Mo Junyao was overjoyed when she heard Brother Wang's words, she didn't wait for him to finish, she immediately looked at the emperor, "Your Majesty, my brother Wang has already realized that he was wrong, so this bet is over, he can give up Ling Muer, But the promise the emperor made to me just now must not be ignored, I want to marry the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty soon!"

A woman who strongly demanded to marry a man would have been laughed at by others, but this woman was the princess of the Western Regions, the princess who was in charge of making peace with the Celestial Dynasty.

"Father cannot agree!" Shangguan Shaochen also refused to marry her loudly without waiting for the emperor's order.

But Mo Junyao was not angry at all, "I'm afraid you don't have the right to refuse here! This dynasty is the emperor's dynasty, and the matter of the marriage between the two countries is naturally decided by the emperor. He has already promised me just now. Besides, if it is true If you give up marrying me, if you don't make friends with the Western Regions, the two countries will go to war. But if you and I can avoid such a disaster by getting married, why don't you want to?"

"That's right, if you don't agree to marry Yaoyao, then give Ling Muer to me. In short, there is only one choice for this matter!"

Seeing that his sister had said everything, Amu De didn't want to embarrass her any longer. After all, he hadn't fulfilled his responsibilities as a brother during the years when his mother died. As for Ling Mu'er, just think of a way in the future .

The prince and princess of the Western Regions had said everything and blocked all the roads, only waiting for the emperor to make a decision.

Everyone under the ring stretched their necks waiting to see the result, Ling Muer was even more worried, she held her breath and stared nervously at the aloof Lord Long Live, but what he said next disappointed her very much!

"The friendship between the two countries is a decision made long ago, and the Western Regions also sent the princess to be married. Since this is the case, I announce that Princess Amu Yaoyao and my second prince, Shangguan Shaochen, will marry at the end of next month! As for the sincerity of my dynasty , I will choose one of the best princesses to give to the Second Prince of the Western Regions tomorrow."


Ling Muer's heart sank heavily, she only felt that something important was completely lost from her body.

Although after making the decision to leave the capital, she thought of leaving her elder brother, but when she really wanted to lose the man she had loved so much for many years, her heart still seemed to be torn apart.


Seeing her resolutely leave in the crowd, Shangguan Shaochen started to chase after her, but was held tightly by Mo Junyao's arms.

"You are not allowed to leave. The emperor just agreed to the marriage between you and me. We still need to discuss the details. How can you leave me alone?"

Shangguan Shaochen gave her a cold look, "I never said I would marry you, and I never agreed to this marriage." He backhanded slightly, and Mo Junyao immediately let go of him in pain, "I told you earlier But I only want Ling Muer alone, as for you, you can marry whoever you want."

After speaking, Shangguan Shaochen immediately chased him out regardless of everyone's obstruction.

Su Ce also chased after him, but when he saw Shangguan Shaochen catching up with that pretty figure, he stopped again.

"Isn't the feeling of not being able to get it very painful? Would you like me to help you, sage king?" The seventh prince appeared behind him at some point, his tone light and mocking.

"The kindness of the seventh prince is appreciated by the prince." After saying a few words in a bland manner, Su Ce planned to walk around his body, but his teasing voice came from his ear again.

"After all, everyone is leaving, so it's fine if you go after her. Maybe I don't know where the next time we meet will be."

Su Ce stopped and shot cold eyes, "What does the Seventh Prince mean?"

"Yo? You don't know yet?" The Seventh Prince laughed deliberately, "Look at my memory, Ling Muer told me to hide it from everyone, no wonder you don't know, she really only told me her plan,"

Hearing that this matter was related to someone he cared about, Su Ce frowned slightly, his eyes became colder, "Since the Seventh Prince stopped me, there must be something important to discuss, please tell the Seventh Prince clearly."

He did stop Su Ce on purpose.

He just wanted to tell Su Er that Ling Muer was about to leave so that Su Ce could hold her back. After all, that woman Ling Muer was too shrewd. If she really secretly left the capital, wouldn't his work be in vain?

But if Su Ce knew that she was leaving, he would definitely find a way to make her stay, which would buy him more time to get the secret treasure house.

"Alright, although you have harmed me once, whoever made me kind will tell you mercifully, but remember, I only told you because of your pity." The Seventh Prince's tone was ambiguous, "Ling Muer plans to leave, leave the capital forever, and take her family and everyone around her with her. To avoid accidents, she will leave in about three days. I know you like her. Before she leaves, you should Find a way to seize the opportunity with her."

Seeing him turn and leave in a cool manner, Su Ce was surprised for a moment and immediately chased after him, "What the Seventh Prince said is true?"

"Why, my majestic prince will still lie to you?" The seventh prince thought it was funny, "If I didn't think it was because of Shangguan Shaochen who went too far, would you really help me because of me? You and I are both poor people , but fortunately, this prince has fulfilled his wish and married the person I want to marry, but you are different. But..."

