Now that you have made up your mind, of course you have to work hard for what you want.

Ling Mu'er refused Shangguan Shaochen to escort her back home, but on the way she met the stumbling Yang Shi.

"Mom, what happened?"

After receiving the report from the coachman, Ling Muer jumped out of the carriage in a hurry, and saw Yang's face in a hurry, as if something serious had happened.

"Zixuan, something happened to Zixuan, and Chaoyang also got pregnant, what should I do, Mu'er."

Yang clung to her arm tightly and was about to cry, "I'm about to send someone to find you, come on, you go to Chaoyang Residence with me first."

It was only then that Ling Mu'er realized that Yang Shi was so anxious that she even lost one of her shoes. She might have rushed out when she got the news.

"Mother, don't worry, we're going to Chaoyang Residence right now, sister-in-law is fine."

The carriage was faster, Ling Muer supported Yang Shi to get into the carriage first, but she was still worried about Ling Zixuan's safety, so she asked the coachman to run to the second prince's mansion, while she drove the carriage herself, and the journey was very busy.

When we arrived at Chaoyang Residence, the inside was already in chaos. Several doctors were seen coming in and out one after another, and even the maidservants were in a panic.

This incident also alarmed Mrs. Su and the eldest princess, which shows how angry Chaoyang was this time.

"What's going on, how's the Princess?" Ling Mu'er stopped a maid, but this person didn't know Ling Muer, thought she was a visitor, and gave her an angry look, "Didn't you?" Are we busy, come back another day if there is anything to do."

After saying that, the maid shook off her hand and planned to leave, but Mrs. Su's angry reprimand came from behind her.

"Presumptuous, this is Chaoyang's sister-in-law, and the one next to her is Chaoyang's mother-in-law, you must have eyes!"

While talking, Mrs. Su hurried over to appease Yang Shi, "The new maid is so ignorant that she doesn't recognize her natal family. Don't be offended if she forgets her parents."

Looking at Ling Mu'er again, she hastily dragged her into the inner room, "I didn't know they didn't send someone to invite you, but I'm relieved when you come, go in and have a look, I don't know what happened, How could you move so much tire gas?"

When Ling Muer was about to go in, the eldest princess hurried out of the room, seeing her serious face, Ling Muer thought she would stop her like she was stopping her from seeing Su Ce, but the eldest princess just looked at her After a few glances, he turned sideways to make way for her.

Ling Mu'er was very relieved, she was halfway inside with her skirt in hand, when Yang suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Mu'er!" Panting heavily, Yang was very nervous, "No matter what the result is, Chaoyang matters."

One sentence instantly made her blood flow backwards. She thought that her mother would be like everyone else, only caring about her own children and grandchildren at critical moments. Sure enough, her mother is the best mother in the world.

"Not only Chaoyang will be fine, but the child in her stomach will be fine too!" She solemnly assured the three of them, and then rushed in.

The moment she saw Chaoyang, she was stunned. She was lying on the bed with a pale complexion, her facial features were wrinkled, and she looked very painful. The most important thing was that there was a lot of blood on her lower body.

Chaoyang is more than six months pregnant, but she must not give birth prematurely at this time.

"Leave it to me here, you go out first."

After driving away all the doctors and maidservants, her attitude was very cold. Even though some doctors were not happy, seeing her stern look, she didn't dare to say no more.

"Chaoyang, Chaoyang!" Ling Mu'er tentatively woke her up, but Chaoyang, who was immersed in pain, seemed to have entered another dimension, and couldn't hear her calling at all, but from time to time he would frown because of stomach pain. , or scream.

"I won't let anything happen to you!"

Ling Muer seemed to be speaking to Chaoyang, but she also seemed to be speaking to herself. She immediately took out the spiritual spring water from the space to wash the blood stains on her body. Although it is a pity to use it this way, the spiritual spring water has nourishing effects , she can help Chaoyang relieve the pain in her abdomen.

She comes from a medical family, and although she is best at common diseases in internal medicine and surgery, she has also been in contact with several cases of pregnant women giving birth, so seeing Chaoyang's appearance, she was not very panicked.

Pregnant women are not allowed to take medicine casually. After washing with spiritual spring water, she immediately took out silver needles to give her needles. When Chaoyang finally felt less uncomfortable, she took out a purple bottle from the space.

This is the Bailing Pill she developed by borrowing the petals of Bailingxian. Although the medicinal effect is not as powerful as Bailingxian, it has half the effect.

After Su Ce's eyes improved and Sister Sheng'er successfully conceived, she spent more than a month developing the medicine. Although it was her first trial, she was very confident.

About half an hour later, Chaoyang gradually fell into a steady and deep sleep, and his heart rate returned to normal. Ling Mu'er tried to feel her pulse again, and found that her whole body was gradually becoming stable.

In other words, the Bailing Pill she researched was successful!

Outside the door, because Ling Mu'er had been in for a long time and did not come out, the three people outside were all anxious.

The eldest princess looked at the imperial physician beside her uncertainly, "Emperor Zhang, how is our situation in Chaoyang? You are an old imperial physician in the palace. Tell me quickly, are you sure?"

The old man named Doctor Zhang stroked his beard and sighed deeply, "To tell you the truth. The eldest princess should prepare for the worst."

