All his thoughts were guessed by this woman, Su Ce frowned, but he raised his head coldly, "So what if you guessed it, what does this have to do with you? You haven't answered the question I just asked The question is, what identity are you asking me?"

"I want me to answer your question, yes! But you have to answer me first, why push me away!?"

Ling Muer's tone was colder than his, and her chest rose and fell, obviously dissatisfied with his attitude. "When I came to the palace in the morning, you were at the palace, right? Just now, you have actually come back, but you just jumped out from the side door. You pushed me away because you didn't want to involve me, because you know The queen will not let you go, she will definitely start with me if she wants to deal with you, but you should know that it is too late for you to alienate me now, you think even if you and I pretend that we never know each other, she will Won't you deal with me?"

Ling Mu'er's voice was louder, just to let him know that they were already on the same boat, even if he jumped off the boat now, others would have seen her staying on the boat.

"I will settle this matter. As for you, you are not allowed to come to the palace again!"

After thinking for a moment, Su Ce still insisted on his decision, and shook his sleeves decisively.

Ling Mu'er didn't stop her, and let his people walk to the door. She sat on the chair and crossed her legs leisurely, "The wise king is clever, but it's a pity that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot high. Some people have already expected that." Seeing that you have murderous intentions, so be prepared in advance, lest you shoot yourself in the foot with this move."

Su Ce's body immediately stopped where he left, and turned his eyes suddenly, "What do you mean by that?"

"In the empress's bedroom, you were also present when the emperor questioned the empress's personal nurse, and you must have heard what she said. Also, the empress was not only poisoned by heartbroken grass, but also had other poisons during that period. Maybe she guessed that you would make a move, and deliberately took other poisons to attract the emperor's attention to make decisions for her; or maybe she didn't know that you would make a move at this time, so she disrupted all her plans and made her sleepy But she is the queen of the dynasty. As long as the emperor does not abolish her identity, she will be a queen. She was poisoned, which is a matter that damages the dignity of the country, and the emperor will definitely investigate it to the end. Once the empress wakes up , and then seek revenge from the emperor with poisoned grievances, guess if the emperor will turn all the anger in the past into pity and spare her?"

Ling Mu'er sighed, "At that time, the emperor will only send more people to investigate the murderer behind the murder of the empress, but with the empress blowing the pillow beside the emperor, guess again, will the emperor suspect Xian'er?" king?"

Su Ce turned around, and his clenched fists showed his bones, which showed how angry he was at the moment, but seeing Ling Muer's abusive eyes, he instantly relaxed, "Shangguan Shaochen wants to protect you, so he will definitely help me. It seems He's already thought of a countermeasure."

Ling Muer admired Su Ce's intelligence very much. For some reason, she suddenly remembered the first time she met him.

At that time, he had a sword in his chest, and his life was at stake, but when he woke up, he had the face of a fox, smiling at everyone, and deftly retracting his tail.

Although he now has the same sly eyes as before, his whole state has already changed accordingly.

He is no longer the king of Su Xiaojun, he is already a virtuous king aloof.

He was once the laughing stock of Kyoto when he was talked about with his identity, but now he can support all of this independently, the premise is to succeed in revenge.

"Later, he will send someone to meet you. Of course, if you don't see him, that's your business." Ling Muer shrugged meaninglessly, expressing that she had no interest in the cooperation between Shangguan Shaochen and him.

She is a doctor, of course what she is interested in is his mastery of heartbroken grass.

"You haven't answered me yet, where did you get the heartbroken grass?"

"I don't know what the girl is talking about. I don't understand." Su Ce returned to the main seat and sat down, still with a cold attitude, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him. The people sitting in this room Not someone he cares about either.

"I don't care if you found it yourself or the crown prince gave it to you, as a friend, I hope you don't do such a reckless thing again." Ling Muer got up from the chair as she said, "It seems The virtuous king does not welcome me, so I will leave."

After looking at him, Ling Muer decided to leave, and in the blink of an eye, she landed in the middle of the courtyard.

Suddenly, Su Ce flew up like a gust of wind, and successfully landed in front of her. Even he didn't think that it was just a sudden idea, so he followed suit.

"Good dogs don't block the way?" Ling Mu'er yelled at him full of disgust and annoyance, but no matter which direction she walked, Su Ce would block in that direction.

"Don't go."

There was a bit of sadness in his cold voice, which made Ling Mu'er think for a moment that she had heard wrong.

