I have been bullied like this, and I still miss others?

"Sister Sheng'er, what happened to you, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me, how did Lin Lesheng bully you?" Ling Muer asked coldly.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ling Muer pointed her eyes at Xiao Lan behind her, as if saying: If your master doesn't say anything, you say it.

Seeing this, Xiaolan endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Also ask the second concubine to be the master of my family!"

She knelt on the ground with a 'thump', "Since the seventh prince's concubine, she has been troublesome and bullying my master since she returned to the Seventh Prince's mansion. See, otherwise...you will poison and murder the child in the womb of the master."

"It's unreasonable!" Ling Mu'er was very angry when she heard the words, "She, Lin Lesheng, is so bullying! Threatening the emperor's grandson is a capital crime of beheading. Once the emperor finds out about this matter, he will definitely not let her go lightly! Since Qin Xuanting won't let her go You decide, I will go to the palace to find the emperor right now."


Sheng'er hurriedly got up to stop her, and seeing the righteous indignation on Ling Muer's face, Sheng'er knew that she really wanted to stand up for herself, she kept shaking her head, "Lin Lesheng did bully me and threatened me, but I have nothing to back it up, Even if you sue the emperor, there is no clear evidence, what can the sage do to her? Turning back, her crime will not be cured, but it will arouse her murderous intentions. Apart from your protection, no one dares to stand up for me. When you two are not around, it is easier for her to kill me than to trample an ant! So, you are not helping me."


"No but." Sheng'er stood firm, "Mu'er, I know you really care for me and want to complain to me, but what I just said above is the truth, once Lin Lesheng refuses to admit that he bullied me, he will give her a The reason for killing me is upright, and I will die faster. So this is also the reason why I kept it secret, do you understand now?"

Ling Mu'er opened her lips and wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words.

That's right, Sister Sheng'er was right, Lin Lesheng bullied her just to pass on the word of the servant girl, she could completely refuse to admit it, once she was pissed off, no one could tell what unprecedented things that crazy woman could do.

Lin Lesheng believed that Sister Sheng'er wanted to protect the child in her belly, so she threatened like this, and she probably knew the fate of murdering the emperor's grandson, so she didn't dare to really do anything to Sheng'er, so she borrowed Sister Sheng'er The fear of repeatedly threatening and achieving their goals is nothing more than that.

"I have wronged you, Sister Sheng'er." Ling Muer sighed deeply, thinking that she would bring Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng to the court tomorrow to identify Qin Xuanting, she felt a little more guilty towards Sheng'er in her heart.

"Lin Lesheng doesn't dare to really hurt the child in your womb. After all, it is of royal blood, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you must be careful at all times." Ling Muer took out a jade pendant from her bosom Come, but handed it to Xiaolan.

"Lin Lesheng has always wanted to deal with Sister Sheng'er. If Sister is in any danger, you must come to the Second Prince's Mansion to look for me as soon as possible, understand?"

Xiaolan held the jade pendant firmly in her hand, and nodded seriously, "Yes, the second concubine, I thank you, the second concubine."

"Lin Lesheng threatened you and wouldn't let you see Qin Xuanting, and Qin Xuanting mistakenly thought that you were making trouble with him unreasonably. Now my sister is in a dilemma in the house. Sister, Mu'er is still the same sentence. Whenever you figure it out, come to me anytime. , I will take you out of the capital, a place of right and wrong!"

What kind of dangerous things must happen for Mu'er to say the words to let her go?

Sheng'er stared at Ling Mu'er seriously for a while, and seeing her dodging eyes, a very bad thought suddenly came to her mind. In an instant, her heart beat faster, and her breathing felt tense.

"Xiaolan, go, make a cup of good tea for sister Mu'er. It's cold, don't freeze my sister." After Sheng'er successfully pushed Xiaolan away, she immediately held Ling Mu'er tightly with both hands. "Mu'er, although I don't know what kind of deep hatred the second prince has with the master, but the second prince was framed and imprisoned this time, it must have something to do with the master, right? You... Are you planning to treat the master..."

She didn't finish the following words, but sighed deeply.

Ling Muer knew that she had already thought of the worst outcome.

"That's right, Qin Xuanting framed Shao Chen and even tried to put him to death many times, I won't sit still!"

Ling Mu'er generously admitted, and when she mentioned the name Qin Xuanting, she gritted her teeth with hatred, "Since my sister also believes that Shao Chen is innocent, then I understand better who is involved in this matter. Sister Sheng'er , you and I are good sisters because we are temperamental people, but Mu'er doesn't want this matter to involve you, so..." She paused, "When necessary, I will..."

"No need!" Sheng Er resolutely objected before she finished speaking.

