"How is Ziyu?"

After Amu De flew away, Shangguan Shaochen immediately returned to Ling Muer.

"Amu De is right, his poison is very domineering, and Ziyu has spread to his heart!" Ling Mu'er's tone was unprecedentedly low.

Her bloodthirsty eyes wished she could find Amu De immediately and kill him!

"I'll have someone issue a wanted warrant for him in the whole city. He will never leave the capital easily in order to get what you want!"

Shangguan Shaochen said, and immediately arranged manpower to do it.

The arrest warrant issued by the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty in person is afraid that the friendly exchanges between the Celestial Dynasty and the Western Regions will come to an end again, but it doesn't matter, it is important to find the antidote that can save Ling Ziyu first.

"I can try, let's go back to the Second Prince's Mansion first!" Ling Muer planned to make two-handed preparations, in case Amu De was never caught, or he would not hand over the antidote at all, would she really want her to just sit and watch? Do you want your brother to die because of yourself?

"What are you waiting for, lead the horse!" Shangguan Shaochen ordered to the man in black behind him, and not long after, two fine horses appeared in front of him.

"let's go!"

Ling Muer's equestrian skills are very average and cannot carry people. Shangguan Shaochen rides in front while hugging Ling Ziyu, and Ling Muer nervously follows behind.

"Shao Chen, why did you come here?" Ling Muer was curious.

"Your expression was very strange after receiving the letter. Do you think you can hide it from me?" Shangguan Shaochen looked back and sighed softly, "Silly girl, you can't trust me like that? I am your husband. Everything should be shared by you and me, right?"

"I won't do it next time, thank you Shaochen!" Ling Muer said, but she really couldn't laugh. Fortunately, he brought someone here tonight, otherwise, she would really be able to deal with the powerful Amu De alone. Very strenuous.

"Silly girl, don't hide anything from me in the future? Do you understand?" Shangguan Shaochen said softly.


Not long after, the two of them had already returned to the Second Prince's Mansion. Three hours is not much time, they should cherish the time.

After returning to the Second Prince's Mansion, Ling Muer immediately took Ling Ziyu to her room.

Before closing the door, she ordered, "If my parents find out that Zi Yu is in danger, they will definitely go crazy, Shao Chen..."

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements right away, and there won't be any news from the academy, but you?" Shangguan Shaochen was still a little worried about her.

"I have never seen Amu De develop this kind of poison, and it may be very troublesome to solve it, but I will do my best!"

Ling Muer said that she had already closed the door, she never wanted to be disturbed by anyone when she was practicing medicine, and it was the same this time.

Seeing the livid, cautious and poisonous Ling Ziyu, she swore inwardly, "Sister will never let anything happen to you."

Until the next morning, Ling Mu'er didn't come out of the room, and Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang wanted to go in to visit, but they were also thrown out.

The streets and alleys are full of notices to apprehend Amu De. The emperor was very angry when he learned that Amu De, as the envoy of the Western Regions, not only did not leave the capital, but even threatened to stab the second prince. He even wrote a letter to the Western Regions immediately. Wang, I hope he can come forward to solve it.

In order to arrest Amu De more efficiently, after all, they only have three hours, Shangguan Shaochen decided to offer a reward of 10,000 taels of gold, and for a while, the entire capital was caught in a search.

The former bounty hunters also joined in the action one after another, threatening to turn Kyoto upside down.

After Su Ce heard the news, he kicked open Mo Junyao's room door unceremoniously. At this time, Mo Junyao was still fast asleep. When she heard the sound, she got up in fright and hurriedly covered her body with the quilt, "Boldly!" , you, how could you trespass on my boudoir, you get out!"

Ever since she voluntarily left Su Ce's room on the wedding night, Mo Junyao lived in the room next to him. Although he was her husband, he had no intercourse after all. How could he peep at her body?

"You are my woman, so what's the point if I see it?" Su Ce guessed her intentions and mocked, "However, even if you stand in front of me naked, I have no interest in you. "

After finishing speaking, he had already walked to the side of the bed, and unceremoniously stretched out his hand to pinch her jaw, "Say, where is the Amude?"

Not knowing what happened last night, Mo Junyao didn't understand the situation, "Didn't my brother leave the capital and go back to the Western Regions? What do you want my brother to do?"

"Whether he really left or stayed in secret to do some unconscionable things, only your brother and sister know!" Su Ce has always believed that Mo Junyao will not be ignorant of any rumors, so After seeing that Shangguan Shaochen wanted Amu De, he inquired a little, and immediately came to Mo Junyao to question.

As long as he has news from here, it will help Ling Muer,

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I don't know where my brother is, and I don't know what you are looking for my brother. You go out first, go out!"

