What to enjoy?

"Mo Junyao, Mo Junyao!"

No matter how much Ling Muer shouted, she never got a response, and she even saw Mo Junyao walking away.

A strange smell suddenly came from the room, and her body gradually softened.

Ling Mu'er immediately felt her pulse, and soon her face changed suddenly.

"Damn it, she drugged me!"

But even so, she didn't have any fear in her eyes, but quickly took out the antidote pill from the space and took it.

If she guessed correctly, the medicine is not only the unique smell in the room, but also the effect of the medicine when it is mixed with a certain dish.

Ling Mu'er swore that once she went out, she would never spare Mo Junyao.

Immediately after taking the detoxification pill, she felt her mind became much lighter, and she was about to think of a way to get out, but she vaguely felt that something was slowly approaching behind her.

She turned around abruptly, making the man behind her fly away.

It was only then that Ling Mu'er realized that behind her, there was a tall and thick man standing in this room, and... wearing only a pair of shorts.

"Mo Junyao, you're looking for death!" Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth, and the corners of her mouth twitched. Looking at the man in front of her again, he was in a very strange state, as if he had been drugged.

"Beauty~beauty." The man said in a daze, and rushed towards her again.

While dodging, Ling Muer quickly shot out a silver needle, trying to seal his acupuncture points and control his movements.

The man froze for a while without moving, Ling Muer thought he had succeeded, and was about to run to the window and escape from the window, but the man moved again.

"Thank you for the beauty that the princess gave me. I will definitely enjoy it tonight." The man didn't realize that he had been hit by a silver needle at all, but saw that Ling Mu's pupils gradually dilated when he was a child, and it was full of excitement.

But why does this beauty always hide from herself?

"Little darling, the master will love you well, don't run away." He said, and rushed towards Ling Mu'er again.

Ling Mu'er kicked his legs and successfully made him fall on the ground. She took out the silver needles again, and pierced the three aortas of his body respectively.

The silver needle just now was also poisoned by her, but it still didn't work. It seems that Mo Junyao came prepared this time, but this time she won't let her succeed so easily.

"Well, you, what did you do to me?"

The man curled up on the ground, his body trembling uncontrollably. She trembled, frightened, and tried to break the acupuncture point.

"Say, who told you to hide here?"

Ling Muer didn't answer his words, but took out a dagger that was cut like iron from the space, and pressed it against his neck, and took out a strange medicine bottle with her other hand, put it under his nose and smelled it. .

Seeing the man gradually regaining consciousness, she played with the dagger, "I cut iron like mud with this dagger. It probably only takes a blink of an eye to cut off your head, but if you don't want your head and neck to be separated, you'd better answer me honestly." Say, did Mo Junyao instigate you?"

It seemed that it was the first time in his life that he was threatened. After waking up, the man gritted his teeth and looked dissatisfied. He even tried to struggle, but he couldn't move his whole body. I have to say that he only felt a slight trembling in his body, and a burning pain came from his neck. pain.

Ling Muer sneered, "It seems that you are really not afraid of death, you want to test whether my dagger is sharp enough, okay, then I will help you."

As she spoke, she slid the dagger onto the five fingers of his right hand. She spoke too quickly, only to hear a scream in her ear, and his little thumb was chopped off by Ling Muer's fingers.


Even if a man is an iron-blooded tough guy, he is sweating profusely from the pain, his fingers are connected to his heart, how can it not hurt?

Ling Mu'er asked herself that she was never a good man and a faithful woman, besides, if she wasn't a doctor and didn't have medicine to defend herself, he would have already succeeded at this moment, this is what this man deserves!

"If you still don't want to say it, it's just two fingers this time." Ling Muer said, looking straight at him, and slowly raised the dagger.

The man had never seen such terrifying eyes, he hurriedly begged for mercy, "I said, I said, don't chop off my hand."

He didn't sound like a man from the Celestial Dynasty, it seemed that Mo Junyao brought it from the Western Regions.

"It was the princess who ordered me to do this. The princess said that I have behaved well recently and would reward me with a beauty. She also said that in order to make me more crazy, she asked me to take the medicine in advance, but... But the princess didn't say that you are I don’t want to, please forgive me.”

The man really wanted to kowtow to him to admit his mistake, but he couldn't move his head.

"Bastard!" Ling Muer scolded angrily, raising the dagger to stab him in the chest, but a better idea than letting him die suddenly came to her mind.

In the courtyard, Mo Junyao questioned the maidservant in front of her, "You can hear me clearly, it's over?"

The maid nodded and shook her head but nodded again, "Back to the princess, it seems to be done."

"What does it mean?" Mo Junyao was very dissatisfied with the answer, "Can't you hear any movement? Are you deaf?"

