"Second Concubine, listen to me." Song Yicheng took out a pill from his bosom, "I wonder if Second Concubine still remembers this?"

Ling Muer immediately took it, looked carefully and then smelled it. After a while, her eyes turned to Xiong Qiguang, "You didn't take all the pills I gave you that day?"

Xiong Qiguang just laughed and didn't speak.

But Song Yicheng smiled even brighter, "Even the second concubine couldn't tell the difference, it seems that Song has succeeded. Back to the second concubine, you gave this to brother Xiong that day. After I checked it, I was shocked. I always thought that my medical skills were rare in the world, but I didn’t expect to be able to prepare such a powerful pill. So after seven days of research, I finally found out the subtlety of the Second Prince’s medical skills. This pill is developed with you I don’t know if I can be your apprentice.”

After saying that, he bowed at ninety degrees and stood aside very humbly.

Ling Mu'er smiled, "This pill is made from ninety-nine kinds of poisons and tonics, and ordinary doctors, even if they are gifted, would never be able to guess all of them, but you actually only took seven days to dissolve all the ingredients. You have developed exactly the same one, Song Yicheng, you are indeed amazing."

Hearing this, Song Yicheng suddenly knelt on the ground, "Thank you, Master Miozan, Song Yicheng pays respects to Master!"

After finishing speaking, he began to kowtow.

This move shocked everyone present.

Shang Zhi hurriedly wanted to help him up, "What are you doing, my master hasn't promised you yet, why are you kowtowing, because a man has gold under his knees, your knees are cheap enough, get up."

Song Yicheng insisted on not moving, "If the master refuses to let me, I will not be able to afford it. I also ask the master to accept my apprentice."

Ling Mu'er didn't intend to take any apprentices in her life, she took Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang just because they were talented and intelligent, and they worked hard by her side. Although this Song Yicheng is a little proud, he has to admit that he is indeed very talented in medical skills, but even so, he is not qualified to be her apprentice.

But he is so sincere...

"Okay, if you help me this time, I will accept you. However, I already have two apprentices by my side. If you want to be their junior apprentice, you, the Song family, have practiced medicine for generations. I am afraid that you will be treated like this. ..."

Before she finished speaking, Song Yicheng suddenly looked at Shang Zhi, "Song Yicheng pays respects to senior sister!"

Being able to bend and stretch like this was completely beyond Ling Muer's surprise, and Shang Zhi opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"You, you, I..." In the end, Shang Zhi looked at Ling Muer helplessly, "Girl!"

"Perhaps you still don't understand me. Although I am a doctor, I am not a good man or woman. Everything I do is conditional. As I said just now, if you help me, I will help you. Of course, don't worry, since When you come to the capital, your safety will be entrusted to me!"

Ling Muer said, looking at Nangong Yizhi immediately, who immediately understood, "Don't worry, since I saw the two of them, we have already arranged a place to live, and people have disguised their identities, even the old Qi faction The people are poor, and their true identities cannot be found out.”

Ling Muer nodded, "Well done!"

Look at Xiong Qiguang again, "Although your purpose is not pure all the time, I thank you for taking the risk to rescue the second prince. Don't worry, I will introduce the salt of the Xiong family to the palace, but whether you can pass the review depends on whether you can pass the review." It depends on your ability."

"Yes, yes, my Xiong family will not make things difficult for the second concubine, thank you, the second concubine!" Xiong Qiguang was very satisfied with the result, and felt that the trip was very worthwhile.

"Master, don't worry, with the two of us here, we will definitely help the second prince get rid of his grievances." Song Yicheng saw the needle, and from his face, it was hard to tell that he was such a tactful master.

"Whether you succeed or not, thank you very much," Ling Muer said, "It's been a long journey, you have worked hard, go down and have a good rest, after Shao Chen comes back tonight, we will have a good discussion, if there is no accident, tomorrow I will bring you into the palace."


Under the guidance of Nangong Yizhi, the two left the Second Prince's Mansion.

When Nangong Yizhi came back again, he found that Ling Mu'er had already changed into her clothes and was about to go out, "Hey, where are you going? I just did a good thing worthy of praise. Why, you won't let me eat?" A potluck?"

Ling Mu'er smiled silently, "It seems like you can eat it if I make it, Sister Sheng'er ordered someone to send me a letter saying that there is something important to give to me, I guess it has something to do with it , I'll go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion first, don't worry, I will come back before Shao Chen."

"Go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion?" Nangong Yizhi was stunned, and immediately blocked her way, "You are crazy! The Seventh Prince's Mansion and the Second Prince's Mansion are now in conflict. If you go, you will still be alive. ?”

"Why, is it possible that they still want to kill me?" Ling Muer didn't believe it.

"Hmph, they even dared to do something to the magistrate, what else would they not dare to do! I'm afraid the area around the second prince's mansion has already been monitored by his people. I brought two living people in today, and it must have been heard by Qin Xuanting. I will definitely find a way to deal with the two of them, if you take the initiative to come to the door now, wouldn’t it be sending meat to the chopping block, no, you can’t go there!”

"But Sister Sheng'er won't lie to me!" Ling Muer insisted, "Besides, Lin Lesheng suddenly returned to the Seventh Prince's Mansion and has been suppressing Sheng'er. I don't trust her. The last time Sister Sheng'er was so humble in the palace , I have long wanted to go and see, we are good sisters. Even if the Seventh Prince is inhumane, he will not kill me in his house, don't worry."

