When he got up, Su Ce didn't notice that the sachet he had just taken off fell to the ground.

He walked to the window with difficulty, and found that there were many guards guarding the exit not far away. If it was normal, he would run out of the mansion unscathed, but now that he is seriously injured, it may be a very difficult challenge.

"what to do?"

He closed his eyes and thought quietly, he knew that only by calming down could he have the hope of escape.

And just when he was melancholy and couldn't think of a good idea, he only heard the scream of a maid outside the door.

"Ah! There are assassins, come quickly!"

Suddenly, there were complex footsteps outside the door.

Su Ce immediately looked along the paper window, and saw countless people running away from the source of the sound, and there was no guard at the exit.

How could it be such a coincidence that everyone left? Could it be that the Seventh Prince discovered that he was hiding here and deliberately lured him out?

Just when Su Ce was hesitating and wondering whether he should leave, a soft voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"By the order of my mother, everyone has been lured away by me. If you want to leave, hurry up."

The voice sounded very trembling, as if he knew what a dangerous thing he was doing.

"Who are you, why did you help me?" Su Ce opened his mouth and realized that the wound on his chest was being affected again. He tried his best to make himself sound less serious.

"Your time is running out." The trembling voice came again, followed by the sound of panicked footsteps.

There seemed to be no one outside the door, Su Ce immediately opened the window cautiously, although he didn't know who that person was, but right now was indeed the best chance to escape, so he hurriedly left the Seventh Prince's Mansion with his last breath.

In Sheng'er's room, the maid leaned against the door like a thief, panting heavily.

"How about it? Can it be done?" Seeing this, Sheng'er rushed over and pulled her into a chair to sit down.

"Do it, it's done." The maid was still trembling, she looked outside nervously, and looked at her master full of doubts, "Master, why did you help a thief? ..."

Sheng'er didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence, and tightly covered her mouth, "Xiaolan, although you haven't been with me for a long time, I treat you as my sister, remember, what happened tonight Don’t tell anyone even if it’s rotten in your stomach, understand?”

Xiaolan nodded, "Master, don't worry, it's just...it's just that Xiaolan doesn't understand why you help him?"

"Mu'er has helped me a lot, that's all I can do, and the rest will depend on his luck." After Sheng'er finished speaking, she seemed to have heard something, and hurried to the bed to lie down.

The moment she lay down, the Seventh Prince pushed the door in and brought the imperial doctor.

"After a while, how do you feel?" The Seventh Prince sat beside her bed very nervously, seeing that the sweat on her forehead disappeared, and her complexion improved a lot. He nodded to the imperial doctor, "Show her carefully." , if there is something lacking in my body, use the best medicinal food to make it up for me."

"No need, Sheng'er feels much better after resting for a while." Sheng'er hurriedly grabbed the Seventh Prince's wrist with her backhand, but her voice still sounded weak.

The Seventh Prince didn't speak, but patted the back of her hand and gave her a reassuring look, then got up and let the imperial doctor come to see him.

After checking the pulse, the imperial doctor found that there was nothing serious, so he immediately let go of his nervousness, "Don't worry, the seventh prince, the concubine is just weak and tired from recent work, there is nothing serious, as long as she has a good rest, it will be fine."

"Are you sure? But she looked very uncomfortable just now!" The Seventh Prince didn't believe the imperial doctor's words, and he was more worried about the child inside Sheng'er.

"Back to the seventh prince, the side concubine may have taken some great tonic medicinal materials, which made her health better than before. It is indeed not a serious problem. As for just now, it must be due to the recent exhaustion. Remember , Mistress, don't get too tired, don't travel long distances, then nothing will happen."

Hearing the imperial doctor's words, Qin Xuanting immediately remembered that Sheng'er followed him to search the rooms one by one just now, maybe it was because his pace was too fast for her to keep up.

With a wave of his hand, Qin Xuanting dismissed the imperial doctor, and sat back gently beside Sheng'er again, "Why don't you tell me when you're tired? It's different now, you're pregnant now, don't be careless. Remember, no matter what happens in the future You must tell me immediately, understand?"

Although the Seventh Prince's voice was very gentle, Sheng'er could tell that his eyes were very cold. Sheng'er didn't dare to look at him, so she nodded quickly, "Sheng'er understands, do you want to stay tonight?"

"I still have important things to do, you go to bed first."

After saying "Take care of your master" to the maid again, the Seventh Prince has already left the room with great strides.

It wasn't until she was sure that he was far away that Sheng'er lifted the quilt and sat up, panting with guilt.

Looking at Xiaolan again, she was already trembling with fright.

"What are you afraid of? Could it be that what happened just now has revealed something?" Sheng'er asked.

Xiaolan just wanted to answer truthfully, but when she saw Master's cold eyes, she hurriedly lowered her head, "What did Master say, Xiaolan didn't understand, Xiaolan has been guarding Master here, and didn't do anything."

