It's not that he didn't expect Amu De to spy on her, but when he confessed his nasty behavior, Ling Mu'er was so angry that he wanted to slap him a few times.

"The dignified prince of the Western Regions, but you have acted so shamelessly and said it so frankly, you are really shameless."

Ling Mu'er glared at him fiercely, put her hands to her mouth, and was about to shout for someone to drive him away, but Amu Dena's faint voice came from behind.

"You shout as much as you can. When you bring everyone in Ling's house, I will tell everyone that you have a private meeting with me late at night. Anyway, I would like to get involved with you, but your reputation seems to be greatly damaged. .”

Amu De's weak voice came from far to near, which made Ling Mu'er gnash her teeth in hatred, wishing to rush up and break her neck immediately.

"Despicable and shameless!" She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"As long as I can get what I want, it doesn't matter what kind of reputation you give me, but all I know is that people only believe what they see with their own eyes, so guess what's going on in my head right now? "Amu De looked at her with great interest, his sneaky eyes rolled around, and he didn't hide his intentions when he saw it.

Ling Mu'er suddenly had a bad premonition, and she glared at her with murderous eyes, "I warn you not to act recklessly, or I will definitely let you taste the power of my poison!"

"What is nonsense? Including me deliberately calling people to say that you have a private meeting with me, so that everyone can misunderstand our relationship?" Amu De deliberately asked back, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually widened. It was obvious that he thought about it and planned to do so, " What to do, I suddenly wonder if if I do this, the whole Ling Mansion will believe that I am still your mistress! Or, will this matter become a topic of conversation after dinner?"

As if he had already seen the influence of this matter, Amu De's eyes were filled with ecstasy, "If the news reaches the palace, can you still marry Shangguan Shaochen as scheduled? Will he still want you? The emperor of the Celestial Dynasty will Is the second concubine who promised the future this kind of woman who attracts bees and attracts butterflies?"

"Bastard!" Ling Mu'er couldn't bear it any longer, and as the words fell, a silver needle flew towards him again. This time, he was so fast that Amu De couldn't dodge, and the silver needle stably inserted into his shoulder.

It was as painful as being bitten by a mosquito, but he was sure that the silver needle was poisoned by Ling Muer, and Amu De's face suddenly changed, "You want to kill me?"

"I have wanted to kill you more than once or twice, do you still want to try?"

With that said, Ling Muer shot a silver needle at him again.

Amu De used his internal strength to dodge very quickly, but because of his exercise, his shoulder suddenly felt sore and numb, and his only remaining arm seemed to be unable to lift.


Amu De wanted to rush over and grab her neck, but the poison was very overbearing, and soon flowed to all parts of his body, half of his body could not move completely.

"What kind of poison is this?"

Seeing that Amu De's face changed, Ling Mu'er suddenly felt that she was not so angry anymore, "So there is something you are afraid of."

She simply sat across from him, watching him gradually exhausted and finally fell to the ground, playing with a medicine bottle in her hand, "This is my latest research on paralysis powder, as long as you are lucky, it will instantly seal the acupuncture points on the upper and lower half of your body , and it will paralyze half of your body for up to three hours, and there is no antidote."

After hearing the last four words, the corners of Amud's mouth trembled, as if he wanted to say that she was despicable, but he endured it.

He hurriedly adjusted his emotions, his voice was not as evil as before, and became much gentler, "I was wrong, I apologize to you, I should not have broken into your boudoir and frightened you, give me the antidote."

"Are you deaf? I just said clearly that there is no antidote to this poison. Since you didn't hear clearly, I don't mind saying it again!" Ling Muer paused each word even more loudly, "There is no antidote, that is- have."

After the words fell, she clearly saw that Amu De wanted to rush towards her, but he fell down again as soon as his arms supported him.

One of his arms has been cut off by her, the other arm has been poisoned, half of his body is still unable to move freely, what is the difference between him and a fly with broken wings?

But after thinking about it for a moment, Amu De's face returned to normal, and he simply sat on the ground and chatted with her like her long-time friend.

"Actually, I didn't come to you today to hurt you. What I said just now was just to tease you. You should know that if I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it long ago. Why wait until now?"

Amu De's voice is quite gentle if you listen carefully, but if you don't look at his ferocious face, it will make people think that he is a weak scholar, innocent and harmless.

But it happened that this kind of seemingly harmless person would suddenly transform into a poisonous centipede, Ling Mu'er had long since distrusted him.

"What do you want to do, tell me."

"I want you to heal my face!" Amu De was very firm, and his tone did not seem to be asking for help, but an order.

Ling Mu'er sneered, "Don't you ugly, don't you like this ghostly look? Why do you want to be a normal person all of a sudden?"

