In the Seventh Prince's Mansion, the Seventh Prince Qin Xuanting's face was full of anger, he didn't even care whether the person kneeling below was his important use, and gathered all the internal strength of his whole body to ruthlessly put his foot on Fang's chest.


He shouted angrily, as if this was not enough to relieve his anger.

But the guard who was kicked by him hit the stone pillar outside the door and died on the spot.

"Master, spare your life, master, spare your life!" Seeing this, the other guards lowered their heads in fear and begged for mercy. Everyone was trembling, fearing that they would be the next to die tragically.

"Forgive me? If I can't catch an assassin, what's the use of me supporting you! How dare you ask me to spare your life?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Xuanting waved his long arm, and all the things on the coffee table were thrown to the ground by him, hitting the faces of the servants kneeling below one after another.

Some hit their foreheads, some hit their chests, and some were bleeding, but no one dared to utter a sound.

"Have you checked the Second Prince's Mansion?" Qin Xuanting yelled almost with all his strength.

"Master Hui, there was no movement in the second prince's mansion last night." It was his confidant Zhou Qiyan who came to report.

No movement, does that mean it's not Shangguan Shaochen? Who could it be?

Qin Xuanting still wanted to get angry, but when he looked up and saw that it was Zhou Qiyan, a plan instantly came to his mind, and his anger was forcibly suppressed by him.

"you sure?"

"Yes, after what happened in the mansion last night, my subordinates immediately watched the second prince's mansion carefully according to the master's order, but...but no one has entered or left except for Ling Muer." Zhou Qiyan confessed truthfully, feeling nervous in his heart. Ling Muer sweated a little.

He could have concealed the fact that Ling Muer had been in and out of the second prince's mansion, but based on the character of the seventh prince, he would definitely send someone to investigate again. That would be equivalent to pushing Ling Muer into the abyss. It would be less effective if he told the truth Same.

"Ling Mu'er?" Qin Xuanting repeated the name twice and shook his head, "No, it can't be her, although that girl has some skills, but she has no internal strength, and her lightness kung fu is average, so it's impossible for her to come to my house Go freely, and break through those organs to take the ledger!"

Hearing the master's words, Zhou Qiyan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Mu'er is not hurt.

"Master, do you need your subordinates to sneak into the Second Prince's Mansion?" Zhou Qiyan volunteered.

"Of course I have to keep an eye on it, but where has Ling Muer been since she went to the Second Prince's Mansion last night?" Qin Xuanting raised his eyes, his fiery and deep eyes seemed to see through Zhou Qiyan.

Mu'er has also been to the Prince Xian's Mansion, although it was because of the wedding invitation, but Zhou Qiyan knew that once the Seventh Prince learned that Ling Muer had been to the Prince Xian's Mansion, he would definitely not stop!

Zhou Qiyan immediately lowered his head, almost without thinking, "No!"

Qin Xuanting's palms gradually clenched into fists. He stared carefully at Zhou Qiyan's eyebrows, seeing his decisive answer, and thought that he liked Ling Muer, so he should conceal her whereabouts, but he just said that Ling Muer had been to the second place. It seems that the Prince's Mansion did not hide anything from him.

"The one who stole my account book must be Shangguan Shaochen." Qin Xuanting's mouth twitched angrily, "Zhou Qiyan, are you willing to work for me?"

Hearing this, Zhou Qiyan immediately knelt on the ground, "The second prince has the grace of saving his life and the grace of knowing him, and his subordinates should go through fire and water without hesitation."

"Okay, then I will let you kill Shangguan Shaochen, are you willing?"

Hearing this, Zhou Qiyan raised his eyes instantly, and immediately remembered what Ling Muer had said to him a few months ago.

——"Brother Zhou, will you be an enemy of Shangguan Shaochen in the future?"


At that time, he answered simply and neatly, and vowed,

But now...

"Why, you don't want to?" Qin Xuanting smiled, his evil smile seemed to be able to swallow him up, "It seems that Ling Mu'er is really important to you, it doesn't matter, if you don't want to, this prince will not force you, but in the future ..."

"I am willing!"

Before the Seventh Prince could finish speaking, Zhou Qiyan interrupted him, as if making such a difficult decision.

"Really?" The seventh prince seemed to see hope, he lowered his head and stared at Zhou Qiyan carefully. "You have to know, that is Ling Muer's most cherished person, and you care so much about Ling Muer."

"Although I love Mu'er, she and I are on our own terms, and we can't go back to the beginning! Besides, I swore to be loyal to the Lord, and I will definitely keep my promise." Zhou Qiyan said, no one saw his eyes That fleeting sadness.


Qin Xuanting was overjoyed, and patted him heavily on the shoulder with a generous palm, "Zhou Qiyan, it's not in vain that I value you! Don't worry, Shangguan Shaochen's martial arts skills are outstanding, and it must be very difficult to assassinate him. This prince will not let you do it alone. "

Although he said this, when he turned around, there was an imperceptible slyness in his eyes.

"I don't care what method you use, I want you to sneak into the second prince's mansion to get back my stolen account book, and kill Shangguan Shaochen! I will send you twenty elite secret guards, but in order not to scare the snake, you can only do it alone. action."

