Lin Lesheng was completely driven mad by her words.

She had long since neglected to catch Xiaolan, she casually took the torture equipment in the prison, and rushed towards Sheng'er in big strides.

Xiao Lan, who received the master's message, knew that the only way to save the master was to find a helper. She took advantage of the moment Lin Lesheng approached the master, and slammed into Lin Lesheng.

Lin Lesheng didn't expect that Xiaolan would rush towards her suddenly, she dodged and screamed, and Xiaolan took advantage of the chaos to scratch a maidservant while all the servants were helping Lin Lesheng, and successfully escaped from the prison.

Seeing Xiaolan successfully escaped, Sheng'er was relieved, but she also knew that Lin Lesheng would not let her go this time.

"Open the door, open the door, please open the door." Xiaolan, who finally escaped from the Seventh Prince's Mansion, slammed on the door of the Second Prince's Mansion desperately.

After a while, a servant opened the door of the mansion and saw a maidservant covered in wounds. He thought it was a beggar who had escaped from the famine somewhere. The servant glanced at her and said, "Where did you come from, get out of here!"

Seeing that the door of the mansion was about to be closed, Xiaolan didn't care about the possibility of being caught, so she hurriedly rushed over with half her body, "I'm here to find the second prince and concubine, and I'm the maidservant of the seventh prince's mansion. If there is something important, please pass it on.”

Only then did the servant open his sleepy eyes, and looked her up and down again, "It's just you, looking for the second concubine?"

Hearing the servant's cold snort, Xiaolan remembered the token that Ling Mu'er gave her during the day, she searched for it hurriedly, "Hey, this is the jade pendant of the second princess, don't you guys recognize it, I want to see you Second Concubine, please hurry up, if you are one step late, our master will die!"

Hearing Xiaolan's anxiousness, the servant didn't care, but when he saw the jade pendant in Xiaolan's hand, the servant widened his eyes and changed his attitude completely, "Please wait a moment, girl, this servant will Go pass it on."

"Thank you!"

Xiaolan stood quietly outside the mansion and waited, but she was worried about her master's life and couldn't wait for a moment.

Looking up at the moonlight above her head, even the moon is about to go down, and the sky will soon be bright, but she is really worried that the master will not be able to see the sun tomorrow!

Finally, she finally saw the slave come out, she rushed in, but where was the figure of the second prince and concubine in the empty space behind the slave?

Xiaolan was extremely disappointed, "Where is the second princess? Isn't she at the residence?"

"It's really a coincidence that the second concubine and the second prince entered the palace at half an hour." The servant said respectfully, "Is there anything important for the girl? Why don't you go in and wait?"

"Entering the palace? Why did you enter the palace?" Xiaolan felt that all her expectations were lost at this moment, like a basin of cold water poured from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, and her only hope was shattered.

"It will be dawn in less than two hours. Isn't today the day when Concubine Min Gui was crowned empress? I'm afraid I went to congratulate with the second prince." The servant said, Xiaolan realized it later.

But as a slave, she couldn't even enter the palace gate, so how could she find the second concubine to save the master?

According to Lin Lesheng's murderous look before she escaped, the master probably won't last long.

When she was in a hurry, Xiaolan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a person's name flashed up, and Xiaolan turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Hey, girl, aren't you waiting?" Before the slave could react, Xiaolan had already run away.

Prince Xian's Mansion, that's right, Xiaolan almost walked around the capital half a circle in one breath, and arrived at Prince Xian's Mansion.

Not caring about the possibility that her lungs would explode, she used her last bit of strength to slap on the door of the mansion, and after a while, the door opened, and a handsome young man came out from inside.

But when she saw the boy's face clearly, her pupils had gradually become dilated, no, she couldn't faint, but what to do, she really didn't have any strength left.

"I, I want to see Xian..."

"Girl!" Zitong rushed out and tried to call her name, but Xiaolan had fallen into a semi-conscious state.

Seeing that the person dressed as a maid was covered in wounds, Zitong's beautiful sword eyebrows were frowned, and he was planning to find a servant to send her away, but when he turned to leave, he accidentally saw the maid's hand with A jade pendant.

"My lord, there is a maid who wants to see you, but at this moment she has passed out outside the gate of the mansion, please tell me clearly." Zitong has long been used to the state that the lord does not rest late at night, so he also came to the study to report this immediately. thing.


Su Ce's thin lips parted lightly, but he didn't even raise his head, "There are so many people who want to see me, why do I want to see each of them one by one? Since I fainted, let's send it away."

Zitong didn't leave immediately, but handed the jade pendant she got from the maidservant to the desk, "But my subordinate found this in the maidservant's hand."

Su Ce wasn't interested at all, but just as he finished solving the document in front of him and was about to raise his eyes to drink a cup of tea, he accidentally caught the word 'Mu' on the jade pendant from the corner of his eye.

He almost instinctively put down the teacup and picked up the jade pendant immediately.

"Is it from that girl?" Su Ce asked nervously.

"No, but she has bruises on her face, making her facial features invisible, but my subordinates always feel like someone from the Seventh Prince's Mansion."

Hearing this, Su Ce fell into deep thought for the first time, why did the people from the Seventh Prince's Mansion come to his Xian Wang's Mansion and still want to see him? Could it be that the side concubine encountered some danger again?

But that day at the children's clothing shop, she clearly stated that she didn't need him to participate too much, and why did the maids in the Seventh Prince's house have Ling Muer's personal jade pendant?

"Quick, bring her in."

When Su Ce saw Xiao Lan for the first time, he recognized her identity, even though her facial features were slightly deformed after being beaten.

"Find a doctor." Su Ce ordered.


