call out.

A sharp arrow came towards him, Su Ce dodged it accurately, and in the next second, three sharp arrows shot from behind him.

Whoosh whoosh.

Su Ce flipped sideways and dodged again with precision. When his palm was on the ground, he seemed to have touched some mechanism again. He saw several darts flying out of the wall that seemed to have no problem, and fell densely like raindrops.

Su Ce immediately took out the soft sword in his waist to fight with all his strength, but no matter how careful he was, he was scratched by many sharp arrows.

I only heard him humming one after another, but he bit his red lips tightly and refused to make a sound, for fear that the people who were searching above would notice.

After the rain of darts stopped, there were no less than ten scars on his body, but just after all the darts came out, a door opened automatically on the wall beside him, and he looked sideways, only to see a long, narrow and dark dense room ahead Said, he immediately picked up a dart on the ground and threw it over. Sure enough, a group of sharp objects shot at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Su Ce hurriedly dodged, almost only one finger away, and the sharp weapon would penetrate his internal organs!

Su Ce held his breath and nervously waited for other hidden weapons to appear. After hearing nothing for a while, he was relieved.

There are so many organs in the secret passage just now, it can be seen that the front must be very dangerous, but he is not afraid.

He must get what Ling Muer wants for her!

Thinking of that girl, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, a wicked smile flashed by, and his heart that had been hard just now seemed to soften a bit.

There are already many wounds and blood stains on his body, but as long as he thinks of the softness in the deepest part of his heart, it seems that those wounds don't feel pain anymore.

He lowered his head and wanted to wipe the blood on his chest, but found that it was black blood, "Is this dart poisonous?"

But why didn't his body have any abnormal changes?

Suddenly remembering what Ling Muer said, she wiped his eyes with the powder of Bailingxian, which happened to make his body invulnerable to all poisons, he couldn't help chuckling, "Girl, this time Did you help me? Or did I help you?"

"Master, what happened? Did you catch the assassin?"

When the white fungus and lotus seed soup was half cooked, the master suddenly brought someone into the small kitchen, Sheng'er was startled, but saw that he was looking for something.

"Have you seen any strange people? You have been in the small kitchen?" The Seventh Prince asked coldly, and after he finished speaking, he thought that Sheng'er was pregnant, and his voice softened a lot, "Why are you still cooking soup here so late? Didn't you have enough to eat tonight?"

"Sheng'er boiled it for the master, but master, what happened in this house, Sheng'er has been in the small kitchen and didn't see anyone else." Sheng'er told the truth.

"There is a thief in the house who wants to take away something very important to the prince. The men in black just now are not assassins, but just bait to lure the prince out, but I don't know where the thief is hiding. Since it doesn’t exist here, then don’t look for it any more, Prince Ben.”

After speaking, the Seventh Prince immediately went to the kitchen, but when he walked to the door, he thought of Sheng'er's safety and stopped, "Sheng'er."

"What's the matter?" Sheng'er looked back suspiciously.

"The prince doesn't know who the thief is, but he is very likely to take the person I care about most and threaten me, so follow me." The seventh prince said, waving at her.

Hearing him gently say that she is the 'person he cares about most', Sheng'er felt warm in her heart, as if all the previous suspicions and fears had disappeared.

Sheng'er hurriedly moved over, "Yes, but, how are we going to find that thief?"

"I searched from room to room. Believe it or not, I can't find him!" The seventh prince's eyes were firm, and after he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

His thing was hidden very deep, not to mention the thief, even he sometimes couldn't find the switch, so he believed that the thief would never find it. So he needs to search from room to room, as long as he finds that person, no matter who he is, he will stop and kill him!

After going out of the small kitchen, the Seventh Prince immediately led people to the second room next door, which happened to be in a hostile direction to Su Ce.

But he was looking for someone, his speed was very fast, there were not many places for a living person to hide, and he searched most of the rooms in the Prince's Mansion in a short while.

"Master, there are only four rooms left. Could it be that the thief has already escaped?" Sheng'er felt a little tired after walking all the way, but she still followed the Seventh Prince to check around, for fear of missing anything. a detail.

"Impossible. Before this prince came back, the housekeeper made sure that no one had entered or left. After this prince came back, the exit has been heavily surrounded. I believe he is still in the house!" The seventh prince is very confident about this.

In front of him is the room where he hides his important things. This room was built as a secret room by him. Although it is a guest room, no one has ever lived in it. Even the most trusted Sheng'er doesn't know the secret here. He believed that no one would notice.

Just ask, who would believe that he would put such an important thing in the guest room?

So he wasn't worried about losing that thing at all. He was really more and more curious about where this person was hiding.

"Master, isn't this the guest room? This room is located in a remote place, and the guests who come to the house don't like to live here. Could it be that the thief is hiding here?" Sheng'er was curious.

"If there is, go in and have a look."

