After much deliberation, Qin Xuanting finally made up his mind. After he glanced at Shangguan Shaochen, he looked straight at the emperor.

"Return to the father, the son is guilty."

He had been resisting all the time, but he suddenly knelt down and admitted his mistake. This move not only shocked everyone present, but also shocked Ling Muer.

"Oh? Why are you guilty?" The emperor was also curious.

Qin Xuanting just lowered his head, "Going back to my father, my son, my son claimed in front of my father a few days ago that he didn't know the existence of the Hero Pavilion. I really lied to my father, but my son has some difficulties."

Hearing Qin Xuanting's words, Ling Mu'er cried inwardly that something was wrong, she knew that Qin Xuanting was not easy to deal with, but she was about to open her mouth to say something, but was held down by Shangguan Shaochen.

"It's okay, the good show is yet to come, let's watch his performance first." Shangguan Shaochen's voice was gentle and comforting.

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Muer had no choice but to swallow what she wanted to say back into her stomach.

"Father, I did know about the Hero Pavilion, but I refused to admit it at the beginning because... because when I led troops to suppress the bandits, I was injured by the owner of the Hero Pavilion. The seventh prince, the majestic prince has practiced martial arts since he was a child, but he can't deal with a non-government organization, and Ernai can't save face, so, that's why..."

After saying that, Qin Xuanting immediately looked at Concubine Min.

Concubine Min Gui, who clearly received the emperor's signal, immediately stood up, "Your Majesty, Ting'er did have some difficulties! You also know that Ting'er made a mistake before being demoted to Pingcheng. How can he feel better if he can't beat some reckless bandits? That's why he didn't admit it, please feel sorry for us Ting'er, Your Majesty."

Hearing Qin Xuanting's words, the emperor wanted to be angry with Qin Xuanting for knowing that he had made a mistake, but when he heard Concubine Min's cry, he suddenly couldn't bear to complain.

"Little Pingcheng, but there is a reckless bandit organization. As a prince, you not only did not report it, but even concealed it, old seven, old seven, if you hadn't led the troops to suppress the bandits, I would have to...cough cough..."

Before he could finish his words of reprimand, the emperor heard a violent cough, but because of the cough, it seemed to end the topic.

The emperor raised his eyes and looked at Ling Mu'er again, "You just said that you have found evidence to prove Chen'er's innocence, but the two people you brought can only prove the existence of the Hero Pavilion, how can you prove that Chen'er is innocent? Ling Muer, Don't betray my trust in you!"

The last sentence the emperor said was serious, as if if he said it again, if he didn't reveal the truth, he would punish her.

Ling Mu'er was not at all in a hurry, "Your Majesty, Mu'er has mentioned since she came to the court that the person who actually trains soldiers is the Seventh Prince, and please ask the emperor to promise Mu'er to present evidence."

As soon as she heard that there was evidence, Concubine Min immediately panicked, almost leaning over and falling.

Qin Xuanting hurriedly held her down to signal her not to be nervous, he had his own measure.

But Ling Mu'er had already seen all this in her eyes, she sneered, and after getting the emperor's promise, she shouted, "Bring it up!"

Nangong Yizhi and Su Ce came up carrying Liu Changyu's body and the wreckage of the carriage.

That's right, after they broke through the siege of the palace, Nangong Yizhi and Su Ce had rushed over to join them in time. Seeing that Su Ce was unharmed, Ling Muer felt less guilty.

"Back to the emperor, this person is Mr. Liu Changyu Liu, the magistrate of Heisei who was certified by the seventh prince a few days ago. He was murdered on the way back to Beijing. Does the emperor know why?"

Ling Muer pointed to Liu Changyu's body and asked.

The emperor heard the words, "Presumptuous! You brought up a corpse, but asked me why, you..."

"That's right, Ling Mu'er, today is not only my concubine's canonization ceremony, but you are still carrying the corpse here, looking for bad luck, don't you, take this stinky corpse away!" Concubine Min covered her nose with disgust on her face. angry.

"If you take him away like this, it won't be evidence." Ling Muer's voice was very evil. Not only did she not take him away, but she even lifted the white cloth covering the body so that everyone could clearly see Liu Changyu's body. corpse.

When everyone saw that familiar face, there was a sigh of relief around them.

After all, we are all colleagues.

"Your Majesty. It can be seen from the surface that although Master Liu fell to his death from a carriage slipping off a cliff, Ke Mu'er has carefully checked that Master Liu's death was actually poisoned, and this carriage did not fall suddenly, but a horse. Frightened by someone's calculations, he ran wildly, and the carriage ran away from the horse under the premise that others had cut the sawdust in advance, and then fell off the cliff. In summary, Master Liu's death was not accidental, but was caused by someone. murder!"

When the two characters were murdered, there was an uproar among Zhou people again.

"This Master Liu has been clean all his life, how could he be murdered?"

"Master Liu was helping someone in the court hall a few days ago? Did he really die?"

Listening to the two ministers' discussion, Ling Mu'er smiled, and looked back, "As for my lord, Lord Liu is indeed dead, and the person he helped in the court last time was the Seventh Prince!"

It was completely unexpected that Ling Mu'er would find Liu Changyu's body, seeing her using Liu Changyu to accuse him, Qin Xuanting immediately had a plan.