Zitong went out immediately, and about half a quarter of an hour later, the elderly doctor hurried over.

"Old man, give Xian..."

"You're welcome, let's take a look at the girl's injuries first, why she fainted." Su Ce nodded to the doctor, signaling that he doesn't need to be polite.

Seeing this, the doctor immediately went to Xiaolan's side. At this moment, she was already lying on the bed in the guest room.

After the doctor took the pulse briefly, he looked at her eyeballs again, and made some operations smoothly.

"Back to the lord, although this girl's injuries seem to be serious, but fortunately they are all skin traumas, and only external application of medicine is enough. As for the fainting, it was caused by overwork. If the old man's guess is correct, she is fainting. It must have been running for a long time before, which caused the internal organs to bear too much, but it is not a serious problem."

After finishing speaking, the doctor took out a black bottle from the medicine box and put it under Xiaolan's nose to smell it.

Su Ce and Zitong only felt a disgusting stench, and before they could ask what it was, Xiaolan woke up.

"The virtuous king? Please also ask the virtuous king to save my master!"

As soon as Xiaolan opened her eyes and saw that the person standing in front of her was Su Ce, she immediately got up and knelt on the ground without thinking about other things, her behavior was very sudden.

Seeing this, Su Ce hurriedly gave Zitong a flirtatious gesture, signaling him to take the doctor away, leaving only him and Xiaolan in the room.

"If my king remembers correctly, you are a servant of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, how could you come to my virtuous king's mansion to ask for your master's help?" Su Ce asked, his voice was clear and warm, making people unable to hear his emotions clearly.

Xiaolan was about to open her mouth, but she felt dizzy again, as if she was about to fall down again. She pinched herself quickly, and then she became sober, "Go back to the lord, my master is being made things difficult by the concubine, if you don't go to rescue , I'm afraid I'm going to die in Huangquan, and I ask the prince to repay the kindness of the master for saving him in the past!"

If it wasn't forced by the situation, Xiaolan would not have dared to tell what happened at that time. Maybe this virtuous king would have her head removed because someone told her the secret!

But she really couldn't do it anymore, after finishing speaking, she kowtowed heavily to King Xian.

Su Ce's handsome face darkened, but seeing her sincere attitude, the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

Sheng'er was kind to him, so he should go to help, but it was really inappropriate for him to send someone to the Seventh Prince's Mansion before he figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Lin Lesheng couldn't understand Qin Xuanting's doting on Sheng'er, so he tried to deal with her. This king has helped you once before, and the previous kindness can be regarded as repayment, but since you are here again? Then tell this king first, why are you holding her in your hand? Is there a jade pendant for the second concubine?" This was what made him curious.

"Back to the lord, it's the master. The only person the master can think of who can save her is the Second Prince's Concubine, but the servant girl has been to the Second Prince's Mansion just now, and the slave said that the Second Prince's Concubine and the Second Prince had entered the palace early to be Concubine Min Gui's concubine. Congratulations are gone, the slaves have no other choice to come to the Xian Wang's mansion to beg the lord!"

Xiaolan was afraid that Su Ce would not save people, so she kowtowed and cried, "I beg you, my lord, please do me a favor and save my master. Xiaolan is willing to be a cow and a horse to thank you, my lord."

"Although I am a virtuous king, it is the housework of the seventh prince's mansion for the seventh prince's main concubine to teach the side concubine. If I go to save people late at night, not only will I not be able to save your master, but it will also ruin her reputation. In this way, I will immediately send someone to the palace to contact the second concubine, you just wait."

After speaking, Su Ce had already left the room.

Xiaolan wanted to say something, but could only watch him walk away.

Outside the door, Zitong had brought the doctor back, "My lord, do you want to enter the palace?"

Knowing that Zitong was always smart and knew his thoughts best, Su Ce didn't intend to hide it, "Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen chose to enter the palace at this time, probably because they had conclusive evidence and planned to catch Qin Xuanting by surprise, maybe they Useful where I am."

Su Ce pointed to the maid in the guest room behind him again, "Find someone to watch her, and don't let her wander around. As for you, find two people to lie down in the Seventh Prince's Mansion, and find a way to set fire to Lin Lesheng's courtyard. In short, as long as it can stop Lin Lesheng from continuing to embarrass that one."

"Yes, son."

Seeing that Zitong was ordered to leave again, Su Ce took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

Although he couldn't go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion to save people in person, he could find someone to stop the woman from committing murder. This was the only way he could think of to save his benefactor.

God, it's about to dawn, and he should start preparing for what he can do!

Seventh Prince's Mansion, inside the prison cage.

Lin Lesheng looked at the dying Sheng'er with satisfaction, seeing that her life was hanging by a thread and was about to die, she hooked her fingers at Xiutao.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go, she dared to push me today in an attempt to harm the fetus in my womb, so you push me back and knock the seed out of her stomach alive!"

Xiutao was taken aback when she heard the words. Although she thought it was cruel, she still walked over bravely.

Sheng'er, who had only one breath left, seemed to gain strength instantly when she heard this, she kept yelling at Sheng'er with wide eyes, "I didn't intend to push you, Lin Lesheng, you hurt me!"

Being yelled at like this, Lin Lesheng didn't seem to hear it, and instead urged Xiutao, "Do it!"

"It's not good, ma'am, your yard is on fire!" Outside the door, a servant suddenly came to report.

Lin Lesheng who was sitting on the chair suddenly stood up, "What did you say?"

Looking at Xiutao who had retreated, she was hurriedly supported by her and walked out. Before leaving, she still did not forget to look at Sheng'er viciously, "You son of a bitch, I will take your life when I come back!"

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