After the Seventh Prince finished speaking, he kicked open the door, he made a gesture, and the guards behind him rushed in immediately.

Sheng'er looked around and felt curious, this guest room has never been lived in, why is it so clean?

She went in to have a look, because she was pregnant, although her stomach was still small, her steps were very slow, and there was always a maidservant following behind her.

She turned around and didn't find anything unusual. Just as she was about to go out, there was a touch of stickiness on the back of her hand. She instinctively wanted to raise her eyes, but when she glanced around, the stickiness dripping on the back of her hand was actually red.

is blood?

Her breathing became tense in an instant, and her body trembled uncontrollably. She was about to call out that the thief was here, but the silver bracelet on her wrist happened to come through the profile of the man on the roof.

It's him?

"Side concubine, what's wrong with you, why do you look so ugly?" The maid behind her noticed something was wrong with her.

The Seventh Prince also looked over immediately.

Sheng'er is sure that once the Seventh Prince comes here, he will definitely find Su Ce's trace. Su Ce is Mu'er's good friend, and he admires Mu'er very much. Good thing, Su Ce is her best home, but is it Su Ce who is going to be arrested?

Why did Su Ce bleed? Could it be that he was seriously injured? Wouldn't it be close to death if he was caught like this?

For some reason, Sheng'er didn't want Su Ce to be caught by the master.

Seeing Grandpa stepping up and trying to come by herself, she screamed "Ouch", and rushed over when Grandpa's body was about to reach her eyes.

"Sheng'er, what's the matter with you?" The Seventh Prince exclaimed when he saw that her condition was not right.

"Xu Shi, Xu Shi was too anxious to get to the road just now, and my stomach hurts a little, sir, please find a doctor for me." Sheng'er said, her face turned paler, and beads of sweat dripped from her forehead.

The Seventh Prince held her firmly in his arms, and didn't answer immediately, but looked up at the guard in the room, seeing the signal from the guard shaking his head to indicate that there was no one, he hugged Sheng'er horizontally.

"Come here, pass on the imperial physician."

Seeing the seventh prince walking in the opposite direction with his side concubine in his arms, the butler who was following behind him hurriedly reminded, "Master, don't you want to continue the search?"

There was no one in this room, and there was no trace of a thief breaking in, which meant that his things were not lost, so he was relieved.

"There are three rooms left, be sure to check them carefully for me. Also, send someone to guard every exit. If you find anything wrong, send someone to report it immediately!" The Seventh Prince ordered, holding Sheng'er in his arms and facing the opposite direction. Leaving in the direction of the target, the target went straight to the bedroom.

"Yes, sir."

The butler took the order and took everyone out of the guest room.

The second after everyone left, the person on the beam finally couldn't hold on anymore, and was about to fall, but with his last breath, he built up his internal strength and made himself fall slowly to the ground without making any sound.

'Pfft', he couldn't control a mouthful of blood anymore, and Su Ce fell to the ground firmly, but before he fell down, he held his chest tightly, yes, there was something he found there, That might be what Ling Muer needs!

He was panting heavily, and was about to fall into a faint, so he had no choice but to pick up the dagger he picked up and slam it into the inside of his thigh.


The pain, the pain caused cold sweat to flow from his forehead, but the moment the pain came, he also opened his eyes suddenly.

Yes, the pain would wake him up.

He couldn't faint here, otherwise, when the Seventh Prince couldn't find the thief and returned the same way, he would find his existence.

Yes, he must leave this place of right and wrong immediately!

But he was injured all over his body, and he had used up all his internal energy when he fell from the beam just now, how should he get out?

Su Ce was dressed roughly, how much he wished for a helper to lead him away?

At this moment, the Seventh Prince's mansion must be heavily guarded. Although he didn't know why Sheng'er helped him just now, the woman had already helped him once, and if she came back to help him, her life would be in danger. About to faint, he took out the dagger again and slashed his thigh fiercely!


He suppressed howling, and didn't even dare to yell out loud. The pain again woke him up a bit.

No, he can't stay here, every second will be dangerous, once the Seventh Prince finds something is wrong and comes back here, he will definitely die!

But Mu'er, there is something Mu'er wants in her arms!

As long as he thought of Ling Muer, his body seemed to gain strength. Suddenly, Su Ce thought of something, and immediately took out a pill from the sachet he didn't bring with him.

That's right, this is the pouch that Ling Mu'er gave him before, and told him to save his life when his life was in danger.

Not knowing what medicine was inside, he took out one and swallowed it without hesitation. Sure enough, after a few breaths, he felt much stronger in his body.

When he was in the secret passage just now, he was injured by schedule and almost died inside, but fortunately he got what he wanted at a critical moment!

Now that he has the strength, he must deliver this object to Mu'er as soon as possible.

But there are so many surroundings outside, how can he get out?

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