"How do you say that?" Ling Mu'er asked Sheng'er.

Although she had already guessed that this was most likely the Seventh Prince's scheme again, how much she wished that her guess was not true.

"It wasn't yesterday that the news spread in the palace that the second prince was going to compete with Amu De. Zhou Qiyan heard that you were a bet on the competition. He asked the Lord to let him take a few people to assassinate Amu De. The one who was specially trained was the Ever-Victorious General of the Western Regions, that person was not only skilled in martial arts but also good at using poison, if it wasn't for the master who was worried and sent someone to look for him today, Zhou Qiyan would probably have died outside the city right now."

Sheng'er explained carefully, and even she couldn't help shivering when she said this, recalling that when she saw the picture of Zhou Qiyan just now, she was even more frightened and sweated, "If it wasn't for seeing how badly he was injured, I wouldn't even think of looking for you, Mu'er."

Ling Mu'er couldn't help trembling when she heard this, and she stood up in fright. After all, she once worked together once, and that was Brother Zhou whom she treated as a family member.

"Can I trouble Sister Sheng'er to find some paper, ink, pen and inkstone for me?"

Sheng'er knew that she was touched, so she hurriedly agreed and asked the maid to pick it up.

Not long after, Ling Mu'er wrote down a prescription, then took out two medicine bottles from her pocket and handed them to Sheng'er, "This prescription can remove the toxins on his face. As for the two bottles of medicine, one is for external use for a day. Twice, one oral administration can bring his body back to life as soon as possible, but please don't tell him, Sister Sheng'er, I gave the medicine."

Sheng'er didn't know what happened between her and Zhou Qiyan, but of course she would agree to Mu'er's request.

"Okay, then I'm going to inform my grandfather, and let him come out to see you as soon as possible."

Sheng'er went in to report, Ling Muer couldn't bear to see Zhou Qiyan's uncomfortable scene again, so she ran to the front hall and waited patiently.

She wasn't sure whether the Seventh Prince's concern for Zhou Qiyan was genuine or just faking, but she waited for an hour and the Seventh Prince didn't show any signs of coming out, worrying that Chaoyang would be anxiously waiting at home, so she asked Ling Zixuan to go back at dawn.

When the Seventh Prince came out again, she sat quietly on a chair drinking tea, as if she was lost in thought.

"Since it's here, why don't you go in and have a look, even if we don't tell him that you gave the prescription, but as soon as you take out the two medicines, he will guess it's you." The voice of the Seventh Prince came from behind.

When Ling Mu'er turned his head, he saw his tired face, looking very tired. Just pretend that he really cares about Big Brother Zhou.

"Differences do not conspire with each other, Big Brother Zhou is no longer the old Big Brother Zhou, and we have agreed to meet again and are no longer friends, since he is not my friend, why should I waste time and energy to see him?" Ling Muer He said coldly, with a very calm face.

"Heh," the Seventh Prince thought it was funny, "People who used to treat each other as relatives are now enemies? Since they are not friends, why bother to prescribe medicine for him? Why don't you just watch him die happily?" ?”

Ling Mu'er squeezed the teacup slowly, wishing to crush it, then looked at the Seventh Prince, she held her head up with contempt, "Mu'er is a little girl, not as sophisticated as the Seventh Prince, I only know that we After all, as a friend, I can't see him suffering in front of me, but the Seventh Prince is different."

Listening to her words, the seventh prince's eyes slowly narrowed into a slit, and his whole body exuded a humble air. He gritted his teeth, "Oh? What's the difference with this prince?"

"Mu'er is just a commoner girl, how dare she say something against the prince." Ling Muer lowered her head and drank the herbal tea at the bottom of the bowl in one gulp.

When she raised her head again, the Seventh Prince did not know when she would appear in front of her eyes. She was so close that she could bump into his jaw when she raised her head.

"You daring woman, don't you contradict less often?"

The Seventh Prince said, secretly pumping his fists in his cuffs, "If this prince didn't see that you saved my life and helped me, do you think you can stand here and talk to me so arrogantly? "

"Of course not, I'm afraid he has already fallen headed like those doctors, right?" Ling Muer boldly looked at him, not paying attention to his threat at all.

He is cold, she is colder than him.

His eyes were ruthless, and she was even more ruthless than him.

"Ling Mu'er!" The Seventh Prince gritted his teeth in hatred, and when he said her name, he gathered 50% of his internal energy in his palm, thinking of breaking her neck at any time.

"It was you who drugged my brother and deliberately let him stay in the Seventh Prince's Mansion, just for fear that he would not do things for you after he woke up, and would not get the reason why Amu De wanted me. You have done such despicable things, why seven The prince dare not admit it?"

Ling Mu'er sneered, "When the soul is lost, the poisoned person is dizzy and will fall into a coma after a quarter of an hour. After sleeping, it will be relieved, but the next day the whole person will be lifeless, as if he has lost his soul. There is such a poison in the Seventh Prince. Baby, Mu'er has really learned a lesson!"

