The news that the emperor canonized Ling Mu'er as the second prince's concubine quickly spread throughout the capital, and those who wanted to curry favor with the second prince on weekdays also took the opportunity to send many congratulatory gifts. After all, there were no guards inside and outside the Ling Mansion. Even if they didn't want them, those people would just leave them behind. After several days, the courtyard of the Ling Mansion was full of gifts.

Ling Mu'er also asked Shangguan Shaochen for his opinion, but the black-bellied fellow said, "Take it, don't reject it for nothing, even if the emperor asked, those people left it on their own initiative, there is nothing to blame. "

The head of her family has spoken like this, so what else can she hide?

As a result, in the next three days, there was an endless stream of people who came to give gifts. At first, both father and mother were worried that receiving so many gifts would have a bad influence on Mu'er, and even worried that the marriage would be ruined. , but as time passed, they didn't care about it, and the second prince's words were passed on by someone who didn't know how to see them, so that in the courtyard of the Ling Mansion, many gifts would always fall from the sky inexplicably, like It's like a pie falling from the sky, it's so lively.

Early in the morning, Ling Muer was carrying a medicine box and planned to go to the clinic for a consultation, but as soon as she stepped out of the room, she realized that she had nowhere to go, and her pretty brows were wrinkled.

"Shang Zhi, what's the matter?"

"Girl, the maids in the front yard said that there are too many things to fit in the backyard, and there is no way to put them in the corridor, but don't worry, the servants have already cleaned them up, and you will be able to leave the house soon .” Shang Zhi explained with a sigh.

"It was troublesome at the beginning, there were only five servants and slaves in Ling's house, and it would be dark to clean up these things?" Did she still have to wait? In her opinion, she may not be able to successfully leave the mansion until dawn.

"How can five people be enough?" Shang Zhi tutted and shook his head, "Because of these things, Mrs. Er went to Yazili to buy five more slaves in person yesterday, and now a dozen or so people are busy cleaning them up. .”

"Huh-huh?" Ling Muer sneered, obviously choking on these words.

Is it because the courtyard of their Ling residence is too small, or are there too many people outside who want to curry favor with Shangguan Shaochen?

That's right, not only do you need to pack up the gifts, but you also need to count who sent them, and what did you give them?

Although Shangguan Shaochen said that "everyone who comes will be accepted, we will accept it when we see it", but if some of them have hidden evil intentions and send something that can frame the second prince, it will be bad.

That's why Ling Mu'er told everyone the day before yesterday that it doesn't matter if others send gifts, they must carefully investigate where they came from and what they gave, and if they find something harmful, report it immediately.

Fortunately, so far nothing that can murder the second prince has been found.

She nodded, and was about to go back to the room to regain sleep, but only heard a loud 'bang' from the front, and Ling Muer watched a big box fall from the sky.

Well, I don't know if it was a bad move that was thought up by someone who didn't have a good eye.

"Girl, are you not scared?" Shang Zhi was startled by the sudden loud noise, and she thought Ling Muer was also startled.

"A little bit, but what should we do, let's find a net to cover the Ling mansion?" Ling Muer joked with a smile.

There are a lot of people who want to curry favor with the second prince, because after the emperor's imperial decree came out, everyone was wondering why the emperor would agree to marry a civilian girl to the second prince and become a concubine? Anyone with a brain can guess that the second prince may have promised the emperor something, and also guessed what the second prince's future identity will be.

Therefore, no matter whether it was the ministers of the court, the small officials of the counties, or even some merchants who wanted to ask the second prince to be their backer, so that they would be more prosperous in the business field, that's why they sent many congratulatory gifts. Everyone wanted to think that the second prince congratulated them only by trying their luck. If they were lucky enough to be overturned by the second prince, wouldn't they jump into the dragon's gate and become rich from then on?

It's a pity that the second prince of her family is not interested in these people who walk heresy ways, and these people are wasting their thoughts in vain.

"Wait, what are those?" From the corner of her eyes, Ling Muer saw a few guards coming in carrying gifts, and she was thinking who was so generous and sent so many things, could it be some high-ranking official or someone who got rich overnight upstart?

"Girl, this is a congratulatory gift from the Marquis of Ningguo." The leader of the servants hurriedly returned after hearing her words.

"Sent by the godmother?" Ling Mu'er's eyes lit up instantly.

Other people's gifts can be discarded, but the godmother must accept them, "Didn't the godmother send gifts yesterday, what are these?"

She counted, there were five big boxes.

She saw the ones delivered yesterday when she returned home in the evening. They were all high-quality cloth, and they were said to be new clothes for her. The godmother's letter said, "How can it be shabby to marry into a palace?" ' But she looked carefully, those fabrics are probably not seen by the emperor's concubines, they are all the best goods from the tribute, I'm afraid they were rewarded by the emperor for his great achievements in Ningguohou.

"Mrs. Ning Guohou sent someone to tell that Miss Ling is getting married. Although there is a dowry from the royal family, she can't be shabby as a godmother. So these are all jewelry prepared by Madam for you. I hope to support the girl."

Poof, Ling Muer was amused.

This is indeed a mother-in-law style.

"Bring it over here and put it all here."

