After thinking about it, she came up with a good idea,

He took out an exclusively developed smoke bomb from the space and threw it along the wall, only to hear a loud 'bang', the smoke bomb exploded in the yard, and white smoke curled up.

In the ear, Lin Lesheng's scream was soon heard, "Ah! Help, help!"

Her smoke bombs are very powerful, but they won't hurt people's lives. However, a bomb suddenly appeared in a woman's yard. I believe Lin Lesheng was too frightened to trouble Sheng'er again.

"Sister Sheng'er, I can only help you here temporarily, after I find Liu Changyu, I will come back to help you teach Lin Lesheng a lesson."

Ling Mu'er made up her mind, and after taking a last look at the smoky courtyard, she dodged and left the Seventh Prince's Mansion.

"Shaochen? Why are you here?"

As soon as he left the Seventh Prince's Mansion, he saw a familiar figure. Seeing that he was about to break in, Ling Muer hurriedly grabbed his arm from behind and led him to the alley around the corner.

Turning around, he saw the little girl standing in front of him intact. Shangguan Shaochen stretched out his arms and held her tightly in his arms without hesitation. Feeling her familiar herbal fragrance and heartbeat, he let go of his heart. Back in the belly.

"Mu'er, it's good that you're fine."

Originally, she wanted to ask him what was wrong, but then realized that it was Nangong Yizhi who told him her whereabouts.

Seeing that this general who killed people like hemp on the battlefield also had such a childish side, Ling Muer reached out and touched the back of his head, "We Shaochen are good, don't be afraid, look, am I okay? "

"How dare you say that!" Shangguan Shaochen was impatient, grabbing her arms tightly, "Do you know how worried I was when I returned home and found you were not there, and Yizhi told me you were here, Mu Son, you can't be in any danger, you know?"

"I have my baby here, who can hurt me? Is he Qin Xuanting? Hmph, what kind of onion is he?" Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's angry face, Ling Muer raised her eyebrows proudly, that pretended The relaxed look made him laugh unceremoniously.

"You girl!" He shook his head helplessly, "Wait until this matter is over and this period of time passes, let's see how I deal with you."

Knowing that he was just talking, she couldn't bear to bully her, Ling Mu'er hugged his arm coquettishly, "Brother won't bully me, right?"

It's been a long time since I heard her call his elder brother personally, as if the memories from the past have come back, Shangguan Shaochen scratched the bridge of her nose dotingly, "Yizhi said it was Miss Sheng'er who called you, why, but there is something important Mu'er, I know you might be upset if I say something, Miss Sheng'er is Lao Qi's woman after all, she..."

"I don't allow you to say that about Sister Sheng'er."

Ling Mu'er interrupted him unhappily, "Sheng'er is Sheng'er, Qin Xuanting is Qin Xuanting, Sheng'er is just obsessed and grateful to Qin Xuanting for saving her and treating her well, that's why she refuses to leave him, besides , Sister Sheng'er did tell me a secret."

She told Sheng'er the last words to her in full, and Shangguan Shaochen's face changed suddenly after hearing the words.

"If it was someone else, I would definitely suspect that she deliberately lured us to go, but since she is your good sister, I will trust her for once."

After speaking, he led Ling Mu'er on the horse, and the two went to the back mountain of the western suburbs in person.

But when they searched carefully for two full circles and found no clues, the two of them frowned tightly.

"How could it be? Sister Sheng'er won't lie to me."

Ling Mu'er sighed in frustration, she never believed that Sheng'er would lie to her, "Why don't we look for it again."

Shangguan Shaochen held her down, "Mu'er, I know you trust her, but she is that man's woman after all, forget it, let's go back."

They didn't encounter any danger today, so she wouldn't blame Sheng'er, as long as his woman returned home safely, he wouldn't care.

"But..." Ling Muer still wanted to insist.

"It's getting dark, it will be dangerous if we don't go back, be good, be obedient!" Shangguan Shaochen interrupted her, and insisted on leaving the forest while holding her hand.

But when they got back to the horse, they found that his horse was gone.

An unexplained danger signal grew in the bottom of my heart.

Shangguan Shaochen immediately stretched out his long arms to wrap Ling Mu'er tightly in his arms, "The horse won't disappear for no reason, Mu'er, be careful."

The originally relaxed area suddenly became tense, which made Ling Muer feel her heart pounding. She looked around and seemed to find something.

"There are hoofprints of the horse on the ground, and the reins are still on the tree. There is no sign of a fight here. Maybe the horse ran away by itself?"

After finishing speaking, there was a sudden sound of horse crowing in the forest.

"It's Yun Mao." Shangguan Shaochen's horse is called Yun Mao.

Shangguan Shaochen also noticed something was wrong, he immediately searched for the source of the sound, exchanged glances with Ling Muer, and immediately searched for the source.

When the two followed the sound, they found that Yun Mao was at the bottom of the mountain.

Although the sky was a bit dark, Shangguan Shaochen's eyesight was excellent, and he spotted the trendy movements and the unusual things beside it at a glance.

"There's something down there. You probably came here when you found something was wrong. I'll go down and have a look. You wait for me here."