His actions were exposed in public, and the calmness on the face of the Seventh Prince was completely irritated. He suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her neck, but Sheng'er stood behind him at some point, "Master."

The Seventh Prince immediately put down his hands when he heard the voice, but he didn't look back, "Get out!"

"Master." Sheng'er called him again, and brought two pastries to put on their respective tables. She walked to Ling Muer's side and grabbed her hand, "If Master and Muer are important, Now that the matter is over, let Mu'er go and accompany me, I haven't seen my sister for a long time, I have a lot of things to say, and I hope the Lord will make it happen."

Sheng'er wanted to protect Ling Muer, and didn't want him to take her life.

The Seventh Prince took a deep breath and wanted to yell at her to tell her to go away, but Sheng'er's hands didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, she deliberately put them on her flat belly, as if reminding him of something.

Most of the flames in his heart disappeared in an instant. After he snorted, he returned to the chair and sat down, "You sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, and you really have a lot to say. Okay, I'll let her find you later, you first Back off."

Sheng'er didn't dare to climb up the pole, fearing that the hard-won promise would be lost, so after winking at Ling Muer, she exited the room, leaving the two of them quiet.

"Do you know that if Sheng'er hadn't appeared just now, you would have already become a ray of ghost under my palm, Ling Muer, I advise you to think carefully before speaking in the future, otherwise, your fate will not be so good next time! "

The Seventh Prince gritted his teeth and glared at Ling Muer angrily. He had never found a woman so annoying, but this annoying woman made him want to stop.

"It seems that I owed sister Sheng'er my life unintentionally today." Ling Mu'er raised her eyebrows with a smile, "Are there not enough souls under the Seventh Prince's hand? Why did you kill me just now? It's just that I hit the mark. You are intentionally being nice to Zhou Qiyan and acting for him. In fact, you wish he would leave you completely, because he is already useless, he is a cripple. But only in this way will he let all your subordinates Work harder for you, am I right?"

Seeing that the Seventh Prince curled his lips calmly, Ling Muer continued, "You promised my brother to avenge me, and you said it to him on purpose, because you know that only in this way will my brother treat you more in the future Dedicated loyalty. Seventh prince, has anyone told you that you are really despicable!"

The clenched fist exposed the bones, and the Seventh Prince's fist hit the table heavily, "I don't know if I'm despicable, but I know if you continue to be so arrogant, you won't know how to die!"

"You purposely got my brother drunk and drugged him, just to let him come back to talk about me and learn why Amu De insisted on getting me, because you have doubts about me, and you think I have secrets."

Ling Muer not only insisted on saying it, but even walked towards him step by step, "Bailingxian, you really want her. When you found out that the treasure was in my hands outside the city, you secretly sent a signal to your subordinates to let her go. He assassinated me."

Ling Mu'er sneered, "Why did the assassin only assassinate me? How could you not be the opponent of the assassin because of your high martial arts skills? That's because the assassin is yours. You came out to help me that day just to show me. The two of you pinched me back and forth on purpose to knock me out, if I haven't guessed wrong, you searched me after I fainted, am I right?"

Listening to her aggressive words, the Seventh Prince's anger was burning up little by little.

"And then? What else do you know?"

"I also know that you didn't find what you wanted in me at all, but you found it very strange, so you guessed that Amu De's purpose was the same as yours. Did he also find something strange about me?"

Ling Mu'er spoke faster and faster, "I also know that after you learned that Sister Sheng'er had swallowed the petals of Bai Lingxian, you must really want to snatch them back. Unfortunately, in order to prevent you from really snatching them away, I personally saw them Seeing her taking it, how about it, are you very angry? Do you still want to kill me?"

"Ling-mu-er!" The Seventh Prince's anger was completely ignited by him, he gritted his teeth and attacked her again, but this time Ling Muer didn't give him another chance to succeed in his plot.

"The one who assassinated Shangguan Shaochen on the way back to the capital is also yours, because you don't want someone more capable than you to come back to take your place, because you have already guessed his true identity at that time, once he comes back alive Become your strongest opponent, but in order not to be suspected, you need to kill Su Ce at the same time. Am I right in saying these things?"

Ling Mu'er did not hesitate to point out all his evil deeds, seeing the ugly face of the Seventh Prince immediately changed, she just felt disgusted.

"Everything you show to the world is just pretending. You don't cherish talents that much at all. You just want those people to do things for you. You don't treat your subordinates as well as the rumors say. Because you know that only by putting on a show can you gain their loyalty. Seventh prince, you can’t finish talking about your despicable deeds for three days and three nights, but I think you should not change it here and say it, but you should go to the emperor and tell him. , let the world listen to it, let them see clearly what kind of insidious villain the Seventh Prince is, who is gentle on the surface and generous to everyone!"


The teacup in the Seventh Prince's hand fell heavily on the ground, and when he saw Ling Mu's childhood, his facial features were grimly distorted.

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