"Help, help!" A miserable scream came from a small prison, followed by a woman's terrified eyes and constant begging for mercy.

"Don't do this to me, sister, don't do this, I have already followed your request, stay away from the master, why, why are you... ah!"

After all, he failed to escape the other party's criminal law, and the woman let out another horrific scream.

"Hmph, Sheng'er, do you still have the face to beg for my life?"

Seeing the beads of sweat dripping from her forehead, and seeing her in so much pain that she was dying of pain, Lin Lesheng was in a good mood, but for her own purpose, she raised her eyebrows, "You big bastard! You just, just now If you dare to take advantage of the chaos to murder the child in my womb, I will treat you lightly."

"I didn't, I didn't!"

Enduring the severe pain between her ten fingers, Sheng'er was so painful that she even trembled when she spoke, but she did not forget to argue for herself, "Sheng'er never thought of harming the life of the fetus in my sister's womb. Sister, Sheng'er also As a mother who is about to become a mother, how could I do such an unconscionable thing. My sister has wronged Sheng'er, please let her go."

As Sheng'er spoke, she panted heavily, because only in this way could she relieve the severe pain in her fingertips.

But when she raised her eyes to look at Lin Lesheng with the last bit of strength, she happened to see the calculating and heartless expression on her face.

She fell to the bottom of the valley with a heavy heart, "Sister, you... what are you going to do?"

She wanted to escape, to retreat, but at this moment, she was tied to the cross log, and there was nowhere to escape.

"What am I doing? Hmph, don't pretend to be confused with me. This is the seventh prince's mansion. Since you are the seventh prince's side concubine, you are trying to murder the first concubine and the future emperor's grandson. I'm just punishing you. You should Thanks to me."

The words fell. Lin Lesheng gave the maidservants a look, and after the two maidservants understood, they pulled the rope in their hands, only to hear Sheng'er's screams coming from inside the cage again.

"Ah... ah!"

After a louder scream, Sheng'er fainted from the pain.

Seeing that the red and swollen fingers pinched by the stick were almost broken, Lin Lesheng felt that the depression that had been going on all day was much relieved.

"Come here, take down the stick, find a basin of water, and wake her up."

Lin Lesheng ordered arrogantly, and then looked at the maidservant, "Xiu Tao, I said you are losing your eyesight, why don't you bring me a chair?"

When Sheng'er was woken up by a basin of ice water splashed from head to toe, she happened to see Lin Lesheng sitting opposite her leisurely, drinking tea and eating snacks at the same time, such a scene only made her feel so angry that she vomited blood.

But at the same time, she also realized that the sticks in her hands had been removed. She knew that today she would only have a chance if she begged for mercy from this woman. For the sake of the fetus in her womb, for her life, why not bear it?

"Thank you for not killing me, sister..."

"Hey, who said I didn't intend to kill you?" Before Sheng'er could finish speaking, Lin Lesheng's evil words came from beside his ear.

Her cold and heartless gaze was like a seductress rising from hell, which made Sheng'er shudder.

Looking behind her again, at the ironing rod in the hand of the maid who came slowly, Sheng'er was so frightened that she trembled all over.

"What are you going to do? Lin Lesheng, what are you going to do to me? This is the Seventh Prince's Mansion, are you really planning to kill me behind my back?"

No longer caring about each other's identities, Sheng'er seemed to realize at this moment that the weaker she is, the more she will be bullied.

"You don't have the right to kill me. I'm my master's woman. If you want to kill me, you have to order me personally. Let me see you!"

"Heh, you're so brave, you dare to call me by my concubine's first name. Sheng'er, to be honest, you wanted to ride on my head a long time ago, didn't you!"

Crack, Lin Lesheng threw the teacup in her hand to the ground fiercely, she supported her waist with one hand, and was supported by someone to walk in front of Sheng'er, and pinched Sheng'er's jaw fiercely, "You vixen, It’s just a cheap bastard from a brothel, do you think that after being favored by the master for a few days, you can really fly up to the branches? Oh, I’m telling you, just because you wanted to murder me just now, I’m enough to kill you. Do you believe it?"

"I believe it, but I never thought of murdering you, never!" Sheng'er resisted, ignoring the pain, she stubbornly shook off the hand that was pinching her chin.

Looking at Lin Lesheng again, there is no fear in her eyes, only deep hatred.

"Just now a smoke bomb suddenly appeared in the yard. You and I were startled. I instinctively backed away and hid far away from you, but after the smoke dissipated, you lay on the ground and even framed me to murder your unborn baby. "Sheng'er recalled and described, "Lin Lesheng, you know the truth very well. I didn't push you, nor did I want to murder you. I want to see you, I want to see you."

'Snapped! '

Lin Lesheng raised his hand and slapped her hard.

Seeing blood oozing from the corner of Sheng'er's mouth, she covered her mouth pretending to be unbelievable, but after three seconds, she smiled brightly again, "I said you murdered me, and you murdered me, besides, it was only you and me at the time." The two are present, who would it be if it wasn't you? You want to see the Lord? Oh, have you forgotten how I warned you?"


