"This is not the way to enter the palace, where are you taking me?"

Ling Mu'er struggled, but she was no match for the guards. She raised her head and asked the tall Shangguan Shaochen who was riding on a fine horse, but unfortunately he didn't look at her at all, with a cold expression on his face that made people dare not approach him.

"Go in!"

The guards rudely pushed her into a house. Before Ling Mu'er could see where it was, she was already in the yard.

Shangguan Shaochen got off his horse, looked coldly at the guard who had just pushed Ling Mu'er, and then gave a look to the subordinate beside him, and the guard was taken away.

"What is this place? Shangguan Shaochen, what are you doing?"

Ling Muer had never seen him like this before, he was very indifferent and ruthless, as if he was born without a trace of mercy.

He approached her step by step until he forced her back into a corner. Suddenly, with a big wave of his hand, he forced her onto his shoulders.

"Let me down, Shangguan Shaochen, you jailed me for breaking the law!"

"I am the second prince, and I am Wang Fa!"

He finally spoke, but unfortunately his cold tone was still that of a stranger.

Ling Mu'er only felt a pain in her back, her body flew into the air, and he threw her on the bed mercilessly, but soon his tall body also pressed her down.

A tall and burly man suddenly pressed him down, making the thin and skinny her helpless, even though she was extremely powerful, she was no match for him, her small fist landed hard on his chest, "Let me go!" , I don’t allow you to bully me, Shangguan Shaochen, you don’t allow me to bully me!”

"Then can you just bully me?" He roared angrily, and the room suddenly fell silent.

He leaned on her and looked into her eyes at a close distance, seeing the panic and fear in her eyes, he curled his lips and let out a cold laugh, "Did I tell you that I will solve this matter? I have I didn't tell you that I would rather give up my status as a prince and go back to Lingjia Village with you than marry a concubine. Did I tell you to give me time! But what about you? You actually drugged me and colluded with others to escape from the capital secretly! "

Speaking of which, Shangguan Shaochen was very angry, he wished to vent all his anger on her, but he was reluctant.

"Ling Muer!" He shouted her name angrily, and regretted it in his heart after he finished yelling, because he saw Ling Muer's trembling and frightened expression.

He wanted to appease her not to be afraid and not to be angry, but the anger in his heart had no place to vent, he gritted his teeth, "Where are you going? If I didn't wake up in time with my invulnerable constitution and find out that you let Lao Qi If I take you away from the capital, will you disappear completely from my world? The sky is big and the earth is big, will you go back to Lingjia Village? Where are you going to take your family, and you are really so heartless? I left alone?"

The last sentence pierced Ling Mu'er's chest like a thorn.

The tears she had endured for a whole day finally fell disobediently. She was pitifully aggrieved, "If I don't do this, am I going to watch you and Mo Junyao get married? Brother!"

With this big brother, she seemed to express all the friendships she had had over the years.

For a moment, Shangguan Shaochen seemed to remember something, he reached out his hand to grab that clip, but let it slip away, but he lowered his head and blocked her seductive lips fiercely.

With the raging punishment, even hurting her, Shangguan Shaochen didn't intend to stop.

Just hearing the sound of 'tearing', her pale yellow sleeves shattered, and Ling Mu'er, who was also deeply in love, was relieved. She was trembling, and looked at her like a giant beast crushed on her body with some fear. The man said, "Big...Brother?"

Hearing that trembling voice, Shangguan Shaochen realized how rude his behavior was, as if he had recovered his lost soul, he hurriedly lifted the quilt to cover her exposed skin, "I'm sorry, Mu'er, Sorry, I was too impulsive, but..."

As long as he thinks that if he comes one step later, he will never see this girl again, Shangguan Shaochen will be furious.

"Since you say you love me, why don't you give me a chance to prove it? Do you know where this is?"

Ling Mu'er lay on the bed obediently, she raised her head and rolled her eyes wildly to look around. There was nothing clueful about the quaint house, and she was sure she had never been here before, so she shook her head.

Shangguan Shaochen smiled, and said in a light and clear voice: "The next door is the Ling Mansion."

Ling Muer suddenly woke up like a dream, and a deep memory emerged from her mind.

"Mu'er, after we get married, in order to make it easier for you to go home and take care of your family, and to prevent your uncle and aunt from worrying, I will buy the house next door to Ling's residence and make it our new house, okay?"

This is the promise Shangguan Shaochen made to her before he lost his memory.

"Could it be here..."

"That's right, I went to find Nangong Yizhi. Fortunately, I even told him about this, so I hurriedly bought this house today just to tell you." He paused, " Ling Muer, no matter in the past or in the future, I will do what I told you, and I will not allow you to leave my world."

"But even if I don't leave, the person in the palace will find a way to let me go. I still have family members I care about..."

