Why is this boy holding Ling Ziyu's personal sachet? Could it be that Amu De is watching her nearby?

Ling Muer immediately looked around, but no matter how hard she searched, there was no sign of Amu De.

The sachet was given to Ling Ziyu by her, and it contained her specially prepared medicinal powder. It fell into the hands of Amu De.

She couldn't care less about going to the academy to find out the authenticity, so she hurriedly set off to the address on the letter.

The mountain behind the western suburbs.

The wind was very strong tonight, the leaves rustled by the strong wind, and there were faint howls of wild animals around.

Ling Mu'er went all the way to the middle of the forest, but she didn't find any figure. She pricked up her ears to be on guard, but told him directly that someone was staring at him.

"Amu De, come out, I am already here, why, are you going to be a coward?"

If a person wants to avoid you, you will never be able to find him, Ling Mu'er simply gave up looking for it, and just stood there magnanimously.

Sure enough, there was a rustling sound behind him, and Ling Muer looked back immediately, and saw Amu De standing diagonally opposite him in black clothes and a mask on his head, and he was carrying a half-grown child on his shoulders. Ling Ziyu fell down.

"Let Ziyu go!" Ling Muer tried to rush over.

"Stop!" Amu De's faint voice escaped from his thin lips, and he stretched out his hand to stop her approaching, "If you come here now, he will die, are you sure?"

He turned his head slightly, and Ling Muer could clearly see a small dagger lying under Ling Ziyu's neck.

"Don't hurt him!" Ling Muer was extremely nervous for a moment, and seeing Amu De's sinister and cunning appearance, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"What am I doing? Hmph, you made things difficult for Yaoyao in the palace today, what do you think I'm going to do!" Amu De gritted his teeth, and suddenly, he threw Ling Ziyu on the ground viciously.

Ling Ziyu, who fell into a coma, was like a puppet, without any consciousness.

"Ziyu!" Ling Muer was extremely worried, she didn't know what this strange man had done to Ziyu, "I warn you that if you dare to hurt Ziyu, I will never let you go!"

"Don't worry, he just took some paralysis powder that I personally developed. He won't feel any sensation or wake up for three hours. Well, it's like falling asleep." Amu De explained, he He raised his eyebrows, "How about it, am I treating your brother well?"

"If you have anything to come at me, what's the point of capturing the innocent Ling Ziyu?"

Ling Mu'er was in a hurry, but at such a critical moment, she did not forget to look around secretly to make sure if she could bring someone.

Amu De seems to have seen through her purpose, "Don't look at it, I never need to do things with others, and I am the only one tonight, because one person is enough to deal with you!"

He pursed his lips triumphantly, showing a chilling evil smile, "If I didn't tie your most beloved brother here, how could you meet me alone?"

As Amud said, the evil laughter spread throughout the deep forest, making people feel extremely terrifying!

"Tsk tsk tsk, sure enough, a married woman is different, she still looks charming!" He looked Ling Muer up and down, revealing his greedy and possessive eyes.

Ling Muer felt disgusted after being scrutinized by him, "You want to avenge Mo Junyao? Amu De, you should know that I have always tolerated her, otherwise according to everything she did to me, ten times of his death would not be enough Besides, if you can hurt Ziyu, I won't hurt Mo Junyao?"

Without showing any weakness, Ling Mu'er was not afraid of his evil eyes at all, but threatened him even more viciously.

That's right, after Amu De left the capital, Mo Junyao stayed alone in this foreign country, and it was not easy for him to do something!

"If you and Su Ce weren't too close, how could Yaoyao do extreme things to you?" Amu De coldly snorted, "Ling Muer, you really have the ability, first let Shangguan Shaochen be fascinated by you You have to go around, and Su Ce is devoted to you, I heard that the Seventh Prince Qin Xuanting is also very interested in you?"

"It's almost dawn, I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you here, what do you want to do?"

Ling Mu'er was obviously a little impatient for not answering his question directly.

"What do you think?" Amu De asked back, and he walked closer to Ling Mu'er, "You should know that if I forcibly attack you, you are definitely not my opponent, but you have that baby to help you, and you can hide at any time , This makes me so jealous!"

He smiled wickedly, "Ling Muer, as long as you obediently give me your baby, I can promise that I will never disturb you and your family's life again, how about it?"

"I bother!"

Ling Muer sneered, "I'm afraid that after you get what you want, you will immediately break my neck and silence me. Do you think I will believe you?"

"Tut tsk tsk, tell me, why are you so smart? Has no one told you that women should not be too smart!"

While Amu De was talking, his hands behind his back seemed to be doing something.

