"How could it be Brother Zhou?" Ling Muer was shocked when he heard the news tonight.

Although she had always thought that one day she would definitely confront Zhou Qiyan as an enemy, but she never thought that this day would come so soon, and he would die in her house.

"I didn't expect that they would really sneak in on our wedding night, but when I arrived, the guards had already taken him down." Shangguan Shaochen said, watching Ling Muer's expression carefully, he saw the depth of her eyes. Deeply grieved, he felt a little distressed.

"Take me to see."

Zhou Qiyan had already been carried into the room, and when he saw him lying on the floor with injuries all over his body, as if he was asleep, Ling Muer covered his mouth, and his eyes were a little sore.

She admitted that when Shao Chen told her that the assassin tonight was Zhou Qiyan and that he was dead, how much she hoped they were mistaken.

But when she really saw him lying there quietly, the blood flowed backwards all over her body, and goose bumps arose.

"Brother Zhou!" She choked up, even though she had told him that meeting him again was an enemy, but when she saw him lying in front of her eyes, her tears couldn't stop falling.

The scenes of working with him in the past are still flashing before his eyes. Back then they cooperated so tacitly. With just one look from her, he knew what medicinal materials she needed, but today's Zhou Qiyan has already...

"The dead are big, change clothes for him."

Ling Muer suggested, she really couldn't bear to see him in such a mess.

Shangguan Shaochen immediately made a look at the people around him, and a servant brought clean and decent clothes.

Ling Mu'er personally pulled out the cold arrow from his chest, feeling that his corpse was still warm, she frowned, and her hatred for that person surged like a spring.

"Did he do it?" She looked back, roaring and questioning, wishing that as soon as Shao Chen nodded, she would immediately rush to that person, pinch his neck and ask him why!

"Isn't it? We'll know later, let's go out first."

Shangguan Shaochen put her on Ling Muer's shoulder and forcibly took her out of the room. Guards had already come in to change Zhou Qiyan's clothes.

After about a stick of incense, the door opened again, and Zhou Qiyan was no longer in a panic when he was assassinated just now. He was dressed in white with a graceful demeanor, like a sleeping prince.

"This is the Big Brother Zhou I know." Ling Mu'er muttered to herself, her dissatisfaction with him and her love for him flooded into her mind.

I still remember that when they met for the first time, he was also seriously injured and embarrassed like a beggar.

But since then, this man has always maintained the image of a noble son by his side. He doesn't fight or snatch, and has a temperament of aloof from the world, as if he is indifferent to everything, although she knows that he has always had a national hatred in his heart. But in front of her, Zhou Qiyan is always gentle and magnanimous, loving her like a brother next door.

"Mu'er?" Seeing Ling Muer angry and hated, with grief in his eyes, Shangguan Shaochen felt very distressed.

"The guard is right, the tip of his sword is indeed highly poisonous." Ling Muer took a deep breath, throwing away all her grief, she looked at Shangguan Shaochen seriously, "Let's go."

After getting his nod in agreement, the two immediately walked towards the door, but Yang suddenly rushed in after hearing the news from nowhere.

"Boy Yan? Is that really Boy Yan?" When Yang Shi rushed in and saw the quiet Zhou Qiyan, she froze, she couldn't believe her eyes.

The grandmother, Ling Dazhi, Yang Dayong and others who followed were also shocked.

Some servants wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Shangguan Shaochen's cold eyes, and several people immediately rushed to Zhou Qiyan.

Sniffing his breath to make sure he was really dead, tears fell from the corners of Yang's eyes instantly, she looked at Ling Mu'er full of grief, "Mu'er, didn't you say that boy Yan has left the capital to live alone? ? He, how did he become like this?"

"Yes, we heard that he was the assassin who came to assassinate tonight. How could he become an assassin? What's going on?" Ling Dazhi was also very distressed.

In their hearts, Zhou Qiyan is like half a son. Although they only got together for a short year, they ate and lived together. The family affection cannot be described by any words.

When seeing him die in front of their own eyes, it was like a white-haired man sending a black legal person, and none of them could accept it.

"Father and mother, there are many things that cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Big brother Zhou is no longer the big brother Zhou we know. He... also has difficulties," the clever Ling Zixuan knew what happened tonight after careful consideration. Why did this person It would be Zhou Qiyan, but at the last moment, he still saved a little affection for him.

"Poor boy Yan, why is he so reluctant to do such a stupid thing? He just left, what can we do if we leave boy Rui alone?" Yang felt very sorry for their brothers, and hurriedly pulled Ling Mu'er away. Hand, "Mu'er, boy Yan is gone now, we must not let boy Rui disappear, where is he, if it is convenient, bring him to our Ling residence."

Ling Mu'er knew that her mother was a kind-hearted person, that's why she said this, but she knew that she couldn't hide this matter tonight.

"Mother, in fact, Brother Zhou's life experience is not what you imagined. Boy Rui was actually... killed long before we came to the capital."


Hearing this, Yang almost fainted, but fortunately Ling Dazhi helped her steady in time.

