Hearing the word murderer, Lin Yudie turned around abruptly, and only after wiping away the tears did he see the person standing in front of him clearly.

"Ling Muer, why is it you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Putting down the medicine box, Ling Muer walked towards the queen, but before she could sit by the bed, she was already pushed away by the domineering Lin Yudie.

"You are not allowed to touch my aunt." Lin Yudie said arrogantly.

The personal nurse wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Yudie, "Well, you Ling Muer, you actually sneaked into my aunt's bedroom. What are you doing here? Are you here to poison my aunt?"

Lin Yudie's eyes flashed over her medicine box, as if the medicine box standing quietly on the ground was not a medicine box, but a scourge, and she stepped back timidly, "You really came to poison my aunt. "

"It seems that the last time I fell into the lake, I got a lot of water in my head, which caused Miss Lin to have a delusional disorder of persecution. Forget it, my lord does not remember villains, and I can go to your house to take a look for you when I have time. But the consultation fees have to be paid.”

"Do you dare to say that I'm sick?" Lin Yudie was blown away by her words, "I'm bah. Ling Muer, who do you think you are, you just know some three-legged cat's medical skills, and you dare to show off in front of me , I think you are not here to treat aunt at all, but to murder aunt!"

Lin Yudie immediately called out to the nanny next to her, "Mom, go and report to the emperor, this Ling Muer is going to murder aunt, let the emperor arrest her quickly."

Not only did the nanny not move, but she even looked puzzled, "Miss Lin, this... Miss Ling was sent by the emperor to detoxify the empress, if you don't understand, don't offend her."

"I don't understand?" Lin Yudie was humiliated twice today, and she was already furious, "I only want to do my aunt's best, how could I not understand? I heard that my aunt was poisoned, so I rushed here immediately Oh~ I see, the person who poisoned her must be her."

Lin Yudie turned around and pointed her long arm at Ling Muer, "You poisoned Princess Lian'er before, which made her almost lose her mind, and now you're plotting against my aunt again, don't you? You remember that day when your aunt suspected that you pushed me Fell into the lake, so I want to take revenge, Ling Muer, you are so cruel!"

After Lin Yudie finished speaking, she ordered the guards outside, "Come here, someone is going to murder the current queen, take her down for me!"

The guards outside the door didn't understand the situation here, they only rushed in when they heard Lin Yudie's exclamation, and rushed towards Ling Mu'er.

Ling Mu'er stood motionless at the same spot, only intentionally or unintentionally showing the bracelet on her wrist, and then smiled at the guards, "Are you... are you going to arrest me?"

She even pointed to her face so everyone could see the bracelet on her wrist more clearly.

Seeing this, several guards immediately knelt on the ground and shouted, "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

Lin Yudie hadn't figured out the situation yet, so she looked around, "What the emperor, where is the emperor, are you all blind?"

Looking at Ling Muer again, Lin Yudie blew his nose and stared angrily, "Okay Ling Muer, what kind of ecstasy did you give these guards to make them talk nonsense with their eyes open, I warn you that this is the queen You are not allowed to mess around in the empress' bedroom!"

"If I really have such a miraculous medicine, I will definitely let you try it first." Ling Mu'er glanced at her disdainfully, "Of course the emperor is not here, but having it is like the emperor's presence."

After saying that, Ling Muer raised her right hand high, and the queen's personal nurse immediately knelt on the ground when she saw this, and shouted again along with the guards just now, "Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

Lin Yudie was completely stunned, "You... have you all been tricked by this Ao girl? You all get up, there is no emperor here, why do you kneel down to him?"

"Miss Lin, you have to kneel too!" Nanny tugged at Lin Yudie's clothes, signaling that she would also salute Ling Mu'er.

Lin Yudie was stunned, "I kneel to her? Oh, it's ridiculous, she is just a commoner girl, but I am the eldest lady of the Lin family, and the empress is my aunt. Kneel down, it's impossible!"

"Okay, you don't need to kneel to me, but someone will punish you for a big disrespect immediately."

As Ling Muer said, she squinted her eyes and looked at the guard kneeling on the ground behind her, "Are you right?"

Several guards looked at me and I looked at you, and immediately got up and forced Lin Yudie to the ground.

"What are you going to do, let me go!"

Lin Yudie kept struggling, until someone kicked her hind legs hard, and knelt down in front of Ling Muer unwillingly.

She still hasn't figured out the situation, she yelled at Ling Muer, "Ling Muer, you witch, how dare you use sorcery in the palace."

Ling Mu'er really admired her brain circuit, what kind of atmosphere would a girl who grew up be so innocent and ridiculous?

"Miss Lin, stop talking nonsense. The one we kneel down is not Miss Ling, but the bracelet on her wrist. The civil and military officials ordered that if you see this bracelet, if you see the emperor, please come in person."

Lin Yudie recovered from her anger after hearing Mammy's words. She looked at the excellent bracelet on Ling Mu'er's white wrist in shock, and saluted the bracelet belatedly, but In fact, I was already jealous.

Damn Ling Muer, why is she so lucky to have such a powerful bracelet? If the bracelet was given to her, wouldn't she be able to walk sideways in the palace in the future?

