"My son was wronged. Even if I had the heart of a bear, I would not dare to do rebellious things. My son knows that only by obediently obeying his father's words can he gain his father's favor, so since After being demoted to Pingcheng five years ago by the father, he has been adhering to this philosophy, and has been doing things obediently. Father, my son was really wronged!" Qin Xuanting explained.

Seeing the cruel trick he used, Ling Mu'er only felt it was funny, "Didn't the Seventh Prince always refuse to admit what he did? Why, this attitude is admitting that he was wrong, and admitting his mistake to the emperor?"


"Oh, I see. Brother Seventh Emperor must have realized his mistakes deeply, so he intends to correct his past mistakes. In this case, Father Emperor Yingming will definitely give you this opportunity. But, should you ask me first? Please explain, why did you put Liu Changyu to death? He was an upright official all his life, and just because he was the magistrate of Pingcheng, he became your victim, is your conscience okay?" Ling Muer said in a voice, Every word is aggressive.

Qin Xuanting's eyes glared angrily, and he promised that if his eyes could kill, he would definitely shoot Ling Muer to death on the spot.

"Sister-in-law Erhuang, I don't know why you framed me again and again, but I only know that you framed me for murder, but there is no evidence, and no one in the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty knew that Brother Erhuang secretly cultivated soldiers in an attempt to plot rebellion. Father's badge is the evidence. You said just now that today is the last day of the ten-day period, so..." Qin Xuanting finished speaking, and looked at the emperor with his hands clasped in fists, "I implore father to punish the second brother!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, the Second Prince conspired to rebel and rebelled against the law, so I ask the Emperor to take him out of the Meridian Gate and behead him all the time, so as to make an example to others!" Concubine Min Gui stepped forward in time, as if Shangguan Shaochen was her father-killing enemy.

"A waist badge can identify a person as rebellious? Seventh Prince, isn't this a bit too hasty? It's just a waist badge, anyone can make it, and adding someone's name to it is even easier , and the Seventh Prince's evidence is only the waist card?" Although Ling Muer asked this question, the implication was to tell the emperor.

The evidence of the Seventh Prince is only the waist card, but there are many, many evidences for them.

"Your Majesty, the Second Prince did not conspire to rebel. Back then, the Second Prince would rather lose his status as a prince than participate in disputes in the imperial court, which is enough to prove his character."

Nangong Yizhi suddenly stood up, "Besides, when the second prince returned to the palace after fighting the Western Regions, he was murdered by the seventh prince and others. Facts have proved that the person who really wants to plot rebellion is definitely not the second prince!"

"That's right!"

Su Ce followed closely behind and stood up, "Although I don't have any deep friendship with the second prince, I have been watching the second prince's work, and I know how he is. If he wants to plot against him, he has ten thousand chances. Besides, it is an indisputable fact that the emperor thinks highly of the second prince, does he need to use other methods to seek rebellion?"

Su Ce's words gave the others a good reason to believe in Shangguan Shaochen.

With Nangong Shizi and Xian Wang successively standing up as proof for the second prince, all civil and military officials present also gradually stood up.

Ling Zixuan, Zhu Qi, and Shangguan Shaochen's former subordinates all knelt on the ground.

Right now is the best time to show their identities. Today's situation is obvious, the second prince has a great chance of winning. If they stand up to help at this time, they will definitely get better opportunities in the future.

Therefore, ministers of the Ministry of Rites, Ministers of the Ministry of War, Ministers of Dali Temple, General Zhenyuan... and others who had no close friendship with the second prince, more than 30 people successively stood up to testify for the second prince, and Qin Xuanting's face was livid in anger.

"Father, the sons and ministers did not conspire to rebel, let alone cultivate soldiers, please be careful, Father!" Qin Xuanting couldn't find a reason to defend himself for a while, and he had already been overwhelmed by these popular heads.

Looking sideways, he continued to wink at his concubine mother.

Concubine Min understood, and pinched her thigh in a corner where no one could see.

The pain could make her cry, and she was very wronged with tears all over her face, "Your Majesty has wronged you! Your Majesty, Ting'er has always been loyal to his father and emperor. How could he do such a rebellious thing! Ting'er was also I heard that the Second Prince’s cultivation of soldiers was afraid of affecting the country and society, so I reported it to the Emperor immediately. As for convicting the Second Prince, it was the Emperor’s idea, wasn’t it? Now, the Second Prince has tried again and again in order to exonerate himself. What about their evidence to frame Ting'er? How can you make such an assertion without evidence?"

When the words fell, Concubine Min wiped away her tears again, "Your Majesty, today is the concubine's day of great joy. Not to mention being disrupted for no reason, and being framed by someone, my son, how can you make me bear it? How will I live the days to come, how will I serve the emperor?"

After finishing speaking, Concubine Min wept with tears in her eyes, as if she had been greatly wronged, "How about this, Your Majesty, you can't just listen to the slander of the prince and concubine, can you? Give her a few more days to let her live well." Investigate, find evidence, and deal with the post-seal issue right now?"

After all, Concubine Min is most worried about her canonization issue.

But she was right, as long as she took the back seat and controlled everything, it would be even more difficult for them to bring down Qin Xuanting.