Ling Mu'er, who has been nourished by drinking the spiritual spring water, is extremely powerful. She just moved her feet, and she easily kicked away the boxes around her. Although everyone in the house knew her advantage, they were still stunned by her. up.

"Girl has good feet." Shang Zhi gave her a thumbs up.

"Don't be so talkative." Ling Mu'er scolded her, "The king is here, these little pawns will naturally have to step aside, how can you neglect the godmother's gift?"

Ling Mu'er opened one of the boxes out of curiosity, but she was stunned. There was a whole box of luminous pearls, and there was a high-quality purple luminous pearl in the middle.

This gift from the godmother is simply too precious.

Opening the other three-compartment jewels, they stabbed her titanium eyes one after another.

Jewelry full of diamonds, top-notch purple jade, amber beeswax... how can it be described as a bold word?

"Shang Zhi, look at my itinerary, I have to go to Ningguo Hou Mansion."

Since she decided to get married, there are many things to be busy in the house, all her schedule has been handed over to Shang Zhi, and Jiang Xiang will stay in the hospital to sit in charge.

"Today, there are two outpatient consultations in the afternoon, so why don't you go now, girl." Shang Zhi knew her itinerary like the back of his hand.

"Unfortunately, it seems that I can't go."

Ling Mu'er was planning to leave, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw two uninvited guests standing at the door. Couldn't one of them be Lin Yudie, the niece of the empress who was thrown into limbo?

"Girl, Master Lin, Minister of Rites, brought his eldest daughter to see you." The servant came to report.

"No!" Ling Muer stared straight at Lin Yudie, deliberately making things difficult for her.

Sure enough, after a while, Lin Yudie exclaimed from a distance, "Well, you Ling Mu'er, why don't you see me when you're at home."

But as expected, her rudeness immediately aroused her father's dissatisfaction, Master Lin immediately taught her: "Presumptuous, how can you be so arrogant when you treat the future second concubine, and why don't you apologize to the second concubine?" .”

Even though they were separated by an arched bridge and a long corridor, their reprimands were too loud, word by word was heard in Ling Mu'er's ears.

Lin Yudie was full of grievances, "I don't want it, Dad, why should I apologize to her? If you hadn't tied me here today, I would never have appeared."

"You unfilial daughter, see if I don't beat you to death!" As he said, Master Lin was about to strike, but Lin Yudie dodged it.

Not only was she hiding but she also yelled at Ling Muer, "Ling Muer, I've already seen you, even if you don't see me, I'll see you too,"

Fearing that Lin Yudie would say something to offend others, Master Lin sighed and knelt down on the ground, "Mr. Lin begged to see the second concubine, please do me a favor."

"If I don't see you, it's not doing me a favor?" Ling Mu'er asked selfishly, "Okay, then let's meet, I want to see what the father and son are going to do."

A quarter of an hour later, in the front hall of the Ling Mansion, Ling Muer sat on the main seat, and below were Master Lin and Lin Yudie.

"Shang Zhi, why are you still standing there? After all, you are a distinguished guest, why don't you serve tea yet?" Ling Mu'er ordered, and also played a trick on Shang Zhi, which Shang Zhi understood in seconds.

After receiving the tea from Shang Zhi, Lin Yudie gave her a look of 'you're sensible', Ling Muer just let out a sneer from her nose: I'll see you later.

"Pfft... What, what is this, Ling Muer, did you do it on purpose?" Lin Yudie spat out a sip of tea, without caring about the image of the lady, which made Master Lin on the side dissatisfied again.

"Die'er, what are you doing again, this is Ling Mansion, who are you yelling at!"

"Yeah, who are you yelling at by name?" Ling Muer's intentionally yin and yang voice followed what Master Lin said just now, and she looked straight at Lin Yudie with a serious look on her face. The posture of questioning guilt.

"You..." Lin Yudie wanted to say something else, Master Lin hurriedly held down her outstretched hand, and forced her to be pulled up and pressed to the ground, "Please Second Prince Concubine to make amends, the young girl is young and ignorant, she did not mean to offend Er Princess."

So polite?

It seems that Mr. Lin is also a good hand in the officialdom.

"Lord Lin, please be polite. Although the imperial decree has been issued, the auspicious day has not come yet. You don't need to be so polite to me." Although Ling Muer said so, she did not help him up.

Mrs. Lin was a little embarrassed, he didn't know whether to get up or not, and he felt a little resentful towards Ling Mu'er in his heart, but as long as he thought that she would soon be the second concubine, he could hold back his anger.

"It's the second concubine who is too polite. Since the imperial decree is issued, you are the second concubine. How dare I be negligent?" Lord Lin sneered, deliberately flattering her.

"I don't know why Mrs. Lin brought Ling Qianjin to the Ling Mansion? If it's the same as others, then I think you'd better go back." Ling Muer pointed at the presents all over the yard with her eyes, and she didn't want to be with him in this place. Too much entanglement on the issue.

Master Lin quickly shook his head, "Don't dare, how dare someone Lin follow those people's bad manners. I learned that my little girl had contradicted you a while ago, so I brought my little girl here to question you."

This old guy is really old and cunning.

If it were an ordinary person, he would be very happy to say: No need, it's just a small friction and I didn't take it to heart.

But she is not an ordinary person.

"Well, Master Lin, you are right, she should really apologize to me."

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