"My lord, it's been found out that the son of Nangong has gone to Pingcheng." Zitong hurried to find Su Ce just after getting the news.

"Pingcheng? Isn't that the Seventh Prince's fiefdom?" Su Ce felt strange, what did Nangong Yizhi go there for? "What does Ling Zixuan's arrest have to do with the Seventh Prince's fiefdom?"

"My subordinates just learned that the reason why Ling Zixuan was arrested was because he discovered the secret of the Seventh Prince, so the Seventh Prince planned to frame him and almost killed him." Zitong reported back, "Probably because the Second Prince investigated This secret is related to Pingcheng, so he sent Prince Nangong to go."

"If it's not an important matter, he won't ask Nangong Yizhi to investigate. It seems that they have caught the Seventh Prince." Su Ce's voice was a little excited, and he immediately put down his work and ordered Zitong to say, "Ling Zixuan is now There won't be any danger in the Second Prince's Mansion, you should immediately ask Yintong to go to Pingcheng, as long as you find out what Nangong Yizhi wants to investigate, you must assist secretly."

Zitong opened her lips to say something, but after thinking about it, she held back, "Yes."

He took the order and turned around to leave, but something hit the back of his head, and he turned around in a daze, "Master?"

"I haven't finished my words, why are you in a hurry to leave?" Su Ce pointed to the medicine bottle that fell on the ground and was not broken, "This is the best medicine for golden sores, send it to Yintong , tell him not to worry, as long as he can help Nangong Yizhi."

Zitong, who was still depressed at first, immediately seemed to have picked up a treasure, and he happily put the golden sore medicine in his pocket, "Zitong thank you for Yintong, young master."

Seeing his joy, Su Ce rolled his eyes and sneered from the bottom of his heart, "It's only fifty boards. According to his internal strength, there won't be any serious problems. Why does it seem like it hit you?"

Zitong smiled awkwardly, but soon he lowered his head aggrieved, "Young master, since he planned to help Miss Ling, it has been a long time since he cared about us slaves this much, and the slaves are so happy."

He said it like a jerk.

He is obviously the most powerful guard in his palace of the virtuous prince, and the right-hand man beside him, an imposing seven-foot man, how can he be so pretentious?

"Look how promising you are." Su Ce rolled his eyes at him, and continued to get down to business, "Since Shangguan Shaochen has found out about the Seventh Prince, and has photographed Nangong Yizhi in Pingcheng, it means that he will definitely do something else today, you send Give me a reliable watch."

"Don't you worry about your work?" Zitong said with a flattering look, "When I heard the news, my subordinates had already sent someone to investigate. I heard that the second prince went to the Seventh Prince's mansion early this morning. According to the reports from the spies we placed in the Seventh Prince's Mansion, the Second Prince seems to be looking for something."

Zitong said the last sentence in a voice that only two people could hear, which instantly made Su Ce nervous.

As smart as he is, several messages were mixed together, allowing him to quickly guess the reason.

"Oh, from the moment the Seventh Prince dealt with Ling Zixuan, I should have guessed that this matter was not simple. Shangguan Shaochen sent his best brother Ning Guohou Shizi to investigate this matter himself, which shows the importance of this matter. But he also took action himself, it seems that he will not give up until he drags the Seventh Prince into the water."

Su Ce's mood gradually improved after his analysis was in place.

"My lord, what do you need our people for?" Zitong asked.

"No need." Su Ce refused, "If our people act at this time, it will only arouse the suspicion of the Seventh Prince, and it will be very unfavorable to Shangguan Shaochen's actions. After all, that place is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair."

He thought for a while, "Watch me carefully. If the second prince gets what he wants, we don't have to meddle in our own business. If he doesn't get it, it's not too late for us to make a move."

I knew that Young Master would not sit idly by Miss Ling's matter, especially such a serious matter.

Zitong originally wanted to persuade him not to lie in the muddy water, but after thinking about it, no matter how many sons he said, he would not listen, and it is better to support than to oppose.

"Yes," Zitong took the order, "If the young master has nothing else to do, the subordinate will leave."

After getting the master's nod of agreement, Zitong had already come to the door, but after much deliberation, he hesitated for a while and finally planned to say, "My lord, there is something else that I feel should be reported to you. The secret guard reported just now that someone had murdered the girl."

"What!" Su Ce suddenly became nervous, and even his complexion became very ugly, "Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier? Who murdered Ling Mu'er, what's the situation, can she be injured? The assassin took it down." ?”

There seemed to be a hundred thousand reasons hidden in his heart, and he wanted to ask clearly. Su Ce was like a curious child, but in the next second he turned into an infatuated man. He held Zitong's sleeves tightly with both hands, eager to get the answer.

"Since the young master is so worried about Miss Ling, why don't you go and see for yourself?" Zi Tong really couldn't understand why the young master would do this.

He knew that the son deliberately alienated Miss Ling in order to protect her and prevent the former queen from hurting her.

But the queen has been thrown into the cold palace, and it is said that her condition is getting worse day by day, why does the son still avoid suspicion like this?

Torture others and torture yourself.