He purposely said, "My prince thinks you still have a chance. After all, my father has just ordered the concubine princess to the second prince. After all, she is also a princess from the Western Regions. After marrying, I have to grow up, and Ling Muer You and I both know her temperament, so how can she compromise and become a small girl? It just so happens that she is leaving the capital too, why don't you seize the opportunity, maybe you can win her heart in one fell swoop. "

Although the Seventh Prince's eyes were abusive, he would not lie to himself for such a big matter as leaving the capital. Su Ce thanked him and turned to leave immediately.

On the ring, Mo Junyao was still stomping his feet angrily when Shangguan Shaochen left suddenly, "How could he leave, how could he leave me here alone, our marriage has not been discussed yet, he is simply too much Already!!"

Turning her head to look at the emperor, Mo Junyao said coquettishly, "Your Majesty, after all, I will be your daughter-in-law in a short time and we are also a family. You have to make decisions for Yaoyao!"

The emperor was both annoyed and amused at such a familiar woman holding a chicken feather as an arrow, "Don't worry, when Chen'er comes back, I will definitely teach him a good lesson."

"Humph!" Amu De thought it was funny, "I'm afraid this is another excuse for your celestial court to procrastinate! Your Majesty, you'd better make sure that Shangguan Shaochen can show up at the wedding ceremony as scheduled, otherwise, my Western Regions will definitely do it for Yaoyao!" Get justice!"

"Presumptuous!" The threatened emperor was furious, "After all, this is the celestial dynasty, after all, I am the emperor of the celestial dynasty, and my words are golden words, who would dare to disobey? Amu De, don't be too presumptuous!"

"Are I presumptuous, or the Celestial Dynasty..."

"Brother!" Mo Junyao interrupted him, waving his tricks, "Isn't it you who did what happened today? If you didn't use despicable means, then Ling Mu'er is already yours. What did you do?" Why take your anger out on the irrelevant father?"

Before you get married, you call him father? Amu De really wanted to teach Mo Junyao a good lesson, but he couldn't bear to see her mischievously sticking out her tongue.

"You, you, if you continue to defend Shangguan Shaochen like this, you will suffer a loss sooner or later!"

Looking at the emperor again, Amu De raised his jaw coldly and proudly, "Yao Yao is right, I did not think carefully today, but although I did not get Ling Muer, Shangguan Shaochen also did not get it, since the emperor recognized Yao Yao Well, well, the covenant between our Western Regions and the Celestial Dynasty will officially come into force today, and I, Amud, will formally establish diplomatic relations with the Celestial Dynasty on behalf of the Western Regions. From then on, the two countries will have friendly exchanges and will not invade each other!"

The emperor was overjoyed, but Amu De didn't finish his sentence, "As for Ling Muer?"

Hearing the name that he didn't want to hear again, the smile on the emperor's face froze, and he only heard Amu De say: "I am bound to win."

Then he took Mo Junyao's hand, "Yaoyao, let's go!"

"Presumptuous, they in the Western Regions are simply too presumptuous!"

Seeing Amu De's attitude of not taking her seriously, the emperor was furious.

Concubine Min hurriedly stepped forward to gently comfort his back, "Please calm down, Your Majesty, after all, the Western Regions are barbaric areas and there are no rules, so it makes sense."

"Hmph, Ling Mu'er has turned the capital into a mess. It's already a shame for me to promise them to set up a gamble. Let's see what happens to one or two of them?"

Seeing the amusing looks from his courtiers, thinking that Shangguan Shaochen would definitely argue with him later, and he didn't know what impulsive decision he would make, the emperor only felt that one head and two big ones made his head angry. Rensheng hurts.

"Yes, yes, it's all that Ling Mu'er did wrong, that Ling Mu'er deserves to die, the emperor calm down, don't get angry with irrelevant people."

Concubine Min supported his body steadily, "Your Majesty, let my concubine support you to go back to rest. This game is void, and everything today is just a play. As for Ling Muer, I will leave it to the minister." Concubine, this concubine will definitely persuade her to give up the second prince."

Today I finally heard a few words that made me feel at ease, the emperor looked fondly at Concubine Min next to me, "You still know my heart best."

After being praised, Concubine Min's heart became sweet, "It has always been a concubine's dream to share the worries of the emperor. Don't worry, your majesty, this matter is as beautiful as a concubine's, but the premise is that the emperor must take care of himself."

"In the entire harem, only you can share the worries for the truth. If this is the case, then I will hand over the control of the harem to you. Don't let me down,"

Although she only got the right of empress but not the position of empress, with this she is the largest in the harem. Concubine Min was so excited that she almost jumped up on the spot. She thanked the emperor repeatedly, "Thank you, my concubine."

"If you want to thank you, thank you Lao Qi. If he hadn't seen through Amu De's conspiracy today, I would have lost to the Western Regions." Thinking about it, the emperor felt uncomfortable, and he immediately looked back at the chief eunuch, "Come on, Pass down the decree, I will hand over the last three days of my unwellness to Lao Qi, and since the crown prince can't do something well, let others share the burden for him, and when he is ready, the rights will be returned to him."

I really didn't expect the emperor to make such a decision suddenly. Being able to review the memorial for the emperor, doesn't that mean that the throne is very likely to be passed on to the emperor's son in the future?

"The concubine thanked the emperor on behalf of the emperor!"

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