What a man is most afraid of is that others will say that he is not capable.

The seventh prince made a final decision, "Okay, I'll help you get rid of Amu De, but I'm ugly, I can only help out simply, if it's really just the second emperor who lost, don't blame me for not helping you, but even if you If you leave the capital and marry to the Western Regions, I will also protect your family's safety, provided that you give me your treasure house."

Ling Mu'er admired that the Seventh Prince had thought out all the escape routes in such a short period of time. His words not only took his family as hostages, but also gave her a promise to protect them.

"I believe in Shangguan Shaochen, he will not lose, but as long as you can expose Amu De."

Ling Mu'er got up, and when she finished speaking, it was time to leave, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

She handed over the teacup, and the Seventh Prince was about to toast with her when he saw this, but Ling Muer drank it all by himself when he started.

This move successfully displeased the seventh prince, "I will only do what I promised you, but don't forget that there is another princess who is very satisfied with my second brother. The princess can choose her husband at will. Agree to her conditions, even if I am favored by my father, I will not be able to help you in this regard."

"Thank you, Seventh Prince, for reminding me," Ling Mu'er said as the corners of her mouth rose. "And the princess? I didn't pay attention to her at all."

She was about to leave, so what does it have to do with who does the princess get married with?

As for the person she loves, if she really loves her, she will naturally leave with her. If she doesn't love her, who does she choose?

"Ling Muer, you'd better not play tricks on me, or I will kill the people you care about most one by one." Before Ling Muer left, the Seventh Prince threatened finally.

Of course, besides Ling Zixuan and Zhu Qi, the person he cared about the most was Zhou Qiyan.

Ling Muer stopped at the door and turned slightly, "You deliberately asked Zhou Qiyan to teach Amu De a lesson, but you clearly knew that they were not rivals, and it was just to show my brother, but in fact, you had already given up on him in your heart. "

Thinking of Zhou Qiyan degrading from Pianpian son to a ruthless killer, and finally being kicked away by someone, Ling Muer really felt worthless for him.

"Seventh Prince, if you still have any humanity, let him go."

After the words fell, Ling Mu'er walked very gracefully without looking back.

The Seventh Prince knew that she had nothing to do with Zhou Qiyan after she left, but it didn't matter, he still had Ling Zixuan and Zhu Qi who could touch her.

"Come out."

The secret that had troubled my heart for a long time was finally solved. The Seventh Prince was in a good mood, and his words were like beating notes, but it made the woman hiding in the dark even more uneasy.

"Please forgive me, Sheng'er has been hiding in the dark, but she didn't hear anything, please don't be angry." Sheng'er knelt behind the Seventh Prince with a face full of fear, she was panting heavily, her forehead covered with beads of sweat.

Before today, she had never felt so afraid of a person, but after seeing the interaction between him and Mu'er just now, she was afraid.

Originally, after Mu'er left, she planned to leave secretly, but she didn't expect that Master would have discovered her existence long ago.

It turned out that his madness wasn't faked that day, it turned out that Mu'er's guess was correct, the master had been pretending to be another face in front of her.

"Come here." The Seventh Prince waved to her, his voice still as gentle as ever.

But the more gentle he is, the more uncertain Sheng'er is. She has been with him for many years and is too familiar with his temper. The quieter he is, the more the harbinger of a storm is coming.

"Master..." Sheng'er trembled and moved towards him step by step. When he came to him, the Seventh Prince suddenly stretched out his hand. She thought he was going to grab her neck again, but Sheng'er dodged hurriedly, but he just touched her gently Touched her hair.

"You are my Sheng'er, my favorite woman, how could I hurt you?" The Seventh Prince said softly, "Fool, tell me what you saw just now?"

In fact, he didn't know when Sheng'er appeared, because he only cared about Ling Muer's secret the whole time, completely ignoring the danger around him, but after Ling Muer left, he suddenly heard a second breathing sound, and he realized Sheng'er didn't leave until Sheng'er.

The woman he loves the most is so afraid of him, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"Sheng'er, Sheng'er didn't see anything, Master, Sheng'er really didn't see anything, Sheng'er will always be your most reassuring Sheng'er, I..."

Before she finished speaking, the Seventh Prince blocked her red lips with ten fingers, "It doesn't matter if you see it, but remember, I will never hurt you! I admit that I lost control because of Bai Lingxian last time." , but my Sheng'er has been with me for so long and has paid so much for me, how can I be willing to hurt you? On the contrary, you will understand me, right?"

Sheng'er didn't understand what the seventh prince meant, but she saw clearly just now that he seemed to kill Mu'er, and for a moment she wanted to rush out, but Mu'er was not afraid of him, and he finally let go .

Although she was also very curious about why Mu'er suddenly disappeared in the room, but now she understood that what Master always wanted was not what she knew at all. What he wants is more power and status, he wants to become the overlord of the world.

"My lord is Sheng'er's husband, and it's Sheng'er's belief all her life. Of course, Sheng'er will believe in my lord." She said, every word came from the bottom of her heart.

"Then Sheng'er is willing to do something for me?"

