"Assassinate Second Emperor Brother?" Qin Xuanting's eyes widened, as if he couldn't accept such a fact, but soon he laughed out loud.

"I'm afraid the sister-in-law doesn't know, but just three days ago, Zhou Qiyan committed disrespect to me. I have already expelled him from the Seventh Prince's Mansion. He is no longer mine, so how can anything he does have anything to do with me? "

Listening to the Seventh Prince's explanation, Ling Mu'er was so angry that she wished to shoot three silver needles to puncture his artery.

"You!" Ling Muer was impatient, he really felt unworthy for Zhou Qiyan.

"Zhou Qiyan fought alone for you, risking his life to do things for you, but you abandoned him after the incident and refused to admit his identity at all. Seventh prince, you are really a good master!"

Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth, and stared at him intently. If her eyes could kill, she guaranteed that Qin Xuanting would have been stabbed into a hornet's nest at this moment.

"Sister-in-law!" Qin Xuanting also yelled angrily, "I think you just married the emperor's brother, and I can tolerate your rude behavior, but it doesn't mean that the prince has no temper. Why did you wrong me so much? What are your intentions!"

After Qin Xuanting finished speaking, he immediately looked at Shangguan Shaochen, "Second Brother, you came to my house late at night and brought a dead body to settle accounts with me. What do you want to do? Are you trying to frame me and send someone to assassinate you? That's good." , we will go to the palace to find the father to investigate, I want to see who is going to frame me!"

Shangguan Shaochen took a step forward, protecting Ling Muer behind him, keeping his fingertips at a distance, looking up at Qin Xuanting's eyes arrogantly, "My prince didn't say anything, how did the seventh emperor know that this person came?" My mansion assassinated me instead of stealing?"

It was only then that he realized that he had leaked his feet because of the details. The Seventh Prince's eyes rolled straight, and he hurriedly found other excuses for himself, "I don't care what he did. I admit that he used to be mine, but he has already been taken by me." Everyone in the Seventh Prince knows about the expelling from the Seventh Prince's Mansion. Could it be that a servant who was kicked out has to settle with me, the former master, for anything he has done? So is it because the slave who did something in my house before, is here? The prince should be responsible for killing, wounding and snatching outside?"

Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen were at a loss for words, they never expected Qin Xuanting to find such a perfect excuse.

Yes, they caught Zhou Qiyan, but they couldn't be sure that Zhou Qiyan was ordered by the Seventh Prince.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou, if you're still alive, you can trust Mu'er's words. You've met people unkindly and followed the wrong master. You don't deserve to die!"

Ling Mu'er slandered in her heart, looking at Qin Xuanting as if she were an enemy.

"All I know is that some people are not worthy of being a master at all. He clearly has a broken leg, but you still send him on such a dangerous mission. You simply let him die!" Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth and said, She swears that in the future, the seventh prince will pay the price for everything he has done!

Although she wasn't there at the time, she could fully guess how helpless Zhou Qiyan was at the moment of death.

She now understands that the Seventh Prince sent Zhou Qiyan to assassinate on purpose, if the mission is completed it is his responsibility, if the mission fails, it is his fate.

"Oh? Then I don't know what kind of person is worthy of being a master in the eyes of the emperor's wife? Could it be someone who pushes his brother to a more dangerous place?" Qin Xuanting asked back.

Shangguan Shaochen heard his voice, and immediately leaned forward and grabbed his collar tightly, "Where is Nangong Yizhi?"

"What is the second emperor doing?" The seventh prince didn't make any resistance to his behavior, but looked at him with a smile on his face, "Isn't Nangong Yizhi your good brother? I'm still curious about your great joy today." Why didn't your good brother come to participate in person, why, did he go to secretly perform some mission?"

I know that no matter how hard I ask, this guy will never admit it.

Shangguan Shaochen ruthlessly pushed his body away, and said with a sneer, "Since the Seventh Brother has already made the first move in this game, then don't blame the Emperor Brother for not being sympathetic."

Leaving behind the harsh words, Shangguan Shaochen dragged Ling Muer away from the Seventh Prince's Mansion.

After tidying up the messy clothes, the Seventh Prince pressed his tongue against his right cheek, and his eyes were very evil. Seeing the two of them out of sight, he deliberately put his hand on his mouth, and said loudly, "Second Prince, you need to move faster, otherwise I'm really worried that some people will not be able to bear it."

Hearing this, Ling Muer was furious, but she didn't discuss it with Shangguan Shaochen. Three silver needles flew out of her cuff and shot behind her.

Qin Xuanting couldn't dodge in time, three silver needles landed on his covered right arm, and in an instant, his white arm immediately turned livid.

"Damn it, Ling Muer, you are courting death!"

He wanted to chase him out, but he accidentally tripped over Zhou Qiyan's body lying on the ground. Coincidentally, his head just landed on Zhou Qiyan's chest. Seeing his unwilling eyes widen, he was so frightened that he immediately slapped his head. There was a shock.

Standing up straight in a hurry, not caring about the importance of the poison on his arm, he hurriedly shouted, "Come here, come here!"

The guards rushed in one after another, but everyone was shocked when they saw the corpse in front of them.

How could there be a dead body in the master's room? Or the most trusted subordinate of the master?

"What are you waiting for, throw him out, immediately!" Qin Xuanting immediately ordered when he saw that a few people hadn't moved.

From the corner of the eye, he saw Zhou Qiyan's staring eyes again, and he shuddered again, not daring to look at him again.

