The God Ring space can protect her very well in the space, and she has already planted various herbs and food in it, so she can stay in it for a lifetime, let alone for a while.

It is a pity that the space has a shortcoming that it cannot act on its own.

So she watched Amu De stay in the jungle looking for her like a lunatic for an entire afternoon, and then left angrily until the guy lost his strength, but before he left, his eyes were still full of excitement.

One can imagine how perverted this guy is.

It was already dark when I returned to Ling's Mansion, and because the Chinese New Year was about to come, the restaurant was quite busy. She thought that everyone in the family would help out in the restaurant, but she didn't expect that the house was brightly lit, and she shouted from a distance, "Mother, Mu'er is very hungry, is there anything to eat at home?"

As soon as the words fell, she felt two winds flying past her suddenly. She closed her eyes and opened them again, only to see two men standing beside her, one on the left and one on the right.

"Where did you go and why did you come back now?" Su Ce and Ling Zixuan said in unison.

Ling Muer blinked, a little unaccustomed to the sudden tacit understanding between the two of them, "It's really a family, and the style of speaking is becoming more and more similar, but my brother is normal at home, why is the virtuous king in my house?"

Ling Mu'er turned to look at Su Ce, only to see that his face was anxious, his brows were furrowed as if something big had happened.

"You come with me."

Without giving her a chance to react, Su Ce forcibly grabbed her wrist and dragged her into a corner.

He walked very fast, and she had to run to keep up. Seeing Su Ce angrily as if someone had offended him, Ling Muer frowned like him, "What happened, Su Ce, what are you doing?" It hurts me."

"Where is the pain?" Hearing the word pain, Su Ce hurriedly let go of her hand and looked at it carefully, but realized the difference between men and women, and his outstretched hand fell again, "Sorry, I won't do it next time." Will be impulsive again."

Seeing how he obviously wanted to care but was at a loss because of his status, Ling Muer suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Sure enough, King Xian has solved the major issues in your life. It seems that you are really free, so you come to our Ling Mansion late at night when you are free." She joked with a smile, "No, it seems that the major issues in your life have not been perfectly resolved, Xian If the king is really free, he should find a virtuous concubine."

"Spoof." Su Ce scolded her, seeing her serious face, obviously not in the mood to joke with her.

"What's the matter with the martial arts competition? Why did Shangguan Shaochen agree to compete with Amu De?"

Knowing that he came because of this incident, Ling Muer took a deep breath, "Since you've heard everything, why bother to ask?"

"Shangguan Shaochen, what right does he have to bet on you!" Su Ce was suddenly furious, and his whole body was cold, as if he was going to enter the palace to settle accounts with him at any time.

Ling Muer was really moved to have such a friend who cared about her, "I did this voluntarily, and I don't blame Big Brother."

Su Ce's anger rose a little after hearing her words, "Are you protecting him like this?"

"Amu De deliberately proposed to use martial arts to determine victory or defeat. If he does not agree, it will provoke the two countries to fight. If we do not agree, then I will become a sinner?" Ling Mu'er snorted, "Besides, Shangguan Shaochen is not sure. will lose."

"You also said it's not necessarily true, so what if he..." Su Ce couldn't even think about it, "Do you really want to follow him to the Western Regions?"

"I believe big brother, he will definitely win." Ling Muer didn't know where her confidence came from, but whenever she mentioned Shangguan Shaochen, the corners of her mouth would rise unconsciously, and in Su Ce's eyes, she only felt eyes A sting.

Today, when he got the news, he hurriedly came to Ling's mansion to look for her, and when he learned that she was not there, he waited here for a long time, but he didn't expect such a dismissive attitude when he got her, God knows that at this moment, her heart was going to explode up.

"Ling Muer, come with me, I will take you away."

He suddenly squatted down in front of her, holding her hand carefully, with a very pious attitude and a very gentle tone, "Amu De is a man who will use any means to achieve his goals, and he will do everything he can to get what he wants, even if Shangguan Shaochen If he wins, he will definitely not give up. What's more, he is very insidious and cunning, if he plays some tricks on the matchless field, you..."

Su Ce took a deep breath and coaxed her like a child, "I will take you to a safe place, we leave the capital, don't worry, I will arrange everything for you about your family. Get out of this place of right and wrong with me, huh?"

The moonlight shone on Su Ce's face through the treetops, as if it had coated his whole body with a halo of light. Su Ce was already handsome, and his voice was very pleasant. When talking to her so gently, it gave people a kind of ultimate enjoyment , Ling Muer wanted to compromise for a moment.

"But where can I go?" He asked Su Ce, as if he was asking himself.

"You guessed it right, Amu De wanted to spy on my secrets, that's why he traveled thousands of miles and even surrendered in exchange for me. Therefore, even if I leave the capital, he will definitely chase me out. He is very evil, no You will never give up when you get it, can you protect me for a while, and protect me for a lifetime?"

