After the Prime Minister left the study, Lin Lesheng seized the opportunity to rush in. Seeing that Qin Xuanting was in a good mood, she unconsciously raised the corners of her lips.

"Congratulations, you are about to achieve your wish."

As she spoke, she had already taken the initiative to walk behind him, gently kneading his shoulders and loosening his muscles.

Qin Xuanting, who originally didn't want to be disturbed in his good mood at the moment, unconsciously raised the corners of his lips again after hearing these words. He glanced sideways at the well-behaved Lin Lesheng, and nodded in satisfaction, "My prince has long said that it belongs to me. Those things, no one can take them away, but you heard it just now?"

When he said the second half of the sentence, his face became a little ugly. Lin Lesheng immediately realized that he didn't like others to eavesdrop, but he didn't rush and replied slowly, "Le Sheng didn't intend to eavesdrop. I wanted to ask my lord if there is anything that needs help with my concubine tomorrow, Le Sheng knows that although I am sloppy, tomorrow is a big day for my concubine after all, there can be no difference, it is always good to have one more person to help, I accidentally overheard some, but don't worry, Le Sheng won't talk nonsense."

"Oh, you really have a heart." Hearing such a tactful explanation, although Qin Xuanting knew she was lying, she didn't dare to chew her tongue, so her good mood was not disturbed, "Tomorrow is indeed the concubine mother. It's the most important day in your life, so there must be nothing wrong with it, but you don't need to go to the palace to help, but if you really want to help, then go and send someone to keep an eye on Ling Mu'er. What to do, let me know as soon as possible, understand?"

Lin Lesheng immediately walked to the front and bowed respectfully, "Yes, don't worry, Le Sheng will definitely do a good job in this matter."

Although Qin Xuanting just waved her off to get up, the corners of her mouth were still in a good mood that couldn't be concealed.

Tomorrow is a good day for the mother and concubine. Once the mother and concubine become the empress, the chances of the Seventh Prince becoming the crown prince are very high. As long as the master becomes the crown prince, then she, the main concubine, will naturally be the crown prince concubine, that is, the future empress empress!

At that time, she will be the woman envied by everyone in the world, who can command the six palaces if she wants the wind or the rain, and she will be under one person and above ten thousand people. So what's the point of making her feel wronged now?

"Where is Sheng'er, why haven't you seen her recently?" Qin Xuanting's hoarse voice brought Lin Lesheng back to his thoughts, "After the concubine mother is conferred, both you and Sheng'er will go to the palace to pay respects, so don't miss the auspicious time .”

"Don't worry, Master, Le Sheng is thinking about it, and I will never forget it, but Sister Sheng'er..." Lin Lesheng murmured deliberately, "I'm afraid Sister Sheng'er will not be able to attend, I heard that she came back from the palace that day Afterwards, Sister Sheng'er felt unwell and stayed in the room without going out. But just now Le Sheng came out of her sister's residence, but her sister said..."

Seeing her squeaking, the Seventh Prince was a little displeased, "What did she say?"

"My sister said that she would not disturb the concubine mother because of her humble status, but I have already taught her a lesson. She is the concubine of the Seventh Prince's mansion. There is nothing to be afraid of, but she insists on doing so. No, sir, go and persuade yourself."

After Lin Lesheng finished speaking, she purposely stared at Qin Xuanting with wide eyes, because she knew in her heart that the arrogant and arrogant man in front of her hated his woman most because of her inferiority. And Sheng'er just had such a temperament, even if she made up what she just said on purpose, but she believed that once the master heard the words, he would be furious.

"Presumptuous!" Qin Xuanting slapped the table fiercely, obviously very angry, "I, Qin Xuanting's woman, would say such humble words. I told her several times not to look at anyone's face, because She is my woman, but she..."

Taking a deep breath, she finally calmed down, but her mind was still filled with the annoyance of Sheng'er's inferiority complex.

When Qin Xuanting opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of ruthlessness and anger, "Tell Sheng'er, since you don't want to enter the palace, then you don't have to enter the palace in this life!"

Lin Lesheng was very happy to get the result she wanted. Although she knew that the master would not listen to her and really go to visit Sheng'er, she was also very nervous just now.

After all, Sheng'er in the past was the person on the cusp of my master's heart.

It's all right now, when she frightened her a little, that woman was terrified of her and listened to her in everything. And Grandpa hates her humbleness the most.

"Don't be angry, my sister is not in good health, and she is pregnant and she will inevitably be a little hesitant about what to do. Le Sheng will go back and comfort her." Lin Lesheng said softly.

"Hmph! Both are pregnant, but the gap is so big in comparison!" The Seventh Prince couldn't figure out how Sheng'er became like this now, "There is no need to appease her, she doesn't want to enter the palace, and she doesn't want to accept me. Give her the position, let her fend for herself!"

