That day, she was worrying about how to successfully marry Shangguan Shaochen, when a man in black came out of the room suddenly, she recognized at a glance that this man was the virtuous king Su Ce who had a verbal argument with her at the banquet.

"Bold, you... How dare you trespass on this princess' palace?" She hurriedly got up and grabbed the scissors on the dressing table, and when she looked at Su Ce again, she had a fierce expression, which seemed to be extremely rude.

Unexpectedly, Su Ce rushed towards her without saying a word, pressed her against the cold wall, and kissed her forcefully.

At that time, she was stunned, struggling to break free from his confinement, she raised her hand and slapped her across the face, "You, you shameless bastard, dare to belittle this princess, see if I don't kill you."

She picked up the scissors and planned to stab Su Ce's neck, but Su Ce pinched her wrist domineeringly, forcing her to look at him, "Mo Junyao, right, this king is very interested in you."

She still remembers Su Ce's thick and magnetic voice that day, as if it could penetrate her soul, it was so beautiful.

But at that time she was mad, "You, have you been drinking?"

A drunk came to her room and behaved so disrespectfully towards her, she almost pushed him away with all her strength, "Bastard, shameless! You are so presumptuous, come on... …Well!"

Before she could yell out, someone blocked her mouth again. Su Ce put one arm around her waist, one hand on the back of her head, and his legs around her legs, completely controlling her in his arms. middle.

His kiss was overbearing and crazy, as if to engulf her.

She stared at this man, thinking of how to escape, but when she opened her eyes and saw his handsome face and affectionate appearance, she admitted that she was moved.

But this person clearly looked down on her?

"Su Ce, what do you mean? Don't you look down on me? Could it be that you have forgotten that this princess once said that even if all the men in the world die, I will not choose you to be my son-in-law? Are you really drunk? Are you still pretending to be drunk?"

Her heart was beating 'plop plop' non-stop, and she was so soft and weak from his kiss. This Su Ce, not only was he domineering, but his answers were even more domineering.

"If you don't do that, how can I attract your attention?" He said, and staggered a few steps, as if to prove whether he was really drunk.

Is it true that someone uttered the truth after drinking, so he came to confess his love to her uninvited?

"Why, don't you dare to be with me?" While she was thinking about it, Su Ce suddenly raised her jaw and looked at her provocatively, "That's right, after all, this king is the number one prince in the capital. There are many women who marry me, if you are afraid, just pretend that nothing happened just now."

After finishing speaking, he let go of her body abruptly, and he walked to the door, "The king has offended me, and I will come to the door in person to apologize at another day, and the princess will leave."

He was about to leave as he said that, how could she let such a person go.

"Stop! What do you mean? Are you going to leave after confessing? This princess hasn't answered you yet!" She hurriedly chased him and forced him to look at her. When she was not tall enough, she stood on tiptoe and smelled the thick sweat on his body. With the smell of alcohol and listening to his strong heartbeat, she suddenly felt that this person was not bad compared to Shangguan Shaochen.

Anyway, Shangguan Shaochen also has a woman he likes, and even if she marries, she won't get the favor she wants. This virtuous king seems to be not bad either.

"You have belittled me, the princess, and you will be responsible to me. Not everyone can take advantage of me, Mo Junyao!" She stared at him aggressively with her hands on her hips.

Unexpectedly, Su Ce nodded after thinking for a while, "Wait for me."

He just dropped two words, and the person disappeared. She was completely confused at that time. What the hell is this virtuous king doing?

Could it be that he was playing tricks on her?

At that time, her brother was not in the palace, so she couldn't decide to pay attention, so she asked people to follow Su Ce, who knew that he entered the palace at that time.

If this matter happened in the Western Regions, my father would definitely punish him for such a frivolous crime. I'm afraid the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty would do the same. After getting the news, she also hurried into the palace.

Sure enough, Su Ce had a showdown with the emperor and wanted to marry her as his concubine.

At that time, she was still hesitating whether to cling to Shangguan Shaochen, or to choose this equally handsome and handsome virtuous king, but seeing Su Ce's firm eyes, she compromised.

"Your Majesty, I've changed my mind. I want the virtuous King Su Ce to be my son-in-law!"

The emperor was very angry, "Marriage is a trifling matter. Besides, you represent the Western Regions, and you are the one who will be married to my dynasty. How can you just change this matter?"

"I don't care, the emperor promised me that I can choose my husband freely. I didn't think it through before, but now I have figured it out, the virtuous king is not bad, please let the emperor help us!"

As she spoke, she pulled Su Ce to kneel in front of the emperor.

Unexpectedly, the emperor agreed after a burst of laughter. "Okay, since I promised you that you can choose your husband freely, then I will make it possible for both of you, come here, and make a marriage decree!"

In this way, she became the future concubine of King Xian.

But what is Su Ce's attitude towards himself today? Is he going to drive his fiancee out of the house?