"Leave it all to me, Ling Muer, listen carefully. I will only say this once. Since you choose me, then everything about you is everything to me. Leave everything you worry about to me!"

"What about Mo Junyao?" Ling Mu'er admitted that she was touched by these words, but the obstacle between them was not one person at all, but the diplomatic relations between the two countries, "If you disagree, I'm afraid there will be another war between the Celestial Dynasty and the Western Regions , the peace we have finally returned to, I don't want to ruin the lives of the people all over the world because of me alone."

Maybe because she is a doctor, she doesn't want to see more people get hurt, if that's the case, she would rather give up the man she has always wanted.

"You really care about the people." Shangguan Shaochen smiled, "For them, you don't want me, right?"

Did not hear her answer, Shangguan Shaochen was a little disappointed, "So in your eyes, I am not the most important? Then you know, when I knew that I was about to lose you, when I woke up from the bed in the palace I came to know that it was you who drugged me, and when I learned that you were going to leave the capital completely, I would rather give up everything for you."

After finishing speaking, while Ling Muer was in a daze, he lowered his head and kissed those red lips again.

But this time he didn't bring the ravages of punishment, but kissed very carefully, as if he would never kiss again after this time.

Ling Mu'er was touched, and she didn't know when she took the initiative to respond by wrapping her arms around his neck.

Shangguan Shaochen is a man, a normal man, how could he resist the temptation of his beloved woman.

This is the new house for the two of them arranged by him again...

"Don't worry, no matter it's the imperial father's decree or someone puts a knife on my neck, I will never marry anyone except you!"

Although this was not the first time he made a promise, Ling Muer regretted it the moment he suddenly appeared before her and brought her back.

She found that as long as she saw this man, she didn't want to leave his sight, let alone his strong heartbeat.

She was greedy for the sense of security he gave her.

"Shangguan Shaochen..."

"Remember, change this title from now on."

After the words fell, he kissed her lips again.

Ripples in the room are happening.

"Do you still want to leave me now?"

Looking at the blushing face of the little girl in his arms, one couldn't help but want to take a bite, thinking about it, Shangguan Shaochen actually took her face like a peach, and gently gnawed on her face.

"You hurt me." Ling Muer hurriedly hid in his arms, but every movement caused pain all over her body. She was panting heavily like a puppy, but the instigator acted like a normal person, On the contrary, he is more energetic than before the incident,

"Shangguan Shaochen, if you dare to bully me again, be careful that I will poison you to death." She pretended to threaten.

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't leave me, it's fine." With a wave of his long arm, he gently pulled her into his arms, letting her face press against his strong heart.

It was a casual sentence, but Ling Muer felt a little distressed when he heard it.

"Have you never thought about what to do if you really can't find me?"

Shangguan Shaochen froze, obviously thinking about this problem.

"Then the Celestial Dynasty will lose the Second Prince again."

His words were not very pleasant, but only Ling Mu'er understood what he meant.

Back then, for his mother and concubine, he left the palace without hesitation and became a poor man, always looking for opportunities to avenge his mother and concubine, and then return to his identity in a high-profile manner. When he said this this time, he obviously compared her to someone as important as the concubine mother.

"Sure enough, the big brother from the past is cuter. Unlike you who are smooth-tongued now, I don't know whether I should trust you or not."

Although Ling Muer said so, she found a comfortable position in his arms.

"It's too late for you to regret it, because I won't let go of your hand again." After he finished speaking, he took her hand and clasped her fingers tightly with great force.

Ling Muer laughed at his antics, but when she thought of Mo Junyao, she still sighed deeply, "The emperor announces your marriage in front of all civil and military officials, even if you don't want to, I'm afraid It's so easy to solve, even if you fooled Mo Junyao, you still have Amu De."

Shangguan Shaochen rubbed her hair lightly, "I told you long ago that matters in the court are men's affairs. You girl looks powerful on the surface, but you are actually very weak in your heart. Then Just stand obediently behind me."

Afraid that she still didn't believe what he said, Shangguan Shaochen hooked her chin and looked into her eyes seriously, "I am your man, it's time for me to protect you, I have already thought of a solution to Mo Junyao, If you believe me, be obedient and don't run away, huh?"

Where is she going like this?

But her family has already boarded the boat, and she was taken away forcibly by him. I don't know if the Seventh Prince will make things difficult for them.

"You appeared suddenly. The Seventh Prince ordered people to sail the boat very quickly in order to fulfill his promise. I am worried about my family."

I knew that little girls would always spoil the scenery like this.

"When will you be with me, can you miss other people?" Although Shangguan Shaochen was jealous, he still got down to business, "Tell me first, why Lao Qi agreed to take you away?"

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