Ling Mu'er has already seen through his little tricks, "Don't waste your efforts, any poison you develop, I will have an antidote here! I believe you have heard of Bailingxian, right? I have dissolved its ingredients and developed Although the corresponding medicine powder is only half as effective as Bai Lingxian, it is enough to cure you."

Seeing her confident appearance, Amu De threw away the things in his hands angrily, "Impossible! Bailingxian is a magic medicine, how could you dissolve it? Tell me, did that baby help you?"

"Yes!" Ling Muer admitted generously, "Unfortunately, you won't get it in this lifetime!"

"Why!" Amu De panicked, and he was even more angry, because he saw determination in Ling Mu'er's eyes.

"Because he grew in my body and merged into my blood, not to mention you, no one will get it, even if I die!" Ling Muer said frankly without fear.

Sure enough, the next second she saw Amu De's murderous eyes.

"Impossible, you are lying to me, you must be lying to me!" Amu De couldn't believe the fact that he had worked so hard for so long and surrendered just to get her baby, but it doesn't matter, if he can't get that Baby, then get her!

"Ling Mu'er, thank you for telling me this news. I still have a concubine in my harem. If that's the case, then I will take you away. You will never want to go back to the heaven in this life!"

It was too late and then soon, Amu De rushed towards her with his whole body.

Ling Muer was very surprised at his super fast speed. It's not that she has never fought against him before, and she knows all about his martial arts methods, but now it seems that this period of time has greatly increased his internal strength, and his speed is almost She couldn't catch it with the naked eye.

Seeing that his sharp arrow was about to reach her eyes, when Ling Muer screamed that something was wrong, a figure suddenly stood in front of her.

"Mu'er, be careful!"

Soon, more than ten men in black appeared behind him.

"Shao Chen?" Ling Muer was very surprised by the sudden appearance of Shangguan Shao Chen.

"Dare to hurt and take away my woman? Wishful thinking!" After giving Ling Mu'er a reassuring look, Shangguan Shaochen took the initiative to attack him, and soon the two of them fought together.

And out of the dozen men in black he brought with him, four protected Ling Muer, and the rest joined the battle.

Even though Amu De has improved his cultivation, his fists are no match for him, and he is gradually defeated.

"Ziyu?" Ling Mu'er took advantage of the chaos and hurriedly brought Ling Ziyu to her side. At this moment, Amu De was slapped by Shangguan Shaochen, and also flew out fiercely and hit the tree trunk behind him, screaming.

But he did not admit defeat, but a carp stood up stubbornly, and when he saw Ling Muer worried, he laughed wildly, "Ha, hahaha, Ling Muer, you are so innocent, you think what I said just now Is it all true? What Ling Ziyu was taken was not Mabisan at all, but a poison I carefully prepared! In this world, I am the only one who can detoxify it, so you just wait to collect your brother's body!"


Shangguan Shaochen heard the news and attacked Amu'er again without waiting for Ling Mu'er to react.

Obviously, Amu De came prepared, he realized that he couldn't beat him, so he flew up suddenly, and many traps on the tree immediately attacked Shangguan Shao.

"Protect the second concubine!" Shangguan Shaochen ordered, while he was fighting with the authorities, he looked nervously at Ling Muer, until she and Ling Ziyu reached a safe place, and then he felt relieved to confront Amu De.

But at this moment, Amu De didn't know what to do, and saw that there was a gap on the ground that was not a problem, and it was getting wider and wider.

"Shangguan Shaochen, you can't catch me. If you have this time, you should go back and see your woman more. His brother has been poisoned by me. No one can solve it except me!"

Amu De laughed wildly, even though the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, he was not afraid, "How about it, Ling Muer, as long as you cooperate with me, how about I give you the antidote?"

After taking Ling Ziyu's pulse and confirming that he was poisoned and dying, Ling Mu'er's eyes were full of anger. "Amu De, you are despicable and shameless, bring the antidote!"

"If you want the antidote, you can exchange it with your treasure, but you have to catch me first!" Amu De shook his head triumphantly when he saw that the other person couldn't get through.

"As an envoy of the Western Regions, you have already left our Celestial Dynasty today, but unexpectedly, you stayed here secretly and even wanted to take away my beloved concubine, Amu De, it was you who destroyed the friendly exchanges between the two countries, as long as the prince ordered to pursue you Killing order, where do you think you can go?" Shangguan Shaochen scolded angrily, but Yu Guang was secretly looking for the loopholes in this mechanism.

Who knows that Amu De is not afraid at all, "How can the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty know that I have not left the Celestial Dynasty? Besides, what's the use of you catching me, Ling Ziyu will die violently within three hours, you guys , only three hours to think about it, seize the opportunity!"

After leaving the words, Amu De got angry and left, and soon, his extremely arrogant voice pierced through the depths of the jungle, "Three hours is not much time, Ling Muer, I will wait for you!"

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