"How can you not be worthy of you if you are not a normal person." The corner of Amu De's mouth is a characteristic evil smile.

"In my opinion there is no need for that."

Ling Mu'er glanced at him coldly, "Because I won't have anything to do with you in this life, and you look pretty good, at least everyone will think you are a bad person when they see you. If it's true I will cure you and restore you to the image of a weak scholar, and others will be deceived by your appearance, so am I helping the evildoers?"

Opening the door, Ling Mu'er stepped forward to go out, but unexpectedly, there was a gust of cold air from behind.

She secretly screamed that the situation was not good, and before she had time to look back, she quickly dodged, and sure enough, Amu De had already broken through the acupoints with his own internal strength and turned back to a normal person.

"I've been waiting for you for so long, and you just said that you can't be cured?" Amu De moved his arm that had finally recovered, and soon his eyes became cold and ruthless, "I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

Before it was too late, he rushed towards her suddenly, intending to control her.

"This is the capital, and it is no longer your territory. I'm afraid you won't be able to catch me so easily."

Ling Mu'er dodged and quickly escaped from his control, and she had already fallen into the wide courtyard.

Although she was curious about how he managed to crack her poison quietly, his performance told her the fact that he must be more ruthless when developing poison in the future, otherwise the poison would be harmful to him when he encountered someone like Amu De. To him, it was like scratching an itch, and it didn't have the effect of killing at all.

"Oh? Really? Then don't cry when you are caught by me later."

Amu De was very convinced that he had the ability to capture her, but just after his words fell, four men in black suddenly appeared in the yard.

Two fell from the east, and two appeared from the west. Although they were both wearing night clothes, they didn't look like a group of people with hostile eyes.

"I didn't expect there to be hidden guards protecting you?" Amu De frowned slightly, obviously he didn't expect this result. He was thinking about whether he could defeat them, but how would he know if he didn't try?

"Since you know that I have hidden guards to protect you, why don't you hurry up, it seems that you are really looking for death!" Ling Mu'er finished speaking, and looked at the four people on the left and right with her sharp eyes. Although she had never seen them before, she had already guessed the four people The source of the person, she ordered in a cold voice, "You're welcome, kill me!"


After the four spoke in unison, they all showed their nirvana to Amu De.

After all, he had just been poisoned and his body was still a little weak, but he still had a chance of winning against Ling Muer, a weak woman. Now with the addition of four well-trained secret guards, Amu De gradually became no match for him, and gradually lost Come.

But he is not reconciled, he must achieve his goal today.

In fact, his purpose is not to take Ling Muer away, but to let her heal his face. He believes in her skills, and it doesn't take too long to restore him to his former handsomeness, but these four guys are hard to shake very.

"Damn it." Amu De cursed, and wanted to escape, but he received a solid slap on his chest, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and took a few steps back, if it wasn't for the strong internal force support, he would have fallen down.

"Shangguan Shaochen is really willing to spend all his money and send the most powerful hidden guards to accompany you for protection." Amu De was not reconciled, but he knew a truth from the first day he was trained, a man must afford it Let it go, run away if you can't beat it, the big deal is to use other means to win by surprise next time.

"I don't believe these people will protect you all the time, and I will come again."

A smoke bomb fell along with his voice, blocking the sight of the four people. When the smoke cleared, there was no such ugly figure in the huge courtyard.

"Stop chasing." Ling Mu'er called to stop the four men in black who were about to chase.

"You guys are not just from Shaochen, right?" Amu De saw it, how could she not see it, when the four of them appeared just now, they obviously looked at each other wrongly.

"This subordinate is ordered by the son to protect the girl." The two hidden guards standing on her left clasped their fists. Even though they were wearing black scarves, they could still be seen to be serious and rigid.

"It's clear that I was the one who protected the girl just now!" The two hidden guards standing on her right said unconvinced, "Girl, it is true that the second prince patted the girl by her side to protect her. Even if there were no two of them just now, the assassin Not our opponents."

No matter who it was, Ling Muer was grateful from the bottom of her heart, but it was different for the man in black.

"Hmph, if that person hadn't been poisoned just now, do you think you two would be their opponents? Forget it, anyway, our task is to protect the girl, so we don't want to argue with you."

As soon as the words fell, the two hidden guards sent by Su Ce disappeared into the moonlight lightly, as if they had never appeared.

The two secret guards sent by Shangguan Shaochen lowered their heads guiltily, "Don't worry, girl, we will continue to keep in the dark. Of course, if you need anything, just ask."

Ling Mu'er clasped her fists together, said thank you, and the remaining two men in black disappeared, but she stayed alone in the yard wondering if she should go back to her room.

It was really because of the evil smell of Amu De in it, which made her really want to destroy the house with a fire.

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