But when she looked at Ling Mu'er, there was no hatred or anger in her eyes. Instead, she was like her biological sister, full of tenderness, "I am my master's woman. When I am with you, I am with you. When I die, I die. I will never betray him."

What kind of infatuated woman is this!

"That day in the palace, he didn't pay attention to you at all. He is no longer the former Qin Xuanting. Sister Sheng'er, why don't you understand?"

"That's because of Lin Lesheng's provocation!"

Sheng'er seemed a little excited, but soon she realized that she shouldn't be so angry, she smiled softly again, "Mu'er, I know you love me, but the Lord is really good to me, really. He The indifference to me now is all because of Lin Lesheng, when he understands, he will feel that he owes me after all. So he won't do anything to me. As for you and my master..."

Sheng'er paused, "I don't want to persuade you to let go of your hatred, but if possible, leave him a way out, okay?"

This was the first time Sheng'er had told her about letting Qin Xuanting off in front of her.

Ling Muer didn't want to agree to her, but her eyes were too sincere to refuse.

"Sister Sheng'er also thinks we will succeed?" Ling Muer asked tentatively.

"Although the concubine mother is about to become the empress, and the concubine mother is the empress, there is a great chance that I will become the prince, but after all, the paper can't contain the flames. The heavens can see clearly what I have done." Sheng'er hooked helplessly. She curled her lips, "Mu'er, I know what I'm going to say next will embarrass you, but you are my last relative in this world. I was an orphan since I was a child, and I was sold to that kind of family when I was very young. If it wasn't for the master, I would have died long ago, the master gave me the hope of living, I can't live without the master."

Listening to her desolate tone, Ling Muer's heart was very complicated.

But Xu saw her embarrassment, Sheng'er hastily added, "Do you think this is good, I will exchange a message with you, if possible, spare his life?"

Ling Muer frowned, "So this is what my sister said in the letter, do you have important news to tell me?"

"it's me……"

"It's not good, master, the seventh concubine has brought people to our yard. Seeing her aggressive appearance, I don't know what to do, what should we do!" Xiao Lan hurriedly ran over from the door , which made the originally unhappy atmosphere even more tense.

Sheng'er and Ling Muer looked at each other, then stood up abruptly.

"She came just in time, I want to see what she wants to do!" Ling Mu'er said as she rolled up her sleeves, planning to have a big fight with the coming evil spirit.

"No!" Sheng'er hurriedly pulled her out, "Mu'er, I can't let Lin Lesheng see you here, now the second prince and the master are in conflict, if Lin Lesheng sees you, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out at all The courtyard of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, hurry up, you leave through the back door first!"

Seeing how Sister Sheng'er protected her in such a critical moment, Ling Muer was very grateful, "Sister Sheng'er, I can't just watch her bully you and remain indifferent. Don't worry, she can't hurt me."

"I know you are capable, but Lin Lesheng is also not a vegetarian, Mu'er, please be obedient, go before she comes."

Saying that, Sheng'er had already brought her to the side door of the courtyard, "Your status is noble, I told you to leave here, although it's a shame for you, but you don't have to get too involved with unnecessary people for me at this critical moment , Mu'er..." As she spoke, she brought her red lips to Ling Muer's ear.

"That day I overheard the conversation between my master and my subordinates. The person you are looking for may be at the foot of the mountain in the western suburbs." Sheng'er spoke in a very hasty tone, but clearly said every word. After finishing speaking, she looked nervously at Ling Muer, "Muer, promise me that you will give him a way out."

After she finished speaking, she pushed Ling Muer away, and before Ling Muer could react, the side door was already locked.

Ling Mu'er turned around and wanted to rush in, only to hear a sharp voice coming from a wall away, "Bold maidservant, you don't even come to greet me when you see the imperial concubine appear, Sheng'er, are you pissed? ? Get out of here!"

This is Lin Lesheng's voice, that's right.

When this woman saw her for the first time, she didn't feel sorry for her. After all, Qin Xuanting only had Sheng'er in his eyes at that time. Only now do I know that poor people must have something to hate.

She put both hands on the side door, opened the door and was about to go in to complain about Sheng'er, but a few words came faintly in her ear.

"Let's go. If you don't look for someone, I'm afraid you won't find it."

After finishing speaking, she heard Sheng'er walking towards Lin Lesheng very timidly.

Sister Sheng'er was reminding her to go quickly and find Liu Changyu.

Although she didn't know why Sheng'er knew who she was looking for, this news was indeed very important to her.

But Sheng'er is also in danger. If she left like this, Lin Lesheng might not know how to bully Sister Sheng'er.

How could she abandon her good sister?

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