"Search the queen's bedroom, and find Gastrodia elata." The emperor ordered coldly, and guards rushed in immediately.

"Why bother, Your Majesty." Ling Mu'er spoke boldly again, even though she knew that if she spoke again, it would most likely annoy the Emperor even more and set herself on fire, but there was only so much she could do to help Su Ce.

"The empress does not hesitate to use herself to take the poison. She must have thought of the day when the truth will be revealed. I believe that not only will there be no Gastrodia elata in this palace, but even the residue of the medicine will not exist. But as long as the mother around her is interrogated, there may be Different results."

"Ling Mu'er! You are too tongue-in-cheek!" Sure enough, the emperor was furious.

How can the majesty of the royal family allow a poor man to get involved?

As an outsider, Ling Mu'er learned of such a scandal, if it wasn't for the fact that she is a doctor, the emperor would have kicked her out a long time ago, but she interrupted several times to challenge his bottom line.

Seeing that the emperor finally made things difficult for Ling Muer, the queen immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue her, "Yes, Your Majesty, this Ling Muer has always been against me, and it can be seen that she has ulterior motives. Who knows what schemes are hidden behind her back. Please drag her out and behead her. "

"I think you should be the one who beheaded!" The emperor, who originally wanted to save a bit of face for her, was completely enraged. Tell me everything you know, otherwise, I will immediately cut you to pieces, and your family members outside the palace will also be implicated."

"No, Your Majesty!" Hearing that the family members would be involved, Mammy hurriedly knelt down, "The old slave said, the old slave said everything, it's..."

"Nurse." The emperor hastily interrupted her, "You have been by my side since childhood, and you are the person I trust the most. Do you even want to harm me at this time?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, it doesn't matter if the old slave's life is lost, but the old slave's family is innocent."

The nanny turned her eyes cruelly, and without looking at the queen again, she explained everything she knew.

"Back to the emperor, when your empress was punished by you and put into confinement, she has been trying to find a way to escape. She knew that the envoys of the Western Regions would be punished after they left. After thinking about it, she thought of such a way. If she had a heart, she would write off her previous mistakes, so she took an excessive amount of Gastrodia elata herself. Because the emperor ordered to burn all Gastrodia elata more than ten years ago, the empress thought that no one would find out its origin, but she did not expect... "

"I didn't expect you to be such a person!" The emperor couldn't listen anymore, not only kicked the nanny away, but even slapped the queen severely.

"Ah!" The side face was in burning pain, and blood even dripped from the corner of her mouth. The queen struggled to get up from the ground and looked at the lofty Lord Long Live in disbelief, "Your Majesty..."

"You bought gastrodia elata privately, and you didn't hesitate to take it yourself in order to escape punishment. Do you know how much trouble this action has brought to my Celestial Dynasty!"

The emperor took a deep breath, and looked at the queen again, as if looking at an enemy, with strong impatience in his eyes, "You were murdered and poisoned. It's a play that you directed and acted yourself. Empress, tell me, what is the crime of deceiving the king!"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty!"

All the actions were revealed, and the empress regretted so much, she kept kowtowing to the emperor to admit her mistake, "The concubine is confused, the concubine is wrong, I beg the emperor to bypass the concubine, your majesty!"

"Shut up!" Not wanting to hear any more voice from this person, and looking at the queen again, he couldn't help shivering.

"You can ignore your own body and take poison today in order to avoid punishment, so will you also take that poison for me in the future?" Thinking of such a scene, the emperor's back was sweating coldly, and he felt that the person who fell asleep beside him every day Not her own woman, but an ugly devil.

"In my opinion, there is no need to wait for the mission to leave, I will punish you now!" The emperor's liver was trembling with anger, "Come here, abolish the queen's position, put her in the cold palace, and never get out of the cold palace for life Half a step, as for Mo Momo beside her, cut it off."

After the words fell, the emperor flicked his sleeves and left, even though the queen shouted in the dark, there was no response.

"Ling Mu'er, it's all about you, you're the one who brought me to this end, I'll kill you!"

The queen pulled off the pearl hairpin on her head and stabbed at Ling Mu'er, but before she could get close, she suddenly slipped and fell hard.

"Man is doing what the sky is watching. From the time you started attacking Concubine Yi, you should have expected that you will end up today. You have occupied this seat for so long, and you have enjoyed the blessings for so long. You should live the life that others have tried."

Ling Mu'er withdrew the hand that shot the silver needle, and looked down at the empress who was extremely embarrassed. She had not recovered from the poison and was in a hurry. She spurted out a mouthful of old blood, "You...you..."

"Compared to the street that almost froze to death on the street, the Leng Palace is already very comfortable. I hope the empress will live happily."

Ling Mu'er curled her lips and stood up gracefully, without looking at the queen again.

The queen propped herself up and wanted to stab Ling Mu'er from behind with the pearl hairpin again, but unfortunately her body couldn't bear such exhaustion, so she lay on the ground and screamed hoarsely, "Ling Muer, I will not let you go, I will definitely come out of the cold palace, and the day I come out will be the time of your death!"

