In the morning of the next day, Guan Shaochen's carriage stopped at the gate of Ling's mansion, and took Ling Mu'er into the palace.

Originally thought it was just a carriage, Ling Muer lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and sat in without thinking. When she saw the people inside, she was startled, "Why are you here?"

"My carriage, why can't I be here?" After Shangguan Shaochen asked back, he patted the seat beside him and motioned for her to sit over.

Ling Mu'er pursed her lips, not only didn't sit in the past, but also sat directly opposite him, "Why didn't you tell me earlier in the carriage?"

"So what if you say it earlier, you'll come out earlier?" Since she didn't come, then he took the initiative to sit there, although he was a little dizzy with his back to the car.

Seeing him approaching, Ling Muer moved her position to her side, but Shangguan Shaochen followed her, she moved her seat again, and he followed her, even putting her head on her shoulder, "Don't move!" , sitting in the opposite direction will make you dizzy, it’s not comfortable here.”

Shangguan Shaochen pointed to his head, closed his eyes and leaned against her to rest.

Ling Muer wanted to push him away, but when she lowered her head and saw his pale face, she suddenly couldn't bear it anymore.

An hour ago, the servants came to inform that the second prince's carriage was waiting outside the gate of the mansion. At that time, she was having dinner with her parents. After returning from the camp, she seldom dined with her family, so she was not in a hurry to come out.

After the meal, my father and uncle showed her the accounts of the two restaurants. Originally, she didn't intend to read them. Although she loves money, in her heart, the restaurant has long been given to her uncle, and the western restaurant has long since become her father. She only cares about the medical center. But her father and uncle insisted on letting her take a look, but she couldn't help it, so she had to take a look and make some comments along the way, but she didn't expect this back and forth to take so long.

Of course, if she knew that this guy was in the sedan chair, the whole family would not dare to let the prince wait.

Ling Muer tentatively touched his forehead carefully, and found that it was terribly cold there, "It's freezing outside here, you don't know how to send someone in to notify you before I come out, and you are not afraid of freezing yourself into ice cubes."

Although she said so, she still stuffed a pill into his mouth when he was not paying attention.

Shangguan Shaochen was defenseless because his eyes were closed, he only felt a soft hand approaching him, he opened his mouth instinctively, unexpectedly a bitter pill slipped in.

He immediately looked up, "What did you feed?"

"Poison, it will poison you to death." Ling Mu'er pouted, and looked around again, "Why does the prince's sedan chair not have a heater, it seems that you, the prince, are really poor."

Shangguan Shaochen was almost choked by her words, he is poor?

If he is the second richest man in this world, no one will dare to be the first.

Forget it, let's not scare her by saying it.

"I never use a heater, so I didn't explain it, but don't worry, next time you ride in my carriage, it will definitely make it warm here, and I won't let you freeze." Shangguan Shaochen said, pointing Pointing to her medicine box, "The poison you just fed me, is there any more?"

"Why?" Ling Muer glanced at him angrily, having never seen anyone who likes to take poison.

"If you have some, you can eat one too. I heard that girls are afraid of the cold." As he said, he held her little hand in his warm palm. Perhaps her hand was too cold, so he slapped her. Shivering, "Why is it so cold? Are you cold?"

Before Ling Mu'er could reply, Shangguan Shaochen had already untied his cloak and put it on her body. If he could, he would have taken off all his clothes and put them on for her.

Ling Muer did not refuse.

"Well, I'm naturally afraid of the cold, but how do you know it's not poison?"

The cloak on his body smelled like him, and it seemed to give him a sense of security. Not only did he feel warm all over his body, but his heart became sweet. Ling Muer didn't intend to return the cloak to him.

"I waited in the carriage for more than an hour. Naturally, you were worried that I would suffer from the wind and cold, so you fed me this. If it was really poison, why did you bother to let me freeze to death?" Shangguan Shaochen said. Looking at her arrogantly, his eyes seemed to say: Look at me, I'm smart.

"Hmph." Ling Muer let out a cold snort from her nasal cavity.

She got down to business and didn't intend to entangle him with useless issues, "In addition to the heartbroken grass, the queen, I have already found out another poison, which is called Gastrodia elata. This poison is also very rare, and its medicinal effect is very overbearing. Once taken for ten hours, it will gradually attack, the poisoned person will suffer from unbearable pain, and will eventually appear to feign death, but it is a pity that she was later taken with the heartbroken grass, and the two poisons are entangled together, mutually generating and restraining each other, which directly caused her to be poisoned and comatose. That’s what everyone sees.”

Hearing her explanation, Shangguan Shaochen's calm expression suddenly changed, "If according to your guess, the Empress took Tianma first, then how did she find such a rare medicine?"

Ling Muer curled her lower lip, "It's not a guess, it's a fact."

She held her head up confidently, "I sent someone to check. The queen's ancestral home was in the Donglin generation, and Donglin was the most abundant gastrodia elata ten years ago. Later, because it was extremely harmful to the human body, the emperor ordered it ten years ago. Ordered to burn all the Gastrodia elata in the east, so it became a rare and rare poison."

