"I have face, so why should I accept the face given by the princess?" Ling Muer's eyes widened with an innocent and harmless face, "Oh, I see, it turns out that the princess of the Western Regions has a double face, so one of them Give someone else's face."

"Ling Muer, you're going too far!"

Mo Junyao was very angry with her, no one had dared to humiliate her like this before.

"I made a special trip here to wait for you just to apologize to you. I admit that I shouldn't have robbed you of your man, and I shouldn't have robbed you of the phoenix crown that you saw first outside the palace that day, but you went too far to speak out." Humiliate me." As she spoke, crystal clear tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Ling Muer was dumbfounded, is she going to cry?

God, it's really a fantasy.

According to her understanding of this unruly and willful princess, this woman dares to act and speak out, but she is not the one who will shed tears easily. How can this be sung?

"If it's really an apology, then the princess doesn't have to, because I don't have the habit of getting angry with strangers." Ling Muer glanced at her, and planned to walk around her body and leave.

Mo Junyao grabbed her clothes again, "Why are you a stranger? The world is so big, it is fate that you and I met in this life. Besides, you and I fell in love with the same man before. This is a gift from God." You should cherish the fate you have given us."

It was the first time I heard someone describe the relationship between rivals in such a beautiful and refined way.

It seems that this princess of the Western Regions is also a master at playing tricks, but the more she insists on inviting her to the palace, the more it seems that her motives are impure.

"Well, it's fine for me to accept your apology, but I have urgent business to leave now, and I will visit you another day." Ling Muer tried to shake off the hem of her clothes that he was pulling.

"No." Mo Junyao was very domineering, "Since you accepted my apology, you have to go to the palace with me. I asked the chef from the Western Regions to cook and arrange a table of meals for you. If you don't You just haven't forgiven me yet."

Ling Mu'er really wanted to grab her by the collar, look into her eyes and ask: I just don't forgive you, what's the matter?

But seeing her rolling eyeballs, she was suddenly curious about what she wanted to do.

If she could use this opportunity to cancel her engagement with Su Ce, why didn't she try?

"Okay, since you've given me such hospitality, I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

"Then let's go." Mo Junyao held Ling Mu'er's arm, and the two of them were as intimate as twin sisters, from the palace all the way west to the palace specially arranged for them by the emperor.

"Ling Muer, to be honest, I hate you very much, because that block of ice has only eyes on you, but it doesn't matter, I already have a virtuous king now, he treats me very well, and it's the same when I marry him." Mo As Jun Yao said, she suddenly stopped, "However, I heard that King Xian has a lot of connections, does he like you?"

Getting used to this woman's straightforwardness, Ling Mu'er was not so surprised and angry.

She turned her eyes and saw Mo Junyao's calculating eyes, she shook her head, "King Xian is the number one prince in the capital, he exists like a banished fairy, I don't think anyone can catch his eyes."

Such a perfect explanation not only avoided her doubts, but also praised her future husband.

Mo Junyao was not angry after hearing this, "Really? Is that really the case? What about you, have you ever liked him?"

Ling Mu'er was suddenly curious, if she said she liked it, would this woman blow up?

But she didn't want to get herself into trouble,

"I only have Shaochen in my eyes. Besides, I will be the second concubine and you will be the concubine Xian. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to say such a thing." Ling Muer's expression became serious, and when she looked at her again With contempt and sarcasm, there was a feeling that he would throw her arm away at any time and turn around and leave.

Mo Junyao immediately didn't dare to ask any more questions, "I just want to ask, don't be angry. But you are right, I will be Princess Xian soon, and there will be more opportunities for us to meet in the future. I don't have any in the capital." Friend, if you are not familiar with the place, you must take good care of me and often come to Xianwang's mansion to play with me."

Ling Mu'er didn't think that the two of them could be so intimate that they could come to play at any time.

I'm afraid that the banquet she is about to attend is not a banquet at all, but a Hongmen banquet.

"I think it's better for the princess not to worry about it. If you have anything to say, just say it." Ling Mu'er simply stopped where she was.

Mo Junyao didn't expect her to be so straightforward, so she quickly shook her head and waved her hands, "No, no, I really didn't mean to hurt you this time, I sincerely apologize to you, and I sincerely want to be good friends with you. Why don't you Will you trust me?"

"Because your eyes are full of calculations, people can't believe it!" Ling Mu'er consciously stayed a few meters away from her, "If you still doubt my relationship with King Xian, then I can tell you clearly that we are just friends. That's all. Also, if you still miss Shao Chen's words, then I can also tell you that if anyone dares to destroy the relationship between the two of us, I will definitely not be polite to him. Can you rest assured now? "

"Don't worry, I've always been very relieved of you. I was wrong before. I shouldn't hate you. It's all because I want to get Shangguan Shaochen. You see, I have a virtuous king now. We should turn our battles into jades." right?"

Mo Junyao took a step forward, holding her hand very sincerely, "Besides, you see my brother likes you so much, if you don't give me this face, you should give brother face, right?"

