Shangguan Shaochen sneered, "Mu'er did reject my prince's request for marriage from the emperor before, but what she refused was only the title of side concubine, and now she has agreed to be my main concubine. Since she is my main concubine, how can Give it to someone else?"

The corners of Amu De's mouth were trembling in anger, he turned his eyes to look at the emperor, "Isn't it because the Celestial Dynasty couldn't afford to send a woman, so it was an excuse to prevaricate me on purpose."

He snorted coldly through his nasal cavity, "Just a woman can stabilize the diplomatic relations between the two countries. In the future, the Western Regions will have friendly exchanges with the Celestial Dynasty, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment without being trapped in misery. I believe that the Celestial Dynasty will not give up such a good opportunity. Right?" ?”

When the emperor heard this, he slammed his fist on the table, "What the hell is going on!"

Shangguan Shaochen still wanted to explain, but the emperor's eyes pointed directly at Ling Muer, "Say it."

Giving the man next to her a reassuring look, Ling Muer walked out from behind him calmly. She raised the hands of the two together and placed it high in front of everyone, "Back to the emperor, Muer and the second prince are in love with each other." Yue, before entering the palace, Mu'er was already his, and Mu'er was already destined for life."

The phrase 'he's his' is easy to make people think again and again, Shangguan Shaochen immediately looked at Ling Muer, but the little woman beside him had a firm expression on her face, she could boldly admit their relationship, so what good did he have? embarrassed?

They exchanged glances with Ling Mu'er, and the two immediately knelt in front of the emperor. Shangguan Shaochen said firmly, "Mu'er is kind, intelligent, generous and decent. The emperor bestowed a marriage on Mu'er and promised her the position of the second prince, concubine and concubine."

"Nonsense!" The emperor was furious, and immediately stood up from the dragon chair, "As the second prince of the celestial dynasty, my most beloved prince, how could you make a private life with a woman casually. She is a commoner who doesn't know the rules. Don’t you understand, marriage is a trifling matter!”

I have to admit that after hearing what the emperor said, Ling Muer was very disappointed. Although I always knew that the emperor didn't like her very much, the many times I summoned her was just to value her medical skills and novel ideas that were different from ordinary people. And he had already warned her not to deal with his prince and courtiers. Is it wrong for two people who love each other? To be an emperor must beat mandarin ducks with a stick?

"It seems that the emperor doesn't approve of your marriage." Amu De's mood suddenly became very good.

He walked up to Ling Muer, squatted down, and looked at her with great interest, "In my opinion, you should follow me. In our Western Regions, there is no distinction between high and low status, and there is no suspicion of being of the right family. I will treat you very well, and you are also the second prince and concubine, and you can decide the future of the two countries with a small decision today, you have to seriously consider it?"

After the words fell, Amu De raised his lips and stood up, with a posture of winning.

Shangguan Shaochen was irritated by his words, and first looked at the emperor, "I never think that marriage is a trifling matter. I like a person, and it is never because of her background and identity. Mu'er is kind and generous and has repeatedly saved me in danger. Although she is a commoner girl, she is more noble than any noble girl. I like her, so I want to give her the best, this is what I promised her, as a royal heir, how can I break my word!"

Looking at Amu De again, Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were full of evil spirits, "If it is necessary to sacrifice a woman in exchange for the stability of the two countries, then our Celestial Dynasty is willing to use our strength to prove the strength of the Celestial Dynasty. I don't know what the Second Prince of the Western Regions wants to do?"

Amu De obviously didn't expect him to say this, and the good mood just now was like foam on the sea again, "The second prince of the Celestial Dynasty means that he doesn't plan to make peace with me in the Western Regions, but is he going to provoke war again?"

His eyes were evil, and the words he said were even more evil, "Because of a woman, the Celestial Dynasty would rather start a war against us in the Western Regions, causing the people to live in dire straits every day, regardless of the lives of the soldiers. do that?"


The emperor interrupted the two of them coldly, took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of vicissitudes and helplessness.

Originally, what happened to the queen was enough to make him sad, but before he could recover from it, such a thing happened again. He seemed to have aged ten years in an instant,

"The Celestial Dynasty and the Western Regions will forever form diplomatic relations. This is a matter between the two countries, and we have already reached an agreement not to go to war. As for the request from the Western Regions to send a princess or a girl, we should discuss carefully about the candidates."

Since the emperor did not agree to Shangguan Shaochen, nor did he agree to Amu De, it is hard to see what he is planning.

But Amu De disagreed, "I only want Ling Mu'er. To be honest, I fell in love with her at first sight on the battlefield. For her, we in the Western Regions are willing to surrender and make peace. How about this? We didn't have a winner on the battlefield. How about Just compete in the arena, no matter the hero by martial arts, if I win, she will be mine; if I lose, just stop entanglement."

Amu De took the initiative to put forward his opinions, obviously he came prepared.

The two of them met each other on the battlefield, and the result was not the same in the arena, but he persisted like this without knowing what kind of wishful thinking he was playing behind the scenes.

