On the tall building of the palace, the side wall of the palace gate can just be seen. Mo Junyao looked angrily at the two people who were entangled with each other below. Jumping, "Brother Wang, is this the woman you're looking for? You don't know how to behave!"

The injured Amu De was applying medicine for himself, while looking down from the corner of his eye, just in time to see the scene of Ling Muer blushing and trying to escape, and Shangguan Shaochen domineeringly pressing her against the wall, he was cold Hmph, "This is the man you're looking for? Show mercy?"

"Brother Wang!" Mo Junyao had a displeased face, she couldn't stand it anymore, and walked over dissatisfied, "I don't allow you to say that about him, he is the first man who saw that I didn't show obsessive eyes, I just like how proud he is."

"But you have also seen that he has his own heart, and that woman is not you."

Amu De ruthlessly pierced her fantasy, and threw a white medicine bottle to her, "Help me take the medicine."

Mo Junyao did not object, and carefully applied the medicine for him. When she saw the three silver needles on his chest, she opened her mouth in surprise, "What's going on? Could it be that you were attacked outside the palace?"

Amu De just raised his lips, "I met a little wild cat and got scratched by him accidentally, it's okay."

Mo Junyao took a closer look at Brother Wang and saw that he didn't care about her body, so why should she be anxious, but after all, she was somewhat distressed, "Why do you only come back when you hurt yourself every time? Brother Wang, you haven't told me what your real purpose of coming here is, you know that your father is very angry because of your voluntary surrender."

"Because of Ling Muer."

Amu De replied straightforwardly, without hiding his feelings at all, but when he said that name again, the corners of his lips raised unconsciously.

Mo Junyao had long been used to his ugly face, so Amu De never wore a mask in front of her.

When Mo Junyao saw that her brother actually smiled, and the smile was extremely sweet, she was stunned, "You... no wonder you defended her so much just now and didn't let me teach her a lesson, Brother Wang, are you serious about her? "

"Of course." Amu and others responded with a smile, "Otherwise what would I do to come here after so much trouble?"

Seeing that she had already prescribed good medicine for herself, Amu De snatched the medicine bottle from her hand, "As for the old man in the family, he owed me everything since he was a child, so that what I do now, besides being angry, didn't he agree to everything? So, how angry he is, why should I worry?"

I always knew that Brother Wang was a very arrogant existence, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant that he didn't even take his father seriously.

Mo Junyao sighed deeply, it's a pity that she is no longer from the Western Regions after she came to the Celestial Dynasty, she can only secretly pray to her father to live longer, and not to be pissed to death by this brother.

But another idea soon came to her mind.

"Brother Wang likes Ling Muer so much, why don't we cooperate."

She happily sat across from him and even filled him with tea.

The most beloved princess in the Western Regions, when did she serve others? Of course, there are times when people ask for it.

"Brother Wang, drink tea."

How sweetly she yelled meant how big her prayer was.

Amu De took the teacup unhurriedly, just took a sip and sprayed it all out, "What kind of stuff is very bitter, it can't compare to our Western Region spirits." Looking up at Mo Junyao , He raised his chin, "Tell me if you have anything to say, brother Wang promised you will help you as much as possible."

"Brother Wang is wrong. It's not so much helping me as it is helping us." Mo Junyao corrected, "Don't you like that Ling Muer? It just so happened that I fell in love with Shangguan Shaochen, so as long as we cooperate Brother Wang must have a way to get the person he wants, right?"


When Mo Junyao had just finished speaking, Amu De almost didn't want to refuse.

"Why?" Mo Junyao was stunned, "You said just now that you would help me as much as possible. Brother Wang used to love me very much. You said that you would make up for the regret of not being by my side these years. You said you would Be a good brother."

"I can help you with anything, except Ling Mu'er." Amu De corrected, with a resolute attitude that did not allow resistance.

Mo Junyao fell into deep thought, she began to look at her brother again, she was sure and sure that Brother Wang was bound to win for Ling Muer, but there was a rare good opportunity in front of her, why didn't he cherish it?

"Seeing that Brother Wang didn't really like Ling Mu'er, and even when she got close to other men, Brother Wang didn't have any other reactions. It's my fault." Mo Junyao deliberately provoked him and pretended to leave , and quietly looked at his expression from the corner of the eye.

Sure enough, Amu De pressed the teacup heavily on the table and stood up, "I don't use despicable means to get her, because I want to get her in a fair way. As for your Shangguan Shaochen, my Yaoyao is so good, a man That's all, can't you conquer it?"

"Of course!" Mo Junyao raised her head proudly, "It's just a bit difficult, but if you get Ling Mu'er, I will lose one threat, so why should I bother thinking of other ways?"

As Mo Junyao was talking, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and she happily hugged Amu De's arm, "Brother Wang, you have a solution, don't you?"