"How could this happen? Why are their brothers suffering so much!" Yang wailed, in fact, she had long treated them as her own sons in her heart, so she would be very sad when she heard the news that Zhou Qiyan's brothers had died one after another. sad.

"Maybe this is fate, girl. After all, today is Mu'er's big day. There is already enough chaos here. If we are not sensible, let's not add to the chaos. Let's go." The grandmother was afraid that their meddling would make Shangguan Shao Chen didn't like it, which affected his relationship with Mu'er.

"Mother, don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for Big Brother Zhou." Ling Muer assured Ling Zixuan with a look, "Brother, please take Mother back to rest first, we will go back as soon as we go."

Ling Zixuan knew where Mu'er and brother-in-law were going without guessing, his pretty brows were furrowed together, "Don't worry if you leave it to me, but Mu'er..." He paused, "Be careful."

"Do not worry."

After exchanging glances with Shangguan Shaochen, Ling Muer left the Second Prince's Mansion with him, and immediately a guard followed behind carrying Zhou Qiyan's body.

It was very late at night, and the Seventh Prince's mansion was very quiet.

The Seventh Prince Qin Xuanting had obviously rested, and when he showed up with Sheng'er, the two looked sleepy.

"Mu'er, Second Prince, why are you here so late?" Sheng'er tightened her cloak, looked at the time, and frowned suspiciously.

"Oh, tonight is the wedding night of the Second Emperor and the Emperor, why did the Second Emperor give up such a good night of festivities in the bridal chamber and come to my Seventh Prince's residence?" Qin Xuanting sneered.

It looked like he really didn't know what happened tonight, but the more he was like this, the angrier Ling Muer became.

"Sister Sheng'er, we have important matters to discuss with the Seventh Prince, but it's late at night, which may affect your rest. After all, you are a person with two bodies, so you should go back to your room first." Ling Muer said softly Immediately after that, he looked at Qin Xuanting coldly, with the intention of never giving up until the solution was resolved.

"What's the important thing?" Sheng'er knew that Ling Mu'er wanted to dismiss her, and Sheng'er had a bad feeling in her heart, but she wanted to stay, maybe she could help them.

"Didn't you hear that the Second Emperor's Wife is telling you to go back to rest?" Qin Xuanting's slap suddenly fell on the table in displeasure, "After all, the Second Emperor's Wife is a medical fairy, and the doctor asked you to rest, so why don't you be obedient? If something happens to my future emperor, the Lord will be angry."

As Qin Xuanting said, he gave the maid outside the door a look, "Come on, take the side concubine back to her room."

When Sheng'er was forcibly taken away, she looked nervously at Ling Muer, but unfortunately Ling Muer didn't look at her, which made her feel even more uneasy.

But Ling Mu'er couldn't be so scruples at the moment, she gave Shangguan Shaochen a look and then ordered, "Someone, bring him up."

When Zhou Qiyan's body was carried in front of the Seventh Prince, the Seventh Prince still looked leisurely, the only difference from before was that he only frowned slightly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, after all, today is the big day for the emperor's brother and sister-in-law. It's really bad luck to bring a corpse to my house." Qin Xuanting raised his eyes curiously, "Don't the emperor's sister-in-law think it's bad luck?"

"Qin..." Ling Muer wanted to call him by his first name, but was stopped by Shangguan Shaochen behind him.

"Seventh Emperor brother, don't you think this person is very familiar?" Shangguan Shaochen asked, his voice was cold and ruthless, with questioning.

Only then did Qin Xuanting crane his neck to look over carefully, as if he had just recognized his identity, he felt very infatuated, "Zhou Qiyan?"

He raised his eyes and looked at Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen again, spreading his hands with an innocent look on his face, "What the hell is going on? Why is Zhou Qiyan's body here? Also, what does the emperor's brother and sister-in-law mean?" ? Why did you carry this corpse to my house late at night?"

"Qin Xuanting, you know what to ask!" Regardless of whether calling a prince by his first name is a treasonous thing, Ling Muer pointed at his face and shouted angrily, "How dare you say that what happened tonight has nothing to do with you? Zhou Qiyan is yours!" Man, why his body is in our hands, we should ask you this!"

"Emperor's sister-in-law is really brave. She even dared to say the prince's name so proudly. It seems that the emperor has not had time to teach you the rules of the palace." Qin Xuanting was displeased.

He strolled towards Ling Mu'er, stopped a step away from her, and looked down at her, "Sister-in-law, do you know that according to royal rules, no one is allowed to speak out the name of the prince, otherwise, he will be dealt with according to the palace rules!"

Seeing that Ling Mu'er was still looking at him angrily, he shrugged needlessly, "But it's okay, since today is your big day, you don't have to worry about being the emperor's younger brother."

"Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean we don't care about it!" Ling Muer was anxious, "Zhou Qiyan is your man, it's a well-known fact, he went to the second prince's mansion to assassinate the second prince tonight, Qin Xuanting, how do you explain that?" !"

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