outside the palace.

Ling Muer, Shangguan Shaochen, and Nangong Yizhi looked at the men in black who surrounded them head-on, and formed a triangle formation, handing each other's backs to each other.

"This is already the third batch of killers who prevented us from entering the palace. It seems that Qin Xuanting really came prepared." Ling Muer said, the hatred in her voice was hard to hide.

"Hmph, no matter how many people there are, they still can't stop us!" Nangong Yizhi snorted coldly, not paying attention to the guys who looked like masters on the opposite side.

"Be careful, kill!" Shangguan Shaochen gently reminded everyone not to be careless at first, but the last sentence of kill seemed to gather all his murderous intent.

I saw the three of them flying into the air, and their movements and moves were very tacit to kill forward.

In a blink of an eye, the three killers fell down.

"It seems that this group of people is not doing well." Nangong Yizhi looked at them even more mockingly, "Hey, which one of your organizations has heard of the title of Jianghu Nine Masters? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. It is Nangong Yizhi who is known as the Nine Masters of Jianghu, if you are sensible, I advise you all to get out of the way!"

Unexpectedly, after a few people looked at each other, without saying a word, they raised their swords again and stabbed at them.

"Yizhi, don't take it lightly!" At the same time as Shangguan Shaochen reminded, he rushed to Ling Muer first, and after solving the obstacles for her, he came to deal with the people he needed to deal with.

But what shocked them was that the remaining few were actually the best of the best.

Or it can also be said that the few wine bags and rice bags just now may be a deliberate trick they used to lower their defenses.

Seeing that Nangong Yizhi's arm was slashed, Ling Muer immediately rushed to him, "Yizhi, stand back and leave these people to me."

"Then be careful." Nangong Yizhi realized that he had indeed been negligent, and hurriedly retreated to hand over the position to Ling Muer, so as not to drag her down.

At this moment, the sky was about to dawn, and the slaves who had been ordered in the palace last night said that the empress seal ceremony was scheduled for the third quarter of the hour, and if they could not enter the palace before this hour, it would be too late.

Once Concubine Min successfully became the empress, it would be even more difficult for them to identify Qin Xuanting.

"Shao Chen, be careful!"

Seeing that Shangguan Shaochen was about to be unable to resist, Ling Muer took out a smoke bomb from her bosom and threw it over. When no one was paying attention, she took Shangguan Shaochen and Nangong Yizhi to hide behind the corner wall.

"These people seem to be Qin Xuanting's last secret weapon. Both internal strength and skill are superior to ours. What should we do now?" Ling Muer said, looking at Shangguan Shaochen from the corner of his eye. Fortunately, he didn't Injuried.

"Only by clearing the way to enter the imperial palace can we bring Xiong Qiguang, Song Yicheng, and Liu Changyu's carriage mutilation to the emperor. The time is coming soon, and we don't have that much time."

Shangguan Shaochen said, getting ready again, when he was about to rush into the imperial city surrounded by men in black again, he unexpectedly heard the sound of fighting behind him.

"Strange, who is helping us?" Ling Muer was curious.

She turned sideways immediately, and a familiar figure in front of her was fighting with several men in black instead of them.

"It's Su Ce?" Nangong Yizhi was not so scared because he was injured. He was the closest and could see the most clearly.

"Our enemy, how can we leave it to others? But since we have helpers here, we can't sit still!" Shangguan Shaochen winked at the three of them, and they immediately put on formal clothes and set off again.

As if the return of a king, the three of them were full of confidence, and the speed of their hands increased instead of decreasing, and everywhere they went was bloody.

"Why are you here?" Ling Muer asked Su Ce whose back was turned to her.

"Qin Xuanting is not only your enemy alone, I should have been called to such a thing long ago." Su Ce said, and with a wave of the sword in his hand, the killer in front of him immediately fell to the ground.

He turned his eyes and looked at Shangguan Shaochen again, "Why are you three? What evidence did you find?"

Before Shangguan Shaochen could answer, Su Ce seemed to have guessed their plan, he nodded, "Leave this to me, and you guys do what you need to do."

Hearing that Su Ce was so righteous, Shangguan Shaochen felt that he owed him even more, "No, how could I leave such a dangerous situation to you alone."

"The sky is about to dawn. Someone is assassinating the king at the gate of the palace. I don't believe that the governor of Jingzhao will not bring people over. Don't worry, I will be able to hold out until the support arrives." Su Ce curled his lips and pointed The three smiled evilly.

Seeing that the three of them still didn't move, he frowned angrily, "Go!"

Ling Muer paused, and after looking at Su Ce seriously again, she said "thank you" and left the palace gate with Shangguan Shaochen and Nangong Yizhi.

Indeed, the reason why they chose to enter the palace late at night was that they guessed that Qin Xuanting would definitely block the way to the palace. Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng of martial arts appeared.

With Su Ce's help now, they could indeed save a lot of time.

She owed Su Ce one more time.

"Well, I'll help Su Ce, and you two will bring Xiong Qiguang and other evidence into the palace as soon as possible." Nangong Yizhi saw their distress, and returned the same way after speaking.