Sheng'er nodded without thinking, "Without Master, there would be no Sheng'er today, I am willing."

"Don't be nervous, when will the Lord make you feel sad?" The seventh prince gently hugged her on his lap and sat down, "Isn't Ling Muer your good sister? I just want you to be by her side recently, you She is so smart, I believe I have seen and guessed it just now, she promised to trade her secrets for the safety of her family, but she is very ghostly, if her family is safe, she refuses to tell me her secrets, you Do you think I have suffered a disadvantage?"

It turned out that she was asked to monitor Mu'er, Sheng'er was a little embarrassed, "Master, Mu'er is my good sister after all, she helped me many times and saved my life, I..."

"I know you can't bear it, but don't worry, I just let you watch her. You don't need to tell me all her actions, and you don't need to report to me who she met all the time. Just let me know before you plan to leave the capital."

It turned out to be so simple, Sheng'er thought for a while and finally nodded, "Okay, but can you promise Sheng'er one thing?"

The Seventh Prince didn't speak, but gestured to her with his eyes.

"Mu'er is Sheng'er's good sister. Without Mu'er, Sheng'er would have died a long time ago, and it would be impossible for her to stand beside the master as a side concubine. Can Sheng'er beg the master to spare Mu'er's life at any time?" .”

Sheng'er suddenly knelt down in front of him, stared wide-eyed, and looked at him expectantly, as if she would never get up if he didn't agree.

Seeing that the Seventh Prince was hesitant, Sheng'er hurriedly handed him a piece of paper, "Master, let's see what this is?"

The Seventh Prince hadn't intended to look at it, it was a prescription, but he was very familiar with the herbs on it.

Although he is a man, Lin Lesheng ate this prescription when he had an abortion.

"You...you have this prince's child?"

The Seventh Prince jumped up from the chair excitedly, like a child who found a treasure, he hurriedly picked up Sheng'er, "Tell me Sheng'er the truth, are you really pregnant?"

Shocked by Grandpa's sudden action, Sheng'er let him hold her in his arms and circle around on the spot. The happiness came so suddenly, she couldn't accept it for a while, and just nodded repeatedly.

The excited two didn't notice the jealous woman outside the window at the moment.

"Yes, ha, you really have it?" Realizing that she is now a pregnant woman, the Seventh Prince carefully put her down and sat on his lap again, "I have imagined countless times You have a child that belongs to us, and you didn't expect this thing to come true?"

Sheng'er didn't expect that such words would come from the mouth of the master, as if the fear and fear just now were a hallucination, and she was caught in the vortex of happiness, "Go back to the master, Sheng'er has been feeling uncomfortable these few days , always very tired, when the doctor gave Zhou Qiyan a diagnosis and treatment just now, I asked him to take my pulse by the way, but it turned out to be the Xi pulse!"

She also found it inconceivable when she said it, "It's just that the doctor said that it's not stable, so he prescribed this prescription for me."

"Why didn't you say it earlier." Hearing the words "unstable", the Seventh Prince hurriedly helped her to sit on a chair beside her, and even regretted the movement of holding her in circles just now.

He liked Sheng'er from the bottom of his heart, and he really wanted to have a child with her that belonged to them, so when he heard that she was really pregnant, he was also sincerely happy, as if he had obtained Ling Muer's secret treasure. Happy.

"Listen to me. From today onwards, you are not allowed to do any dangerous activities. If you have any requirements, please tell the servant girl to do it. Also, in the future, you won't have to cook soup for me yourself, and you don't have to come every day to give it to me. My greetings. As for the small kitchen, I will arrange people to take care of your body every day until you safely give birth to your little grandson." The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the Seventh Prince kissed her heavily on the forehead, "Mother Ruo The concubine will be very happy to know about this, Sheng'er, you are amazing."

Being praised, Sheng'er lowered her head shyly.

That's right, it's not unusual for a healthy woman to be able to conceive. On the contrary, it is indeed a miracle that a person like her who has no hope at all can have a child of her own.

"Master, it's all thanks to Mu'er that Sheng'er can get her wish. Can Sheng'er beg you, no matter what happens in the future, don't hurt Mu'er." This is her only wish right now.

The Seventh Prince didn't expect her good mood to be so ruthlessly ruined by her, but seeing her begging pitifully, he couldn't bear to blame her, "Forget it, as long as she can give me what I want, I will definitely not would hurt her."

"But what if she didn't do it?" Sheng Er hurriedly asked.

Sure enough, she saw a flash of murderous look in Grandpa's eyes.

The master has really changed, he is no longer the gentle master who doesn't like to kill. Sure enough, the capital can change a person's heart.

For the throne, for the supreme everything, he has become beyond recognition.

But she knew him well, once Mu'er really failed to fulfill her promise, Mu'er would die, very miserable!

"Master, Mu'er is Sheng'er's benefactor, and also the benefactor of the little emperor's grandson in the future, Sheng'er begs you..."

"That's all." Interrupting Sheng'er's unfinished sentence, the Seventh Prince knew what she wanted to say without guessing, "Prince Ben is in a good mood today, I promise you, even if she betrays me, I will save her life .”

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