"It seems that Ms. Lin has figured out the situation now? Then please step aside, I have to treat the queen." Ling Muer instructed Lin Yudie with a smile that she thought was very gentle.

As soon as the words fell, guards stepped forward and dragged Lin Yudie away.

"You... don't be too arrogant, isn't it just a bracelet? Holding a chicken feather as an arrow, what are you, a troublemaker!"

Lin Yudie was really too angry, and too angry, that's why she said such unkind words to Ling Muer.

Ling Muer, who originally didn't want to argue with her, had to.

"Isn't it just a bracelet?" Ling Muer repeated her words, and approached her step by step.

Lin Yudie couldn't break free because she was imprisoned, but seeing Ling Muer's evil eyes, she was so frightened that the hairs on her body stood on end, and she stuttered, "You...you want to do something to me What? I... I warn you not to mess around."

"You are the eldest lady of the Lin family, how dare I be a troublemaker to mess with Miss Lin." Ling Mu'er smiled innocently and beautifully, but the words she said next were colder than Shura in hell, " I just want you to know what happens when you insult a sacred object."

Ling Mu'er turned her head, and immediately looked at the queen's personal nanny, "Mammy is an old man in the palace, she must be familiar with the rules in the palace, dare to ask nanny, what is the punishment for insulting the royal relics?"

The nanny whose name was called shuddered. She could not have answered Ling Muer's words normally, but she had the emperor's bracelet in her hand. That thing was comparable to a gold medal for avoiding death. She had to tell the truth, "Back, back Girl, insulting the royal creature is in accordance with the palace law, if it is light, it will be beaten with fifty slaps; if it is serious, it will be beheaded."

As soon as Mammy finished speaking, Lin Yudie, who was still struggling just now, immediately felt like a deflated ball, and she struggled immediately after she crossed her face.

"You can't kill me, Ling Muer, you don't have the right to kill me, I'm going to see the emperor, you guys let me go to see the emperor."

"The emperor is busy with official duties, but not everyone can see it. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'm not like some people who yell and kill you at every turn. How about it, then deal with it according to the lightest punishment Bar."

She spoke casually, her voice was neither loud nor low, but very sonorous and powerful.

"Yes, girl." The guards who received the order nodded together and immediately dragged Lin Yudie out.

Not long after, Lin Yudie's wailing sound came from outside the door.

At this time, Ling Muer was obliged to look out the window while detoxifying the queen. From the corner of her eye, she saw the distressed face of the nanny, and she frowned, "It seems that the nanny loves Miss Lin very much. Could it be that I feel sorry for you? Is the punishment too severe?"

Suddenly startled by the nanny who called out her name, she hurriedly withdrew her thoughts, "I dare not, Miss Lin first insulted the sacred objects, and then disrespected the girl, you should teach her a lesson, the girl is not wrong , what the girl did was right."

"Oh? Since you also think I'm doing the right thing, then I would like to ask the mother to report this matter to the mother after she wakes up, otherwise..." Before Ling Mu'er finished speaking, the mother immediately knelt on the ground.

"The old slave dare not speak nonsense, the old slave will truthfully report what he saw and heard today to the empress, and the empress declares that she will never wrong the girl."

As Mammy spoke, she noticed Ling Muer's point. "Girl, did you just say that your mother is about to wake up?"

Of course, with her here, the queen's poison is nothing at all, as long as she wants, she can wake up now, but she has to buy time for Su Ce and Shangguan Shaochen.

"If it's just heartbroken grass, the empress has already woken up. Unfortunately, she was poisoned by other poisons before. This poison is overbearing. It will take some time to completely resolve it, but it will be soon."

After getting an affirmative answer, Mammy took a deep breath, and looked at Ling Muer with more kind eyes, "Thank you, miss, the reincarnation of the miraculous doctor, and the heart of a bodhisattva, the empress will definitely thank you after she wakes up." .”

"You don't need to thank you. I am also following orders, and I have no choice but to obey the emperor's orders. However, how could your mother be poisoned with gastrodia elata in the deep palace?" She said casually. As she said that, she heard Mammy return without thinking, "How do you know it's Tianma?"

The words fell. She regretted it, but it was too late to take back the water that was spilled by what she said.

Ling Muer approached her with a smile, "Yeah, I should ask you this, how do you know it's Gastrodia? How could your empress be addicted to Gastrodia?"

After all, Mammy is an old man who follows the queen, and her ability to recover is much higher than that of ordinary people. She immediately shook her head and vetoed, "I... I'm just curious, what is Gastrodia elata, this old servant has no idea what it is .”

I knew she would deny it, and Ling Muer never thought about hearing anything from her. She has already investigated what should be investigated, and the next investigation is all about the royal family.

At this time, the 30 boards outside the door had been beaten, and Lin Yudie was lying on the chair dying, as if he was dying.

And seeing Ling Muer, Lin Yudie felt like seeing an enemy, "Ling Muer, just wait, I... I won't let you go!"

"Oh? Dare I ask why Miss Lin is going to not let me go? It's a pity, not to mention you, I'm afraid that even your father, Master Lin, would not dare to touch me. What should I do? What I look like."

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