This situation has been reached today, and they will not be able to find any more evidence. If they fail to bring down Qin Xuanting today, they will only have to be trampled to death by him in the future.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Min has both ability and political integrity. How could she be in such a hurry when she will be appointed? But rebellion is not a trivial matter. The Seventh Prince first denied the matter of the Hero Pavilion, and later claimed that Liu Junshi's testimony was false. It was a lie, and he was deliberately framed. But why did Master Liu Changyu Liu die the next day after proving it for him? All signs indicate that this matter is definitely related to the Seventh Prince, please let the emperor know!" Ling Muer finished speaking, and Shangguan Shao Chen looked at each other, and they both knelt on the ground.

Behind him, Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng also looked at each other, and said in unison, "Your Majesty, during the fiefdom of Pingcheng, the Seventh Prince has bullied the people many times, and even squeezed their fat and anointment. Please also pay attention to the emperor!"

Even Ling Mu'er didn't expect Xiong Qiguang to say such words suddenly.

When she immediately looked back, the emperor also said, "What? Do you have evidence that the Seventh Prince oppressed the people?"

Xiong Qiguang was trembling, and looked at Qin Xuanting very timidly, but in the end he stood up strong, and he began to take off his clothes.

"Presumptuous! How can the court allow you to be so presumptuous!" Seeing that he was about to take off his clothes, the eunuch beside the emperor felt that he was extremely powerless, and quickly pointed at his face and roared.

But Xiong Qiguang had already taken off his coat just before the servant rushed over to stop him, and used the fastest speed to turn the reverse side of the clothes to everyone, revealing the white lining inside.

And a shocking scene happened.

I saw that there was a blood book on the white lining!

"Your Majesty, these are all kinds of evil things that the Seventh Prince did in the memory of the Pingcheng fiefdom. Back then, the Seventh Prince threatened and squeezed us so that we would not dare to resist, but now, the Seventh Prince framed the Second Prince. Waiting for the Caomin to be angry! Therefore, before the Caomin came to Beijing, they wandered away thirty of their colleagues. They were willing to identify the Seventh Prince. This is the blood letter of thirty people, and I ask the emperor to judge the Seventh Prince!"

After Xiong Qiguang finished speaking, he handed the clothes to the emperor.

Qin Xuanting was completely panicked, and at this moment, he thought of this burly fat man.

Damn it, he warned all the merchants in Pingcheng back then, but he missed this person, but he didn't expect that today would be the last straw that crushed him.

"Fatty man, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you think you can frame the prince by just showing up with a bloody coat?"

Seeing Qin Xuanting approaching Xiong Qiguang slowly, as if trying to mistreat him, Shangguan Shaochen got up, and domineeringly protected Xiong Qiguang behind him, "Father will know whether it is fake or not, why should the Seventh Emperor be so anxious?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, the emperor gave the eunuch a look and ordered him to bring up the bloody clothes.

"Your Majesty, this..." The eunuch was a little embarrassed.

"Read!" the emperor ordered.

"Yes!" The eunuch took a deep breath, unfolded his bloody clothes, and read the text above word by word, "In 328 A.D., the Seventh Prince ordered Pingcheng merchants to invest 10,000 taels of gold door-to-door to repair the gates of Pingcheng, but in the end it was nothing. In the spring of 329, under the guise of suppressing bandits, the Seventh Prince ordered various merchants to contribute one hundred thousand taels of silver, and openly solicited young warriors, but in the end there was no news of it; in the winter of 329, the Seventh Prince..."

The eunuch read, and almost told all the things that Qin Xuanting had oppressed the merchants in the past few years. After speaking, he unfolded the bloody clothes again, and the bloody handprints of a total of thirty people were printed on it.

Even Shangguan Shaochen, who had been on the battlefield, gasped when he saw these scenes.

"Bastard, bastard!" The emperor was furious.

Qin Xuanting immediately knelt on the ground, "Father, this is not true, this is not true..."

"Caomin is a poor man, how dare he frame the current prince, and more than 30 merchants were all victims of the seventh prince. If the seventh prince hadn't threatened our wealth and life at the beginning, how could we have dragged on until today?" Testify. Your Majesty, the Seventh Prince committed many crimes during his stay in Pingcheng and oppressed the people several times, so please give him justice!" Xiong Qiguang said indignantly.

At this moment, he is not like a salt merchant at all, but like a brave warrior who stood up.

Ling Muer looked at him gratefully, remembering that time when he sacrificed himself to take the sword for Shangguan Shaochen, she still laughed at him, it was stupid to risk his life for the sake of his own family, now it seems that Xiong Qiguang is definitely not what it seems on the surface Greedy, he is the real brave!

"Your Majesty, if what Xiong Qiguang said is true or not, you can find someone to go to Pingcheng to find out. However, why did the Seventh Prince bully merchants so many times in three years? What does he want so much money for?" Ling Muer asked mischievously , is also deliberately guiding everyone in one direction.

Su Ce laughed when he heard the words, "If the king's guess is correct, could it be that the Seventh Prince used this money to feed the soldiers he trained?"

"You..." Qin Xuanting was impatient.

Seeing so many people supporting Shangguan Shaochen, but no one was willing to help him, he narrowed his eyes, feeling like he was going all out.

"Okay, you all say that the prince conspired against me, what's your evidence?"

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