"Okay, you can go, but after you arrive in the imperial city, the people you care about, Ling Zixuan, Zhu Qi, Zhou Qiyan and the entire Ling Mansion will suffer because of your impulsive behavior!"

"But I won't do that." Ling Muer said, not because she was afraid of him, but because she had other purposes.

"Aren't you curious why Amud insisted on me? Yes, he is the same as you. He thinks that I have an ulterior secret and wants to get it. I can tell you that your suspicions are not wrong, I have a secret treasure house, and only if I get it can I get that treasure house."

Hearing Ling Muer's words, the Seventh Prince immediately let go of his clenched fists, and all his anger turned into uncontrollable excitement.

"I knew it, I knew I was right that day. Why did the things in the palm of my hand suddenly disappear? I went through every corner of your body, but I couldn't find it. I suspected that you were Hidden, or there are some ulterior secrets, I didn't expect my guess to be correct." The Seventh Prince's eyes were wide open, and the dark pupils seemed to be able to emit a thousand zhang light with excitement.

He suddenly rushed to Ling Mu'er and grabbed her shoulder tightly, "Tell me what it is, and where is that secret treasure house, tell me!"

As he spoke, he looked at her again, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see the clue.

Ling Mu'er only thought his behavior was ridiculous, "If it was a place visible to the naked eye, it would have been snatched by Amu De long ago, wouldn't the Seventh Prince not even understand such a truth?"

The Seventh Prince originally wanted to refute, but when he saw Ling Muer's sly smile, he suddenly realized that he was too impulsive, and he didn't even see her calculating eyes.

Go back to the chair and sit down again, as if nothing happened just now, the Seventh Prince has returned to the gentle and elegant image of the past, and when he looked at Ling Mu'er again, his eyes were very kind, as if he hadn't seen him for a long time. Friends chatting together, intimate and like their own family.

"Miss Ling, you may as well just tell me if you have any conditions. The prince will help you as much as you want."

Looking at his hypocritical face, Ling Muer really felt sick, but right now he is the only one who can help her.

"I want you to help me find a way to get rid of Amu De,"

What Ling Muer said was straightforward, but the Seventh Prince refused without even thinking about it.

"You're right. I promised Ling Zixuan to help him just as a perfunctory excuse. What I really want to know is your secret. But since you know I don't have the ability, why make such a request?" the voice of the Seventh Prince said. Gradually cooling down, "Ling Muer, if you dare to play tricks on me, you should know my tricks."

"It's been said that you are the prince and I'm just a daughter of the people. No matter how smart I am, how can I be smarter than you?" Ling Muer returned to the subject, "You can do it. As long as Amu De's attention is not on me, I will tell you Where is your secret treasure house?"

The seventh prince insisted on his own words, "Amu De is an envoy from the Western Regions, he deliberately bet on you just to get you, and I'm not the father, how could I make him not interested in you?"

Looking at Ling Mu'er again, he tapped his fingers on the table leisurely, "But let alone Amu De, even the prince is interested in you and wants to get you."

Ling Muer knew that what he said on purpose was just to confuse her mind.

The seventh prince is not good at anything, except for one thing. He is not promiscuous, he doesn't fall in love with every woman he sees, otherwise he wouldn't appreciate Sheng'er who was born in a brothel.

"The Seventh Prince is a celebrity in front of the Emperor, and has always been trusted by the Emperor. Although the time has been set for the contest between the Second Prince and Amu De, there are no rules. I want you to make a fuss about it!" Ling Muer His tone was firm and his eyes were very aggressive.

Amu De is good at using poison, if he does something to Shangguan Shaochen in the gambling game, it will only be Shangguan Shaochen who suffers.

But if the Seventh Prince stood up as an outsider and made a rule, everything would be much easier.

"What you want is more than that simple, right?" The Seventh Prince didn't believe that her purpose was simply to obey the rules.

"That's right, I want you to help our entire Ling family leave the capital." Ling Muer said seriously.

Yes, she had thought it over clearly, the maelstrom in the capital was really not suitable for them, she wanted to leave, taking everyone with her.

But they are already involved in the imperial city, and it is completely impossible to get out suddenly.

Leaving aside Ling Zixuan's identity, whether the emperor will let him go easily, from the moment she took out the bulletproof vest, the emperor has already had his thoughts on her. But if the Seventh Prince helped, the result would be different.

He is the prince, with many secret guards under him, and the emperor trusts him very much. As long as he cooperates, they will not only walk in an upright manner, but also don't have to worry about anyone's pursuit.

"You want to go?" The Seventh Prince obviously didn't believe that she would be willing to leave the glory and wealth here, "I heard that you just came out of the valley in the past, and finally got your foothold in the capital, and you not only have a medical center in the capital , there are two restaurants, are you sure you want to leave?"

The Seventh Prince thought about it, if it were him, he would not be willing to give up like this.

