Ling Mu'er regretted taking a few steps, distanced herself from him without any concealment, and seeing his admiration, she just curled her lower lip coldly, "But I don't like the Seventh Prince."

The Seventh Prince never dreamed that she would refuse so bluntly.

A cold air emanated from the bottom of his heart, and an unknown fire was burning all over his body. The Seventh Prince wanted to get angry, but after thinking about it, he forcibly endured it.

"Do you know that if it were an ordinary person who was so arrogant and rude to this prince, I would have already strangled you to death!" The seventh prince gritted his teeth in hatred.

He really likes Ling Muer, and appreciates it very much. Originally, he didn't have any hope of getting her. After all, with Su Ce and Shangguan Shaochen by his side, she would definitely not choose herself.

But her refusal made him feel ashamed, and directly aroused the strong desire to conquer in his heart.

This woman successfully challenged his bottom line!

"Minister, thank the Seventh Prince for not killing me," Ling Muer bowed reverently again with both hands together.

Even though the Seventh Prince still wanted to say something, he still stuck all the words he wanted to say in his throat when he opened his lips.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort coming from his nose, the Seventh Prince flung his sleeves and walked away.

Ling Muer shook her head at his back, and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong.

Sure enough, as soon as the palace gate was as deep as the sea, the people here were all lunatics.

"Miss Ling, the second prince asked the servant to take you back." As soon as he left the palace gate, there was Shangguan Shaochen's carriage waiting outside.

There is a carriage, and if you don't take it, you don't do it for nothing. After saying 'thank you', Ling Muer got into the carriage.

Ever since she disliked him for being relatively poor that day, there were two more heaters in his carriage. As soon as he sat in, he felt warm all over his body. Ling Muer shivered, and she wanted to sleep because of the comfort.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped halfway, causing the unsuspecting Ling Muer to almost fall down. She hurriedly sat down and regained consciousness, "What happened?"

"Miss Ling, someone stopped our carriage in the street." The driver's voice trembled, as if the person who stopped the carriage was some noble person.

"Who dares to block the second prince's carriage?" Ling Muer was curious.

Opening the sedan chair curtain and looking around, I saw a tall and burly man standing in the middle of the street, holding a sword in his hand, with a vicious look, he was not easy to mess with.

Ling Muer was sure that she did not know this person.

"May I ask that this young man stopped my carriage because he wanted something from me?" Ling Mu'er didn't intend to get off the carriage, and she just poked her head out as it was freezing outside.

The man strode towards her, and despite his rough appearance, he spoke politely, "Girl, someone wants to treat you to a meal, and ask the girl to get out of the car."

Looking in the direction of his finger, what Ling Muer saw was Deyuelou, the largest restaurant in the capital.

Rumor has it that this is the gathering place for dignitaries. Apart from her family's restaurant, this is the most popular restaurant in the capital.

Who has such a big hand?

"Sorry, my family has a restaurant. I just want to go back to my own home if I want to eat. Since you didn't come to see me for a doctor, please get out of the way. You are blocking my way home." Ling Muer returned into the sedan chair,

But a man's voice still came from outside the door, "Girl, my master said that if you don't go, he won't leave. He will wait there day and night."

So infatuated?

Ling Mu'er quickly searched all the acquaintances in her memory, she didn't remember knowing such an infatuated person.

Forget it, choosing such a big restaurant, even if you want to hurt her, it's probably not easy to do it.

Putting away her clothes, Ling Muer got out of the carriage, turned her head and told the coachman to go back first, and she followed behind the man, "Young man, please lead the way."

"Master invites the girl to dinner alone, servants are not allowed to go, Tianzi No. 1 room, girl, please don't keep my master waiting." The man turned and left after speaking, leaving Ling Mu'er alone in a mess.

Forget it, since it's here, it's safe, she is a little curious about this person who treats guests to dinner.

"It's you?"

When she saw Su Ce in the private room drinking tea leisurely like an uncle, Ling Muer almost rolled her eyes and passed out.

She thought it would be Amu De, and also thought that it might be Shangguan Shaochen's prank, but she never thought that the always cold Xian Wang would be so boring.

"If you come to me, just send Zitong to give me an order. Why send a burly man to block the way and rob someone? Do you know that I almost reported to the police?" opposite place.

A table of good wine and good food is what she likes to eat, and the most important thing is that it is still steaming hot.

He had already expected that she would get off the carriage, and had already remembered all her preferences. Although she admitted that Su Ce's behavior sometimes really touched her, unfortunately, today's behavior gave him a penalty.

"As soon as the queen's matter was resolved, I sent someone to invite you to my Xianwang mansion. Are you really not afraid that others will know that you and I have a very close relationship and are together on this matter?"

There was a smile on the corner of Su Ce's mouth. It had been a few days since he had seen such a smile from the heart. He had to admit that eating with a handsome man would make him feel better.

