On the fifth day after the queen was poisoned, Shangguan Shaochen caught her 'real murderer'

The emperor was overjoyed to personally interrogate this person. The murderer claimed that he had been suppressed and bullied by the queen many times when he was working in the queen's bedroom. Thought it was still found out.

The emperor was furious when he heard the words, and immediately ordered to kill this person immediately.

The murderer has been found, Su Ce is not in danger, and Ling Muer has to continue to delay the queen's waking up, so the queen woke up slowly on the second day after killing the murderer.

After all, he was murdered and almost met Lord Yan. The emperor felt sorry for the queen's injury this time, and when he heard the news of her waking up, he hurriedly left the morning court and came to the queen's bedroom.

"How is that poison called Gastrodia elata cured?" The emperor nervously asked Ling Muer who was packing the medicine box as soon as he arrived, as if he had already forgotten that the queen she was worried about was the culprit who murdered her first wife .

It was precisely because of his worry that he didn't notice the queen's dim face instantly after hearing the word 'Tianma'.

Seeing the queen's strangeness, Ling Muer sneered in her heart. She had asked Shangguan Shaochen to directly report the origin of Tianma and their speculation to the emperor. Although she was very disappointed with the emperor's behavior, she did not reveal anything for the sake of the next plan.

"Back to the emperor, the poison of Gastrodia elata was also cured, but because of the poison of the heartbroken grass, the two poisons entangled in the empress's body for several days, and there will be some sequelae to some extent, but the emperor can rest assured that as long as he lives well and recuperates, there is no big problem. It's not in the way." Ling Muer said in a very gentle tone.

The Queen's face turned pale after hearing the words, "What is the sequelae, what do you think will happen to Bengong's body?"

"Don't be impatient, my lady. The sequelae refer to the fact that the poison in your body has destroyed your bodily functions. Although the toxins have been completely removed, the body still needs a long period of slow recovery from trauma. During this process, your body will experience certain symptoms. Some uncomfortable symptoms, but nothing harmful."

Hearing such an explanation, the queen was relieved, as long as it didn't kill her, it was nothing.

Looking at the worried eyes of the emperor again, she knew that her goal had been achieved, and now it was time to finish, so she looked at the emperor with aggrieved face, "I beg the emperor to be the master of my concubine, my concubine was poisoned for no reason, almost I will never see the emperor again! The concubine knows that she has done many wrong things in the past, but the crime is not worthy of death, my lord..."

"Okay, aren't you waking up properly? Besides, the murderer who murdered you has already been ordered to be executed, what else do you want?" The emperor was a little annoyed by her crying.

After all, they have shared the same bed for many years, and he is very clear about the queen's temperament. If she admits her mistake quietly, he will feel sorry for her. The more she cries and pretends to be wronged, he just feels bored.


The queen was very distressed by the emperor's attitude, two lines of tears rolled down the corner of her eyes, she looked up at him in disbelief, "Could it be, is the emperor still angry with me? Okay, then the concubine is guilty, and the concubine is willing Accept any punishment."

Speaking of which, the queen got up from the bed, but because of her weakness, she almost fell down, and the personal nurse rushed over to help her steady. "My lady, your body hasn't recovered yet, what are you going to do?"

The queen pushed the nanny away abruptly, and she staggered and insisted on kneeling on the ground, "It's my concubine's fault. This concubine should not have been blinded by the power and murdered my sister. Your Majesty, don't wait for the mission to leave. It's better now." Just punish the concubine. The emperor doesn't know. During this period of time, the concubine said behind closed doors in the palace that she didn't think about food and tea, and worried about what kind of punishment she would suffer every day. She was really suffering. It's better for the emperor to have only one concubine now. Have fun."

The pale woman knelt on the ground with a determination to die. I believe anyone who saw it would feel pity, let alone her husband.

Seeing this, Ling Muer couldn't help cursing in her heart: What a calculating woman.

Before, she was wondering why the queen would poison her. Could it be that she really guessed that Su Ce would attack her, and she planned to harm him with this plan?

Now she understands, the empress' trick is really beautiful!

She knew the emperor too well, and knew that the emperor would love her dearly, so she had the heart to take such a domineering poison like Gastrodia elata, in order to arouse the emperor's compassion for her and forgive her past mistakes. Coupled with the presence of the Western Region Mission, it is even more impossible for the emperor to do anything to her.

But it's a pity that she succeeded in Gastrodia, and also lost in Gastrodia.

From the corner of her eyes, Ling Mu'er had already seen the Seventh Prince approaching slowly. That's right, after Shangguan Shaochen indirectly reported to the emperor that Tianma came from the Queen's hometown, he suggested that the Seventh Prince should investigate the matter.

Looking at the confident look of the Seventh Prince, it is obvious that he has an answer to this matter.

Ling Mu'er looked away, and then looked at the Queen, seeing her continue to cry and pretend to be pitiful, she took the time to curl her lips, she wants to see how she will continue to perform this scene!

"Okay, get up, the doctor said that this time you are in danger, if Ling Mu'er's medical skills are not good, I'm afraid you have already met Lord Yan, and it should be regarded as punishment for your wrongdoing." The emperor sighed, and sure enough. She felt pity for her initiative to ask for punishment, and at this time the Seventh Prince was already standing behind her.

