Ling Muer realized that Chaoyang wanted to get up, so she hurriedly pressed her body, "Don't move, you need to rest now, you must not get angry anymore, let's talk slowly if you have anything to say."

However, Chaoyang kept shaking his head, "It's too late, if it's later, it will be too late, Zixuan was arrested by the Seventh Prince and is now in the sky jail, I'm worried that if it's later, I'm afraid he will be..."

"Heaven prison?" Ling Mu'er was stunned, "What's going on?"

"I can't tell." Chaoyang was on the verge of crying, she wanted to get off the ground, but realized that her body was very weak, she instinctively covered her stomach with her hands, and looked at Ling Mu'er.

Guessing what she wanted to ask, Ling Mu'er hurriedly smiled and signaled her not to worry, "It is true that you almost caused a miscarriage due to fetal gas, but don't worry, I have brought your condition under control in time, as long as the period in the future As long as you calm your mind, the child will be fine until the delivery is smooth."

Chaoyang breathed a sigh of relief when she got this answer, but as long as she thought that Ling Zixuan was still in the dungeon, she immediately became nervous again, "Yesterday, a large number of guards suddenly came to the palace, claiming that Zixuan accepted bribes and let the criminal go without permission. Take Zixuan away, when I got the news today, Zixuan is already in the prison, and it is said that he was tortured."

Chaoyang's tears flowed down when she said this, but she didn't dare to cry loudly when she thought of what Ling Muer said, for fear that the fetal image that had finally stabilized would become disordered again, so she looked at Ling Muer helplessly, "What should I do, Mu'er, what should I do?"

"Brother, he's not that kind of person!" Upon hearing about brother's crime, Ling Mu'er immediately objected, "It's the Seventh Prince, he must have purposely framed him to get revenge on me."

Chaoyang probably also guessed this result, but she was even more frightened, "If that's the case, Zixuan may be doomed this time. It is rumored that the Seventh Prince's methods are vicious, and Zixuan's body is weak, and I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand their torment." ah."

Not only was he arrested, but he was also tortured. If the Seventh Prince's scheme really succeeded, I'm afraid he would go in vertically and come out horizontally.

Ling Mu'er tried her best to calm herself down, because she knew that if she was too nervous or worried, it would only make Chaoyang more angry, which would be very bad for her body.

"When mother found me, I had already sent someone to inform Shao Chen, and I believe he was already thinking of a way." Ling Muer comforted, "Sister-in-law, the most important thing you should pay attention to now is your own body, and you don't want to After my brother came out, you fell ill, right? You still have your child in your belly, if something happens to you, what do you ask my brother to do?"

Although he knew that Ling Muer's words were to comfort him, but he focused on Ling Zixuan, how could Chaoyang control himself, "But I'm afraid. I'm worried that I won't see Zixuan again. I, if my child is not born yet he just……"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ling Mu'er interrupted her harshly, "My brother is the reincarnation of a lucky star, that's what fortune tellers have said since he was a child, otherwise how would he have met you. Besides, there are me and Shao Chen again, seven No matter how lawless the prince is, he can't disregard human life, right?"

"The second prince, can he really help?" Chaoyang was still worried.

"He is my fiancé, and my brother is his brother, of course he will help." Ling Muer gave Chaoyang a reassuring look, and then fed her the next moment of pills, "This is Jingxin Anshen San, which is harmless to children, you You will fall into a coma for several hours after bending down, and a good night's sleep will help you recover. Don't worry, there will be good news when you wake up."

Chaoyang didn't want to sleep, but she found that her eyelids were tight after taking the pill, so she grabbed Ling Muer nervously, "I'll leave Zixuan to you."

"Ling Zixuan is not only your husband, but also my elder brother. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to him." Ling Muer assured, "Sister-in-law, for my brother's sake, you can't get angry any longer."

"Yes, I was too reckless and almost lost our baby because of worry. Don't worry, I will take care of myself. I... I'll go to bed first..."

After the words fell, Chaoyang fell into a coma again.

When Ling Mu'er opened the door, Mrs. Su, the eldest princess and Mrs. Yang rushed over immediately.

"How is Chaoyang? Is she okay?" Mrs. Su stretched her neck and wanted to rush in.

"Why is there no sound at all, maybe it's true that you can't even do it, then I'll go find someone from Medicine King Valley as soon as possible!" The eldest princess listened carefully, but she turned around to give instructions to the maidservant without hearing any sound.

On the contrary, Yang Shi, who used to panic when encountering things, was calmer than anyone else. "Mu'er calmed down like this, which means that Chaoyang is fine. We should trust Mu'er, and we should trust Chaoyang even more."

Ling Muer was very surprised by her mother's performance, she smiled lightly, "Mother is right, you should believe me."

She winked at the maidservant behind the eldest princess, "Go and bring me a cup of tea."

Everyone is so concerned about the condition of the princess, but this doctor wants to drink tea first? The maid gave her a contemptuous look, and looked at the eldest princess uncertainly.

The eldest princess originally wanted to get angry, but seeing Ling Muer's relaxed affection, and thinking of Ling Muer's previous behavior, she let the maidservant do it.