"Master, where are you going to throw him?" The subordinate couldn't make up his mind.

Zhou Qiyan is a celebrity in front of the master, if he doesn't realize what the master is thinking, wouldn't he be buried with him?

"Trash, do you still want to ask me about such trivial matters? Do you want to ask me where to bury your wife and children when they die in the future?" Qin Xuanting didn't know whether it was because of fear or guilty conscience, an unknown fire rose in his heart, and he felt very displeased. Comfortable, "throw it to the back mountain to feed the dog."

I never thought that the celebrity in front of the master would be treated like this. The guards were shocked, but they dared not stop their movements.

When Qin Xuanting turned around, he clearly saw that the eyes of several guards were not right, he cleared his throat and hurriedly added, "Zhou Qiyan committed crimes below, disrespected me, and even tried to steal my prince's military talisman, please send an order, anyone Anyone who dares to have his thoughts again, this is the end!"

"Yes, Seventh Prince!"

Only then did the guards understand the reason why Zhou Qiyan was thrown away to feed the dogs even after he was dead, and they didn't dare to blame their master again.

Outside the side door of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, in the hidden carriage, Ling Muer kept looking outside nervously. After seeing a few people coming out and doing very cruel things, she immediately rushed out of the carriage angrily.

"Qin Xuanting, he really is heinous."

Fearing that Mu'er would do something impulsive because of his shortness of breath, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly gestured to the people who brought him, "Come on, take his body away."

That's right, the guards from the Seventh Prince didn't send Zhou Qiyan to the back mountain, but rudely threw him into the alley at the side entrance of the Seventh Prince's mansion.

There are often wild dogs and cats passing by here, presumably Zhou Qiyan will be eaten by them without waiting for dawn.

"Thank you, Shao Chen." Ling Muer was very moved by her husband's behavior.

After all, Zhou Qiyan delayed their bridal chamber tonight, but they still had to carry a dead body back on the big day.

"If it wasn't for following the wrong master, Zhou Qiyan wouldn't have ended up like this. It's a pity that he is so talented. The dead are the greatest. This is the last thing we can do for him."

As Shangguan Shaochen said, he gently embraced Ling Mu'er in his arms, and kissed her forehead, "You can't be resurrected after death, so don't be too sad, huh?"

"Bury him." Ling Mu'er suggested, Shangguan Shaochen naturally did not have any objection, he nodded and immediately ordered the guards to handle the matter.

Thinking back on all that happened with Zhou Qiyan, Ling Muer's mood was very complicated. Although they had become strangers in the later stage, and she didn't even wait for Zhou Qiyan's blessing for her marriage, after all, they worked together so happily in the past.

When she didn't come to the capital, she always felt that with Zhou Qiyan around, she felt safe, and he was like an umbrella for her.

But I didn't expect that in just less than two years, everything has changed.

I believe that Zhou Qiyan would never have imagined that he had been loyal to the Seventh Prince, but in the end he ended up being thrown away and fed to dogs.

"Princess, where is the proper place to bury him?" The slave couldn't make up his mind.

"I remember Brother Zhou said before that Zhou Qirui was buried next to the Zhou family's ancestral grave, so let's bury him too. The Zhou family will return to their homeland after all." Ling Muer said, recalling Zhou Qiyan at that time Speaking of the scene of Ruidi's grief because of his death, she now understands the pain a little bit.

She swore that she would never hurt anyone around her again, anyone!

"It's getting late, we should go back, and we have to go to the palace to offer tea tomorrow morning." Shangguan Shaochen reminded.

Ling Mu'er knew that if she kept watching Zhou Qiyan's burial, rumors would spread. If the emperor learned that someone assassinated his most important second prince late at night, the Zhou family's ancestral grave would be dug up.

She can only send Brother Zhou here.

"Okay, let's go home."

Until she returned to the Second Prince's Mansion and lay on the bed, Ling Mu'er still hadn't recovered from the fact that Zhou Qiyan had died, she always thought it was a dream.

But soon she thought of something more serious.

"Shaochen, what did Qin Xuanting's last words mean? Could it be that Nangong Yizhi really fell into his hands? Also, that account book?"

"Don't worry, Mu'er, the ledger is still there. As for Yizhi, I have already sent someone to check."

When Qin Xuanting uttered the name Nangong Yizhi, he realized that that guy was really in danger, and it was very likely that he was instigated by another place.

Now it seems that Lao Qi has been sending people to watch the second prince's mansion.

"Mu'er, after the tea ceremony tomorrow, I will solve the problem in the capital as soon as possible. I will go to Pingcheng myself." Shangguan Shaochen said with guilt in his eyes.

"Qin Xuanting is cruel and ruthless. If Nangong Yizhi really falls into his hands, his life may be in danger. I will go with you and heal his injuries if necessary." Ling Muer volunteered.

Shangguan Shaochen originally didn't want to agree, after all, this is not a safe thing, once there is a real conflict with Lao Qi's people, I am afraid he will not be able to protect himself.

But what Mu Er said was right, in case Nangong Yizhi was really injured, he could rest assured only with Mu Er around.

"But, you are the second prince, and you are not allowed to leave the capital without the emperor's permission. How can we go to Pingcheng smoothly?" Ling Muer said in embarrassment.

"If there is no reason, I will create a reason. I will find a way to let my father personally order me to go to Pingcheng, and I will never give Lao Qi any chance."

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