"of course I know."

Su Ce's voice was faint, and a little hoarse.

Ling Mu'er thought that he was already awake, and lowered her head to ask about his physical condition, but found that he was just raving.

"As long as it's what you want, even if you give up your name, I'll get it for you." Su Ce said, the corners of his mouth raised evilly, and when Ling Muer was taken aback by his smile, he only listened to him pampering Said, "Silly girl, unfortunately, that's all I can do for you."

Tears came pattering down, she never thought that one day she would be moved to tears by a man other than Shangguan Shaochen.

Looking at Su Ce's pale and feeble face, she reached out her hand to touch him, but she held back in the end.

"Su Ce, you don't have to do this for me at all. The Seventh Prince's Mansion is so dangerous. If something happens to you, will you make me ashamed of your life?"

Ling Muer covered her mouth and shook her head guiltily.

Su Ce seemed to hear it again, and he hooked his lips again, "I'll be guilty for the rest of my life? Okay, so you can remember me for the rest of your life."

This rambunctious tone, as if he hadn't fainted, but was still awake.

Ling Mu'er couldn't help but chuckle, she was defeated by Su Ce.

"Don't do anything for me in the future, okay?"

Forcing herself to calm down, Ling Muer looked at him even more guilty after withdrawing her tears, as if she was speaking to herself, but also to Su Ce.

"Okay, no, not good!"

Dazed, he seemed to hear Su Ce answering her again, and Ling Muer, who was feeling his pulse, immediately lowered his head.

But seeing Su Ce's tightly knit brows, "Ling Muer, maybe my mission is to protect you, so no matter what you want, I will help you get it, and I will always stand behind you, always... "

His voice became smaller and smaller, and finally it seemed to be whispering, making it inaudible.

Ling Mu'er wanted to slap his face to wake him up, but she couldn't bear it.

"Fool, it's useless for you to always say that you are the smartest person in the world. In my opinion, you are the stupidest one!" Ling Muer pouted, and was laughed angrily by him again, "So, you have been Did you fight alone when you sent people to watch me and learn about my recent movements? Your wounds were also left in the secret room of the Seventh Prince? Do you know that if I didn't rush over tonight, you would die here? !"

Thinking of this, Ling Muer felt even more painful in her heart.

Maybe what Su Ce did was voluntary, but how could she bear everything he gave.

Su Ce, she is destined to let down such an outstanding man.

"If you die, you will die. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm just afraid that after I die, no one will protect you like I do."

Su Ce muttered to himself, and he started coughing violently after saying the words.

I'm afraid that his infusion had an effect, causing his body to respond, and his complexion became even uglier.

"Su Ce!" Ling Mu'er exclaimed and quickly pressed his shoulders, "Don't get excited, bear with it, this is a special medicine I prepared for you, as long as it all enters your body, you will be fine, just bear with it Endure... ah!"

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, she felt dizzy and dizzy, and Su Ce, who had been fainting, suddenly hugged her in his arms.

"Su Ce!" Ling Muer called out his name again and tried to push him away, but Su Ce's arm was getting closer and closer.

"Just once, and the last time." His weak voice came slowly from his ear, "Ling Muer, do you know how many times I wanted to hold you in my arms, but you were not mine before, and now , and it won’t be mine anymore.”

He hugged and hugged her, and tightened his arms a little bit, as if this would make him feel safe, he simply leaned his head on her neck, "You belong to Shangguan Shaochen, you will be someone else's woman, maybe this It is also the last thing I will do for you. In the future, even if I want to do it, I will have no status, but you know, I regret it..."

As he spoke, he chuckled, "I regret bringing you to the capital. If you hadn't come, I wouldn't have met that person again; I regret that I wasn't brave enough. If I were brave enough, maybe you would have been mine!"

After speaking, he seemed to burst into tears,

Feeling the trembling of his body, Ling Mu'er was terrified, but when she lowered her head to check his specific situation, she found two crystal clear teardrops hanging from the corners of his eyes.

Moshang is like a jade, and his son is unparalleled in the world. This is an apt description of Su Ce.

This mighty Mr. Pianpian has always been a gentle and gentle image in her heart, as if he would laugh at everyone, as if he was born unable to shed tears,

But he cried tonight?

"Su Ce?" Ling Muer's heart was full of mixed feelings, she bent down to listen to the feeble heartbeat, as if this person would die at any moment, her heart was even more sad,

This idiot, why is he so stupid.

After a while, she didn't hear any sound again. She was terrified. She was afraid that Su Ce would really die from this slander. She hurriedly got up from his arms, but found that he was just asleep.

That's right, not fainting, but deep sleep.

How insecure is this idiot that he can fall asleep under such circumstances?

"Thank you, Su Ce!"