But Ling Muer nodded seriously, "Yes, I want to leave, and I will leave in a dignified way."

The Seventh Prince smiled, "Where is Shangguan Shaochen? You don't want him anymore?"

Although he didn't believe her words, he couldn't find any reason for him to deceive her from her eyes.

"You don't hesitate to run to the camp to help him. Although he has lost his memory, according to my information, the two of you have been in good contact recently. The second brother even wants to win you at the competition. It shows that he has deep-rooted affection for you. Do you really have the heart to leave him?"

The Seventh Prince thought it was a joke no matter what he thought, "Besides, even if you want to leave, you shouldn't be looking for me. Whether it's Shangguan Shaochen or Su Ce, they will help you. Ling Muer, are you playing with me? ?"

In the last sentence, he suddenly leaned over and stared at her, as if staring at his prey.

"I don't like the imperial palace in the first place, and I won't be able to marry there in the future. I don't need to say clearly what Shangguan Shaochen wants to accomplish. The Seventh Prince knows what it is. Therefore, the two of us have been destined to each other from the very beginning. " Ling Mu'er sighed, "Then since I don't have the fortune to be his woman, why should I cling to it? As for King Xian..."

Ling Muer sighed again, "It's thanks to him that I can gain a firm foothold in the capital. He has already helped me a lot, and I don't want to involve him anymore. Besides, everyone knows that King Xian is good friends with me. If I If you leave, everyone will definitely start with him, instead of making trouble for yourself, wouldn't it be better to find someone who everyone would never think of?"


The Seventh Prince couldn't help applauding her idea, and looking at Ling Muer again, he showed admiration without hesitation, "You are really smart. If I guessed correctly, you asked you about Amu De at Ling Zixuan. The decision to leave the capital was made temporarily after the purpose, but you can arrange everything so properly in such a short time, Ling Muer, Ling Muer, if you are a man, you must be the pillar of my dynasty!"

"It's a pity that I'm a little girl, and I'm just a little doctor. I don't want my family to be in danger, and I don't want to join your power game in the future. I don't think the Seventh Prince wants me to join, right? "

Seriously looking at Ling Muer's expression, the Seventh Prince suddenly felt that this woman was a strange existence. She could point out all his evil deeds arrogantly just now, but now she can sit down and chat with him so calmly.

What has she experienced to have such a temperament? No wonder Shangguan Shaochen cares about her so much. She does have a special charm.

"But if you leave, Brother Second will definitely be very disappointed." The Seventh Prince asked tentatively,

Ling Mu'er had already thought that he would ask this question, "But if I stay, I will definitely help him get that seat, but I don't think the Seventh Prince wants such a thing to happen."


The Seventh Prince's fist hit the table again, "Ling Muer, you are really arrogant, why do you think you have such ability?"

"Just because I have a secret treasure house!" She said, her eyes curled into bright moons.

It was obviously the scary woman sitting across from him who threatened him, but she smiled innocently, as if she was an innocent person.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that my treasure house is very magical. If the Seventh Prince gets it, he will love it so much that he won't even want the highest seat."

The Seventh Prince sneered a few times, "Ha, haha, only you dare to speak so presumptuously and nonsense in front of me."

"Whether you are talking nonsense, the Seventh Prince knows it well. I still say that, what I want is very simple, get rid of Amu De, take my family and leave the capital, and do it without anyone noticing. I believe the Seventh Prince With such ability, of course, as long as we leave safely, I will tell you the secret of the treasure house."

The sincerity of what Ling Muer said made people's heart flutter in an instant.

The Seventh Prince only felt his heart itch, and he wished to see that miraculous existence now, "Why should I believe that the treasure house you said is real?"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the woman who was sitting in front of her just now suddenly disappeared.

The Seventh Prince originally planned to take a sip of tea from the teacup, but seeing that the person in front of him really no longer existed, he was so frightened that the teacup in his hand dropped.

"Where is the person? Ling Muer, Ling Muer, where are you?"

He hurriedly searched in place, but the huge room was all in his eyes, not to mention people, she didn't even see a single hair.

How can it be?

how so?

That arrogant woman was clearly sitting opposite her just now, but she disappeared without saying hello. It was a treasure house, and it must be the magic of the treasure house.

Ha, he's going to decide on this thing.

"Okay, I promise you."

After the voice fell, the Seventh Prince only felt a chill behind his back.

He looked back, only to see Ling Muer standing behind him smiling and looking at him leisurely.

There is a feeling of hair on the back, and the Seventh Prince has deeply experienced it today.

He turned around in a daze, carefully looked at her shadow on the ground, and was relieved after confirming that she was a real person, "But when I send you all away from the capital, if you run away, where will I get the treasure house?" ?”

Ling Mu'er smiled purely, "The Seventh Prince has manpower all over the world, and you arranged our escape route. Isn't it easy to find me? Could it be that the Seventh Prince is doubting his ability?"

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