"Second prince, the emperor summoned you and Miss Ling."

The eunuch's voice came from outside the carriage, which interrupted Shangguan Shaochen's about to speak.

Ling Mu'er came out of his arms immediately, "How does the emperor know that you are with me?"

Giving her a peaceful look, Shangguan Shaochen patted her on the shoulder to signal her to sit inside, while he opened the car curtain to come out.

I saw the chief eunuch beside the emperor standing upright outside the carriage, "Slave greets the second prince. Second prince, the emperor ordered you and Miss Ling to enter the palace immediately. Why don't you two go with our house now, don't worry." Don't delay the important matters of the emperor."

Shangguan Shaochen had a bad feeling in his heart.

Today, after learning that Amu De was in a hurry to enter the palace to face the saint, he followed him into the palace, but he learned that someone blocked Mu'er on the way, so he ignored his father's objection and went out of the palace to look for it. How could his father be so sure that the two of them were together?

"My prince is the only one in the carriage, and there is no Miss Ling, but why did the emperor let Mu'er enter the palace?"

Shangguan Shaochen asked, and gave the servant a look, and the servant immediately took out a piece of broken silver from his pocket and handed it to the eunuch.

"Hey, you can't do it." The eunuch hurriedly shied away, but his eyes were fixed on the broken silver, "Now who doesn't know that the second prince is a celebrity around the emperor, if our family accepts this, wouldn't it be It's been a disaster."

"Father is summoned because the envoys from the Western Regions are anxious to enter the palace. Please tell me clearly." Shangguan Shaochen gave the servant another look, and the servant took out a certain amount of silver from his pocket and handed it over again.

The father-in-law opened his eyes wide, and while saying thank you, he stuffed the two ingots of silver firmly into his pocket, "Back to the second prince, it is indeed related to the envoys of the Western Regions, so you must enter the palace immediately when the emperor summons you two. The second prince or Don't hide it, the emperor's people are all over the capital. The emperor knows who this Ling girl met after she left the palace today, and where she has been. If you really want to solve the problem, you should enter as soon as possible. Gong Cai, if the Long Live Lord is really angry, I'm afraid..."

"Thank you, father-in-law, for your suggestion."

Shangguan Shaochen winked at him, signaling not to say too much next time, he was worried that Mu'er would be worried after hearing it.

"Since the emperor summoned me, then Mu'er and I will enter the palace right away."

After saying that, Shangguan Shaochen got into the carriage. As for the chief eunuch, his mission has been completed, so naturally he will not entangle him anymore.

"What exactly did Amu De say to the emperor, and why did the emperor want to see me?" Seeing Shangguan Shaochen coming in, Ling Muer hurriedly asked about the situation. She heard all the conversation just now, and she suddenly became uneasy for some reason. .

"I should ask you this question. I have always been curious about why Amud surrendered and even came to the capital. He claimed that it was because of you that day. I thought it was a deliberate provocation to me, but now it seems that it is indeed with you. related."

Shangguan Shaochen's expression was serious, and he stretched out his arm to hold her shoulder tightly, "Girl, I can only help you if you tell me the truth."

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became very strange, as if the warmth between the two just now no longer exists.

Ling Muer fell into deep thought, she didn't know how to answer his question, should she be honest? That was too illusory, would he believe it? But if she didn't say it, what kind of excuse should she find to prevaricate?

"Brother, do you believe me?" It's been a long time since I called him that.

When Ling Muer raised her head again, her eyes were clear, but Shangguan Shaochen could still see dependence from her eyes.

It seems that her former self is really important to her.


"Then let's go to the palace."

Ling Muer opened the sedan chair curtain and told the coachman that after entering the palace, she sat quietly in the carriage, not in a hurry, crying or fussing, and she didn't seem nervous.

Damn it, he was a little scared, but this girl acted like nothing happened.

"Mu'er, if you don't want to go, then you don't have to go, I'll explain to my father." Shangguan Shaochen said, intending to ask the driver to turn the carriage around, but was stopped by Ling Muer.

Shangguan Shaochen thought she was afraid of the emperor, and continued to comfort her: "Don't worry, I'll take care of any situation, but as long as it's something you don't like to do, we won't do it, and Amu De will be left to me."

Ling Mu'er was very moved by his protection, but she still smiled and shook her head, "The emperor wants to see you and me, if you go alone, he will think that you are against him on purpose, and something embarrassing happened to the royal family. With the current events, if the emperor thinks that he can't even discipline his own emperor's son well, I'm afraid the capital will really change."

As for Amu De, she sneered, "Like you, I am also very curious about why he came all the way to the capital, what is he planning, what is his purpose, how would I know if I am weak?"

After about a stick of incense, the carriage arrived at the imperial city, Shangguan Shaochen personally helped her out of the carriage, just this small gesture surprised all the guards around.

The second prince who had just returned to the palace didn't know that he was not good at women, and that he was the emperor's most trusted person, but he treated a woman so caringly, which shows how noble this woman is.

