"I...Of course I'm going to my secret base, I can't tell my brother."

Ling Muer found an excuse casually.

Ling Zixuan still wanted to ask more questions, but she used the excuse that she was hungry and had no strength, and Ling Zixuan loved her, so naturally she didn't ask any more questions.

The moonlight stretched the figures of the two people obliquely, and his doting voice could be heard from a distance, "Eat slowly, and no one will grab you. How come you eat like a child."

"Because my brother is here, Mu'er with my brother will always be a child."

Ling Zixuan who left the Ling Mansion did not return to Chaoyang Residence immediately, but ordered the coachman to go in the opposite direction, "Go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion."

"Master Jun, it's late now, are we sure we don't want to go back? The princess will prepare a table of meals and wait for you at home at this time." Although the coachman said this, he still turned around and turned to the seventh prince. direction.

Thinking of Chaoyang, Ling Zixuan's heart trembled. Yes, I told her many times, but Chaoyang would wait for him very late every time, and sometimes the food would wait for him to go back to eat when the food was cold. That girl used to be very arrogant and crazy, but after marrying him, she suddenly changed her temper, especially when she became a mother, she became very gentle and sensitive.

The matter of Ke Muer is equally important, and he believes that Chaoyang will understand him.

"Leave the carriage, you go back immediately and tell Madam to let her rest earlier, and you don't have to wait for me to come back."

Arriving in front of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, Ling Zixuan turned around and explained to the coachman, but he remembered something, and stopped the coachman while taking out a money bag from his pocket, "Madam likes Yipinzhai's apricot cakes and the steaks that are full of moons recently. Go and buy some back." Thinking that the steak might be cold when the coachman's legs and feet go back, he handed the carriage over to him again, "Ride the horse back, it will be faster this way, and Madam can have hot food."

"What about you?"

"Madam is important, don't worry about me, remember to tell Madam that I will go back as soon as possible, so that she won't wait for me to rest earlier." After speaking, Ling Zixuan turned around and knocked on the door of the Seventh Prince's Mansion.

"The county matriarch is really kind to his wife." The coachman muttered, and hurriedly turned around and got on the horse to complete the tasks assigned by the master.

"It's so late, why are you here?"

The Seventh Prince yawned and handed hot tea to Ling Zixuan, "Yesterday I helped my father deal with the affairs of the court and didn't rest until dawn. If you don't come, I'm afraid I'll take a rest now. Tell me, what made you so angry?" Is the quiet and elegant temperament so anxious?"

The Seventh Prince is a person who cherishes talents. Since he and Zhu Qi followed him, he has been highly valued and treated him very politely.

Ling Zixuan looked at him seriously for a moment, then suddenly knelt on the ground, "Zixuan has something to ask, and the Seventh Prince must agree."

"What are you doing?" Ling Zixuan's sudden kneeling stunned the Seventh Prince.

Ling Zixuan has always been a calm and unhurried person. He is talented and smart, and everything assigned to him is done very beautifully, but no matter how urgent the matter is, he will never frown. The whole person has the temperament of a banished fairy, what happened today that made him so abnormal?

"The thing is like this..." Ling Zixuan told him everything about the martial arts competition five days later, he sighed, his face was full of worry, "If the second prince loses, Mu'er will follow Amu De Go to the Western Regions. Seventh Prince, please find a way to help Mu'er."

After hearing the whole story, the Seventh Prince was very surprised, "I am the only one who didn't enter the palace today, I can't imagine such a big event happening in the palace." But seeing that Ling Zixuan was still kneeling on the ground, he hurriedly helped him up, "You do it for your sake." My sister really sacrificed a lot."

"If it weren't for Mu'er, Ling Zixuan wouldn't be where I am today. Mu'er has been taking care of me, and as an older brother, I can't think of a way to help her when she encounters difficulties." Ling Zixuan sighed helplessly, then looked at the Seventh Prince, He fixed all his hopes on him, "Zixuan knows that the Seventh Prince must have a solution."

"Sit down and have a cup of tea first." The Seventh Prince gave him a calm look, and asked the maid to show him tea. Seeing that the anxiety on his face had receded a lot, he slowly said, "Such a big one For the matter, why don't you go to Shangguan Shaochen, as long as he wins, Ling Muer won't have to go to the Western Regions?" The Seventh Prince smiled, "In other words, your godfather Ning Guohou is also quite prestigious, so why don't you go to the Western Regions?" It’s better to find them than to find me.”

Ling Zixuan trusted the Seventh Prince very much, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard such words, "Could it be that even you can't help it?"

"You also said just now that this gamble is related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Do you think that besides the second brother who won at this time, who else has the solution?" The seventh prince sighed helplessly, "Zixuan Ah, it's not that the prince doesn't want to help you, it's because I can't do anything."

After getting this answer, Ling Zixuan became sluggish like a deflated ball.

Yes, he didn't trust Shangguan Shaochen, if he could really win Amu De, he would take his head on the battlefield. But if he really loses, Mu'er will marry to the Western Regions. It doesn't matter that Amu De is ugly. I heard that he is very sinister. Marrying his younger sister is equivalent to falling into the abyss.

