly held together were suddenly released by him, as if something precious was lost in the palm of the hand, which made Shangguan Shaochen very upset.

But what this girl said made him even more upset.

"Is what I just said not clear enough? I forbid you to get close to other men except me. Are you sincerely against me?"

Shangguan Shaochen pressed Ling Muer against the vermilion wall, supported the wall with one hand, and put her between his chest and the wall, "How many men are hidden in your heart, huh?"

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