"Su Ce, you are going too far. Not to mention my princess status, I am your fiancee after all. I came to visit you, and you not only do not welcome me, but also drive me away? Could it be that you asked the emperor to marry me that day?" Is it all fake? Are you doing it for Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer?"

Mo Junyao thought about it like this, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, her pupils kept dilated, her eyes were full of murderous intent, she had the urge to turn around and find Ling Muer to settle the score once he admitted it.

Su Ce didn't expect this woman to be so powerful. Sure enough, there is only one cutest woman in the world.

He squinted his eyes and sneered from the bottom of his heart, "So what if you are, so what if you are not. If you regret it, you can treat it as my drunken nonsense that day. It is still too late to regret the marriage."

"It's too late, it's too late!" Mo Junyao was very angry, "I was rejected by Shangguan Shaochen first, and then I canceled my engagement with you, where do you want me to put Mo Junyao's face, besides, you kissed me You must be responsible to me!"

Su Ce raised his breath, as if he was a little embarrassed.

He pursed his lips with a smirk, although he knew that what he did next might ruin her reputation, but he didn't care about this kind of woman with ulterior motives.

"Oh? Didn't the princess enjoy it that day?"

"What enjoyment?" Mo Junyao didn't understand at first, but she knew that she had been tricked when she saw the teasing in Su Ce's eyes, she blew her nose angrily and stared, "Su Ce, you bastard, you bastard, you are bastard!"

She rushed over and landed all her fists on his chest. Seeing that Su Ce didn't dodge, she thought that Su Ce's heart was softening, but she didn't expect that after a few strokes, he squeezed her wrist suddenly, and suddenly lowered his voice, "Yes, this king is a bad person, because I have never treated anyone in the world. Said I was a good man."

He laughed at himself, "However, if you feel that you have suffered a disadvantage, at worst I will let you pay it back."

He stood there motionless, Mo Junyao watched the smoke rising from his head in anger.

"I'm a girl anyway, how could you treat me like this?" A person's name flashed through his mind, and Mo Junyao suddenly understood. "It's Ling Muer, you must have done this to me on purpose for her sake, just wait and see, I won't let her go."

After finishing speaking, Mo Junyao rushed out of the room and ran out of Prince Xian's mansion.

Zitong, who was listening to all this outside the door, did not wait for the young master's order. He rushed in uncertainly, "Young master, don't we want to stop it?"

"Stop what?" Su Ce took a deep breath, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it leisurely, as if nothing happened just now.

"This Princess Heqin is savage by nature, she will definitely trouble Miss Ling if she rushes out now, don't you worry?" Zi Tong was taken aback, when did this son's temper become so volatile.

It seems that it started when he was canonized as a virtuous king?

No, it should have started when his real identity was revealed and his biological mother died.

The current young master has long lost the gentle and jade-like temperament of the past, only the unpredictable and murderous aura.

The son has really changed.

"If she wants to go, let her go. Do you think Ling Muer is a master at the mercy of others?" Su Ce wasn't worried about this at all.

"If she's really that incompetent, she's not the woman I'm looking for. You should be worried about Mo Junyao."

After speaking, Su Ce stood up quietly, not paying attention to what Mo Junyao was going to do.

"But even if Princess He is bullied by Miss Ling, it's still your face." Zitong sighed.

Who knows that Su Ce doesn't care even more, "I can't even marry the person I want to marry, so do I need to care about everything else?"

Opening the folding fan, Su Ce swaggered away from Prince Xian's mansion. As for Mo Junyao?

She wished for luck.

After coming out of the imperial study room, Ling Muer originally planned to visit Concubine Yi, but thinking that she probably needs to rest at noon, she planned to leave the palace directly. Unexpectedly, she saw a person she least wanted to see at the gate of the palace. .

"Stop, why are you being rude when you see this princess?" Mo Junyao raised her head arrogantly, as if waiting for her for a long time.

Ling Muer just gave her a blank look, and planned to bypass her and leave, but Mo Junyao chased after her, blocking her way, "This princess is the most favored princess in the Western Regions, hello Ling Muer Be bold!"

Knowing that if she doesn't compete with her today, this woman will not let her go.

Ling Mu'er simply stood where she was, and looked at her amusedly, "You also said that you are the princess of the Western Regions, but this is the Celestial Dynasty, why should I salute you?"

Besides, according to her future generation, she is only Princess Xian, and she is the second concubine, no matter what, she is a level higher than her, so she is the one who should salute.

"You!" Mo Junyao was anxious, because she had already seen her words, and she planned not to argue with her, "Yes, you are right, you really don't need to salute me, so I won't argue with you, but I am here to wait for you today, you can go to the palace with me."

Mo Junyao turned around and led the way.

She is afraid that she is used to being a princess, and she likes to errand others wherever she goes.

Ling Mu'er laughed and not only did not follow, but instead left from the opposite direction, there was more than one way out of the palace anyway.

"Hey, where are you going?" Seeing that she didn't catch up, Mo Junyao was in a terrible mood, so she hurried over and grabbed her sleeve, "Ling Muer, this princess is inviting you to my palace. Are you shameless?"

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