"Since the Seventh Prince has nothing to do, then Shu Zixuan is bothering me, I will think of his solution again," Ling Zixuan wanted to cherish the time, after all, five days are not many.

Seeing him getting up to leave, the Seventh Prince didn't stop him, but snorted coldly, "What can you think of? Right now, apart from the Second Emperor who won this contest, tell me who else can help Are you busy with this? Could it be that you are going to fight the Second Prince of the Western Regions instead of the Second Emperor?"

"I..." Ling Zixuan opened his lips, but found that he had nothing to say.

For the first time, he felt that it was such a sad thing not to know martial arts. If he had known that he should not have learned any cultural knowledge from his teacher, he should have asked Mu Er to find him a martial arts master. He learns everything quickly, maybe he is already a master now.

"Okay, since you found me, I'll help you find a way." The seventh prince said with a sigh.

"Really? The Seventh Prince really has a solution?" Ling Zixuan seemed to see hope, and looked at the Seventh Prince with more respect.

"It's just that I can't think of this way for a while, but don't worry, you are the person I trust the most, and it is the first time you beg me, your sister is my sister, besides, Ling Muer has helped me many times. Sheng'er and I, I always have to repay this favor."

Hearing these words, Ling Zixuan's pent-up chest seemed to burst open, and he knelt on the ground again, "Zixuan thanked the Seventh Prince."

"I've already said that I'm my brother. Why don't I see you kneel down to me every now and then? The man has gold under his knees. Get up!" The Seventh Prince pretended to be displeased, but the more he spoke like this, the more Ling Zixuan treated him more. respect.

He decided from the bottom of his heart that he would do his best to help the Seventh Prince in the future.

"Zixuan was also worried about Mu'er for a while. Mu'er is pure and kind. She has sacrificed too much for the Ling family these years, and I am an incompetent brother who needs her to take care of me. I am really useless." Ling Zixuan sighed In one breath, he drank the tea like wine.

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince ordered someone to fetch two jars of wine, but Ling Zixuan picked up the jars without hesitation, and they were about to bottom out in a short time.

"Refreshing!" He took a deep breath, "Zixuan respects the Seventh Prince, no matter whether the Seventh Prince can help Mu'er in this matter, Zixuan owes you a favor today."

"Although you belong to me, I always treat you as a brother. You and Zhu Qi are my right-hand men. I won't sit idly by either of you if you have difficulties. If you say that again, you are being polite to me." "The Seventh Prince smiled and shook his head, "When you are asked to drink on weekdays, you always use the excuse that you are too strong to drink. It turns out that the temptation is not strong enough."

I don't know if he was laughing at him, or if he was really a little drunk, Ling Zixuan's face gradually turned red, "The seventh prince made fun of Zixuan."

"You can kneel for Ling Muer, do you know that when you were assigned to the sixth child, Ling Muer also came to me and asked me to take care of you. The brother and sister relationship between you two is really enviable , You can never see this in the palace." He said this from the bottom of his heart, but because Ling Zixuan was really overwhelmed with alcohol, his mind gradually became a little confused.

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince tentatively asked, "However, do you know why Amu De insisted on taking Ling Mu'er away?"

After all, he wasn't really drunk, but his brain reacted a little slowly. Ling Zixuan suddenly raised his head, "This... Zixuan is ashamed, I really don't know."

The Seventh Prince thought that this was Ling Zixuan's concealment from him, so he continued to ask, "As far as I know, Amu'er has a wicked nature and is not easy to mess with. He is very obsessed with poisons. It stands to reason that Ling Mu'er is a doctor. Ah, Amu De should be able to bear grudges against those who are naturally incompatible with him. But he did not hesitate to exchange the entire Western Regions for Ling Muer, so it can be seen that there must be hidden secrets in it, Ling Muer really didn't tell you?"

Ling Zixuan shook his head, "Probably Mu'er doesn't know that person's ultimate goal."

"Really?" The Seventh Prince didn't believe it, but a strange thought suddenly flashed in his mind, could it be that Amu De also discovered Ling Mu'er's secret like him?

Thinking of Bai Lingxian was always a thorn in his heart, and he couldn't swallow it or take it out during this period of time, as long as he remembered that day, no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find that treasure on Ling Muer, but in the blink of an eye that But the baby appeared in her palm again, and he felt strange every day.

Ling Muer must have a secret. Maybe Amu De discovered her secret, so he wanted to get her at all costs.

If so, it looks like he needs to do something.

He quietly took out a medicine bottle from his pocket, and sprinkled it on Ling Zixuan's tea when he wasn't paying attention.

"If you drink too much, drink some water first."

Ling Zixuan also felt a little drunk, and thinking of going back to accompany Chaoyang, he unpreparedly drank the drugged tea.

"Amu De will never beg for Ling Mu'er for no reason. In this case, you go back and find out what Amu De's purpose is. We can only defeat him if we know ourselves and the enemy. As long as we find his weakness, this prince will have a way to stop this. gambling."

After receiving the affirmative answer from the Seventh Prince, Ling Zixuan was overjoyed, "Okay, okay, I'll go find Mu'er right away." As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his body shaking.

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