"Although I have captured the man in black who assassinated Shangguan Shaochen back then, even if he confessed to the instigator behind it, the Seventh Prince can deny it, and even bite back, which is not enough to suppress him."

Su Ce sighed deeply because of this, "Also, regarding Gastrodia elata, he is the oriole hiding behind the praying mantis, do you think we should be careful?"

Ling Muer didn't dare to joke with him anymore. To put it another way, the thing she was most worried about still happened.

Once the Seventh Prince goes higher and higher, their future danger will become greater and greater. Do they really want to leave the capital?

"Have you ever thought that one day you will not live like this?" She asked, but she seemed to be asking herself.

Su Ce's hand that was about to pour the wine was startled.

Ling Mu'er thought he was unwilling, so she smiled wryly, "Yes, you are the virtuous king today, how could you give up everything in front of you to live a life you have never experienced before."

However, Su Ce suddenly put the wine jar on the table, and stared seriously into her eyes, "I never care about the riches and honors, whether it is Su Xiaojun king or virtuous king, I, Su Ce, only want to be happy and stable in this world. .Compared with holding power and living in an iron cage, I would rather live in the countryside with my beloved and be a fairy couple,"

When he said this, his eyes were fixed on Ling Mu'er. Judging from her immediately dodging gaze, he knew that this girl understood,

But he still wanted to give it a try.

"Ling Mu'er, I told you a long time ago that the maelstrom in the capital is not suitable for you. I was wrong. I shouldn't have involved you in the first place. But if you want to leave, I will stand behind you!"

Ling Muer felt a 'thump' in her heart, and she admitted that she was throbbing for a moment.

When she wanted to escape, there was someone who was willing to hold her hand and say 'I will protect you for the rest of your life'. Such a promise, such a sense of security, which girl doesn't want it?

But one of her legs was already deep in the swamp, and the more she struggled, the deeper she sank.

"Mu'er, thank the virtuous king for taking care of me." Ling Muer picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp. Although her movements were chic, she refused decisively.

"If you don't leave, it's just because you're worried about Ling Zixuan, but that's the path he chose."

Su Ce didn't toast with her, but drank a glass of mulled wine by himself.

"The Seventh Prince has already started to fight against Shangguan Shaochen. In addition, he is so active in suppressing the queen in this matter, it seems that he has already acted for his own plan. Ling Zixuan and Zhu Qi are his right-hand men. No matter what, these two people will always be in the future." You can’t get away with it, you have to be prepared.”

"To each other." Ling Mu'er didn't seem to care about the upcoming danger, "When it comes to the queen, you and I are grasshoppers on the same rope, but in the eyes of the Seventh Prince, you and I are in the same boat The matter of Lan Qianying, you originally wanted to plot against him, the crown prince doesn’t care about you, but the seventh prince is not so easy to deal with, so take care, the virtuous king!”

There was a doting smile on the corner of Su Ce's mouth. It was obviously a very serious conversation, but how did it come out of her small mouth and become so indifferent?

"Instead of worrying about me, you should worry more about yourself. One Seventh Prince is enough for you. Now there is another Amu De. He will never give up if he comes here for you. Little girl, what will happen next for you?" Trouble."

With a click, the folding fan in his hand was opened, and Su Ce sat on the chair and fanned the wind leisurely.

As if Mr. Pian Pianjia came out of the painting, with a face like a crown and eyes like stars, he just sits opposite you and looks at you and smiles, making all your haze disappear.

Ling Mu'er swallowed the last bite of the chicken thigh, and straightened her clothes, "I'm full with tea and food, thank you King Xian for hosting such a table of good wine and food today, it's getting late, I should go back, can we meet again at another day?"

Su Ce didn't speak, just smiled and nodded to her, but when she walked to the door of the room, his beautiful voice came slowly from behind like melodious piano music.

"I will keep your secret for you, and no one can pry into it, not even Amud."

Ling Muer's pace paused, and soon she turned her head and smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you."

After Ling Mu'er left, Zi Tong jumped in from the window, "Young Master, according to your instructions, we have secretly arranged people to lurk around Amu De, and we will report to us if he makes any moves."

"well done."

While talking, Su Ce threw a wine jar at him, "Sit down and drink with me."

It's okay to let him practice swords with him, he is no match for the young master when he is drinking, but he doesn't want to spoil the young master's rare good mood today, so he has no choice but to bite the bullet and have sex with him one after another.

The empress was thrown into the cold palace, and the revenge of her life was avenged. Lan Qianying, who had a marriage contract, also married the prince as a side concubine. Su Ce felt that he was now debt-free and light-hearted. Then, his next purpose is only one, and that is to protect the person he wants to protect.

Coming out of Deyue Tower, Ling Muer was thinking about how to go back to Ling's mansion, when a man suddenly appeared behind her and dragged her into the alley, pressing her against the wall.

Who dares to attack from behind?

Almost instinctively, she immediately took out the silver needle from her cuff, only to hear a familiar voice above her head.

"Where did you go, huh?"

Looking up, it was Shangguan Shaochen's peerless face.