After the infusion was completed, Ling Muer immediately re-applied medicine to his wound. Although he took care of the wound well, many details were not as professional as hers. She was worried that the wound would worsen. After all, it would be his great joy not to come day.

Looking at the horrific wound on his chest, Ling Muer swore that she would make Qin Xuanting pay a price ten times worse than this!

It was almost dawn when she came out of Su Ce's room. Sure enough, Zitong had been waiting in the yard for a long time.

"Miss Ling, don't worry, the servants around me have been dismissed by me, and no one will find out that you have appeared in the Xian Wang's mansion tonight." Zitong said, looking at the room with her eyes, as if she wanted to ask something.

"I've re-medicated him. Luckily, it's just a skin injury, but there are many wounds, and he still needs to recuperate. Remember, it's best not to use your internal strength for the next three months, or it will damage his heart, understand. Is it?" Ling Muer explained.

Zi Tong hurriedly nodded and knelt on the ground, "Zi Tong thank you for saving the prince."

"What are you doing, Su Ce is my friend, besides, what happened tonight is still him..."

"Miss Ling doesn't need to feel indebted. The young master said that he did it willingly. Since the young master has nothing else to do, please come back, young lady." Zitong made a gesture of invitation.

But when Ling Muer walked around his body and was about to leave the courtyard, Zi Tong suddenly said, "Miss Ling..."

"If you want to say something, you can say it, and I will listen to it."

Although Ling Muer didn't look back, her heart was tightly clenched together.

Zitong lowered her head guiltily, "Although the slave is a slave, there are some things that the slave feels should be said."

As if mustering up a lot of courage, he said, "Young Master said, you will become the second prince's woman, he can't get too close to you, otherwise he will be criticized by others, but what he can do is to protect your safety. Girl, the young master really misses you."

Hearing this, tears immediately fell from the corners of Ling Muer's eyes, and her heart was full of guilt towards Su Ce.

At the beginning, he also asked himself if she would choose Su Ce if she did not meet Shao Chen again in this life.

Maybe, yes.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

"Don't worry, I know what to do next, and I won't disturb his normal life." Ling Muer said, but was immediately rejected by Zitong.

"No girl, you misunderstood." Zitong got up hurriedly, "Zitong is not begging the girl to stay away from my son, but to ask the girl to see my son more."

"You..." Ling Mu'er was a little anxious, "You also know that I will be the second concubine in the future, are you sure you are asking me?"

"Zitong dare not!"

Zitong hurriedly lowered her head, "But Zitong really feels worthless for my young master! I believe the young lady knows how much you have done to the girl, and the young master almost died outside tonight. Do you know that the Seventh Prince's Mansion How dangerous is the secret room? Do you know that he sent the thing to the Ling Mansion with his last breath? Do you know that he has been trying his best to avoid the pursuit of the Seventh Prince? He can go back to the Xian Palace directly, but he risked Even if your life is in danger, you have to send that thing to the girl as soon as possible, precisely because the young master knows that you need it very much. Is the girl's heart really made of stone?"

"Whether my heart is made of stone, your young master knows it very well!" Ling Muer replied, looking at the closed door, "Zi Tong, I know you feel wronged for your young master, It's worth it. But this is my fate with him. You want me to take care of Su Ce more, but you know, once I abandon Shangguan Shaochen for Su Ce, have you considered the difficulties your son will face? ?"

Seeing that Zitong was not talking, Ling Muer took out two bottles of ointment from her bosom and put them on the stone table beside her.

"One bottle for external use and one bottle for internal use can restore vitality within a month. Remember not to use force at will."

After speaking, Ling Mu'er left the way she had always done.

Although she felt sorry for Su Ce, it was gratitude and guilt. If she was forced to turn this gratitude and guilt into other emotions, I believe Su Ce would not agree.

She owed Su Ce in this life, and she would definitely make up for it in other places.

Second Prince's Mansion.

Shangguan Shaochen stood in the gazebo, watching the latest news sent by the flying pigeons in front of him, his brows were furrowed, and he smashed his fists angrily on the stone pillar behind him,

"Come on!" shouted loudly, and immediately a hidden guard flew down from the treetops.

"Master, what are your orders!"

"Go to Pingcheng immediately to find out the location of Nangong Yizhi. Remember, you must find him!" Shangguan Shaochen gritted his teeth and ordered, with deep worry in his eyes.

That's right, news came from other hidden guards in Pingcheng just now that Nangong Yizhi had disappeared.

It is said that he has found clues about the Seventh Prince's secret training of soldiers, and he lost contact with his companions when he went to investigate in person, and it has been three days.

He couldn't even think about what Lao Qi would do to Nangong Yizhi after he lost his account book and suffered a leak of news.

If necessary, it seems that he has to go to Pingcheng himself!

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