Ling Muer frowned, "Amude asked you to entertain me?"

This guy just suffered a loss in her Ling's residence yesterday, so he wants to get revenge so soon?

"No, no!" Mo Junyao shook her head like a rattle, "My brother entered the palace early in the morning. After my marriage with King Xian is completed, he will go to the Western Regions. I'm afraid he is discussing permanent diplomatic relations with the emperor right now." How can we take care of our dinner?"

Knowing that Amu De was not there, Ling Muer was relieved.

Seeing that she was relieved, Mo Junyao continued to strike while the iron was hot, "Sister Mu'er. Let me call you like this. You see, once my brother leaves, I will really be alone in such a big dynasty. You should take pity on me." , let's be good sisters, shall we?"

She acted like a child to her, holding her arm and not letting go.

Ling Mu'er was shaken by her, so she had no choice but to nod and agree, "Okay, okay, I'll go to your palace, but you'd better not play tricks, or you will know my tricks."

"Okay." Mo Junyao grabbed her arm and quickened her pace, and after a while, the two of them arrived at the palace.

As she said, she had already prepared a table of delicious food, many of which were wild game that she had never seen before. It seemed that it was really made by cooks from the Western Regions.

"I promise you that even if you are in the Western Regions, you will not eat such authentic food. This is because my father took pity on me to be alone in a foreign country, and specially rewarded me with the best chef in the palace. The food he cooked It's fragrant, I guarantee you will think of the second time after eating it once."

Mo Junyao pressed her shoulders to let her sit on the chair, and introduced everything in front of her one by one.

Ling Mu'er was dazzled by the sight, but she didn't understand when she heard it. After about a stick of incense, she finally heard her say that it's okay to eat.

She was invited to the palace early in the morning, and the emperor didn't let her drink a cup of tea. She was indeed hungry and thirsty. Ling Mu'er just picked up a chopsticks of unnamed wild game and sniffed it under her nose. To poison, she puts it in her mouth.

"Well, it tastes good."

"I said yes, I didn't lie to you." After receiving her praise, Mo Junyao was like a happy child, and hurriedly added dishes that she thought were delicious, "These are all my favorites. , I guess you must also like to eat, since you are here, eat more."

The so-called being courteous for nothing is either adultery or robbery. Although Mo Junyao concealed it very well, she could still see at a glance that she had something wrong in her heart.

But Ling Mu'er didn't say anything, but quietly ate the food in front of her and drank the fine wine she handed over. During this period, she carefully identified that there was no poison in the dishes, there was no poison in the wine, and even the tableware for eating There is no poison on it, so what the hell is Mo Junyao doing?

"Oh, I didn't do it on purpose, sister Mu'er, you won't blame me, right?"

Suddenly, Mo Junyao lost control of the pot of wine and spilled it all on Ling Muer's skirt.

Mo Junyao hurriedly fetched a handkerchief to wipe it for her, but at this moment Ling Mu'er's face was extremely pale.

"What should I do, sister Mu'er, you won't blame me, right? I really didn't do it on purpose, otherwise it's fine, you go to my room to change clothes first."

Ling Mu'er really wanted to get angry. She watched her take the pot of wine just now, why did she pour it down suddenly?

her room? Is there some trick behind it? This is the palace, so she must not dare to shoot herself in the foot.

"In that case, I will trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, sister Mu'er please."

Mo Junyao personally led the way, and kept apologizing along the way, as if she was really angry.

"Come here, bring Sister Mu'er in. There are new clothes that the emperor rewarded me in the closet. Take them out for her to choose by herself, and serve me well, do you hear me?" Mo Junyao ordered to the servant at the door.

"Yes." The servant girl agreed and opened the door and walked in. Ling Muer followed behind and looked at Mo Junyao with a kind smile on her face. Presumably she didn't dare to play tricks at this time, so she didn't have any precautions.

"Girl, these are new clothes that my princess has never worn. Would you like to choose one you like?" The servant girl brought out about seven or eight clothes, all of different colors and styles.

Ling Mu'er glanced at it casually, and chose the most pure lake blue color, "That's all, but I don't like being waited on, you go out first."

The servant girl seemed to want to say something, but after thinking about it, she agreed, "Yes, the servant girl is waiting outside the door, and the girl can give you instructions at any time if there is any situation."

With Ling Muer nodding in agreement, the servant girl turned and left the room, but just as Ling Muer opened the first button on her chest, she heard the sound of the door being locked.

She screamed that something was wrong, and immediately ran to the door, but unfortunately the door was locked.

"Mo Junyao, what trick are you trying to pull off?"

She kept banging on the door, she was sure that Mo Junyao was outside right now.

Damn it, he got into her trap after all.

"Oh, I call you sister, you really dare to agree, and you don't even look at your identity."

Mo Junyao's proud voice came from outside the door, she sneered, "But since you're here, I naturally want to entertain you well, my sister, enjoy yourself."

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