Another slap continued to slap Sheng'er's slightly swollen face. This time, she used all her strength. If possible, she wished to beat her to death!

That's right, she was indeed taken aback by the sudden appearance of smoke bombs in the yard just now, but she knew that only by seizing this opportunity could she justifiably lock up Sheng'er.

Anyway, there was chaos at the time, and no one could tell what happened, so she simply fell to the ground. When the guards outside the yard heard the movement and rushed in, she immediately pointed out that it was Sheng'er who wanted to kill someone. Put her in this prison.

Even if the master comes back and asks, Sheng'er will not be able to escape the crime of murdering the concubine and the future emperor's grandson!

Her life is still in her hands after all!

"Lin Lesheng, you framed me, you..." Looking at the calculations in Lin Lesheng's eyes, Sheng'er suddenly understood everything, "You deliberately found an excuse to arrest me, you only wanted to get rid of me, but You should know that you have no right to execute me! I am the side concubine of the Seventh Prince Mingmei, even if my identity is to be abolished or my life is to be abolished, the Lord must personally order it. You, you have no such right!"

"Hey, it's just a cheap brat from a brothel, does he know enough?"

Lin Lesheng was very dissatisfied with Sheng'er's roar, she turned around, took the iron brand from the servant's hand, and walked slowly towards Sheng'er step by step.

Bend down, bow your head, and there is only a straightedge distance between you and her.

She put the iron close to Sheng'er's face, and said in a low voice, "I forgot to tell you, before I came to see you today, the Lord has given me the full power of your life and death. That is to say, I want you to give birth to you." Sheng, I think you will die if you die. Sheng'er, don't hate me, everything is the master's decision."

The words fell, before Sheng'er digested the deep meaning of the words, the iron brand in Lin Lesheng's hand ruthlessly stuck to Sheng'er's side face.


There was a scream that pierced the sky, but it still couldn't cover up the sizzling sound when the iron was branded on his face.

Her face, ruined!

Sheng'er only felt that her life had come to an end, she seemed to see the Palace of the Underworld waving to her in a trance.


A familiar cry pulled her back from the brink of death, and when Sheng'er raised her eyes, she saw a figure rushing towards her. After looking at her up, down, left, and right, the maid kept shaking her head, "I'm sorry, master, yes Xiaolan is late."

While crying, Xiaolan stretched out her hands to protect Sheng'er behind her back, and then looked at Lin Lesheng, she gritted her teeth angrily, "Madam Zheng, what are you doing? Killing people? Even if you want to kill my master, but master After all, you still have the Seventh Prince's child in your belly, you can't treat her like this!"

Seeing a lowly maid standing in front of her pointing at her nose and scolding, Lin Lesheng frowned, turned to Xiutao and shouted, "What's going on?"

When she took Sheng'er away just now, she clearly ordered people to lock up this lowly maid too. It's just a lowly servant girl, she didn't want to take it seriously, she just took it as a way to spare his life, but why did she come here?

Before Xiutao could reply, two maidservants ran in panting, "Your Majesty, calm down, this, this lowly maidservant has a dagger hidden in her body. We had already tied her up, but who knew she cut it off with a dagger?" Rope. Madam, don’t worry, we’ll take her back to teach her a lesson.”

Saying that, the two maidservants were about to rush towards Xiaolan.

Without further ado, Xiaolan stretched out her long arms, and the dagger in her hand immediately pierced through her palm. She waved it wildly, "I see who dares, I see who dares!"

Obviously also suffered a lot of injuries, but at this time Xiaolan is like a brave warrior, she only has her master in her eyes, and only revenge.

"Whoever you dare to approach me, I will kill whoever, don't come over, don't let anyone come over!"

Xiaolan roared hoarsely, trying to resist, the dagger in her hand was already sharp, and almost hurt Lin Lesheng by accident.

Lin Lesheng screamed in fright, "Someone, come, take her down!"

"Don't hurt Xiaolan!" Sheng'er, who finally regained a sliver of reason, begged Lin Lesheng for mercy, "Lin Lesheng, your target is me, and you want my life because you don't like how you love me, let it go Xiaolan, she is innocent."

"Grandpa loves you?"

Sure enough, Lin Lesheng was easily distracted by her.

She strolled up to Sheng'er, and slapped her branded face again unceremoniously. Hearing Sheng'er's screams, Lin Lesheng raised her head, "What did you just say? If you have the guts, say it again!" "

Sheng'er knew that if she said anything more, Lin Lesheng might really kill her.

But the only thing she can do now is to help Xiaolan escape.

Sheng'er raised her eyes and looked at Lin Lesheng. Her eyes were narrowed into slits, with half of her face covered in blood. She smiled miserably, but also smiled coquettishly, "Master loves me already, otherwise why would you make me jealous because of jealousy?" A thorn in my side? Lin Lesheng, you heard me clearly, the only person my master has loved for so many years - is me."

After saying that, she immediately looked at Xiaolan, and said two words to her with her lips - Mu'er.

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