That night.

The sky closed its eyes like a monster, and the surroundings were dark. The dark clouds hid the moon to block the light, and the stars also secretly hid behind the clouds.

According to the agreement with the Seventh Prince, Ling Mu'er and Sheng'er brought their families to Matou, where there was a boat he had arranged in advance.

When the Seventh Prince saw Ling Muer and his party hurrying over, his heart that was hanging for a moment finally swallowed back into his stomach.

While pulling Sheng'er behind him, he stretched out his palm to Ling Muer. "What about the things I want?"

"I'll give it to you when my family gets on the boat safely." Ling Muer said, and waved her hand to signal everyone to get on the boat as soon as possible.

"Mu'er, hurry up." Parents first helped Chaoyang and Ling Zixuan onto the boat, followed by grandma and uncle, and then the Zhu family and servants.

"You go up and wait for me first, and I'll come later." Ling Muer nodded to everyone and then ordered Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang, "Take care of your parents and Chaoyang, she is pregnant and may get seasick, I asked you to bring the medicine Have you brought them all?"

Jiang Xiang picked up the medicine box in her hand, "Everything is ready according to the girl's order, don't worry, girl."

On the contrary, Shang Zhi worriedly looked at her and then at the Seventh Prince, "When is the girl going to board the ship?"

"I'm afraid she won't be able to get on board!"

An extremely domineering voice came from behind the crowd. When everyone looked back, they saw a man riding on a steed with a group of guards surrounding the horse's head.

"Quick, let's sail."

The Seventh Prince ordered that the boats that were originally docked on the shore be pulled away immediately, because Ling Muer hadn't boarded the boat yet, and Yang Shi and the others wanted to jump off the boat, but unfortunately the boat was already a few meters away from the shore.

"Mu'er, my Mu'er hasn't come up yet, Mu'er..." Yang yelled and almost fell off the boat.

"Mother!" Ling Muer was terrified, and hurriedly shouted, "Father, take good care of Mother, Muer will be fine, you wait for Muer."

After she finished speaking, she immediately looked at the Seventh Prince, and said to him in a voice that only two people could hear: "If you want to get my secret, get rid of Shangguan Shaochen."

The Seventh Prince didn't like the feeling of being ordered, he gritted his teeth, "Didn't you say that he would sleep for twenty hours? How could he wake up so quickly?"

Ling Muer is also very curious about this, but it seems that she guessed it right. Shangguan Shaochen has a body that is invulnerable to all poisons because of taking the petals of Bailingxian. It can only last for a few hours.

He could find this place so quickly, he must have woken up for a while.

"If I can't leave successfully, you won't get what you want. The Seventh Prince can decide for himself."

Ling Muer threatened, and hid behind him without any trace.

Shangguan Shaochen saw the series of actions of Ling Muer and the Seventh Prince, his sharp eyes were narrowed, and there was a cold light at the end of his eyes.

"I don't know where Miss Ling is going?" He said strangely, as if he had returned to the time when he just lost his memory, very cold, "If you step back again, you may fall into the river under the pier It seems that the day is not cold enough, Miss Ling is going to take a swim to cool off?"

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Shaochen would say such teasing words. After the Seventh Prince and Ling Muer looked at each other, they took the initiative to approach him, "I don't know why the Second Emperor is here at this time?"

"I'm also curious, why are you here, Seventh Emperor Brother?" Shangguan Shaochen had a very sinister attitude, as if he had changed overnight. Not only did he have a strange voice, but even his eyes were evil.

Even the evil Seventh Prince felt that he was no match for him.

"I'm just here to deal with things that are entrusted to be loyal to others." The Seventh Prince explained, but didn't say anything specific.

And Shangguan Shaochen didn't need to answer him carefully at all, he stretched out his long arm and pointed at Ling Muer, "The purpose of my prince's coming here is very simple, to find her."

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince immediately grabbed Ling Mu'er and held him behind him, "I don't know why the Second Emperor is looking for Miss Ling, she is my honored guest tonight, and we are still dealing with some unfinished business, can the Second Emperor please Bro, can we finish the matter?"

After they finish dealing with it, I'm afraid he will never find Ling Mu'er again.

Shangguan Shaochen suppressed the anger in his heart, "Coincidentally, the purpose of my prince's coming here is also her, come and take Ling Mu'er down!"

As soon as he gave an order, the guards who followed immediately rushed forward and surrounded the Seventh Prince and Ling Muer,

The Seventh Prince never expected that Shangguan Shaochen would do this suddenly, "What is the meaning of this, Brother Second?"

Ling Mu'er didn't expect that her eldest brother not only came, but also brought so many people to arrest her. She looked around nervously, and secretly concluded that it seemed that there was no way to escape tonight.

She looked at Shangguan Shaochen guiltily, but his eyes were still terribly cold, as if he and her were two strangers who didn't know each other.

"The daughter of the people, Ling Mu'er, drugged the prince in the palace today in an attempt to murder the prince. According to my father's orders, I will immediately arrest her and bring her back for interrogation." Brother, are you still going to let him go?"