After she finished her tea, she approached her in a majestic manner, "Is Chaoyang really all right?"

"Yes, not only is she fine, but the baby in her stomach is also fine." Ling Mu'er drank tea and felt refreshed. She was eager to diagnose Chaoyang just now, but it took her a lot of energy, but seeing the eldest princess Pushing the door to go in, she stopped her. "She was emotionally unstable and very agitated. In order to avoid her fetal gas moving again, I gave her some tranquilizing medicine. She has fallen asleep now. If the eldest princess wants her to rest well, it is better not to disturb her for now. .”

The eldest princess originally wanted to get angry, and wanted to say: 'Why can you just give my baby medicine', but thinking that even the imperial doctor Zhang couldn't be cured by her, it can be seen that Ling Mu'er is sure.

She gradually calmed down, "I believe you have a sense of discretion, so how long can she wake up?"

Where is the mother who does not worry about her children?

Ling Mu'er held up three fingers, "I will wake up in three hours, and I have to trouble the eldest princess to give Chaoyang some blood-soothing soup. She has a special body, so it is not appropriate to take too much medicine at this time. It's slow but helps to nourish the body."

The eldest princess remembered it, and immediately ordered her servants to do it. Although she didn't like Ling Muer very much, she had to admire her medical skills, "Thank you this time."

Ling Muer was really flattered to be recognized and thanked by the eldest princess, she shook her head, "Chaoyang is my sister-in-law and my good friend, this is what I should do."

Turning around, looking at Niang and Mrs. Su, she signaled them not to worry too much with her eyes, and she said softly, "Chaoyang's fetal gas was caused by brother's sudden accident. Although I have comforted her, I I am worried that she will get angry again because she is too worried when she wakes up, so I trouble the old lady and mother to look at her."

"Don't worry, with my wife here, I will take good care of her. As for your mother..." Mrs. Su smiled as gently as possible, so as not to let Yang's misunderstanding, "Girl Mu is about to get married. She was married because of Chaoyang. The matter with Zixuan has delayed her, this time it must not be delayed any longer, why don't you go back and prepare for the marriage first, and leave it to us here."

Mrs. Yang is very grateful for Mrs. Su's understanding, but she can't leave at this time, "Although Chaoyang is my daughter-in-law, I treat her like a daughter. My daughter is so sad and seriously ill now, how can a mother leave."

Yang turned to look at Ling Muer, "I believe Muer thinks the same as me, right?"

"Of course!" Ling Mu'er spoke from the bottom of her heart, "Even if mother wants to leave, I won't agree. Chaoyang needs someone to take care of her now. Although there are many maidservants in Chaoyang Residence, how can my mother take care of her well? Just Let my mother stay, as for my marriage, it's not too late."

Mrs. Su wanted to say something else, but seeing her mother and daughter being so persistent, she felt nothing but comfort.

She looked at the eldest princess with her eyes, as if to say: Look, this family is much better than we imagined.

Although the eldest princess didn't want to admit such a fact, she saw everything today, thanked her, turned and left embarrassingly.

Although she was also a mother, she was born in a wealthy family, so she was not destined to serve others. In the past, Chaoyang's sickness was also taken care of by the nanny. Of course it would be great if Yang could stay.

"Then Chaoyang will be taken care of by the old lady and mother. I will go and find out about my brother so that Chaoyang won't be too worried after waking up."

Ling Muer hurriedly left Chaoyang Residence after explaining a few more words.

Second Prince's Mansion.

Ling Muer waited for half an hour before Shangguan Shaochen came back in a hurry, seeing her worried little face, before she could speak, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly comforted her.

"Don't worry, I've already taken care of it, Ling Zixuan will be fine."

So brother was framed for accepting bribes and letting the criminals go privately? Otherwise, even the Second Prince would not be able to save him, so he still needs to be taken care of?

Where did Ling Mu'er feel relieved, her heart was hanging in her throat, "What the hell is going on? Did the Seventh Prince do it? Also, I heard that my brother was tortured inside, right? real?"

Shangguan Shaochen opened his mouth to lie to her, but realized that he couldn't hide it, so he just sighed.

He didn't explain, but just acquiesced, thinking of his brother's suffering inside, Ling Muer cried for no reason.

That's her brother. She can pretend to be calm in front of Chaoyang, but she can't pretend to be in front of the one she loves.

"How dare they, how dare..." Angrily, she clenched her hands into fists.

Stubbornly wiping away the tears from her face, Ling Muer got up and was about to rush out, but Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly stopped her, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go over to the Seventh Prince and ask him, what is he doing to me, what kind of skill is it to use secret tricks to deal with a powerless person?"

My brother doesn't know martial arts, even though he is a man, he can't survive the torture tools in the sky prison.

"Do you think you will admit it when you go to Laoqi now? Have you ever seen someone who kills someone and then comes out to announce to the world that he did it?" Shangguan Shaochen forcibly pressed Ling Muer on the table , "Besides, your man is still there, didn't he tell you to leave these matters to me in the future?"

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