"What should I worry about? Do you know what happened in the hall today?" Nangong Yizhi asked.

Seeing his serious face, Ling Mu'er roughly guessed that something secret had really happened, but Shao Chen didn't tell her anything when he came down to court today, could it be that he deliberately concealed something.

"Did something happen that I don't know about?" she asked.

"Lan Qianying was suddenly sent to a nunnery to be a nun. The prime minister begged the emperor not to succeed, so he added this hatred to the crown prince, and he has already become a martial artist with the seventh prince. I heard that the prime minister took refuge in the Seventh Prince's mansion before. I didn't believe it, but Today in the court hall, the prime minister blatantly helped the Seventh Prince suppress the Crown Prince and his cousin, do you think the Seventh Prince’s mansion is safe now?" In short, Nangong Yizhi would not let him go no matter what.

Ling Mu'er thought it was something serious, but it turned out to be this.

"Miss Qianjin of the Prime Minister's Mansion has encountered such an accident, of course the Prime Minister will not let the Prince's Mansion go, but what does it have to do with me?" She shrugged needlessly.

"You still have the nerve to say it?" Nangong Yizhi rolled his eyes, "Who doesn't know that the princess and you were alone in the room for half an hour that day, and Lan Qianying was sent to the nunnery by the emperor's decree not long after, Do you think that old and cunning prime minister won't investigate this?"

Ling Mu'er felt amused, "What's wrong with me being alone with the Crown Princess? I didn't tell the Emperor that she murdered the Crown Prince. If the Prime Minister really seeks revenge from me, he would be blind."

"Heh, I didn't say what Lan Qianying did wrong. How did you know it was murdering the crown prince?" Nangong Yizhi said, giving her another contemptuous look.

Only then did Ling Muer come to her senses belatedly.

Yes, if she hadn't told the princess that Lan Qianying had poisoned the prince's tea, she would not have reported it to the emperor, and Lan Qianying would not have ended up like this.

It really does have something to do with her.

"Why is the Prime Minister able to sit firmly in the position of Prime Minister? Do you think he really relies on his talent?" Nangong Yizhi sneered, "Bah, isn't it because of his old and cunning temperament? Do you really think that his daughter has fallen to this end? Can't investigate carefully? But there were so many guests at the Prince's Mansion yesterday, you can know what Lan Qianying did and what other people did after a little investigation! Now that the Prime Minister is fighting with the Seventh Prince, I'm afraid he has long wanted to set you up You are dying, so I advise you not to lie in this muddy water."

Listening carefully to Nangong Yizhi's words, Ling Mu'er realized that the danger was around her, but she almost didn't think about it, "Even if Sister Sheng'er is not giving me something to help Shao Chen escape, she is in trouble. I can't abandon her, I have to go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion this time."

"Hey, let me tell you, why are you so stupid!" Nangong Yizhi felt very irritable, and at the same time, he was trying to figure out how to hold her back.

"It's useless, you may be stronger than me, but before you make a move, you will fall under my poison, so I advise you not to do it!" Seeing what he was thinking, Ling Muer threatened .

Nangong Yizhi's face turned pale when he heard the words.

Ling Mu'er patted him on the shoulder reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'll come back as soon as I go, they won't hurt me."

After saying that, she had already bypassed Nangong Yizhi and left.

Sure enough, the moment she turned around, Nangong Yizhi was going to attack her, Ling Muer flew out three silver needles from her fingertips without thinking, and immediately sealed his acupuncture points.

"Ling Muer...Ling Muer!" Nangong Yizhi was extremely annoyed when he realized that he couldn't move his whole body. He stared at her back and roared, "Hey, come back to me!"

"The acupoints will untie after an hour." Ling Muer turned her head mischievously, "Of course, I may be back within an hour, so don't worry."

After saying that, she had already left the Second Prince's Mansion.

Seventh Prince's Mansion.

The Prime Minister stood in front of the desk with a congratulatory gift, "Congratulations to the Seventh Prince. After Concubine Min Min can be crowned Empress tomorrow, I believe you will be the Crown Prince in the near future. I will congratulate the Seventh Prince first."

Looking at the huge Ye Mingzhu in front of him, Qin Xuanting was in a good mood, "Your Excellency, you are very polite, but this is something that has not yet been planned, so don't talk nonsense."

Although he said so, he couldn't put it down to Ye Mingzhu. The prime minister smiled, "If Concubine Yi hadn't returned to the palace suddenly, the position of the crown prince would have belonged to you, the seventh prince. What's the matter with the crown prince? However, Don't be afraid of being late for a good meal, it will come sooner or later, Seventh Prince, don't worry."

"Ha, hahaha, a good meal is not afraid of being late, so the prince will borrow your auspicious words!" The seventh prince looked up to the sky and laughed, but before the prime minister could also laugh with him, he suddenly put away his smile and changed his conversation. Turn, "I don't know if you have done everything you asked adults to do?"

The Prime Minister also immediately became serious, "Don't worry, Seventh Prince, I have already revised the book. It will be sent to the palace early tomorrow morning, and I have signed a letter with twelve important ministers to accuse Shangguan Shaochen of conspiracy to rebel, and guarantee that tomorrow after Concubine Min Gui canonize , let the emperor punish the crime of the second prince. Your day of great joy is the day of his death!"

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