Ling Mu'er stared at him quietly with shrewd eyes, "You don't need me to tell you now, the second prince already knows what to do, right? As long as you report this matter to the emperor truthfully, even if the empress wakes up this time, she won't be able to escape. "

When she is a queen, she possesses a poison that is prohibited by the state's orders. Whether she swallows it herself or hides evil intentions for others to swallow in the future, such behavior will be dealt with as it should be.

Even if someone poisoned her, she was the victim, but her behavior would not easily win the emperor's sympathy.

"For the sake of King Xian, you have tried your best to help him." Shangguan Shaochen became jealous, and the consequences were serious.

Ling Muer didn't speak, but fell into deep thought.

The queen can't die and can't die. Su Ce will definitely feel very uncomfortable when he learns of such a result, but if he starts with Gastrodia elata, the emperor's sympathy for the queen will be reduced, and it is very likely that he will have the last embarrassment for the queen. A little bit of mercy was also consumed. As long as the emperor doesn't feel sorry for the queen, no matter what she does, she won't be able to make waves.

So, this was the last way she could think of to help Su Ce.

"I just did what a friend should do." Ling Muer finished speaking, opened the car curtain and looked out the window.

Shangguan Shaochen grabbed her arm and pulled her into his arms, "What about me? What is my obligation?"

Before the shock was settled, she suddenly fell into a strong chest. Because of her unstable body, Ling Mu'er was almost half leaning on his chest, and her right hand even held on to his arm tightly, for fear that she would fall.

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's handsome face so closely, she felt her breath skipped a beat for a moment, and she was so nervous that she couldn't utter a complete sentence.

His warm breath was coming towards her face, her pupils widened in disbelief, she got closer, closer, seeing Shangguan Shaochen's lips were about to kiss her, Ling Muer instinctively closed her eyes.

"Second prince, the palace gate has arrived."

The untimely voice of the coachman came from outside, instantly breaking the cozy atmosphere in the carriage.

Only then did Ling Muer pull back her thoughts from the orange-red foam, and looking at the villain on her body, she pushed him away suddenly, "I'm going to see the empress soon, see you later."

Leaving aside the words, she ran away like a rabbit having fun, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"You woman..." Without tasting the alluring red lips, Shangguan Shaochen was full of evil fire and vented all his anger on the coachman.

"From now on, you are not allowed to appear in front of this prince!"

The coachman, Monk Zhang Er, who hadn't figured out the situation, couldn't figure it out. He immediately knelt on the ground and hugged Shangguan Shaochen's clothes tightly, "My atonement, my atonement, what did this servant do wrong to offend you, please?" The Lord clearly stated, but you must not drive away the slaves. There are old and young slaves, and I..."

"Get out!" Shangguan Shaochen shouted angrily, and ruthlessly pushed him away.

The coachman wanted to climb back again, when another delicate riding boot suddenly appeared in front of him, with his head raised, the young prince of Ningguo Hou's mansion caught his eyes.

"Hey, didn't you see that my cousin was very angry? My cousin said that he didn't want to see you, so why don't you get out of here quickly? Could it be that you still want your cousin to get angry and kill you directly?"

Who doesn't know that Ning Guohou's son and the second prince are good brothers, and the coachman boldly begged Nangong Yizhi, "Please tell me clearly, what did this slave do wrong?"

"You're right about everything, what's wrong is that the road from Ling's mansion to the palace gate is too short."

Waving his hand, signaling the guards to take the driver away, Nangong Yizhi followed Shangguan Shaochen like a pug, "I'm not wrong, cousin?"

Seeing his smirk on his face, Shangguan Shaochen narrowed his eyes and said, "Put away your dirty thoughts, can I finish what I told you?"

Nangong Yizhi laughed dryly, "I'm dirty? God knows what the lonely men and widows were trying to do in broad daylight in the carriage just now. I saw it all. The dissatisfaction on some people's faces is obviously just..."

Before he finished speaking, he already felt the cold air from the Wanzhang Glacier slowly coming in. Nangong Yizhi shuddered and quickly changed his words, "All the things you explained have been handled properly, please don't worry, cousin."

After saying that, he looked around warily to make sure that no one was overhearing. He pressed his red lips to his ears, "The scapegoat is a death row prisoner in the heavenly prison. This son promised to resettle his family well, so he agreed to do so." Plan to act."

Shangguan Shaochen nodded in satisfaction, "In that case, let's act in three days."

When Ling Mu'er came to the Queen's bedroom, because the emperor had already told her, she was able to travel unimpeded all the way, but before entering the door, she heard the sound of a girl crying from a distance.

"Hmm... Auntie, wake up, open your eyes and look at Yudie, how did you become like this?"

"Auntie, as long as you wake up, Yudie will take good care of you and promise not to make you angry again. Will you wake up?"


When Ling Mu'er entered the door, she happened to see Lin Yudie shaking the queen's body constantly, but the personal nurse beside the queen didn't intend to stop her.

"If you continue to shake her violently like this, you will kill her without waiting for the poison to take effect. Miss Lin, then you will become the murderer who murdered the queen."

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