Without evidence, even if they are eloquent, what will the father do to him?

Thinking of this, Qin Xuanting couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

Unexpectedly, a strange yet familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"The Seventh Emperor wants evidence, unfortunately, I have it."

When everyone was wondering who the source of the voice was, the sixth prince walked out of the crowd without haste.

He calmly took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to the emperor, "Father, this is the secret letter that the Seventh Emperor wrote to the Hero Pavilion and the soldiers he trained during his trips to and from Pingcheng and Rongcheng. , I don’t know if it could be used as evidence to prove that the Seventh Brother conspired to rebel?”

Although Qin Ruochen's voice was not loud, it was somewhat evil, but what attracted the most attention was his deep and ambitious eyes.

Ling Muer took a look and immediately looked back at Shangguan Shaochen, who gave her a peaceful look.

When Qin Xuanting looked back differently, he just collided with Qin Ruochen's evil charm, and his hands clenched into fists in anger.

Never thought that the unknown sixth brother would become his enemy!

No one in the court knew that Sixth Brother was ambitious and always wanted to be the crown prince, but he came from a humble background and never got the attention of his father. He didn't show anything except the occasional confrontation with him.

He has no special ability, and Te has not done any commendable achievements, but since when did this kind of person start targeting him and paying attention to him?

Why did he have those letters?

No, that might not be his letter!

"Father, I don't know what Sixth Brother showed Father, but it is definitely not my letter!" Qin Xuanting was about to kneel down as he said.

Unexpectedly, the emperor suddenly threw down all Ji Feng's letters and hit him in the face, "You bastard! You, pick it up for me to have a closer look, it's your handwriting! Even now, you still don't know how to repent, Ting'er , you really let me down!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar again, including Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen were also extremely shocked.

If possible, she really wanted to rush over to see if it was the Seventh Prince's handwriting, but when she saw Qin Xuanting's pale face, she already had the answer in her heart,

Looking back at Qin Ruochen, the sixth prince who had never paid attention to him, a prince with the same name as him, who looked like dust, who would have thought that it would be the last straw that broke the camel's back?

"This... how could this be..." Qin Xuanting picked up the letters, and when he looked at the contents above, he immediately looked at Qin Ruochen in shock.

But Qin Ruochen was always smiling, "Why, Brother Seventh Emperor can't even read his own handwriting?"

"How could I..." Qin Xuanting just wanted to refute, how could he not know him, but he knew that he couldn't admit it right now.

"This is not my handwriting, this, this is what you framed me!"


Before everyone could speak again, the emperor's fist had already hit the table angrily.

"Qin Xuanting, you still refuse to admit it! It's okay for them to frame you alone, but one or two have produced evidence to prove it, and you still want to deny it? You...you..." The emperor suddenly said angrily A mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Ling Muer rushed up to check him.

The eunuch was shocked, "Second Princess, you must not be rude."

"What time is it, isn't the emperor's health important?"

Ling Mu'er refused the eunuch's stop, and rushed to the dragon chair to feel the emperor's pulse, but fortunately, the emperor was only in a hurry, "Fortunately, there is nothing serious, after I give the acupuncture, just rest for a while."

As Ling Muer said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But only Qin Xuanting and Concubine Min raised their hearts to their throats.

"Your Majesty, Ting'er is really innocent, what kind of letter is this, what kind of mess is it written, it really has nothing to do with Ting'er!" Concubine Min begged, and immediately knelt on the ground.

"Father is wise, Ting'er has never done anything if he has never done it, please send someone to investigate thoroughly!" Qin Xuanting knelt beside Concubine Min with hatred on his face.

Qin Ruochen smiled, "Seventh Emperor Brother, at this point, instead of resisting, you might as well admit it generously. Your father is wise, and you may be able to forgive you! What a pity, you not only train soldiers, but also oppress the common people. These letters It came from your own handwriting, I believe you will not forget it! If I were you, I should ask Father for forgiveness right now."

"Qin Ruochen!" Qin Xuanting gritted his teeth with hatred. If he had guessed that the person who would hit him in the future was not Shangguan Shaochen but this Qin Ruochen, he should have done him a long time ago, "You, you have these letters, why now? Did you just take it out? How dare you say you didn’t frame me.”

"Tut tut."

Qin Ruochen just shook his head and sighed, "If I had already obtained it, I would have taken it out long ago, so why would I have watched you be so arrogant for a long time. Brother Seventh Emperor, to be honest, I did get these letters just this morning. , It’s just that there is no rush to investigate, if you didn’t insist on framing the second emperor brother, I wouldn’t be so heartless, you should admit it.”

Qin Ruochen said this generously, as if admitting that a wrong thing is not such a big deal.

But Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen still heard his voice.

Qin Ruochen said this on purpose, trying to sell them a favor?

"What's going on with this Qin Ruochen? How did he happen to get the evidence so early in the morning? Besides, we haven't found any evidence after searching for so long. Why did he have it? Shaochen..." Ling Muer leaned close to Shangguan Shaochen and said what was in his heart doubt.