"I'm with you." Ling Mu'er followed immediately, and when the two arrived at the foot of the mountain, they realized that there was a carriage that had lost its foot and fell down the mountain next to Su Chao.

The carriage was smashed to pieces, and there was a person under the wreckage of the carriage!

"It's Liu Changyu!"

Ling Mu'er recognized this person at a glance, it was Mr. Liu Changyuliu, the prefect of Pingcheng.

"No wonder we have searched every corner of the capital, but there is no trace of Master Liu, but he fell off a cliff." Ling Mu'er said with some regret.

"It looks like the carriage stumbled and fell, but Mu'er, look..." Shangguan Shaochen quickly realized that something was wrong.

He picked up a piece of sawdust from a carriage and handed it to Ling Muer.

Ling Mu'er opened the fire folder, and with the light shining, she could see at a glance that there were partition marks above the sawdust.

"It's Qin Xuanting. After using Liu Changyu, he wanted to kill people to silence him. It was obvious that Liu Changyu was going back to Pingcheng, but secretly the carriage was tampered with by him, so that even if someone found out, he could still explain that Liu Changyu slipped and fell off the cliff. And it has nothing to do with him." Thinking of this, Ling Muer hated her teeth even more, how could there be such a cruel and merciless person in this world.

"It seems that I blamed Miss Sheng'er by mistake." Shangguan Shaochen felt sorry for his impulsiveness. After speaking, he immediately took out a flare from his arms and flew into the air.

Blue smoke blooms in the sky, like colorful fireworks, very beautiful.

Ling Mu'er looked at Liu Changyu who was thrown to death, and only lamented that his fate was bad, "Master Liu is a good official with integrity, but unfortunately, Qin Xuanting disregarded human life, I will never just let this account go."

"Yizhi will bring someone over after seeing the signal. We will bring the carriage and Master Liu's body to Emperor Father. Qin Xuanting will not be able to escape this time!"

As Shangguan Shaochen said, he blew a whistle, and the man in the distance immediately ran over when he heard the movement.

Seeing the corners of Mao Mao's mouth and the muddy water on his body, Shangguan Shaochen laughed helplessly, "Looks like I'm thirsty for you recently, I'm hungry for you, and today I let you rush out of the rein to find water Drink? But you have made a great contribution this time, and I will reward you with a good meal later."

Shangguan Shaochen said while stroking the hair on the sideburns, and as if he understood, he put his head into his palm and rubbed it back and forth, as if thanking him.

"Ma'er is psychic, maybe he found Master Liu's body while looking for water to drink, and then let out a cry to attract our attention. This time it is indeed a great achievement by Mao Mao!" Ling Muer admired, from the space Take out the spiritual spring water.

It seemed that it was the first time to enjoy such sweet spring water, and Mao Mao was very excited.

Fearing that the horse would be excited and hurt Ling Muer, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly grabbed her waist and took her aside, "With Master Liu's body and this dilapidated carriage, although we can identify Qin Xuanting , but the evidence is far from enough. Tomorrow is the day when Concubine Min can be canonized, and it is also the last day of the ten-day period, I will do everything possible to identify him, but, what do you plan to do with your sister Sheng'er?"

Hearing this, Ling Muer stopped playing around with Yan Mao, and her expression after finally relaxing became serious.

"It's thanks to Sister Sheng'er that she was able to find Liu Changyu. In fact, she gave it in exchange." Ling Muer sighed, "She wants us to let Qin Xuanting go."

"Impossible!" Shangguan Shaochen's attitude was firm, as firm as ten cows would not be able to pull back.

"Of course I will not let Qin Xuanting go. Not only Liu Changyu's body, but also Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng, they will all testify against Qin Xuanting's concealment of the Hero Pavilion. Tomorrow, even if Qin Xuanting survives, Concubine Min will not be canonized smoothly!"

Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth, as long as she thought of the outrageous things Qin Xuanting had done, she couldn't swallow this breath, but by doing so, she was betraying Sister Sheng'er.

"Shaochen, promise me that no matter what the result is, find someone to protect Sheng'er for me." This was the only way she could repay Sister Sheng'er.

"Okay, but..." The corners of Shangguan Shaochen's mouth raised evilly, "Who said that Qin Xuanting can't be killed tomorrow?"

Although that was his younger brother, he was not interested in letting him live for a younger brother who wanted his life many times.

"I will make his life worse than death!"

When Nangong Yizhi found out that the signal flare brought people here, he was completely taken aback by Liu Changyu. When they returned to the second prince's mansion, they immediately found him for an autopsy. Sure enough, Liu Changyu had been dead for more than seven days.

"It seems that Lord Liu was killed on the day he left the palace. We will send this news and the evidence we obtained to the emperor tomorrow. Qin Xuanting will not be able to escape!" Nangong Yizhi said excitedly, "Cousin, Mu'er, there is destined to be a fierce battle tomorrow, I wonder if the two of you are ready?"

Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen looked at each other and smiled at each other.


Tomorrow, not only Concubine Min will not be canonized smoothly.

They will do everything they can to make Qin Xuanting pay for what they have done!

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