"I..." Su Ce wanted to say, I can.

But was interrupted by Ling Mu'er, "I don't like the life of fleeing, I like stability, and I don't want to be on guard against someone all day and worry every day, I want to solve him thoroughly."

Su Ce opened his lips, but finally gave up persuading, "Forget it, if you are the kind of person who gives in and runs away when encountering a situation, you are not you."

He gently rubbed her hair, "I have sent someone to watch Amu De, and he can't escape my eyes in any way. The competition is scheduled to be five days later, and he will definitely find a way to do something in these five days. , you remember, send someone to notify me immediately of any danger, "

"Okay," Ling Muer answered readily, because this was what she was worried about.

After watching Su Ce leave, Ling Muer was about to get up and go to the small kitchen to find something to eat, but Ling Zixuan stood under the tree and waited for her for a long time.

She smiled coyly, "Brother..."

"You still know that I'm your brother?" Ling Zixuan had the same worry on his face as Su Ce.

He stepped towards him, sat down beside her, checked her body temperature and found that she was a bit cold, so he took off his cloak and put it on her. "Mu'er, King Xian is right, why don't you leave the capital."

He got straight to the point, and his tone was very firm, as if he had already planned an escape route for her.

"Okay, I can go, what about my parents, grandma and uncle, they are old, do you want to spend the life of fleeing with me?"

Ling Mu'er tilted her head and asked back, "If I run away now, Amu De, as the second prince of the Western Regions, will definitely ask the emperor for someone, so what is the difference between me and a fugitive who fled in fear of crime? I can live anywhere by myself, but Can parents, grandma and uncle stand such a toss? What about you and sister-in-law, can you bear the consequences of letting me go?"

She leaned her head lightly on Ling Zixuan's shoulder, "My sister-in-law is about to give birth, if you can stand it, can my sister-in-law stand it? Maybe you will say, you have a solution, but how will you give Chaoyang Confession?"

Ling Mu'er smiled wryly, "Chaoyang was born as a princess, and she was used to rich clothes and fine food since she was a child. If I changed her life because of me, I would feel bad about it. And Ningguohou's mansion, the godmother treats me well, so how can I Can I give back to them by escaping? Once I suddenly disappear, the Western Regions will definitely crusade against the emperor, and the emperor will punish everyone related to me. Brother, do you really think I can go?"

He didn't dare to look into Ling Mu'er's eyes at all, Ling Zixuan's body was trembling slightly when he heard her say this, he opened his closed eyes again, where they were wet but he insisted not to let the tears fall.

"Brother is incompetent." He trembled, tightening his arms around her shoulders, "I thought I could protect you better by changing my identity, but I didn't expect it would bring you such a big burden. If I'd known it was going to be..."

"No if!" Ling Mu'er coldly interrupted him, "Brother, don't blame yourself for me, you are not wrong."

"But I'm your brother, and I've been asking you to protect me all my life. It's my brother's negligence!" Ling Zixuan was very angry, at least Ling Muer had never seen him in such a state.

It seems that the sky that has been standing up is suddenly about to collapse.

"Brother, do you trust Mu'er?"

Nestled in his arms, Ling Muer looked up at the stars in the sky, she suddenly remembered the time when she first came to this world.

That family was impoverished, those bullies pointed at her face and called her a disaster, her brother was still crippled, and their family almost died in that poor ravine,

But in just a few months, they transformed into the city and came to the capital again.

I believe that people in Lingjia Village will never think that they will become people they will never become in their entire lives, so she believes that such happiness is not short-lived.

"Of course." There was admiration and admiration in Ling Zixuan's bright eyes.

"My Mu'er has always been an existence that my brother can't catch up with. You are so smart, decisive, and excellent. My brother believes that you are a blessed person."

"What a coincidence, I think so too!"

He took off the cloak on his body and returned it to him, "Mu'er was afraid of the cold since she was a child, so why is brother not? But brother is willing to suffer from the cold for me, and Mu'er is the same. So even if Mu'er is for my brother, for the family members I love , and protect myself.”

"But once the second prince loses, you have to..."

"He won't lose!" Ling Muer replied firmly, "He will protect me, I trust him!"

"Then what if..."

"No chance!" Ling Muer hurriedly interrupted, seeing what Ling Zixuan wanted to say, she hugged his arm coquettishly, "Okay brother, Muer is really hungry, Muer hasn't eaten all afternoon Eat something, can you let me eat something?"

It's rare to see her acting like a baby to herself, it seems that she has never seen such a young girl since she supported this family.

Even though Ling Zixuan wanted to say something, he couldn't bear to say it again, "Okay, okay, we Mu'er are hungry, so my brother will go eat with you, but tell me where you went this afternoon?"

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