How could such a tone appear on the aloof and wise king?

He is the number one son of the capital, the target of many young girls chasing after him, he always puts on a gentle and gentle mask when facing other people, but only when he treats her, he will show some sincerity, and it is also because of this, Ling Muer Just treat him as a friend.

"It seems that you've backed down, and plan to tell me the origin of the Heartbreaker Grass?" Ling Mu'er crossed her arms, waiting for his story.

Su Ce shook his head lightly, "I just want to remind you for your kindness to remind me. Amu De came to the capital from the Western Regions in the name of peace, and there must be something ulterior. If his purpose of coming is really related to you, you really have to be careful."

Ling Muer was very disappointed with his fox-like smile, "Then don't bother King Xian to worry about it."

Humming angrily, Ling Muer deliberately knocked his body away,

Su Ce watched her so angry that she became angry from embarrassment, feeling extremely irritable.

God knows how much he cares about her, God knows how sad he is when she casts her disdainful eyes, God knows how much he wants to chase after her when she knocks him away and leaves him.

Damn it, he, Su Ce, has really lost in this life to this woman who can control his every move.

"How about in exchange, you tell me the purpose of Amud's coming to the capital, and I'll tell you my plan." Although Su Ce didn't turn his head, he was already staring at her back in his heart.

His keen hearing heard the footsteps stop, his closed eyes immediately opened, and his heart returned to his stomach.

In fact, he didn't really want to pry into her secrets, he just wanted to know what Amu De wanted to do so that he could respond in time.

A person who would not hesitate to use his country's prestige as a threat to voluntarily surrender in exchange for another woman must have some ulterior and shocking secrets. He wants to protect Mu'er, which is what he wants to do most now.

"I'm not interested in how you got the Heartbroken Grass, but I really don't know what Amu De's purpose is." Ling Muer stood behind him, looking at his handsome back.

It was the first time that he stood quietly behind him like this. Today's Su Ce looked quieter and deeper than usual.

"Amu De is a sinister person. If he had no purpose, he would never have made such a big sacrifice." Su Ce turned around as he spoke, staring straight at Ling Muer, "I've already felt that you have a secret, If I'm not mistaken, Amu De also wanted to possess you after he discovered your secret. Ling Mu'er, you are not his opponent."

How long has no one cared about her so frankly.

It was as if all the disguises for so long had been unraveled in front of her.

Ling Muer's aloof face immediately narrowed slightly, and she looked at Su Ce quietly, recalling every episode where she showed her feet.

When he was captured by Amu De and he was injured, she didn't care so much. Su Ce was so smart that he couldn't fail to feel the medical tools that he took out everywhere. What about medical tools? Although Su Ce didn't ask at the time, she knew that he was already suspicious.

To be honest, she did guess the reason why Amu De pursued her so hard, it was nothing more than her space. She had exposed this idea when she was in the General's Mansion in the Western Regions, so she guessed it when she saw Amu De in the capital.

But how was she going to explain it to them?

Tell Su Ce that she has a secret treasure. This treasure is actually hidden in an unfounded ring, and there is everything there. But people can't see or touch it with their naked eyes, so would they believe it?

Even if he believed it, according to his temperament, what stupid things would he do?

"I don't know what Amu De wants to do, but I can assure you that he can't hurt me." Ling Mu'er smiled confidently, hoping to tell Su Ce not to worry too much about her in this way, "The most important thing right now The person who should be worried is not me, it should be you, I will try my best to delay the time on the Queen's side, she will wake up in about ten days, and that is when you need to worry the most."

Patting him on the shoulder, Ling Muer took a deep breath and left resolutely, leaving only Su Ce staring blankly at her back.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?" Zitong jumped out of the darkness anxiously, he was really worried about his master.

The master has been really disappointed recently, he really wished he could catch up with Miss Ling and tell her what the master had suffered these days, if Miss Ling knew how sad the master was, she probably wouldn't hurt him like this.

"She still doesn't trust me after all."

Faint words overflowed from his thin lips, and after he finished speaking, Su Ce came back to his senses, seeing Zitong's determined look, he said coldly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, stop meddling in other people's business, otherwise, even if you are People around me, I want your life too."

"But..." Zitong seemed to say something, but the master flew away, leaving him sighing and shaking his head alone.

"But you have suffered all the pain in silence, and others don't know, so why do you do this, alas."

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