Mo Junyao has a habit of sleeping. She doesn't like to wear too many clothes, so she desperately pushes Su Ce out. Unfortunately, the action was too forceful, and the quilt wrapped around his body fell off.

In the room, she immediately screamed. "Ah! Su Ce, you are shameless!"

The moment Su Ce saw her quilt fall, he immediately turned around, so he couldn't help but sneered at her scream, "I think it's very precious, but unfortunately, this king is not interested at all, so I will give you a cup of tea." It’s time to dress up and come out.”

After leaving the words, he left the room angrily, and the curious servants outside the door just heard this, and once again spread the word of what happened today, Princess Xian once again became the laughing stock of the servants.

Mo Junyao liked Su Ce, no, in other words, she wanted to conquer him, so after he left angrily, she hurriedly dressed and came out.

Su Ce was sitting on the stone bench in the yard waiting for her, but when she approached, she was attracted by the wanted notice on the stone table.

When she saw the above content, she was instantly stunned, "Why do you want my brother wanted?"

"Now, I'm going to ask you, what are your brother and sister planning?" Su Ce asked coldly.

"What are you planning? Su Ce, are you going too far? I'm already your princess. It's fine if you don't love me, but you still doubt my brother?" Mo Junyao was very angry, "You must have misunderstood me. , there must be some misunderstanding here!"

"I don't know if there is any misunderstanding. I only know that if you don't tell me where Amu De is hiding today, this king will..." Su Ce paused, his voice became colder, "I'll divorce you!"


Mo Junyao felt her heart tremble violently, all the joy and expectation in her heart were gone.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, "What did you say?"

Less than seven days after they got married, he ignored her and despised her. She could bear all of this. She always felt that it was reasonable to have a relationship for a long time. She believed that Su Ce would find her good after a long time.

But he actually wanted to give her a letter of divorce?

If this matter gets out, her Mo Junyao's face will really be wiped away!

"Su Ce, are you still human?"

"Not human, did you marry a beast? Then Princess Xian's preferences are really special?" Su Ce, who has already broken his pot, doesn't care about such things as reputation at all. He can't even make decisions about his lifelong happiness. What does he care about these unnecessary things? Woolen cloth?

"You..." Mo Junyao turned around stubbornly angrily, "I don't know, I don't know how many times you ask me, if you want to find my brother, you can find it yourself."

"You don't have to drink fine wine for toasting." Su Ce snorted, "Come here, I will serve you with pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

Hearing this, Mo Junyao turned around immediately. She was really panicked and scared. What if Su Ce was serious?

Ignoring the fact that there were servants around who were watching the joke, she hurriedly squatted in front of Su Ce, tugging at the hem of his clothes pitifully, "Su Ce, I was wrong, can I know I was wrong? I shouldn't have treated Ling Mu yesterday. My son is disrespectful, I promise you will bow to her three times and nine times when you see her in the future, please don't get angry with me, okay? I...I really like you."

Su Ce was indifferent to her confession.

He has no place for her in his heart, never had it before, and never will in the future, so no matter what she says, he is not interested.

"So you mean, because Ling Muer made things difficult for you in the palace yesterday, you let Amu De bully her?" Su Ce quickly caught the point of her words.

Mo Junyao didn't expect Su Ce to be so smart, but how could she admit it?

"No, I didn't!"

"Unfortunately, your eyes betrayed you!" Her flash of surprise just now responded well to him.

Su Ce threw her away with a merciless palm, and when Mo Junyao was in pain, he grabbed her neck forcefully, "Say, where is Amu De?"

"I, I really don't know!" Breathing was obstructed and her body was still in severe pain, Mo Junyao only felt that she was going to die, "I, I am your concubine, you bully me like this, Su Ce , you...you are too much."

"This king's endurance is also limited. If you don't say it, then you can't blame me!" After saying that, he let go of his hand.

Mo Junyao panted heavily, turned her head to watch him return to the stone table, and had already picked up the pen and paper.

Once this letter of divorce is written, she will really be ashamed to see others!

"I said, I said!" She lay on the ground and looked at Su Ce aggrievedly, "Is it okay? My brother is at the Tathagata Inn. He said he has important things to do, but he will return to the Western Regions after staying for three days. I said It's all true."


Knowing the exact location of Amu De, Su Ce immediately got up and left without looking at Mo Junyao again.

As if being ruthlessly abandoned, Mo Junyao reached out to grab him, but in vain.

Seeing Su Ce's determination to leave and his ruthless back, Mo Junyao smashed her clenched fists to the ground. ,

"Su Ce, I will get you sooner or later. Just wait and see. I will repay you double the humiliation you gave me today. I will trample you and the people you care about just like you bullied me today. Down!"

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