Ling Mu'er who walked to the door paused, she turned and walked back, the queen thought she was regretting it, but who knew that she just turned around and took away her medicine box, this time she walked even more decisively than before.

"Aren't the Seventh Prince leaving?" When she walked to the Seventh Prince's side, Ling Muer gave him a friendly smile, and had to admit that she was in a great mood after defeating the Queen.

Su Ce, you didn't take revenge, but I will take revenge for you.

"You have really worked so hard for the virtuous king, but you have never thought about what you should do if your father's decision doesn't go according to your wish?"

The Seventh Prince's voice came from behind, and Ling Muer who was in the yard stopped again.

Looking back, the smile on his face remained undiminished, "Where did the Seventh Prince come from, the girl can't understand."

"Calling yourself a daughter of the people now? When you arrogantly accused the empress of her crimes just now, you thought you were my new concubine." The Seventh Prince deliberately joked, with a meaningful smile on the corners of his eyes and brows.

This person really never hides his evil charm and arrogance.

"The Seventh Prince offends Mu'er, I'm just an insignificant doctor." Ling Muer smiled, her big black and bright eyes bent into bright moons, very beautiful.

"At least in my life, I haven't seen any insignificant private doctor who can enter the palace many times. If you are not the second brother's woman, I am really more and more interested in you." The seventh prince did not hide it For her appreciation, this does not bode well for Ling Muer.

"Seventh Prince, just say what you want to say, I think it's weird that you are like this." Ling Mu'er laughed, and took a few steps back unconsciously, keeping a proper distance from him.

"Why, are you afraid? Aren't you and Sheng'er good sisters? Don't you want to let you two good sisters live together forever?" The seventh prince stepped forward and pulled the two apart again. The distance is shortened. He bowed his body and looked at her with a smile, his smile was obviously gentle, but it only made Ling Mu'er feel cold, especially cold.

"If the Seventh Prince has nothing to say, please forgive me and leave."

Before he could agree, Ling Muer had already stepped away.

What Shangguan Shaochen said is correct, none of the men in the palace is a good thing, she should really stay away from these men.

"It was you who found out the source of Gastrodia, and you also found out that the queen's ancestral home was rich in Gastrodia. Everything you did was to protect the real murderer. Am I right, Ling Muer?"

Watching her leave, the Seventh Prince had no intention of holding her in his mouth, but Ling Muer had to stop as he opened and closed his thin lips.

Turning around, the smile on her face disappeared.

If Su Ce is a fox, then the seventh prince is a jackal, but even though he knows everything, he is still willing to report all the facts to the emperor. It would be meaningless for her to keep it hidden.

"It can be found that the Gastrodia elixir vendor is the Seventh Prince. The credit is yours."

"Don't, don't put a high hat on me." The Seventh Prince sneered, "I didn't do this to help you guys. If I guessed correctly, that person is the King Xian?"

There was a question in his tone, obviously he guessed it, but he wasn't sure.

Ling Muer couldn't compromise on this.

"When did the Seventh Prince and the Xian Wang have such a deep hatred, and such a big matter can be blamed on the Xian Wang. I am afraid that your information is wrong. It seems that we need to investigate again."

Hearing her very tactful explanation, the Seventh Prince sneered again, "You protect Su Ce so much, I don't know whether you like the Second Emperor or him. Could it be that you want both?"

No matter what she answers to this question, it will offend one of them, and it will also give the Seventh Prince an extra handle on her.

Ling Mu'er returned to the subject, and looked into his eyes very seriously, "No matter who the murderer is behind the scenes, the Seventh Prince's news today came very timely, and I think it's not just to help me, so Mu'er congratulates you Seventh Prince."

After the words fell, she made a gesture of blessing with both hands, bowed at ninety degrees, and was very devout.

The Seventh Prince could hardly hide his good mood.

That's right, when his father ordered him to investigate the source of Gastrodia elata, he asked someone to inquire about it. It turned out that the second brother recommended him to investigate this matter. Why didn't Shangguan Shaochen take such great credit for himself? His contacts are no less than his own, it can only be said that he is trying to avoid suspicion.

After the investigation, he found out that it was the queen who did the trick. Since they wanted to suppress the queen, why didn't he sell a favor, which could not only sell them a favor, but also help himself, so why not do it?

The queen was thrown into limbo, and the harem had no owner, so the father would definitely elect a new queen.

Although the original empress returned to the palace, she had previously rejected the post. If she competes for favor again at this moment, then the previous politeness will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the father. Maybe she will be counted in the murder of the empress. Then in the end There is only one concubine who may get the successor - Concubine Min, his mother concubine.

As long as the mother concubine gets the posthumous position, is the most supreme position still far away from him?

"You're really smart." The Seventh Prince suddenly leaned over, so close that he could even feel her oncoming breath.

"Did you know that this prince likes smart women the most?"

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