"I'm afraid he's already a praying mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole is behind him. He always wanted to sit and wait for us to fight and catch fisherman. Seeing that the situation was not right, he deliberately helped us sell favors to me. Everyone said that he was ambitious. Bobo, it seems that I really underestimated him in the past." Shangguan Shaochen lowered his voice and answered with a voice that only two people could hear.

A person who even Shangguan Shaochen underestimated, it can be seen how profound this person's skills are!

Sure enough, there is no fool in the palace, only deeper intrigues, which are hard to guard against.

"Father, my son was wronged, Father..." Qin Xuanting didn't intend to reason with Qin Ruochen, he looked at the emperor, trying to defend himself again.

"Shut up!" The emperor was furious, "Come here, the Seventh Prince Qin Xuanting attempted to rebel, the evidence is solid, put him in death row, and execute after hearing!"

As soon as the emperor issued an order, guards rushed over to take Qin Xuanting away. No matter what he wanted to say, it was of no avail in the end. He was forcibly taken away in front of all civil and military officials.

Concubine Min panicked instantly, she staggered back a few steps, and hurriedly begged the emperor, "Your majesty, Ting'er..."

"Shut up! Qin Xuanting not only conspired against him, but also framed his elder brother. For these two crimes alone, even if death is inevitable, life is inevitable. If you still want your precious emperor to live, you can go back to the bedroom and think about it behind closed doors. I don't want to see you now. you!"

With a wave of his long sleeves, the emperor had already got up, turned and left ruthlessly.

It was as if the sky that had just been propped up had collapsed.

Concubine Min couldn't believe that a Queen's Conferment Ceremony that would make her wake up laughing in her dreams would end like this,

She had originally planned with the emperor that as long as she became a queen, she would persuade the emperor to make him the crown prince, but who knows, she didn't get the seat of the crown prince, and she even went to death row!

"Your majesty, the concubine's successor..."

"This matter is void!"

When the emperor's extremely cold voice came, Concubine Min Gui closed her eyes and passed out straight away.

A grand conferment ceremony was suddenly canceled, and everyone was allowed to watch a drama where the prince was arrested for free. Today's court can be described as unprecedentedly lively.

Seeing the civil and military officials whispering to each other and discussing in a lively manner, without avoiding today's topic, Ling Muer felt that she couldn't be happy no matter what.

In the distance, although the sixth prince was looking sideways at her, he would occasionally nod to her with friendly eyes. For some reason, seeing Qin Ruochen's deep and evil eyes, she shuddered for no reason.

"What's the matter, cousin, Mu'er? Today's result is very good, what, why do you look unhappy?" Nangong Yizhi couldn't understand why the two parties were still so sad after they had already won.

"I said you two don't have to worry. Although my cousin is also a person who came out of death, Qin Xuanting is different. Even the emperor ordered him to live. This time he is probably useless! The long-term hatred has finally been avenged. , It’s simply amazing! So, today I am the host of Ningguohou’s Mansion, and I invite everyone, how about it?”

Nangong Yizhi spoke to himself, with unconcealable excitement on his face.

"The Marquis of Ningguo's mansion is putting on a show, and since that's the case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Su Ce was the first to agree, "I still have important matters at the mansion, and I will definitely not delay the time later. "After speaking, he nodded to several people, flung his sleeves and left gracefully.

However, Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen did not express their opinions for a long time, which quickly aroused Nangong Yizhi's dissatisfaction.

"I said what's the matter with you two? Don't you really worry that Qin Xuanting will be released? Don't worry, I can guarantee that he won't come out!" Nangong Yizhi patted his chest and said.

"I believe in your promise." Ling Mu'er's voice was cold, and then her gaze was withdrawn from Qin Ruochen's body.

"Shaochen and I are not worried about Qin Xuanting, but about the sixth prince."

"Who?" Nangong Yizhi finally figured out the whole story. He was about to look back to find the figure of the sixth prince, but was held down by Shangguan Shaochen first.

"How could he have the evidence of Lao Qi's treason, and why he took it out so coincidentally today, deliberately selling my favor? What is he trying to do? Yizhi, it seems that we have ignored the most important one for so many years." Shangguan Shao Chen has a deep voice.

Nangong Yizhi is not a fool, hearing how serious the two of them are, one can guess what's going on after careful thought.

But he is not willing to spoil today's good mood, "Never mind him, life is alive, you can't be affected by things that haven't happened yet, what should come will come sooner or later, what shouldn't come is useless for us to worry about, isn't it? ?”

Seeing that the two of them still didn't relax, Nangong Yizhi just shook his head and sighed, "I said when did you two free and easy people become so sentimental! We should celebrate our victory today! As for what will happen next What happened, the enemy who is about to arrive in front of you, those are all problems that should be solved after drinking, let's go, let's go back to the house to drink?"

Nangong Yi held the arms of the two and wanted to take them away forcibly, but just as the three turned around, Qin Ruochen had already strode towards them.

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