"I don't agree!" Shangguan Shaochen's attitude was as firm as ever, he looked at Ling Mu'er, his eyes flashed with tenderness, "Ru'er is my woman, she is not an item, let alone something you and I are arguing about She is a living person, free and has human rights, she does not belong to any of us, even if you and I win in public, what right do you have to take her away?"

Ling Muer was very moved by Shangguan Shaochen's respect.

But Amu De was very annoyed, "We in the Western Regions are willing to make peace as a price, but your celestial dynasty can't even afford a woman. If you are so insincere, what are we talking about? Let's wait for the two countries to fight again!"

After saying that, he shook his sleeves and planned to leave angrily, but Ling Muer blocked his way.

"He compares with you." With four simple and elegant words, Ling Muer raised her eyes to meet Amu De's eyes, and saw a flash of a triumphant smile in his eyes. Although she knew that this was his aggressive method, but She nodded anyway, "There is a lot of sincerity in the Celestial Dynasty, but since the Second Prince of the Western Regions wants to prove it in this way, why not let us compare?"

"Mu'er!" Shangguan Shaochen was in a hurry, and hurriedly protected her behind him. He was very domineering, "I won't bet on you, you are not allowed to participate in this matter."

However, Ling Mu'er held his wrist with her backhand, and looked into his eyes very gently and calmly, "It's not like you can't beat him, what are you afraid of? It's rare that the second prince of the Western Regions has such a good mood, we have the right to play with him."

After finishing speaking, she turned her eyes to look at Amu De, "I hope the second prince is willing to admit defeat and do what he says."

"Of course!" Amu De gritted his teeth, the monstrous anger in his heart tried his best not to erupt.

When Shangguan Shaochen disagreed but Ling Muer rushed to agree, he originally thought that this woman would say something moving to convince him, but he didn't expect her attitude to be so dismissive of him.

"Just wait for him to return to the Western Regions with me after he loses!"

Flicking his sleeves, Amu De left angrily.

"Mu'er, why did you agree to him?" Shangguan Shaochen was very puzzled, "You are my woman, I can protect you, this is the Celestial Dynasty, how could he be allowed to do whatever he wants. It's just a war, This time I will beat him completely, let's see if he still dares to show off his might in the Celestial Dynasty."

Ling Mu'er hurriedly comforted him, "But I have already agreed, do you want to give him another reason to say that what I say is not worth it? If he doesn't care about my prince, then you should kill him!" Kill his prestige, let him know what is the real strong!"

Although she said this, she was not happy at all.

Of course she doesn't like making bets, and Amu De simply doesn't treat her as a human being, but if she doesn't agree, maybe the two countries will really go to war again, and she will become a sinner through the ages.

She doesn't want to embarrass her eldest brother, she can fully imagine what the elder brother would say without her joining in the conversation just now, she will definitely threaten the emperor not to agree as a prince, then by then, the two sides will only fall into a stalemate No one can guess what the emperor will do, what Amu De will do.

Instead of letting the unknown danger approach, it is better to kill it in the cradle before it comes!

"I believe you will not lose."

Ling Mu'er looked back and looked at the man sitting on the dragon chair who had been lost in thought, "Your Majesty, since the bet has been decided, let the Emperor arrange the time. Don't worry, Your Majesty, Mu'er is determined to admit defeat. Of course, if the second prince wins Now, please also ask the emperor to promise my marriage between the two of us."

The mere girl knelt down in front of him and begged him to allow her to marry his most beloved emperor's son.

The emperor frowned, "You never thought that if Chen'er loses, you will really marry to the Western Regions."

"He won't lose." Ling Muer was very firm, "Maybe that Amu De will use despicable means, but I believe in him, and he will definitely not lose."

"You are confident." The emperor sneered, "However, if you win this bet, it can only represent your decision to stay or stay. Why did I agree to your marriage? Don't forget that you just rejected Chen Chen just a few days ago. I remember you said that you would never marry the second prince at the time, so since you rejected him back then, you shouldn't come back to pester him now!"

In short, the emperor will not agree.

"Father!" Shangguan Shaochen was a little annoyed, he grabbed Ling Mu'er and wrote four words all over his face, 'I won't marry unless she's the only one. '

Ling Mu'er knew why the emperor disagreed, it was only because of her status,

She is a girl of the common people, even if she stretches out her hands to be supported by the common people, and has a whole body of medical skills, she can't help Shangguan Shaochen at all in terms of background.

The emperor favors him, and nine out of ten the future throne will be passed on to him, but if he really sits on the throne and his queen comes from a family background, it will be difficult to convince the public just like this.

But she also said that she is already his, this is not just talking.

"I wonder if the emperor still remembers that you once promised me a condition, no matter what I ask?"

The emperor looked like he knew she would be like this, "Do you want to use that condition to get rid of Amu De?"

"No, the second prince will compete with Amu De. If he wins, everything will be settled. I just want the emperor to promise Minnv that she will not be hindered in her future decisions."

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