After getting the answer she wanted to hear, Sheng'er nodded in satisfaction.

"Where's the assassin? Didn't someone yelled that the assassin was discovered just now?" The seventh prince who had just come out of Sheng'er's room found the housekeeper and others, and asked angrily.

"Master Hui, I lost my follower." The butler bowed his head guiltily.

"Trash, you can lose it right under your nose, so keep looking for me!"

The Seventh Prince was furious, turned around and headed towards a certain direction. The housekeeper felt a little strange, "Master, please redeem this old slave and say more. In fact, we have never seen the so-called assassin from the beginning to the end."

The Seventh Prince, who was in a hurry, immediately stopped. He quickly worked his brain, and frowned suspiciously, "You said you haven't seen it? Then what were you chasing just now?"

"It was the guards who heard a servant girl shouting, so everyone went after him, but when the guards arrived, they didn't see the assassin himself." The housekeeper reported truthfully.

The Seventh Prince gradually had a bad feeling in his heart, "Where's that maidservant?"

"I didn't see it either." The housekeeper bowed his head guiltily again,

"not good!"

The Seventh Prince seemed to realize something, he moved faster, and when he came to the door of the guest room, he shouted angrily, "Wait here for me", before the servants could answer, he had already barged in alone.

That's right, this was the last room he personally led people to search, and it was also his secret room.

But there is nothing unusual around, and it doesn't look like someone has come and rummaged through it.

Could it be that his judgment was wrong, those men in black really didn't turn the tiger away?

The Seventh Prince cursed in his heart, and immediately walked to the bed. Just like the situation in the room, he didn't notice any sign that the left and right sides of the mattress had been moved. He was about to turn around and leave, but he seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye.

He immediately turned around, only to see that there seemed to be something lying there under the window that was not easy to be noticed.

His face was livid. He walked over quickly, bent down and picked up a blue sachet.

Although this room is a guest room, no one has ever lived in it, let alone a sachet, not even a hair? So whose would this thing be?

The Seventh Prince had a bad feeling and immediately opened the sachet, and a strong herbal smell came out.

Why is this smell so familiar?

The seventh prince's pupils grew instantly, and he carefully poured out all the medicines in the bag. Sure enough, there was a word 'Ling' sewn on the inner cloth.

"Ling Mu'er?" The name instantly appeared in his mind, and the Seventh Prince's heart jumped into his throat in an instant.

He didn't care about the others who were holding the sachet tightly, and immediately turned around and returned to the side of the mattress, and immediately opened the mechanism of the secret room without hesitation.

When he walked into the secret room and saw a mess all over the place, with all the organs scattered all over the place, he was shocked from the bottom of his heart!

"Damn it!"

Cursing, he didn't care about anything else, and ran inside frantically.

Everywhere he went, there were destroyed organs, and... some bloodstains.

He immediately reached out to touch it, the blood was still wet, it seemed that the thief had just come here!


Thinking of the ledger, he didn't have the heart to search for anything else, and hurried to the innermost part of the secret room. When he found the brocade box where he kept important items, he found that there were shocking bloody fingerprints on it.

It seems that this person was seriously injured when he broke into here!

His heart was beating violently, and at the same time he was praying in his heart, don't do what he thought, but when he opened his heart and found it was empty, he staggered suddenly Take a few steps back.

Nope, everything in it is gone!

This thing he thought would not be noticed by anyone, just lost it!

Once this thing disappears, his position as the Seventh Prince will soon be lost, and it may even lead to death!


Qin Xuanting roared angrily, and hurriedly searched carefully along the secret path, but let alone a person, he didn't even breathe!

"Master, what's the matter?" Seeing the seventh prince come out of the room frantically, the butler rushed up to ask without fear of death.

"Catch me, he's seriously injured and he won't be far away, whether he's alive or dead, I'll find him, chase him, immediately!"

The Seventh Prince grabbed the butler by his collar and lifted him up abruptly, and threw him out after finishing speaking.

"Yes." Although he didn't know who the master was talking about, but seeing the bloodthirsty look in the master's eyes, the housekeeper was terrified, and immediately took everyone to search the entire Seventh Prince's Mansion again.

In front of the guest room, the Seventh Prince was staring at the sachet tightly packed in his hand, and at the glaring word 'Ling' on it, his heart was broken with anger.

"Ling Muer? Shangguan Shaochen? I will never let you go!"

Ling Mansion.

Ling Mu'er was about to take a rest after tidying up, when she heard a muffled sound in her ear, she immediately looked back, and saw the scene of the window opening and falling.

Immediately, a figure flashed by.

She exclaimed, "Who?"

Not caring about anything else, Ling Muer immediately opened the window and chased it out, but the window was empty, with no one in sight, but looking down, there was a dark thing on the bluestone road under the window.

Ling Mu'er immediately went out of the room and picked it up, thinking it was some kind of prank, but when she opened it and saw everything inside, she was shocked!

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