Master Lin was taken aback when he heard the words, apparently he did not expect Ling Muer to say such a thing.

Only Lin Yudie was very angry, "You, why do you want me to apologize to you, what have I done to you? Also, you are not the second princess and concubine, what are you doing here? Although the imperial decree is issued, But the emperor is the son of heaven, as long as he says a word, that imperial decree can be abolished, Ling Muer, don't be arrogant to me."

"Heh, who is this arrogant person? Is it me?" Ling Muer pointed to her face and sneered, then looked at Master Lin again, "Master Lin, please go back, my little Ling's mansion is probably I can't afford Miss Lin."

I didn't expect her daughter to contradict her so silently, Master Lin was about to vomit blood from anger, but she couldn't really beat her own daughter in front of outsiders, after all, Ling Mu'er didn't seem like a good person to provoke.

Mrs. Lin sighed, and hurriedly put on a smile, "Second Princess, please calm down. It's Lin's lax discipline, and it's all Lin's fault. Please, Second Prince's Concubine, don't count the faults of the villain. It's because of Lin's fault." Bypass the little girl in face."


Ling Mu'er really wanted to forgive her for this, but Lin Yudie said indiscriminately, "Father, why did you admit your mistake to her?"

If so, then no wonder she.

"Sorry, I don't seem to know Mr. Lin, so why should I give Mr. Lin face?"

As soon as Ling Muer said this, Master Lin's expression changed suddenly.

When the empress was still in power, who gave him such a face, where did he not show off his power and show off his power?

But now that the queen has fallen, those who supported him in the past have given him a lot of money, and his daughter's mouth has offended many people, which makes him really embarrassed.

In desperation, he wanted to imitate those people and start with the second princess. When he learned that his daughter had offended her, he was going crazy, but it didn't matter. So he brought his daughter to make amends.

He was just thinking of a peasant girl, she hadn't really become the second concubine yet, maybe it would give him face, after all, he was also a minister of the Ministry of Rites.

But who knew that this peasant girl was so arrogant and not easy to provoke, "Yes, yes, you are the second concubine, so why do you need to give me a small letter from the Ministry of Rites, besides, Mrs. Lin brought her daughter here today. apologetic."

Lord Lin forced Lin Yudie to the ground, "Aren't you apologizing to the second princess?"

Of course, Lin Yudie refused to bow her head to Ling Muer, and opened her mouth to say something, but was also covered by Master Lin, "It's my daughter's fault, my daughter shouldn't have provoked the majesty of the second prince and concubine several times, and I hope that the second prince and concubine will not be with you in large numbers." She usually cares about it. Don't worry, you can do whatever you want, as long as you can calm down."

This mouthful of yours makes her old, this Master Lin is really flexible.

But his calculating eyes seemed to remind her all the time that the person in front of her was not a good person, and she didn't know what was scheming in her heart.

"Two months ago in the palace, she insisted on framing me as the murderer who pushed her into the lake, and let the empress at that time put me to death. Mr. Lin, since you have heard about this incident, you should know more about that day. If Concubine Yi hadn't appeared to protect me, I'm afraid I'd already be dead, how can I forgive her?"

In the face of life and death, nothing is more important than this.

Master Lin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect her to speak so directly, and he couldn't think of what to say back for a while.

However, Lin Yudie forcibly opened the mouth covered by her father, "You hit me thirty times in the palace last time, almost killing me half my life, what do you think of me?"

"That's right, I forgot about it, so I've already taught you a lesson, so Mrs. Lin should get up, we're even, you don't need her to apologize to me anymore." Ling Mu My son said this on purpose, just to test Master Lin's tone.

Sure enough, he was just stunned for a moment, and then quickly threw her a polite voice, "Ms. Lin is terrified. How can a little girl be maliciously framed by thirty boards? Besides, I've heard about your torture." , that is because the little girl is ignorant and prevents you from healing the empress. It is the little girl who made you unhappy, how can I make you forgive the little girl?"

She said that the two were even, but this Master Lin still went up to the pole and asked her to punish his daughter. Who doesn't feel sorry for his own child? It can only mean that he has other motives.

It seems that there is something to beg.

"As long as she doesn't take the initiative to provoke me in the future, I can treat it as if the previous incident never happened, and it's fine that we two don't interfere with each other, but..." Ling Muer raised her eyes to look at Master Lin, "If Master Lin still You may as well just say anything else, I will go to Ningguohou's mansion to pay my respects to my godmother later, I'm afraid I don't have so much time."

Hearing that she deliberately brought up Ning Guohou's reputation, Mr. Lin's original plan fell through, but after looking at Lin Yudie, Mr. Lin was very unwilling.

This daughter was used to being pampered by him since she was a child, which caused her to develop a savage and self-willed ability when she grew up. She stabbed him everywhere to offend others. In the past, she was taken care of by the queen, and she could do whatever she wanted without any scruples, but now the queen has been thrown into the cold palace , her protective umbrella was shattered. If she didn't find a backer for her, sooner or later her little life would fall on her fierceness.

