"No one stopped me outside, so I came in. I didn't eavesdrop on purpose."

Being found out, Ling Muer was a little embarrassed, she immediately explained, and looked at Shangguan Shaochen curiously, "Why are you here?"

"Who dares to stop you?" Su Ce gave Ling Mu'er a spoiled look, then turned his gaze to Shangguan Shaochen, "Of course his purpose is the same as yours. But since you're here, let's take him away." Your man, I only welcome you in this Xianwang Palace, not him!"

Su Ce shook his sleeves, planning to get up and leave.

Ling Muer knew that he said this on purpose to distract them. Although Su Ce is a cunning fox, he always keeps it in his heart when he encounters something on his mind.

"Shao Chen is right. The matter between the two of us does not require you to make such sacrifices. Even if we cannot be together, how can it hinder you to marry a woman you don't like and spend your life with her?"

The more she thought about Ling Muer, the more guilty she felt.

Su Ce is the number one son of the capital. A woman who is worthy of him should be a kind of elegant lady, or a like-minded person, but the princess of the Western Regions is unruly and willful, very domineering. Living with such a person for a lifetime I am afraid that I will go crazy early.

Besides, once he gets involved with the Western Regions, Su Ce will never be able to be reused in his life. He has sacrificed too much for it.

"I've made up my mind, you don't need to say anything." Su Ce yawned lazily, "I'm sorry, you two can leave if you have nothing else to do, because you delayed my king's lunch break."

After saying that, he ordered to the outside, "Come here, see off the guests!"

Su Ce seems to like to bombard her recently? This was very unpleasant to Ling Muer.

She stepped over him to block the door, preventing the servants from rushing in, and glared at him angrily, "If my happiness is based on your pain, then I..."

"Then what are you? Also cancel the marriage with the second prince?" Su Ce hurriedly interrupted her, lowered his head, as if he could hear her breath as he was so close.

Su Ce pursed his lips on purpose and said sarcastically, "Okay, you go into the palace now and ask the emperor to cancel your engagement with him. If you don't marry him, I won't marry Mo Junyao, how about it?"

"Su Ce?" Ling Mu'er didn't expect him to say such words. She took a step back and leaned against the door, wanting to say something, but was interrupted by him again.

"You're not willing, right? You can't do it, right? Then you just marry him obediently, the only man you've been thinking about and the only man you like. Only when you are happy, will I feel that my sacrifices were not in vain, Ling Muer Do you understand?"

Su Ce spoke very fast, growling and roaring, looking aggressive.

Ling Muer was frightened by his roar, Shangguan Shaochen rushed over and grabbed her shoulder from behind, then looked at Su Ce, he said in a deep voice, "Su Ce, follow me into the palace, I guarantee that this matter can be obtained A perfect solution."

Ling Mu'er didn't know what Shangguan Shaochen would do, but seeing Su Ce in this state, she was very scared. This person was not like the Mr. Pianpian she had known all along. He was no longer the one who always wore white clothes and blue The banished fairy with a black cloak and a stove in his arms looks like a bastard, a bad-tempered bastard.

"You can follow Shao Chen into the palace. He said that if there is a way, there must be a way. It is still too late to enter the palace."

"It's too late!" Su Ce roared angrily, his roaring voice was like a deafening drum that could pierce people's hearts, but soon he calmed down again, but his voice and appearance were extremely evil.

He looked at Ling Muer and laughed at himself, "Mo Junyao and I already have a physical relationship, and I have to be responsible to her. If I don't marry her, will I marry you? Will you marry me? Okay , if you say yes, then I will immediately resist the order. How about you, dare to agree?"

For a moment, Ling Muer wanted to turn around and run away.

She was terrified of Su Ce like this.

His wide eyes are like a general terrified in hell, and his hoarse roar makes the ears numb.

But she knew that Su Ce was lying,

Back then, someone used a beauty trick to drug Su Ce, and he didn't meanly take advantage of others. How many women in the capital wanted to get into his arms one after another, and who did he look at?

Not to mention the mansion of the virtuous king, in addition to the ordinary maids, was there a female family member in the mansion of the county man back then?

But she didn't know how to speak.

"It seems that you two really like my Prince Xian's mansion, no matter what, turn left when you go out and you will find the guest room, if you two really like to stay, it's fine, but remember, keep the noise down, otherwise it will disturb my lunch break. "Su Ce said wickedly, opened the door and left.

Seeing the back of him leaving leisurely, Ling Muer wanted to reach out to grab it, but it was in vain.

It was obviously a distance that could be caught up by running, but Ling Muer suddenly felt that there seemed to be a gap between them.

"Let's fight with the Seventh Prince." Ling Mu'er said suddenly, her attitude was very firm.

Shangguan Shaochen was taken aback, apparently not understanding the meaning of her words.

"I want you to fight with the seventh prince, fight with the crown prince, and I want you to get the throne!" Ling Mu'er turned around suddenly, and looked him firmly in the eyes.

Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly pulled her back into the room and covered her lips, he whispered, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I'm serious." Ling Mu'er broke off his hand covering his mouth, and she analyzed seriously, "Although the prince is expensive as a prince, he is mediocre, and the emperor doesn't value him at all, so apart from the name, He is not a threat to you; although the sixth prince is very capable, he is too greedy and ambitious, and it is absolutely impossible for the emperor to hand over the throne to such a person. Then the only ones who can compete with you are only seven Prince."

Ling Mu'er continued, "The seventh prince has outstanding abilities, and he is very eloquent in front of the emperor. With the help of Concubine Min, she can easily determine the emperor's attitude as long as she occasionally blows the wind around her pillow! So, seven The prince will be your biggest enemy in the future. Although the emperor thinks highly of you now, and even intends to pass on the throne to you, after all, your status has changed before, and you have been away from the capital for the past few years. The seventh prince has already relied on Behavior wins people's hearts, if you want to completely defeat him, there is still a certain degree of difficulty."

Shangguan Shaochen smiled, seeing his girl discussing this matter with him so seriously, he suddenly felt very comfortable in his heart, he smiled and shook his head, "Silly girl, let me ask you again, do you know what are you saying?"

"Women are not allowed to talk about court affairs, and the harem is not allowed to interfere with government affairs. I understand these things, but only if you get the throne, can you abolish those unfair clauses, and you can give some comfort to those who are unfair, isn't it?" Ling Muer Answered in a rhetorical manner.

Shangguan Shaochen understood, it turned out that his little girl's actions were all for the sake of the virtuous king who had just left.

Ling Mu'er thought he was jealous, afraid that he would think too much, and hurriedly explained, "He sacrificed his lifelong happiness in order to fulfill you and me, shouldn't we give him some compensation?"

"Of course." Shangguan Shaochen nodded, "Once he gets married to the princess of the Western Regions, the emperor will definitely have reservations about Su Ce in order to prevent the Western Regions. That's why he's so important, but I'm afraid it won't be from next month. His passion and revenge will be completely buried in this matter. So you want me to reuse Su Ce after I succeed to the throne Mu'er, do you know that it's not just a decision."

That is a lifetime decision, a lifetime destination.

Once Shangguan Shaochen really ascended the throne as the emperor, what she had to bear was the busyness of him becoming the emperor, accepting the discussions of his courtiers, managing the messy harem for him, and always guarding against intrigues and schemes.

Those are not things that can be solved overnight, nor can they be avoided by running away.

She will try to accept the environment she doesn't like, and will stay in this boring imperial city for the rest of her life.

But Su Ce's life was ruined, so what would it matter if she made some compensation?

Su Ce is a rare talent, he has a great revenge, and he has great ambitions. If he is buried like this, it will be the loss of the Celestial Dynasty!

"So you are sure to defeat the Seventh Prince, right?" Ling Muer raised her head and looked at him provocatively.

Shangguan Shaochen pinched the bridge of her nose, "Little clever ghost, what are you thinking about in your little head?"

"If you're sure, you don't need me to take action, but if you're not sure, I think I should do something." Ling Mu'er held her head proudly, "The Seventh Prince once murdered you and me, but I haven't avenged him; He once threatened me with his brother again, and I will remember this grudge; presumably he will make even crazier moves in the future, not only me, my family, not only you, but everything around you, you must always be on guard, but if If we can completely solve him, why should we bother?"

He has always known that his woman is unusual, Shangguan Shaochen put his long arms on her shoulders, hooked her chin with his index finger, "Lao Qi is right, if you are a man, I must be the pillar of the court. However, I'm glad you're a woman."

"Why?" Ling Muer didn't understand what he meant.

"If you're not a woman, how can I marry you?" Shangguan Shaochen gave her an idiot look, "Do you think I look like someone who lacks brothers?"

Ling Mu'er was ridiculed by his words, and hit him on the head with a chestnut, and soon she returned to the subject, "We just haven't found any evidence for the Seventh Prince's murder of you. Once the evidence is found, I believe the emperor will execute it Shao Chen, the Seventh Prince will definitely not give up on the fight for the throne, are you ready?"

"Since it's something Madam asked me to do, I will naturally do my best." Shangguan Shaochen curled his lips arrogantly, "I wonder if Madam is satisfied?"

"I haven't married you yet, madam, you ghost."

Ling Mu'er scolded him, and when he was not paying attention, hurriedly left Prince Xian's mansion.

Shangguan Shaochen shook his head with a smile, and chased after him very quickly, without noticing the two who were eavesdropping next door.

"Master, this matter..." Zitong sighed deeply.

That's right, Su Ce's study has been improved by him, and there is a secret passage leading to his master bedroom, so he heard their conversation clearly.

"Even if it's a fierce battle, since it's coming, how can I avoid it?"

Su Ce put away the folding fan in his hand, "Help him ascend the throne."

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