"Father, I have thoroughly investigated the matter of Tianma that you asked my son to investigate." The seventh prince handed over a memorial, "This is all the information about Tianma, Tianma was ordered by the emperor twelve years ago It was destroyed by fire, it should not have appeared in this world, Ke Erchen investigated and learned that someone re-cultivated Gastrodia elata a few months ago."

The Seventh Prince said, and handed a portrait to the emperor, "Father, this person is the one who sold Gastrodia elata to the capital. According to the news that Ju Erchen got, this person once secretly sold Gastrodia elata to the palace."

As soon as this remark came out, the queen behind the two flickered, and if she hadn't controlled herself extremely well, she would almost have fallen to the ground.

Seeing this, Ling Muer deliberately exclaimed, "What's wrong with you, Ma'am?"

It was because of her exclamation that the emperor and the seventh prince turned their heads. At this time, the empress's face was terribly pale, and her body was still trembling slightly.

"No, it's nothing. Maybe it's the aftereffects you just mentioned." The queen explained, her voice trembling, and her dodging eyes with a guilty conscience made people even curious.

"Since you're not feeling well, let's take a rest." After looking at her a few times, the emperor gave the seventh prince a look, signaling him to go out and report, but the seventh prince looked embarrassed.

"Father, there is one more thing. You can decide whether to go out after listening."

The Seventh Prince took a deep breath, glanced at the Queen from the corner of his eye, and then took out the last memorial, "Last night, my ministers have successfully captured the vendor who bought Gastrodia, and according to his account, he sold Gastrodia to the palace." An old nanny, and according to his description of this person's physical characteristics, that person... is the empress's personal nanny."

"What did you say!?" The emperor was shocked when he heard the words, and when he looked back, the old mother was already kneeling on the ground.

"This old slave is wronged, this old slave is wronged, this old slave doesn't even know what Gastrodia elata is, let alone bought it and brought it into the palace, please the emperor to check it out!"

The old mama knelt on the ground and kowtowed to admit her mistakes. She was so scared that she gasped for breath, and even planned to crawl to the emperor's side and tug at the hem of his clothes.

"Go away!" The emperor kicked her away full of disgust, and then looked seriously at all the memorials and the nuns who were kneeling on the ground. His eyes immediately shifted to the queen, "Say, what is going on!"

"What, what's going on, what the emperor is saying, the concubine can't understand." Being questioned suddenly, the empress trembled violently and then lowered her head guiltily.

"Hmph, when Chen'er mentioned Gastrodia elata to me, I thought that your hometown is rich in gastrodia elata, but how could it be such a coincidence that you swallowed that thing? Do you really think I'm an idiot?"

The emperor was furious, and kicked the stool in front of him away again, his worried face turned into anger, "Queen, queen, you let me down so much!"

"The concubine is wronged!"

Seeing the emperor's fury, the queen immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. When she raised her eyes again, she was already in tears, "How could the emperor wrong my concubine like this? The concubine is the victim. Ling Muer, yes, Ling Muer also said just now Knowing that Tianma has extremely harmful sequelae, how could the concubine take the poison by herself regardless of her own life! It must be the murderer. She knew that my hometown is rich in gastrodia elata, so she used this method to frame me. I hope the emperor will find out! "

The queen said a lot of things at once, but in short, she only had one thought, and it was a thought she had thought about a long time ago, which was to shift all responsibility to the murderer.

That's right, she did ask Mammy to buy gastrodia elata, and she also took it herself, in order to use the bitter trick to get the emperor to forgive her for murdering Concubine Yi, but who knew that someone had plotted against her and poisoned her with the heart-broken grass, which almost harmed her. Died in Huangquan.

But she didn't want to die yet, and she didn't intend to die. The murderer came at just the right time. As long as she pushed everything to him, she would be innocent.

"How could a little guard know that the mother's hometown is rich in gastrodia? And how could the gastrodia dealer frame the empress without any grudges against her? It is precisely because no one would believe that a person would be so cruel as to poison himself. This is used to resolve past mistakes, but the emperor’s reputation will definitely investigate it clearly.” Ling Muer sat on the chair behind her, she didn’t say much, but every word of the word pushed the queen into the abyss. edge.

"Shut up!" the queen roared, "Ling Muer, what are you? This is the palace. I'm talking to the emperor. How could you, a little ruffian, interrupt me? I think the merchant was clearly instructed by you. Frame me!"

The queen's beautiful facial features were horrified, and she immediately pointed her finger at Ling Mu'er. She said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, this concubine was wronged by others. What did my concubine do? It was Ling Muer. She must have done it on purpose." Murdered me. She, a little villain, dared to frame the empress of the dynasty, so I asked the emperor to drag this person out and immediately behead her to show the public, so as to make an example to everyone else."


As soon as the queen's words fell, the emperor's roar immediately came from the quiet room. The sound pierced the sky, even startling the birds on the trees outside the window.

"Are you a mad dog? You bite people when you see them. If Ling Mu'er hadn't saved your life, you would have died already. If she wanted to harm you, she would have tried her best to save you day and night?" The emperor asked back, It's not that he protects Ling Mu'er, it's just that he is too disappointed with the pillow person in front of him!

"Come here..."

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