Ling Muer came to this place twice in one day, she didn't believe that Su Ce would keep avoiding her.

"I want to see Su Ce." She said unceremoniously to the housekeeper who opened the door, her attitude was firm, and she meant that she would never leave if she didn't see anyone today.

"Miss Ling, please go back, Master is really not at the house." Zitong interrupted the housekeeper's words, and stood at the door to block Ling Mu'er's way, as if she was afraid that she would force her way.

"Oh? Then when will he come back?" Ling Muer wasn't angry at his obstruction.

"How dare we as slaves intervene in the matter of... master, maybe we won't come back tonight, maybe for a while." Zitong pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Miss Ling, it's getting late, it's not as good as you today Let's go back for now, after Master comes back, I will go to the Ling Mansion to inform you as soon as possible, what do you think?"

"Don't bother me, I'll just wait here. I'll wait for him when he comes back." Ling Muer said, sitting down on the steps beside her, stretching out her arms on purpose and stretching out. waist.

Shangguan Shaochen originally wanted to follow, but he had just asked for orders to investigate the murderer who poisoned the queen, if he came to the palace of Xian Wang, he might be expressing something to the world, so he didn't follow in order to avoid suspicion.

If he knew that the woman he cared about was sitting at the gate of someone else's mansion like a homeless child, he would be annoyed and arrest all the people in the mansion.

"Girl, you, aren't you embarrassing me?" Zitong didn't expect Ling Muer to be so persistent, he looked in a certain direction uncertainly

Ling Mu'er saw his subtle expression, but she didn't catch his eyes, but poked her chin in a carefree way, "I'm sitting here without moving or making a sound, why am I embarrassing you?" gone?"

"But this is Prince Xian's mansion after all, if you sit here like this, people who don't know will think that our prince bullied you?" Zitong sighed deeply.

"Isn't it?" Ling Muer held her head up, staring at Zitong innocently and harmlessly.

"Joke, why did our master bully you? How can he bully you even if he loves and spoils you? But sitting at the door like this will definitely cause other people to misunderstand. After all, our master is not married yet, so you... "


Before Zitong finished speaking, she was interrupted by a sudden voice.

The two followed the prestige and saw Su Ce standing gracefully in white at the gate of the Xian Wang's mansion.

"My lord, are you back?" Zitong lowered her head guiltily, pointed at Ling Mu'er who was sitting at the door with her eyes, originally thought that she would jump up excitedly and point at you angrily, but she was very calm when she didn't want to hit her.

"Yes, you are back, my lord?"

Although Ling Muer was smiling, her detached attitude made Su Ce's heart ache.

This woman clearly did it on purpose.

Yes, there is nothing to hide from her.

"I heard that you and the second prince have settled their feud, and it would be good to get back together, but you frequently appear in my Xian Wang's mansion, isn't it appropriate?"

After Su Ce glanced at her, he went straight into the palace.

"How do you know we're reconciled?" Ling Mu'er followed behind him in a leisurely manner, with her hands behind her back, she didn't look like a guest at all, as if she was the mistress of the palace.

"I saw it." Su Ce blurted out without thinking, and regretted it after he finished speaking. He turned his head and looked at Ling Mu'er nervously.

Who knows that she still has a calm expression, "Which eye did you see?"

"You..." Su Ce wanted to say something else, but Ling Muer held her head up aloofly, with an arrogant look of 'I can answer whatever you say'.

She sighed deeply, and found that she was reluctant to say harsher words to him after all.

"If I don't come back tonight, do you really plan to sit at the gate of my house all night?" Su Ce asked, and then winked at Zitong with his eyes, signaling him to watch tea.

"You left the palace a long time ago, but you returned to the palace after me, where did you go?" Ling Muer didn't answer his question, but asked in an extremely cold tone.

I believe that in this world, she is the only one who dares to speak to the virtuous king in this way and the virtuous king does not get angry.

"You woman, let me tell you that you have become more and more arrogant recently. This king is asking you something, but you dare to ask me, what is your identity?" Su Ce was angry and funny, but he found that after speaking, Ling Mu'er's expression changed instantly, and he regretted it again.

There is a faint distress in my heart, but if he doesn't alienate her like this, it will only bring her greater danger.

"Ling Mu'er, you are not allowed to appear in my Prince Xian's mansion without my permission in the future. My eyes have been cured, so you are no longer my attending doctor, you can go!"

He turned his head ruthlessly, without even looking at Ling Mu'er. Although what he said was heartless, only he knew that his heart was bleeding at this moment.

Not only did Ling Muer not leave, but she walked directly opposite him and stared at his face seriously, "You didn't go back to the Prince's Mansion immediately, did you go to the Prince's Mansion, right? How did you get the Heartbroken Grass? You didn't You can't get close to the queen, so you are colluding with the prince, because the emperor didn't deal with her, so you want to solve her in your own way? Su Ce, you are too reckless!"

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