"How do you know I'm here?" Ling Mu'er tried to struggle a few times, but found that she was not his opponent, so she simply let him resist, but it was a bit cold, and she couldn't help shivering.

Shangguan Shaochen saw it and immediately threw the prepared stove into her arms, "The coachman told me that someone was blocking the road and robbing someone, so I want to see who dared to rob my woman."

After saying that, Shangguan Shaochen bypassed her and planned to walk into Deyue Tower, Ling Muer hurriedly ran to him to stop him.

"Who is your woman? You don't blush when you tell lies." Ling Muer blocked his way with her arms outstretched, her head held up arrogantly, "I belong to myself, I don't belong to anyone, I have the right It is my freedom to meet anyone, and the second prince is too lenient...Hey, what are you doing. "

Ling Mu'er never expected that he would suddenly lift her up impulsively.

No matter how her fist landed on him, Shangguan Shaochen didn't mean to let her go,

"You are indeed not my woman yet, but I can make you my woman anytime!"

As soon as the words fell, his fiery kisses raged, Ling Mu'er was powerless to resist, and he was imprisoned in the small carriage by him, so he could only let him take advantage of her.

"This is your punishment for seeing other men secretly again!" Feeling that Ling Muer was about to lose his breath, Shangguan Shaochen released him.

Ling Mu'er angrily punched him with his remaining strength, but it missed, "Shangguan Shaochen, you bastard, you bullied me!"

She had no strength to be kissed, so she could only let him hold his wrists and lean against his arms, feeling his warm breath coming from the top of her head, "If I don't declare my sovereignty, I'm afraid I won't have a chance. When meeting Su Ce, what did Amu De say to his father when he entered the palace?"

"What does that ugly monster have to do with me?" Ling Muer didn't care, she was just annoyed, why every time after such a fierce battle, he acted like a noble son who had nothing happened, while she looked like an embarrassing Like a pug.

"You actually know that the person I met was Su Ce, and you still bully me?"

"If he really wanted to protect you, he shouldn't have met you alone at this time!" Shangguan Shaochen was furious. If she hadn't stopped him just now, he would have to discuss it with Su Ce.

"He just wanted to thank me." Ling Muer didn't want to make him too angry. He looked very fierce when he was angry, and he was not cute at all.

"Although the queen was thrown into the cold palace, the matter was too involved, and the queen was watched by many people. At this juncture, some people will inevitably be dazzled by the eyes and do some irreversible things. Once they are discovered This matter has something to do with you and him, even I can't protect you. Mu'er, promise me that you won't take any more risks in the future, okay?"

Hearing Ling Mu'er's aggrieved voice, Shangguan Shaochen originally wanted to give her a harsh lesson so that she could remember, but in the end he still couldn't bear it, so he coaxed her like a child.

"Couldn't Concubine Min be the one who got the second place in the end?" Ling Mu'er only thought that one was the first and the second was the big one, and she admitted that she hadn't thought of so many details.

"Of course she is the most likely one, but what about the others, do you think they don't want to fight?"

Speechless by Shangguan Shaochen's counter-question, Ling Muer fell into deep thought.

Yes, there are many concubines in the emperor's harem, and Concubine Min is not the only one who is favored. Although her mother is very likely to win the top spot because of her son, those who want to get the queen's seat will definitely do their best to suppress the seventh prince.

How many of them are good at surviving the intrigues in the harem? Everyone is a ruthless character, and no one will lose if they go crazy.

"Once they find out what the Seventh Prince has done secretly to suppress the Empress, Concubine Min will be out of luck for the successor, and the Seventh Prince who has been cornered will definitely drag Su Ce into trouble." Ling Muer analyzed.

Shangguan Shaochen nodded again and again, "That's right, when the time comes, you, the virtuous king's personal doctor, will not be able to get rid of it even if you jump into the Yellow River. Now you understand why I don't let you associate with him?"

"Understood, but who knows if there are other little Jiujiu hidden in your heart."

Ling Mu'er got out of his arms immediately while he was unsuspecting.

"Don't come here!" Seeing that he was about to come closer, Ling Muer immediately stretched out her long arms to stop him, "You took the initiative to ask for the Queen's poisoning, and if something happens to Su Ce, you will not be able to get rid of it. From this point of view, you are worried It's not me."

She shook her head deliberately as she spoke, which really drove Shangguan Shaochen into a hurry, and he forcibly held her in his arms regardless of her objection.

"Girl, I admit that I am particularly attracted by you, and I can't help but want to pay attention to you, but after you refused to be my side concubine, I am really sad. Seeing you sad makes me feel uncomfortable here. Seeing you laughing happily, I can't help but want to laugh too. I don't know what this means, but as long as I realize that you are in danger, I will insist on going out of the palace to find you regardless of my father's objection. I just want to tell you, You must be safe and sound, and I will do everything to protect you."

It was so rare to hear his confession, Ling Muer only felt her face flushed, her whole body was burning hot, and an indescribable feeling spread in her heart.

"But what did you say that Amu De said to the emperor?"

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