How could he let Ling Mu'er go? This woman just said that if she can't leave him successfully, he won't get what he wants. He has to fight for that treasure, "Second Brother, did you really investigate this? There is no misunderstanding in it, maybe..."

"Why did the seventh emperor not release him for so long? Could it be that you are in the same group?" After Shangguan Shaochen finished speaking, his sharp eyes shot over immediately.

He couldn't afford to be accused of murdering the prince, and the Seventh Prince was depressed. He never thought that Shangguan Shaochen would find such a clumsy excuse in order to bring Ling Muer back.

It even alarmed the emperor, isn't he really afraid that his father will accuse Ling Mu'er of murdering the prince and have her whole family beheaded?

"Come here, take this assassin who murdered this prince away!"

While the Seventh Prince was in a daze, Shangguan Shaochen gave an order, and the guards immediately took Ling Muer away.

The Seventh Prince reflexively stretched out his hand and grabbed Ling Muer's sleeve, but Shangguan Shaochen immediately shot a hidden weapon in his eyes, "Father has an order, whoever dares to stop me from arresting someone will join this assassin in murdering me." Prince, could it be that the Seventh Brother really has the idea of ​​murdering me?"

The seventh prince was in pain and was about to get angry, but after hearing what the emperor said, he was unwilling to let go of Ling Muer's sleeve.

"Come here, take her away, withdraw troops!"

He was so arrogant that he didn't even look at the Seventh Prince. Shangguan Shaochen threw the long whip in his hand on the horse's back. The horse turned around and left at a high speed. The Seventh Prince could only watch helplessly as he took Ling Muer away with him.

"Damn it, damn it!"

He slammed his furious fist on the stump beside him. He never thought that the duck he was about to get would fly away. His secret, his treasure house!

"Tell me if this is what the two of them negotiated to play with the prince, you say!"

The man next to him suddenly became angry, and she was almost out of breath feeling his sharp palms, Sheng'er kept patting his hands, begging for mercy, "Master, it's Sheng'er, you really want to kill Sheng'er ?"

It seems that what Mu'er said is correct, if Mu'er really went with the Xian Wang today, after being discovered by the master, she would have no choice but to die.

It turned out that the love in the past was all fake, and the agreement to grow old with her was also fake. Once his interests were harmed, everyone would end up the same.

Dazed by anger, the Seventh Prince realized that he had actually controlled someone he had always loved so much. He hurriedly put her down and carefully helped her to sit on the stone pillar beside him. He felt extremely guilty, "I'm sorry Sheng'er, it's my master's mistake. I think my master didn't control himself to lose his temper with you. How are you doing? You've moved your tires, but what's wrong with you?"

Sheng'er really couldn't figure out how the man who was so angry and wanted to kill her just now became so gentle and delicate in the blink of an eye?

Could it be that the kindness to her in the past was all pretended?

Then such a grandpa is simply too scary.

But she is already his woman, and he is the love of her life, so what's the use of knowing all this?

"Master, you really wronged Sheng'er. Sheng'er doesn't know anything. This... all of this happened suddenly. Mu'er must not be aware of it."

She choked up, but still did not forget to defend Ling Mu'er.

The anger in the Seventh Prince's heart could not wait to erupt immediately, "Then how did Shangguan Shaochen come here? Our actions are so covert, and every step is arranged by me personally. How did he find this place?"

Hearing the roar, Sheng'er didn't know whether she was frightened or really uncomfortable, her facial features were snarled, "Master, please don't yell at Sheng'er, please, Sheng'er is afraid, and the baby will also be afraid. I... What am I really?" I don't know, I've been with Mu'er all day long, and she just told everyone in Ling's residence to leave, she didn't even step out of the house. If all this is false, why would she let Ling's family leave? It's impossible for the entire family to cooperate with her in acting."

That's right, if this is just a play of her playing tricks on him, with so many people in Ling's mansion, as well as Mr. Zhu and the little Princess Chaoyang, wouldn't the price be too high?

"Come here!" He gave an order, and guards came over immediately.

"Stop that boat, and detain everyone on board to the Seventh Prince's Mansion." The Seventh Prince ordered angrily.

Sheng'er was terrified, is the master going to kill innocent people indiscriminately?

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

"As long as her family members are in my hands, I don't believe that she won't hand over what I want. If I know that all this is a play for them to tease me, I will kill these people and let Ling Muer Regret forever!"

The Seventh Prince shook his sleeves and left angrily, leaving Sheng'er alone on the horse's head watching the boats gradually returning.

What to do, what can she do to help Mu'er?

Seeing that Sheng'er didn't follow after a while, the Seventh Prince strolled back, and seeing Sheng'er's worried eyes looking into the distance, he leaned into her ear and said evilly, "Why, are you planning to vent to Ling Muer in secret? report?"

Sheng'er shuddered, she never thought that the person who left would come back, she just shook her head innocently, "I didn't, Sheng'er will never betray the Lord in this life."

"Sheng'er, be good, I know you are the most obedient, as long as you are obedient, the little things here will be born safely, understand?" The seventh prince's index finger drew circles on her stomach.

Sheng'er felt that if she didn't nod obediently, he might slap her.

Grandpa is so scary today.

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