The emperor stipulated that the rules of the martial arts contest are as long as the point is reached, and the life of the opponent must not be hurt. Whoever is kicked off the ring will lose.

When Amu De saw Shangguan Shaochen being kicked to the ground by him, he jumped up and down in excitement, and immediately looked at the emperor, "Dare to ask the emperor, does Ling Muer belong to me now?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was even more discussion in the audience.

"I actually lost to the second prince. He has superb martial arts skills. How could he lose? He was the one who won just now. What's going on?"

"Oh my god, we went to the medical fairy girl to marry to the Western Regions. It is rumored that the second condition of the surrender proposed by the second prince of the Western Regions is that they send a marriage princess, and we send a girl. It seems that this game is a gamble. The outcome has been decided and there is no room for turning things around."

Listening to the chattering of the people around him, and seeing Amu De's arrogant look, Su Ce was anxious to walk towards the emperor, but Ling Mu'er firmly pressed his shoulder.

When Su Ce looked back, Ling Muer didn't look at him, but the anger in her eyes was so obvious.

I have never seen her so angry since I have known her for so long.

"Don't worry, I will never let you marry to the Western Regions." Su Ce said softly, trying to comfort her and make her feel more comfortable, but her tone was very firm, as if this matter would be impossible even if she risked her life. Will definitely do it.

"No need, I won't marry." After taking a few deep breaths, Ling Muer returned to her usual expression, and looked at Su Ce again, she actually smiled, "If I'm not fully prepared, how can I take the initiative to fight? "

Under Su Ce's curious eyes, he only heard the voice of the Seventh Prince from a distance.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Amu De seemed to realize that the seventh prince came in a bad way, and he asked the emperor again, "Dare to ask the emperor of the heaven, the outcome between me and the second prince has been decided. According to our bet at that time, you should treat Ling Mu'er as two people." The terms of the state surrender and peace were given to us in the Western Regions. Why, are you planning to keep your words?"

"The one who broke the bet should be you, the Second Prince of the Western Regions," the Seventh Prince's charming voice came slowly.

He even went directly to the ring, helped Shangguan Shaochen up, and carefully checked his body, and found a very small soft needle in the gap between his nails.

When they were fighting just now, he and Ling Zixuan had been watching them closely, just to prevent Amu De from such despicable behavior.

Didn't expect them to catch it.

"Returning to Father, the second prince of the Western Regions was vicious and cunning to win by such despicable means. This is against the rules of the game, so this competition is not counted."

When everyone saw the things in the Seventh Prince's hands and thought of Shangguan Shaochen being kicked off the stage just like a demon, they immediately understood what was going on.

"Amu De, how do you explain?" The emperor saw the silver needle in the hand of the Seventh Prince, and his heart immediately felt better after feeling uncomfortable. He looked at Amu De questioningly.

"If you win, you win. This... This is clearly an excuse for you not to keep your promise!"

Amu De did not expect that such a small soft needle would be discovered by the Seventh Prince. Seeing his confident look, and looking at Ling Muer who was disguised as a man in the crowd, he guessed that this might be what they had discussed in advance .

His heart trembled with anger, "Why, can it be that Da Tianchao is so unaffordable to lose?"

"The one who can't afford to lose is you!"

Shangguan Shaochen left the Seventh Prince's support, "It was you who cunningly stabbed my acupuncture points, and I was kicked out of the ring by you, otherwise, you would be the loser!"

Thinking that he almost lost Ling Muer because of this, Shangguan Shaochen was so angry that he wished he could rush up and break Amu De's neck, "You expected that you would lose this contest, so your eyes are ready to be soft, not only that, you just now You also used poison on me, if not for my prince’s invulnerable physique, I’m afraid I would have died under your poison just now! The one who can’t afford to lose is clearly you!”

Being pointed out twice that he used dirty tricks to win triumphantly, Amu De was ashamed as if his clothes had been stripped off his body.

But he won, he just won. In the Western Regions, they don't care what means you use. They only care about the result and never pay attention to the process.

"At that time, whoever won our bet could get Ling Mu'er, and we in the Western Regions proposed diplomatic relations with the Celestial Dynasty, which also required the Celestial Dynasty to send us a girl. She, Ling Muer, is just a commoner girl, why can't she give it to us? ? I think it is clear that the Great Heavenly Dynasty has not kept its word and played tricks on me in the Western Regions!"

With such a powerful charge charged, this Amu De really dared to speak out.

Shangguan Shaochen was in a hurry, "Perhaps it is commonplace in your dynasty to use despicable methods, but in our dynasty, what matters is fairness and justice, men in our dynasty would never use despicable means to get a woman, besides, Ling Muer is not just A little civilian girl, she is the future concubine of my Shangguan Shaochen!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked instantly, even the emperor on the dragon chair did not expect that he would announce Ling Muer's identity so bluntly in front of all civil and military officials.

What he values ​​most is the second child, his temperament is very similar to him when he was young, and of course he will be the heir to the dragon throne in the future. But how could the future queen be born as a peasant girl? Wouldn't this make the enemy country laugh out loud? How will he, Shangguan Shaochen, secure the throne and rule the harem?