The servant girl immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy in fear, "Princess Hui, slave girl, slave girl is also a little girl who has not left the cabinet, how can she distinguish that kind of voice, but... But I heard it sounded very intense inside, I guess it has become .”

Seeing the princess's pale face, the maid hurriedly added, "It was quite loud at first, but when the maid came out, the four rooms had already quieted down, presumably... it's over."

"Very good!"

After confirming that Ling Mu'er had been tricked by her, Mo Junyao was overjoyed, "I want to see if Shangguan Shaochen will want this broken shoe this time."

Mo Junyao raised her head arrogantly, and with a gesture, three or four servants swaggered to her master bedroom behind her.

"Why is it so quiet?" When Mo Junyao came to the yard, she felt something was wrong, "The medicine I gave was twice as effective, logically speaking, it shouldn't end in such a short time, could it be that Ling Muer ran away gone?"

She was talking to herself, and the slave who was in charge of monitoring this side hurriedly knelt down behind her, "Princess, don't worry, the servant has been watching the door all the time, and no one has entered or left the room, and the door is locked from the outside."

"Hmph, that Ling Muer is very ghostly, who knows if she has other means." Mo Junyao snorted coldly, she would not believe it until she saw Ling Muer's tragic end with her own eyes, "Come on, Open the door."

"Princess!" The personal servant hurriedly stopped her, "How can the princess's daughter be touched by such a filthy scene, let the servants verify it."

"If there's anything you can't see, get out." Mo Junyao snatched the key from the servant, and she opened the door herself.

Although she said it confidently, when the door opened, she was still a little scared.

She first put her head in, and seeing the scattered clothes on the ground, she immediately jumped in excitedly, but at this moment, an arm suddenly grabbed her, dragging her in forcefully,

Suddenly, Mo Junyao was unprepared, she just felt as if there was some gravitational force attracting her to approach, but when she was still in shock, she heard a loud 'bang', and then heard the call of the maidservants outside the door Voice, "Princess, princess!"

"Shut up if you don't want your princess to die here. If I hear another voice, I'll chop off her head and give it to you!" Ling Muer threatened the maids outside the door, It was really quiet outside the door.

Only then did Mo Junyao realize what was going on, and she looked at Ling Muer, who was standing in front of her intact, in disbelief. She was so shocked that she stammered, "You...how are you okay, no...impossible, I'm clearly... clearly sure that you've been poisoned."

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, but with a smile on her lips, she approached her step by step.

"Yes, I was indeed poisoned." She said with a strange voice, "It's all thanks to you, otherwise how could I have ended up like this?"

Seeing Ling Muer's captivating eyes and that cold tone, Mo Junyao was terrified, she stretched out her long arms to stop her, "Don't come here! What are you going to do, I warn you that I am a majestic princess, the future Princess Xian."

"I'm still the second concubine in the future, have you stopped doing things to me because of my status?" Ling Mu'er scolded angrily, and sprinkled a pink powder on her face with a raised hand.

After all, Mo Junyao had been by Amu'er's side for many years, she immediately covered her mouth and nose, but unfortunately she underestimated the efficacy of the medicine developed by Ling Mu'er herself.

"It's useless, even if you cover your mouth and nose, my medicine will penetrate into your blood through the skin, and you will see the effect of the medicine after a stick of incense." Ling Mu'er had a smirk on her lips, "Princess? Heh, which princess would use such indecent means to destroy a girl's innocence! But it doesn't matter, I will pay you back double what you did to me."

After saying that, Ling Muer found a chair and sat down, as if waiting for a good show.

Mo Junyao was terrified and didn't know what to do for a while. Before she was poisoned, she immediately knelt on the ground and planned to beg her for mercy, but just as she moved, she felt her body was very hot, and her complexion suddenly changed. Roaring, "Didn't you say that it would take a stick of incense before the attack would happen, why...why I feel something is wrong with my body."

"What do you believe in what I say? Then if I tell you to die, you will also go?" Ling Muer also responded with her strong growl, but soon she returned to normal, "Didn't the princess want to watch the live version of the erotic show?" Yes, it’s boring to watch, but it’s interesting to experience it yourself, I’m here to help you.”

Mo Junyao couldn't listen to her words at this moment, she just felt that her body was very hot, she wanted to take off her clothes, she felt so hot.

But the only sliver of reason left told her that this could not be done.

She kept pinching her thigh, because only pain would wake her up. Looking at Ling Muer who was baring her teeth and claws in front of her, she wished she could rush over and kill her immediately.

But out of the corner of her eye, she found that the man she arranged in the room was walking towards her step by step.

The man was like a ferocious beast seeing the prey he dreamed of, he opened his arms and rushed towards him.

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