"She will soon become the second concubine. As a virtuous king, if I get too close to her, I will only attract gossip from others. It doesn't matter to me, but she is a girl after all." Su Ce said lightly, realizing Zitong's tone when she spoke. With his attitude, he guessed that Ling Muer was not in any danger.

"Continue to send people to guard around Ling's residence, and ensure her safety at all times." He ordered.

But Zitong was very unconvinced, "According to my subordinates, you don't need to be so troublesome. Besides our people, there are people from the second prince around Ling's mansion."

Su Ce was not at all surprised by the news, "The person I can think of can naturally think of it. If he doesn't send someone to protect him, then he is incompetent. However, he is him, and I am me, and I will protect me." Anyone who wants to protect has no right to say no."

Seventh Prince's Mansion.

In the study, Shangguan Shaochen has been guarding an unsolvable endgame carefully, and is worried about letting the Seventh Prince leave, and is very irritable if he doesn't leave.

"Second emperor brother, don't look at it, you and I are destined to be unable to solve this game of chess, but if you are curious, I can send someone to send this game to your house, and you can solve it slowly, how about it?" the seventh prince proposed , looking carefully at the person in front of him.

Shangguan Shaochen had been coming uninvited since morning, and it was already afternoon but he had no plans to go back. Although he stayed in his study without moving, the guards who had just been reported to accompany him disappeared twice.

It seems that Ling Zixuan has already told him everything that should be said and what should not be said.

If I had known earlier, I should have completely shut his mouth.

"Shh, don't make noise, I got my thoughts soon, and I was almost lost by your noise." Shangguan Shaochen said displeased, but he didn't raise his head to stare at the chessboard carefully.

Feeling the cold air coming from all over his body, Shangguan Shaochen raised his head after a moment of silence, "Don't tell me the Seventh Emperor doesn't welcome me? Is this planning to force me to leave?"

"How dare you." The Seventh Prince said haha, "I'm just worried that Brother Huang is too tired. Since you came to my house early in the morning, you have been staring at this game of chess, and you didn't even eat lunch. I'm just worried that if something happens to you in my house, I won't be able to explain it to my father."

"Thanks to the seventh prince, I am in good health." The second prince raised his eyebrows proudly, "But speaking of father, I remembered it. I heard that father sent all the memorials belonging to the prince to the seventh prince. The mansion will be handled by you. But what should I do, my father has just ordered you to send all the memorials to my second prince's mansion, I guess the seventh emperor has no objection?"

The rights you have finally obtained, and you have not enjoyed them for a few days, are you going to hand them over to others?

The corner of the Seventh Prince's mouth twitched violently, but he didn't dare to falsely preach the imperial decree. Although he was unwilling, he dared not resist the decree. "Since it is the imperial father's order, I will obey the imperial edict."

After saying that, he ordered the followers outside the door, "Come here, go and deliver all the memorials to the Second Prince's Mansion."

"Wait." Shangguan Shaochen said quietly, looking at the curious eyes of the Seventh Prince, he smiled as warmly as jade, "How do the servants do such a thing well, if one or two of them are missed, wouldn't it be a delay? Big deal? I’d better trouble Seventh Brother to fetch it personally, I’ll wait for you here, fetch it and leave.”

The Seventh Prince wanted to yell at him, "Do you know how annoying it is if you come here and don't leave?" But he didn't dare,

After all, it was his elder brother who was sitting in front of him and smiling at him, and the person most valued by his father now, if he fancied his father, everything he had finally obtained would be destroyed.

The concubine mother said that now is not the time to confront him head-on, the concubine mother will help him plan everything in the palace, and there must be no trouble on his side.

But Brother Huang obviously wanted to distract him.

"In that case, please wait a moment, Brother Huang."

Full of unwillingness, the Seventh Prince left in a hurry. He could only fetch everything as quickly as possible, and then send away this untouchable Buddha, but it doesn't matter. He will bury everyone he is related to with his own hands.


The second prince intentionally said these two words when he turned to leave. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the corner of the seventh prince's lips trembling with anger.

But the Seventh Prince didn't go to get it immediately, but went into the next room, strode towards the bookshelf, turned the vase in the corner, and heard a crisp sound, and the secret room behind him was opened.

He walked into the room and took off the picture scroll opposite. There was a walnut-sized hole in front of him, and he could clearly see all the movements of the second prince in the study.

"Brother Huang, Brother Huang, you deliberately dismissed me, I want to see what you want to do!"

But there was no movement in the room for a long while, Shangguan Shaochen was still obsessed with staring at the mess in front of him, as if he would never stop until it was resolved.

"Strange, didn't he come looking for something?" The Seventh Prince pondered in his heart, and immediately turned around to ask the servant behind him, "Did you find the guard he brought?"

"Going back to the Seventh Prince, I couldn't find him. The man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. No matter how hard we searched, we couldn't find him."

"You can't even catch up with you?" The Seventh Prince said in disbelief. The servant behind him is the best lightness kungfu among his subordinates. people who come. But if he can't catch up, it seems that Brother Erhuang also has many top experts around him.

"Watch him carefully." The seventh prince turned and left after ordering. He guessed in his heart, could it be that Shangguan Shaochen knew that he was watching from the side, so he didn't do anything for a long time?

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