The guards who originally wanted to stop her and conduct a body search also immediately dismissed this idea, and everyone knelt down to Shangguan Shaochen, "My servant greets the second prince, as for this girl..."

"Shut up!" Shangguan Shaochen angrily interrupted the guard's unfinished sentence.

I saw him tightly grasping Ling Mu'er's hand and interlocking her fingers, looking up at the guards, he said charmingly, "It's the second concubine."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone including Ling Muer was shocked, and the guards even opened their mouths in surprise.

Who doesn't know that the second prince is not yet married, but giving such a honor to a woman without being married immediately elevates Ling Mu'er's status.

The servants looked at Shangguan Shaochen, then at Ling Muer, and immediately saluted her without any hesitation, "The servants greet the second concubine, the second concubine is auspicious."

Looking at the two people holding hands with clasped fingers, and seeing Shangguan Shaochen's doting eyes, Ling Muer's original words were stuck in her throat, and looking at the guards, she raised her jaw dignifiedly and arrogantly, "Free gift."

Satisfied to see Ling Mu'er accepting his new identity so quickly, Shangguan Shaochen fondled her hair, "Let's go, let's go see Father Emperor together."

Following behind Shangguan Shaochen, looking at his strong back, feeling his warm palms and strong heartbeat, Ling Muer suddenly didn't feel nervous at all.

With him, there is a sense of security.

When I came to Shi Yu's study, the emperor and the envoys from the Western Regions had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing her holding hands together, the emperor immediately frowned, but he didn't explode because of the presence of Amu De.

"My sons and daughters pay my respects to the emperor." Both of them saluted the emperor, and when they looked up again, their eyes just met Amu De. Today he has put on the hideous and terrifying half tiger head mask from before, so it can be seen clearly Seeing the corners of his lips raised, it can be seen that he had a very pleasant chat with the emperor just now.

"I don't know why the emperor Xuan'erchen and Mu'er entered the palace?" Shangguan Shaochen took the initiative to break the silence, but he didn't even look at Amu De from the beginning to the end. He held his head proudly and ignored him at all. Attitude.

"Since it is one of the reasons for the envoys of the Western Regions to surrender, let the second prince of the Western Regions talk about it." The emperor gave this right to Amu De.

The corners of his lips kept rising, and his eyes were shining brightly. Today, Amu De seemed to be in a really good mood, especially when he saw Ling Mu'er, those eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

"We in the Western Regions are willing to put aside our hostility and make peace with the Celestial Dynasty. In the future, we will never initiate wars forever. In order to show our sincerity, we are willing to send the most beloved princess in the Western Regions, that is, my sister Amu Yaoyao. I hope that the Celestial Dynasty Also show your sincerity and send us a girl from the Western Regions to be my imperial concubine, so as to stabilize the diplomatic relations between the two countries."

Amu De said calmly, his eyes kept sweeping Ling Mu'er when he said this, it was obvious that this 'girl' meant something.

Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer trembled in their hearts when they heard the words. When they looked at Amu De again, everyone's eyes seemed to kill people, and they knew that he had bad intentions.

But Shangguan Shaochen still insisted on pretending to be confused, "Which girl from our Celestial Dynasty does the Second Prince of the Western Regions want?"

Although he was asking, before Amu De could answer, he preemptively said, "Since it is the woman the second prince wants, she must be worthy of the prince's status. Although there are not many princesses in my dynasty, there are some." Not yet married, how can I get into the eyes of the prince?"

Amu De knew that Shangguan Shaochen would be waiting for him here, he shook his head with a smile, "My prince has just told the emperor that I don't want any princess, and of course I don't want any princess. There is nothing in our Western Regions." The so-called good family and those rules, I only want women who I think are pleasing to the eye."

After finishing speaking, in order to prevent Shangguan Shaochen from interrupting him again, Amu De immediately pointed to Ling Muer's face, "I want her, Ling Muer!"


Shangguan Shaochen immediately objected without even thinking about it, and took her hand again, clasping fingers tightly with her, "She is my imperial concubine, it is impossible to give it to you."

Amu De didn't bother, but looked at the emperor, "Long live my emperor, you just said clearly that the second prince of the Heavenly Dynasty does not have a concubine, and this Ling Mu'er is not yet married, why can't I have her?"

He looked back, then looked at Ling Mu'er, "So I'm an unmarried man and a woman, and as the second prince of the Western Regions, I don't want any princesses, I just want an ordinary woman, and the emperor has promised me just now, As long as I want any woman, I can do it, why is the Celestial Dynasty going back on its word now?"

"Because she is my imperial concubine!" Shangguan Shaochen swore domineeringly again, with a very firm attitude, "It turns out that the second prince of the Western Regions likes other people's women, but men in my celestial dynasty have no custom of giving up their wives!"

"Your Majesty" Amu De was anxious, and looked at the Emperor again, "If my information is correct, I heard that Ling Mu'er rejected the marriage proposal of the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty not long ago. Dare I ask, when will she become the second concubine? If the two of them are not formally married, I will marry her!"

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