With Nangong Yizhi's help, Shangguan Shaochen heaved a sigh of relief, "Mu'er, our time is running out."

"Okay, let's go to the safe house now and bring Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng into the palace."

Inside the palace.

Qin Xuanting looked at his concubine mother's graceful and luxurious attire with satisfaction, which was a symbol of empress status. He hurriedly knelt down on one knee, "Congratulations, empress mother!"

Concubine Min, who has been nervous since waking up early in the morning, was extremely excited, with an uncontrollable smile on her face, "My dear son, as long as today is over, I will be the mother of the country, one person under ten thousand people, Everything we want is coming soon."

"All of this is due to the empress mother. The empress mother has endured for many years before being able to touch the emperor father. The empress mother deserves it." Qin Xuanting said, and immediately looked around, and found the responsible steward silently, "but everything is ready."

"Going back to the Seventh Prince, there is no omission, just wait for the time." Nanny also smiled from ear to ear.

"Okay, my prince is happy today, and everyone in the palace will reward me!" As soon as the seventh prince opened his mouth, the scene exploded.

All the slaves and maidservants in the palace knelt down to thank him, and even offered him as the future prince.

Qin Xuanting just smiled smugly, it was just some money, but things outside of him made these slaves so devoted to him, slaves really are slaves.

Concubine Min looked at Huang'er's arrogance, but a sense of worry suddenly rose in her heart, she hurriedly pulled Qin Xuanting aside.

"Ting'er, although today is the mother's big day, how can the second child let it go so easily? I'm still worried..."

"Mother, don't worry." Qin Xuanting interrupted Concubine Min's unfinished words, and said with a face of swearing, "All the children have been prepared, not to mention that they can't enter the palace at all, even if they do, you have already conferred. Besides, there are The prime minister's old man is our stepping stone, no problem."

Concubine Min originally wanted to say something, but suddenly there was a voice of "the auspicious time has come" from outside the palace, she immediately ignored other things, and hurriedly pushed Qin Xuanting away and walked out the door.

"But the auspicious time has come? Come on, why don't you support me?"

The personal maid and the nun immediately stood by her side, one on the left and the other on the right. Concubine Min was supported by several people, and walked out of the palace in a hurry.

After today, this place is no longer the bedroom of Concubine Min, but the bedroom of Empress Empress.

The master attains the Tao, and the slave is of course a chicken and dog ascending to heaven.

Feeling the haste and ruthlessness when the concubine mother pushed him away, although Qin Xuanting was momentarily dissatisfied, seeing the concubine mother's excited expression because of her promotion, he was soon relieved.

The mother concubine becomes the queen, will he be far behind when he sits on the prince's seat?

"The auspicious time has come, and the emperor is entrusted with the blessing of heaven. The emperor summoned him, because the empress has been vacant for a long time, and the harem is a mess. However, Concubine Min has both virtue and ability, and has won my heart. I specially conferred the position of empress. Please come to the palace!"

After the eunuch finished reading the imperial decree loudly, all civil and military officials in the court hall immediately dispersed into two rows, bowing their heads to welcome Concubine Min step by step into the court hall.

Seeing all the majestic and magnificent things in front of her, Concubine Min only felt her heart rise to her throat in an instant, feeling everyone's worship, feeling the excitement at this moment, she tried her best to keep herself calm.

Women are not allowed to go to court, but the queen can.

There are three thousand beauties in the harem, and the queen may not be the most favored one, but she monopolizes the power and can control the life and death of all members of the harem.

As long as she becomes a queen, her child may become a prince and emperor in the future, and the world will be hers!

This is what she wanted from the first day she stepped into the palace.

It's getting closer, the back seat is approaching her step by step, everything she wants is finally coming soon.


Suddenly, a very loud and familiar voice came from behind.

Concubine Min paused, and quickly identified who the voice was. She almost had no time to think, and immediately trotted towards the back seat, as if as long as she sat on it, that seat would be hers for the rest of her life.

It's a pity that the visitor didn't give her a chance to succeed at all.

"Your Majesty, Mu'er has already found evidence to clear up the grievances of the second prince, please listen to me."

After Ling Mu'er yelled, she immediately knelt on the court hall, her bright and dark eyes stared firmly at the tall but weak emperor.

Of course, from the moment she appeared, Qin Xuanting's eyes were tightly knit together, and he immediately looked at the old prime minister opposite, as if asking again with his eyes: how did she get in?

He obviously sent many killers to prevent Ling Mu'er and Shangguan Shaochen from entering the palace, but now the two of them are standing straight in front of them, trying to disturb the mother's canonization, damn it!

It's a pity that the prime minister didn't even look at him, he just lowered his head blindly blaming himself.

Concubine Min Gui was even more furious. The last thing she wanted to see was someone disturbing her canonization, but she never expected that the most worrying thing would still happen. But she could only hold back her anger, pretending to be gentle, "Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come, and the concubine will be conferred soon. I would like to ask the emperor to issue an order to temporarily postpone any insignificant matters until after conferring."

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