"That's right." Ling Mu'er raised her eyebrows, but she didn't show any politeness to him. She picked up her chopsticks and began to eat chunks of buttocks.

"I've heard that Deyuelou's food is first-class, but unfortunately I haven't found an opportunity. Thank you King Xian for giving me a good feast today." Ling Muer said, and she didn't forget to toast him a glass of wine, matching her sweet smile. That pretty face made people feel rippling in their hearts.

Su Ce was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, "Spoof."

"The empress was thrown into limbo. Although it wasn't the result I expected, I never thought that you would avenge this revenge for me." Su Ce laughed at himself and drank a glass of spirits alone.

"I have already regarded you as a friend in my heart. You have helped me a lot in the capital, and I should pay it back." Ling Muer smiled, not daring to meet his gaze.

Su Ce's eyes were too hot today, as if if he didn't pay attention, he would fall into his sleeping position and be eaten by him.

"My life is yours, so I should owe you what I owe you."

Putting her favorite braised chicken drumsticks into her bowl, Su Ce looked at her with extra gentle eyes, "Ling Muer, you are really a strange woman."

"Compared with King Xian, my skill is insignificant." Ling Mu'er said, "The Queen has just been thrown into the cold palace, presumably before the news spread out of the palace, King Xian learned about it early and prepared for this With a table of food, the virtuous king is really powerful."

Su Ce, who was not very happy at first, was amused by her words, "You know, in the capital, only the horses you photographed don't make me feel disgusted." King Xian's way of expressing his love so special?

Ling Mu'er put down the bowl and chopsticks, as if she lost her mood in an instant, "Since when did the prince become so clichéd like everyone else? If this is the purpose of your banquet, then I won't eat this meal."

After finishing the words, she lifted her skirt and was about to leave, but Su Ce was not in a hurry to catch up, "I have found out the murderer who assassinated Shangguan Shaochen on the way back to Beijing, are you sure you don't want to leave after listening?"


Ling Mu'er nodded, returned to the chair and sat down. She rested her chin on her hands and stared seriously at Su Ce's eyes, "The Xian Wang is so handsome today."


"Handsome and elegant." Ling Muer continued to compliment her.

"That's all?" Su Ce looked playful, and continued to pick her favorite dishes from her bowl.

"Moshang is like jade, the son is unparalleled in the world, and he is talking about the prince." Ling Muer continued to praise, and seeing that he was still dissatisfied, she instantly became angry again, "Su Ce, don't go too far, at least I risked my life to help you with the queen's matter, but you know that the emperor almost took my head today, and you still haven't told everything you know."

When she finally heard her tell the truth, Su Ce's pent-up anger exploded, "You also know that you almost died in the palace because of my affairs? Ling Mu'er, who gave you the courage to make you so fearless, do you know if it wasn't for you? Your majesty is afraid of gastrodia, you are not facing me now!"

"Who is that?"

"Lord Yan!"

Ling Mu'er stuck out her tongue, "So I'm a strange woman."

"You woman..." Su Ce was about to say something, but she laughed angrily in an instant, and shook his head helplessly. He realized that Ling Mu'er was his fate.

"The empress did not hesitate to take the poison herself to escape the crime. The emperor must have been furious when he learned about it, because he was afraid that the empress would use this method to deal with him one day, so you are purely lucky today, and the emperor did not blame you. Otherwise, do you think that the emperor can easily forgive you if a poor man points out the scandal of the royal family?"

Ling Mu'er sighed, "Maybe not, but I'm curious about one thing. I wonder if the lord can explain it to me?"

Su Ce didn't speak, and gave him a look that didn't matter,

"At that time, apart from the emperor and queen, there were only me, the seventh prince, and a few eunuchs and maids in the palace, so how did the prince know so well about the situation at that time?"

Ling Muer stared seriously at his eyes, "To put it another way, which one of you here belongs to you?"

The folding fan in Su Ce's hand fell on her head unceremoniously, "You just escaped from death, but you are thinking about such a problem? Didn't someone tell you that the more you know, the faster you die?"

"Is the virtuous king willing to kill me?" Ling Mu'er had no doubts about her ability, and it was only after she finished speaking that she realized that the question was a bit ambiguous.

Su Ce stopped holding the wine glass, he wanted to tell her loudly, "I don't want to", but he knew that once he said this, the woman would definitely turn around and leave without hesitation.

"The empress's purchase of poison without authorization is a life-long hurdle for the emperor. She will stay in that bleak palace for the rest of her life, unable to get out, and there is no one to take care of her and her old wounds have not healed..., you temporarily It's safe, but..." Just now, Panasonic lifted it up again, and Su Ce dipped his chopsticks in water and wrote the word 'seven' on the table.

He instructed: "You still have to be careful."

Ling Mu'er immediately tensed up, and she asked in a voice that only two people could hear, "You mean, you have found evidence that the Seventh Prince assassinated Shangguan Shaochen?"

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