"The second concubine is really smart, no wonder the emperor praises you so much."

Master Lin complimented, and got up and approached Ling Muer, "The so-called no acquaintance, the second concubine's being able to get married with the little girl is also considered a fate. Although there was a lot of trouble in it, it will be resolved if you talk about it today." Now, why don't you all turn the fighting into friendship and become good friends and move around more?"

It turns out that Master Lin's purpose is here.

Ling Mu'er shook her head with a smile, "Since Master Lin has said so, I might as well say it directly. Master Lin wanted to find a backer for Lin Yudie. After all, her former backer, the Empress Empress, fell from power, but it happened that I have been side concubine and second prince side concubine again, do you think it's fine if I forgive her, and become good sisters with her, and protect her in the capital from now on?"

Being so bluntly poked at the center of the matter, Master Lin's face instantly became ugly, but soon he put on a sneer, "Little girl is fierce, I don't know how many people I have offended in the past, only the second prince and concubine Don't care about her, so Lin thought that maybe you can become good friends. Oh no, Die Er will be your sister in the future, if you have anything, just ask her to do it, how about you?"

"not good."

Ling Mu'er bluntly refused, "Since Master Lin also knows that Ling Qianjin is stubborn, why should I make trouble for myself?"

"You!" Lin Yudie was impatient, looking at Ling Mu with murderous eyes when he was a child, "You think I want to be your sister, even if you want, I don't mind it, why should I let this lady serve you."

"Presumptuous!" Lord Lin scolded angrily, and slapped Lin Yudie even more severely.

"Father!" Lin Yudie was taken aback, "You, you beat me because of her?"

"It's because I don't discipline you strictly, that's why I let you develop such a temper. I wish I could kill you!" Master Lin raised his hand and wanted to drop it, but he held back after thinking about it. This one baby girl.

Looking at Ling Mu'er again, Master Lin looked sad and sad, "The second concubine doesn't know something. Die'er has no mother since she was a child, and I am too busy with government affairs to take care of her, so she has been stubborn since she was a child. It seems that there are no rules, but in fact Die'er is not bad. To be honest, Lin saw that the second concubine was so disciplined when she came from a poor peasant, so she wanted Die'er to learn from you First off, I don’t think the second concubine has a personal maid, so why not keep Die’er?”

Hey, is this a drama of bitterness after the failure of the aggressive general?

Not to mention Lin Yudie's life experience, not to mention being miserable to her, and deliberately belittling herself to be worse than a peasant girl, this Master Lin really can't bear to let the child not be able to trap the wolf.

"Master Lin praised me. I am indeed a peasant girl, and I do not have any sisters, but I will marry into the second prince's residence soon. Even if I recognize her as my younger sister, I won't be able to take care of her for a few days." Ling Muer Tactfully refusing, Mr. Lin is so smart that I believe he can understand it as soon as he hears it.

It's a pity that the old guy's abacus is not here at all.

"What did the Second Prince Concubine say? Since she is your younger sister, she will naturally marry you as a dowry. Don't worry, Die Er will behave well after entering the Second Prince's Mansion, and will never cause trouble for you. If you can if……"


Before Master Lin could finish speaking, Ling Muer's fist hit the table heavily.

What an old guy, she hasn't even passed the door yet, yet he wants to compete with her man for a woman!

She got up and looked fiercely at the Lin family's father and daughter, "Hmph, I said, how could Mr. Lin bow his head to me, a commoner girl, and bring his precious daughter to confess to me, so it was such a wishful thinking! Lin My lord wants to use me to send your daughter to the second prince's mansion, no, you want to send it directly to the second prince, right?"

Ling Mu'er was about to be blown up by this scheming Lord Lin, "Don't say that I haven't married into the second prince's mansion yet, so I can't be such a master; even if I do, do you think I will let other women marry me?" I serve a husband together?"

Seeing that Ling Mu'er was angry, Master Lin also held back his anger, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently. He pushed Lin Yudie, indicating that it was time for her to speak.

"Ling Mu'er, what you said is going too far. In my dynasty, it is a tradition for men to have three wives and four concubines. Besides, how can you be the only one in the second prince's harem? You are about to become the second prince's side concubine, so you should consider it for the second prince and obey it." A woman's three obediences and four virtues, but you prevent the second prince from taking concubines and concubines. What evil intentions do you have, believe it or not, I will sue you in front of the emperor!" Lin Yudie pointed at her face and scolded angrily, as if this The thing is that she did something wrong.

Ling Mu'er understood this time, the father and son's singing and relationship had been discussed long ago.

"Okay, you should go, I want to see if the emperor will send you to the second prince's mansion to be a side concubine before I pass the door!" Ling Muer approached Lin Yudie step by step, " I really don't understand the three obediences and four virtues, because I never want to live the three obediences and four virtues. Since you have spoken today, I might as well tell you that my man can only marry me in this life, let alone a side concubine. It’s impossible for a little housekeeper to have one! Also, let me give you a man I haven’t tasted yet?”

Ling Mu'er was in a hurry, "Come here, throw these two people out!"

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