Seeing the angry appearance of the Seventh Prince, Lin Lesheng was ecstatic in his heart, but his face was very worried, "Please calm down, Le Sheng apologized to you on behalf of my sister, please don't hurt your body because of these trivial things! The current situation This is a critical period for my master, don't worry, with Le Sheng here, I will definitely persuade my sister, after all, she is a woman from the Seventh Prince's residence, so I can't let outsiders see the joke."

I didn't expect Lin Lesheng to change so much after coming back this time. Not only is he gentle and considerate, he doesn't fight or grab, and he thinks of the family in everything.

Qin Xuanting was very satisfied, "You have a heart. I will leave the matter of Sheng'er to you."

"Yes, sir."

After leaving the study, Lin Lesheng went straight to Sheng'er's residence. Along the way, she looked grim, and whenever she thought about Sheng'er's fate, she would be in a good mood again.

"Master, why are you so happy, but what did you reward me?" Xiutao couldn't help being curious, and asked while supporting her.

"This excites me more than any reward." Lin Lesheng shook his head, "Just now, I just said a few words casually, and the Lord entrusted Sheng'er's future to me. Now, Sheng'er The power of life and death is in my hands, how can you say I am not happy?"

"It's just a side concubine who has already been neglected. How can the master be so caring? Besides, our master's good day is coming soon. The master is the concubine and empress. In the future, he will be the head of the palace, and that She is just a side concubine, what kind of trouble can she make?" Xiutao didn't take Sheng'er seriously at all.

"Hmph, you really didn't let me down if you were stupid, Xiutao, Xiutao, you've been by my side for so many years, why haven't you made any progress at all?"

Lin Lesheng gave Xiutao a disdainful look, but she was a dowry maid after all, so she tolerated her a little more, "It's fine if Sheng'er is really neglected, but she also has the seeds of my master in her belly, how can I not?" Worried? Besides, the master only cares about the overall situation now, so of course he will treat her coldly, but if that foxy embryo uses some seductive tricks to confuse the master one day, it will not be a blink of an eye for her to regain her favor? You forgot, What is her origin?"

"Master is wise." Hearing her master's words, Xiutao immediately felt ashamed, "A lowly woman from a brothel is not worthy of conceiving your master's imperial palace. Master, what are you going to do?"

"If it was in the past, I would still be more or less scrupulous, but now that the master has given me the power, whether she lives or dies depends on my mood?"

The corners of Lin Lesheng's lips were raised evilly, looking at Sheng'er's yard diagonally opposite, she suddenly thought of a good way to completely solve Sheng'er.

"Xiu Tao."

"The servant is here."

"No matter what I do later, you don't have to be surprised, cooperate with me, understand?"

"Yes, master."

Sheng'er's residence.

When Ling Mu'er sneaked in, Sheng'er was lying on the table with a sad face, her face was sallow and listless, she looked like she was being bullied.

She looked around and found that there was not a single guard servant in the yard. Although she was a little curious about it, she approached cautiously.

"Sister Sheng'er?"

Sheng'er was obviously taken aback, but when she realized the familiar voice, she suddenly raised her head, and seeing that it was Ling Muer, she rushed over hastily, "Muer, Muer, you are finally here."

"What happened, Sister Sheng'er, why do you seem to have lost weight a lot? And what's going on in this yard?" Ling Muer pointed around with her eyes, not only because there were no servants to serve her, but more importantly What's more, it's because the surrounding area is in a mess. It is said that it is the courtyard of the concubine of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, let alone a deserted courtyard.

"Mu'er..." Sheng'er couldn't bear the grievance when someone mentioned something sad, and after calling out her name, she burst into tears.

It has been a long time since she burst into tears like this. Sheng'er seemed to want to vent all the grievances in her body. Ling Muer was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood her grievances. She stretched out her hand to gently comfort her back, not much. tongue.

Xiaolan in the kitchen rushed out when she heard the voice, thinking that that bad woman Lin Lesheng was looking for trouble again, so she came out with a kitchen knife on purpose, she made up her mind that once Lin Lesheng bullied her master again, she would use this one The kitchen knife fought desperately with her. But when she saw that it was Ling Mu'er, tears welled up in her eyes.

"The second concubine, let's make the decision for our master. Our master has suffered a lot of grievances. Our master is so pitiful." Xiaolan burst into tears as she spoke.

Seeing the crying of the two master and servant, Ling Muer's heart suddenly panicked.

"What's going on? Sister Sheng'er, I wanted to ask you that day in the palace, why are you so humble as a side concubine? Also, how did Lin Lesheng bully you!"

Ling Muer's attitude was tough, and she seemed to immediately make decisions for her after learning the truth.

Sheng'er realized this and quickly wiped the tears off her face, "I'm fine, really, it's just that I can't control it after seeing you, Mu'er, but I can bear it."

"Master, why didn't you say anything?" Xiaolan was really furious. Since when has the master been so cowardly?

"Shut up!" Sheng'er yelled angrily, "Don't be rude in front of the second concubine!"

After some reprimand, looking at Ling Mu'er again, Sheng'er smiled and held her hand tightly, "I made you difficult because of me in the palace that day, are you okay? can Grandpa ever again?" Trouble with you?"

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