"Second Emperor's Sister-in-Law, you just said that Mr. Liu testified for me, but why did he die? Could it be that he was murdered by you!" Qin Xuanting asked angrily.

Concubine Min realized something again, and her sharp voice came, "That's right! Last time you framed our Ting'er, this Master Liu was the one who proved Ting'er, but later he died on the way out of Beijing. Wasn't it murdered by your people? You deliberately framed us Ting'er!"

Hearing this, the eyes of all civil and military officials turned to Ling Mu'er again.

"This explanation does make sense, but everyone, don't forget that Master Liu was the one I brought to the capital!" Ling Muer immediately stated the main point of the matter.

She doesn't care about the eyes and eyes of the courtiers at all, she only cares about what the emperor thinks.

"Your Majesty, why did Lord Liu die? A small Pingcheng magistrate is nothing more than a threat to anyone, but he died on the way out of the capital. Can Muer make a bold guess? He gave false testimony, and after being used by some people, he killed him to silence him!"

As soon as this remark came out, it pointed out that Qin Xuanting was behind the scenes.

Qin Xuanting wanted to strangle Ling Mu'er to death with his bare hands at this moment, but he knew he couldn't be reckless.

"Father, please listen to my son. The second emperor's wife said that this Lord Liu was killed by my son. What evidence does she have to prove that the murderer is me? Maybe this Master Liu offended someone on weekdays, or he met someone Not necessarily the kidnappers."

"That's right, what the Seventh Prince said is indeed true, but who killed Liu Changyu and then killed his family, isn't it to hide something?"

Ling Muer immediately winked at Song Yicheng, and Song Yicheng got up immediately.

"Cao Min Song Yicheng greets the emperor. Your Majesty, it is true that Cao Min and Master Liu have a very good relationship in private. The day before Cao Min came to the capital, he visited Master Liu's house, but who knew that Master Liu's family had disappeared. Doctors, everyone knows, I was invited for consultation that night, but when I arrived at the scene, I found that Mrs. Liu's family had been murdered, there were many people who could prove it at that time, and I ask the emperor to investigate clearly!"

After Song Yicheng finished speaking, Ling Muer immediately looked at Qin Xuanting, "Dare to ask the Seventh Prince, why Master Liu died after giving you a testimony, and his family suffered as well! Do you really dare to swear that this matter has nothing to do with you?"

Qin Xuanting never expected that they would find the murdered Liu Changyu's family!

Damn it, the subordinates clearly said that they did everything seamlessly!

"Second Emperor's Sister-in-Law, dare to ask, why would I kill his family?"

"Of course it is to cover up the evidence of the Hero Pavilion and your training of dead men!" Ling Mu'er said bluntly, "You think you have done a perfect job, but take a look at what this is?"

Ling Mu'er mysteriously took out a document from her pocket and handed it to the eunuch.

The eunuch personally handed it to the emperor, and when the emperor read it, he was furious, "You bastard, you bastard!"

Qin Xuanting didn't know what the emperor saw, he only knew that his father was very angry, and he was a little panicked in his heart.

And Shangguan Shaochen also stood up in time, "Returning to my father, my son was in Pingcheng to deal with the riots, but the seventh brother suddenly joined me in Beijing, threatening my son to train soldiers privately, falsely accusing me of plotting rebellion! Dare to ask Father, if you have such thoughts, why did you wait until many years later, and choose the back cover of the Seventh Emperor to make trouble? And what Mu'er handed you just now is the testimony of Liu Junshi in the Hero Pavilion, which is recorded above He personally witnessed the figure and appearance of the Pavilion Master of the Hero Pavilion, which is exactly the same as that of the Seventh Emperor Brother. Please also ask Father to check it out!"

Hearing this, Qin Xuanting took half a step back, his face full of shock and annoyance.

He never thought that the old immortal would really expose him before he died.

But he absolutely cannot admit it!

"Second brother, how can a dead man take it seriously? If he framed this prince and deliberately made nonsense with his body and appearance, is this also evidence?"

Shangguan Shaochen laughed, "I haven't said who that person is yet, how does Seventh Brother know that this person is dead?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Xuanting's face instantly turned pale!

Seeing the curious and commenting eyes of all the courtiers around him, he immediately looked at the prime minister, signaling that it was time for him to make a move.

Last night, the old prime minister clearly assured him that he had joined more than 20 civil and military officials to participate in Shangguan Shaochen, and as long as he presented the joint letter of civil and military officials, father would be distracted by this matter.

But when he looked at him, he found that the old prime minister didn't even look at him, and seemed to be dodging something on purpose!

Damn, is this old man planning to betray him at the most critical moment?


Qin Xuanting was still about to say something, when suddenly a servant came quietly behind him and whispered in his ear, "Master, it's not good, something happened to the house, there was a sudden fire in the house, don't tell me, Seventh Prince and Concubine He also imprisoned the side concubine Sheng'er, and heard that her life is about to die, and the fetus in her womb is also implicated, you see..."

No matter what time it is, there are servants reporting such insignificant and trivial things to him, adding to his troubles.

Without even thinking about it, Qin Xuanting immediately yelled at him, "Get lost!"

His life is in danger, how can he care about other people's lives?

Looking at the royal father again, his complexion changed suddenly after being affected by his sudden roar, he whispered that something was wrong, and his attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees, "Father, please listen to my son."

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