"Amu De, I did promise you to compete with Chen'er to determine the outcome, but I also said that the first martial arts contest should not be used to harm lives, and you must not use despicable methods, but you secretly use poisonous needles, and this martial arts competition will be cancelled. So this is not my Celestial Dynasty's slip of the tongue, but your Western Regions' unruly behavior."

The sound of the emperor's deep voice made everyone present happy, except Amu De was impatient.

"What kind of bullshit theory is this? I won but I won't let me take away the person I want. You guys are obviously not willing to let Ling Muer go. If you knew how to do it, why bother to arrange this contest, Your Majesty, I am afraid of such a decision." Dissatisfied!"

Amu De's anger is getting higher and higher, "If this is the case, then our Western Regions refuse to make peace with the Celestial Dynasty." Amu De's gaze immediately turned to Mo Junyao, "Yao Yao, let's go!"

Mo Junyao's gaze had long been fascinated by Shangguan Shaochen's back just now, and she even decided that he would not marry in this life, so why did she leave like this willingly.

"I don't want it!" Mo Junyao slammed his brother's hand away, "Brother Wang, everyone in the Western Regions knows that I will marry the Celestial Dynasty in the future. If I go back with you like this, those who don't know will think that I have been resigned by the Celestial Dynasty." Marriage, then what face do I have to live in this world?"

She turned her face down, pointed at Shangguan Shaochen and said, "I want him! I've decided that my marriage partner is the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty, Shangguan Shaochen!"

Mo Junyao strolled up to the emperor and knelt down in a rare manner, "Your majesty, since my brother did not follow the rules in this contest, I can let it go, but you promised me earlier, I can choose my husband freely." Can it still count?"

If he claims not to count at this time, then it is true that the Celestial Dynasty has not sincerely established diplomatic relations with the Western Regions forever.

Although the emperor was angry, he did not expect that Mo Junyao would use such a powerful weapon against him at this juncture, but he still had to smile and nod in agreement, "That's natural, I agreed on the first day you came to the Heavenly Dynasty." However, I admire you and like your temperament, so I can let you choose a husband."

"Thank you, the Emperor of Heaven, for keeping your promise. Then I, Mo Junyao, officially announce that I will marry Shangguan Shaochen, and she will be my husband and wife!"

Looking at Shangguan Shaochen with a proud smile, she wished she could run into his arms immediately.

Her high-pitched voice, together with what the emperor said just now, almost sealed the engagement.

"Father..." How could Shangguan Shaochen agree to such a decision? He finally agreed to Amu'er just to marry Ling Mu'er in a legitimate way. Can it be made small?

That girl bluntly said that she only wanted to be big and only one, and he also promised her that she would be alone in this life, so this Mo Junyao would be a big trouble.

"My heart belongs to me. I don't want to go if it is Ling Muer in this life. I'm afraid I will lose the kindness of marrying the princess. Forgive me for not being able to marry you!" Shangguan Shaochen coldly rejected Mo Junyao. The face is placed under the soles of the feet.

But Mo Junyao was so obsessed with him that he didn't pay attention to his coldness at all, "I'm afraid this matter is out of your hands. This is the decision of our two states. You can't make the decision alone! Besides, you don't like it now." It doesn't matter to me, after getting married, the relationship will increase, I promise you will be so addicted to me!"

"Hmph!" Shangguan Shaochen sneered, and decided not to spend any more time with such a proud woman. He knelt in front of the emperor, "Father, the diplomatic relations between the two countries are of course a matter of two dynasties, but you also saw it just now, Amu De As an envoy of the Western Regions, he actually used dirty tricks against me, it is clear that he was the one who did not sincerely surrender to the Western Regions, so what if our Celestial Dynasty initiates a war again?"

Hearing this, Mo Junyao panicked. If the two countries were at war, she would not be able to marry Shangguan Shaochen.

She immediately looked at Amu De, "Brother Wang, say something, what you said just now were all angry words, right? We in the Western Regions have already decided to form diplomatic relations with the Celestial Dynasty forever. How can we invalidate it at this time? What is the world like?" There are no fragrant grasses everywhere, why do you have to love only one flower, even if there is no Ling Muer, you..."

"Shut up!" Amu De growled angrily at her, "If you don't know anything, don't talk nonsense here."

"Yes, I don't know anything, but I know that you are my brother Wang. You once promised me that you will do everything in your life to treat me well, but getting married is my life's priority. Do you want me to marry a Someone I don’t love? Do you want me to be spurned by people when I return to the Western Regions? Is this how you treat me well?”

Amu De opened his lips to say something, but seeing his sister crying like a child in front of him, his heart softened.

His mind suddenly returned to more than ten years ago, when he and his sister were forced to separate, she cried like an abandoned child.


"Brother Wang, if you don't agree to give up this bet, Yaoyao will never recognize you as Brother Wang!" Mo Junyao pushed his body away fiercely and threatened.

"You..." Amu De was impatient, and then looked at the mocking eyes of everyone present, he could clearly take away his sister aggressively and then start a war against the Celestial Dynasty, but he knew that if he really did that, he would really lose Yaoyao .

"Okay, my prince is willing to give up this gamble, but it doesn't mean I'm willing to give up on Ling Muer..."

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