Qin Xuanting took something out of his pocket and handed it to Zhou Qiyan's palm, "You take this signal flare, once you encounter fatal danger in the second prince's residence, throw the signal flare into the air, and twenty elite secret guards will immediately rush into the palace save you."

If someone responds, he will have nothing to fear, Zhou Qiyan held the signal flare tightly, "Yes, this subordinate will definitely not disgrace his life."

"Wait," Qin Xuanting reached out his hand to signal him to be calm, "Shangguan Shaochen just got my account book, and he will definitely send more people to guard the second prince's mansion. If you go to grab things at this time, you will definitely hit the stone with an egg. Wait for the second prince in three days." Do it when the guards are most relaxed."

Zhou Qiyan was about to respond, when he suddenly thought of the special day three days later, he raised his eyes in shock, "Master..."

"That's right, Shangguan Shaochen will marry Ling Muer in three days. I want him to die on the most important day in his life!"

medical hall.

After seeing the last patient, Ling Mu'er realized that the weather was still early. She stretched her neck and looked out. It was really strange that there was not a single patient.

"Shang Zhi, Jiang Xiang, what's going on, why are there no patients so early today?" Although no common people get sick is what she has always expected most, but when this day really comes, it makes her panic. Could it be that she Are you really going to lose your job?

"Girl?" Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang didn't answer Ling Muer's question immediately, but sneaked closer to her.

Realizing that something was wrong, Ling Mu'er raised her eyes to look over, and saw the two of them with their hands behind their backs, looking mysterious.

"What tricks are you two trying to do again?" Ling Muer seemed to see through everything.

Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang looked at each other, and under Ling Muer's curious eyes, they took out two brocade boxes and handed them to her.

"Girl, tomorrow is your big day. We have been with the girl for a while. If it weren't for the girl's appreciation, we wouldn't have the success and good life we ​​have today. Shang Zhi thanked the girl for her kindness." Shang Zhi took the lead Kneeling on the ground.

"Shang Zhi is right. If the girl hadn't bought the two of us out of my teeth, I don't know which house the two of us would have fallen into as lowly maidservants and been bullied at will. Although the girl is our master, but But he loves me very much, like a family member. Tomorrow will be the girl's great joy, and I wish the girl and the second prince grow old together and love each other forever." Jiang Xiang also knelt down obediently on the ground and handed the brocade box with both hands again.

I don't know if it was a good agreement or what, after the two of her voices fell, countless people suddenly poured in from all directions in the quiet medical hall, everyone gave gifts one after another, and said in unison, "Congratulations to the medical fairy girl. "

Before Ling Muer recovered from the emotion of Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

Looking at the people in the room, watching them send the most sincere instructions one by one, she felt a sore nose.

She never knew what tears felt like, but today she really wanted to cry.


She was so moved that she burst into tears.

"Miss Yixian, don't cry. Tomorrow is your big day. Your eyes will look red if you cry." A woman said.

"Ms. Medical Immortal, these are tears of happiness, but girl, don't cry too hard. Tomorrow, you will be the most beautiful bride. I am here to wish you and the second prince will be married forever and have a son soon." The woman beside her People have sincere blessings on their faces.

"Miss Yixian, I don't have any valuables at home, but these are shoes embroidered by my daughter-in-law. Please accept them and grow old with the second prince." A man opened the bag in his arms, revealing the delicate embroidered shoes inside. .

"Girl, this is my house..."


The common people sent their most sincere gifts one after another, and the whole hospital was filled with gifts in the blink of an eye.

Looking at everyone's blessing eyes and listening to everyone's sincere blessings, Ling Muer only felt that she was surrounded by happiness.

She stood up, glanced at everyone, and finally bowed at ninety degrees to everyone, "Thank you, thank you everyone."

This move frightened the common people, "What are you doing, Miss Yixian? You open a clinic to see us but don't charge for consultation fees. We have long wanted to thank you. Just in time for your great joy, we sent Blessings are also due.”

"Yes, Miss Yixian, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva. You are so kind, no wonder you met such an excellent man as the Second Prince. You will be happy for a lifetime. There is really no need to treat us like this."

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er was instantly amused, "It's true that I opened the clinic to make money, but I know that some people who can't afford the consultation fees will be dragged down by illness and eventually die without a problem, but don't worry, no matter what future we What is my identity, as long as I am alive, this clinic will be open for a day, and the rules and benefits will never change."

"Thank you, Fairy Doctor!"

Hearing this, the people knelt down and kowtowed to her.

"Get up, get up, you've broken Sha Muer!" Ling Muer immediately helped the people up.

"However, you have given me such a great gift, but can you shorten my life? No, how many more years do I plan to live?"

Hearing this, the common people were amused by him. Looking at the sincere smiles on the faces of everyone in the crowd, Ling Muer was filled with satisfaction, and didn't notice the scene outside the door at all. Amud.

"It seems that you really have the ability to regain people's hearts, Ling Muer, I am more interesting to you."

Amu De smiled evilly and turned around, as if he had never been here before.

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