As soon as this remark came out, the three of them shuddered. The first one to respond was Mrs. Su, "What nonsense are you talking about. Our Chaoyang is a lucky person, how could something happen to her? Watch out for the old man to order someone to pull out your tongue!"

Mrs. Su is a very important presence in Beijing, she got angry, and even the emperor would be courteous.

Doctor Zhang hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Old Madam Su, calm down, I'm just talking about the matter! You just saw that the Princess moved and lifted her and caused an avalanche. Her condition is very pessimistic. Even I am not sure. I'm afraid that the little girl who went in just now will also be powerless, I..."

"No! Chaoyang will be fine. My Mu'er's excellent medical skills will definitely cure Chaoyang. Shut up!" Yang gave the imperial physician a fierce look.

Born as a peasant woman of the Yang family, she didn't pay much attention to maintenance, and she didn't dress very gorgeously. Even if Doctor Zhang guessed her identity, she couldn't tolerate her reprimanding herself like this.

Doctor Zhang got up from the ground, her face was full of displeasure, "What do you know, woman? After all, I am an old man in the Tai Hospital. Even the emperor trusts me very much. How dare you reprimand me? It was your daughter who went in just now. Well, she is just a yellow-haired girl, how can she be good at things that I am not sure about? Let's put it this way, even if Princess Chaoyang's life is saved, the child in her womb will not be saved!"

Enraged by these words, Yang didn't care where this place was, she just raised her hand and slapped the imperial doctor's face.

She had never been so angry in this life, let alone hit anyone, and the old doctor obviously didn't expect a woman to beat him.

"You shrew, you..."

"What about me! Let me tell you. Nothing will happen to my Chaoyang family, let alone the child in her womb. If you continue to talk nonsense and curse my Chaoyang here, I will fight you hard!"

Mrs. Yang wanted to rush up while speaking, but was quickly held down by Mrs. Su.

"Don't get angry, mother-in-law, don't get angry too."

Can Yang not be angry? She glared at Doctor Zhang angrily, "It doesn't matter how you humiliate me, but I will never allow you to curse my daughter-in-law, it is not only my daughter-in-law, she is also my daughter, if you dare to curse She, I... I..."

"What are you! You, a woman, still want to kill me?" Doctor Zhang was also furious, and he immediately turned his head to complain to the eldest princess, "The eldest princess is in charge of me! Which of the major and minor illnesses of the county palace has been going on for so many years?" I didn't deal with it, I was just discussing the matter, but this woman dared to hurt others, and asked the eldest princess to take her down according to law!"

If it was normal, the eldest princess really wanted to stand up for him. After all, Imperial Physician Zhang was her most trusted imperial physician. She brought him here from the eldest princess' mansion as soon as she learned of Chaoyang's accident. But seeing Yang's aggressive appearance, she couldn't get angry.

Originally, she thought that Chaoyang's marriage to the Ling Mansion was a marriage, and she might be treated harshly by her mother-in-law, who was born as a peasant woman, but now it seems that she was worrying too much.

She can treat Chaoyang as a daughter, which shows that this woman is not a messy master.

This is Chaoyang Residence, and she is surrounded by Mrs. Su and the eldest princess. She is not afraid, but rushes to stand up for Chaoyang, which shows that Chaoyang is valued very much in her family on weekdays.

"Come on, take him down."

As soon as the eldest princess gave an order, guards rushed over.

Doctor Zhang waited contentedly for Yang to be arrested, and planned to ask her to kneel down and apologize to him, so as to make up for the pain of the slap, but unexpectedly, the guards stood him up from side to side.

"Princess, you, what do you mean?"

"Chaoyang's mother-in-law is right, you actually cursed my daughter! Then you don't need to continue to serve my eldest princess's mansion."

The eldest princess looked down, and someone immediately took Dr. Zhang away. From a distance, she could still hear Dr. Zhang cursing.

Yang looked at the eldest princess's behavior in disbelief. Just now she was in a hurry to beat someone. Now she calmed down and realized that she was in Chaoyang Residence, and it was not her place to make decisions. She wanted to explain: "Princess, I..."

"My mother-in-law doesn't need to explain. You did the right thing just now. Originally, I was worried that Chaoyang would suffer if she married you. Now it seems that I was worrying too much. You are right, our daughter will be fine."

Hearing what the eldest princess said, Yang gradually laughed, and put her original worries back into her stomach.

After all, she is the eldest princess, and she is just a peasant woman. When she heard Zhang Taiyi asking her to make decisions, she was really afraid that the eldest princess would make things difficult for her in order to stand out for him.

"Yes, Chaoyang will be fine, and the child in her womb will be fine. I believe in Chaoyang, and I also believe in Mu'er."

In the room, Ling Mu'er observed Chaoyang's pulse carefully, and after making sure that she was completely stable, she breathed a sigh of relief. She tentatively called her name again,

"Chaoyang, Chaoyang..."

Chaoyang, who was no longer in a state of confusion, naturally heard her call very quickly, she opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Ling Mu'er, she seemed to have forgotten everything that happened before, "Mu'er, why are you here? This is me, what happened?"

But soon she smelled the smell of blood in the room, and immediately remembered something, she hurriedly grabbed Ling Mu'er's wrist, "It's in danger, Zixuan is in danger, Mu'er, go and save him and leave me alone."

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